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Everything posted by Kitsune_Girl

  1. I've found myself struggling with this issue as well. I was a Christian, but now I'm not so sure. I always prayed that my parents wouldn't get divorced, and theydid. I prayed that both my gradparents wouldn't die, and they did. Just so manny things have happened that make me say: "Is there really a god?" --Kitsune_Girl
  2. [b]White Roses[/b] I saw them there, in the store today The white roses? they took my breath away With their beauty so pure and so proud Gentle and innocent, but screaming so loud I could not turn away; for it was you they reminded me of And how they suited you warmly, like sunshine from above The two of you inseparable, in my mind and my heart You belong together, so why should you be apart [b]A Song Unheard[/b] I wonder why, and I wonder long Why no one else can hear my song Am I a victim, or am I to blame Baring disappointment, of a soul?s shallow shame Thru open windows, into hearts I do speak The response is the same, as if I spoken in Greek It must be me, with the heart of granite Looking for home, on a distant planet I resent life?s way, its pervasive game No one can change, all remaining the same Always hoping there?s something more God help me please, may my heart endure [b]Pain[/b] Pain! Leave me be! Pain! Please let me go! From your grip is there no escape In the day and in the night There is no rest from your weary fight Pain! Why are you the one? Chosen to teach, all of life's sum You drive me mad, with all that is bad But teach me all that I know, to learn and grow Now that I know and have learned my folly Will you please leave, or must I still bereave? You?ve served your purpose now let me be Or is it only in death?that one escapes from thee? [b]The Man In The Mirror[/b] What?s inside of me, that makes me feel like I do Wanting to burst out of me, I wish I knew Like a face with no name am I a man going insane These feelings within, where do they come from They?ve always been there even as a child Vying for my attention they?re driving my wild Are they just a lie, what if they are true What do they want I wish I knew In the late night hours and in my dreams I hear its voice I hear its screams In the times of pain and loneliness It?s voice grows stronger, in the emptiness Quite! Be still! Please let me be! What does it want, always haunting me? Never true peace it?s always there When I look in the mirror and peel back the layer It stares at me thru my own two eyes These feelings inside there is no place to hide Good? Bad? Should I go jump off a cliff? Am I insane? You tell me. ---Kitsune_Girl
  3. ..........That was....good. 10/10 I can understand what your friend is talking about... It kinda reminds me of a Linkin Park song though...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Battosai [/i] [B]Call out to anyone! I have forgotten how to do the transparancy thing in paint, can someone plz help?[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=397033[/IMG] [/B][/QUOTE] You did that in Paint!!! My God that is good!!! How do you do that? I can make some things on paint, but nothing like that (I'm broke and I can't afford Adobe). Could someone give me some tips/help with paint???
  5. There's a whole helluva lotta rules you got to learn. As for making a deck, you need to decide what you want it to be based on (ie. Element(Dark, Light, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind. I think that's all of them), type (There's a WHOLE lot, so I'm not gonna post them all.) It's a pretty easy game to learn. The rules are a litte different than in the anime though... Example: My deck is mostly dragons. Here are some of my cards: BEWD REBD Thousand Dragon Komouri Dragon Curse of Dragon One-Eyed Shield Dragon Ryu-Ran there is more I just don't fell like typing them all... If you want a better deatailed description, PM me or E-mail me....or get someone else...
  6. I have noticed that some of the cards look demonic. *shoots death glare at Pegasus for creating them* I don't collect those kind, I give them to my little bro, but that is beside the point. My 'rents were getting all hyped up because of the "Ancient Spirit Guy Living Inside Yugi" thing. They thought that was demonic. (Amazingly, I get stuck with parent that care ^_^) All in all, I think YGO is just the same as HP, Magik, and Pokemon (EVIL POKEMON!!!)
  7. I've completed Dead or Alive 3, Halo, Mech Assault, MGS2, and Fuzion Frenzy. I didn't really like Mech Assault though... All the others were great!
  8. I would be a cross between Fire and Ether...trust me.
  9. o.O That does look bad. I really didn't care to much for the first budokai anyway...
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