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Everything posted by Failed_Attempts
Hehe. Busty, instead of busy. :) Lets see. I usually don't make many typos. But they are plentiful. Like when I type "random" or "him" I always add an "e" at the end. So they come out like this "Randome" and "hime" Usually when I go to hit enter I hit ' too. So, it's "How are you today?'" I always do it. Especially on AIM.
There's no way that we're the only beings in this galaxy. It's impossible. Therefore, I think that there are aliens. :/
Hmm, I can't say I've had one. I don't really know a lot of members. I know about 2 personally, and the others not so well. I'm sorry your friend is moving. :( So, the answer, is not yet, I'm sure I will, But I haven't had a crying experience caused by this board yet.
[quote] [i]Originally posted by Juuthena[/i] [b]Though, I'm a totally different person depending on who I am at the time. (Juu/Dyne/Purple Cow) [/quote][/b] Purple cow? o.O; Well, I'm the silent,emotional, bookwarm, artistic, brainy one. And, I'm just me. ^_^; You can't put me into words. :) But I'm a bit 5. @_@; I voted...something, I forgot. Lol. But, yeah, I'm a mixture, and like Juuthena said "You forgot 'weird'!" ^_^; I'm DEFINITELY that.
I see, I see. I had no previous knowledge of this Intro thread. That's the only reason I brought it up. Now, I do realize what a "disaster" it would be to have it. It would be filled with spam and all that stuff.
Uh, I think that there should be an Introduction Forum. Because, there are people who like to give themselves introductions, and end up getting the thread closed, then they get angry because they don't know all the rules yet. I think it'd be a helpful place for Newbies to come and introduce themselves and get aquainted with the site members. The regular memebers of OB can Welcome them, and maybe even show them "the ropes." I don't know, but, I think it'd be a good idea for Newbies to introduce themselves, and to see how nice everyone (that's an exception for some) is on OtakuBoards. ^_^; Just a suggestion. (EX: INTRODUCTIONS A place for Newbies to come and introduce themselves to OtakuBoads.) !@_@; I don't know exactly. James, you're better at phrasing things when it comes to Forums, and that's only IF it becomes one. ^_^(finally at the end of the message)
Yeah, I meant the commercial. @_@; Not Announcer. Heh, that sounds fun. Running around hitting each other yelling "Buy Our Stuff" Script change?! For the better I hope. And I still wish you and your friends good luck on it!! ^_^;
Has Anyone Heard Of This Foreign Exchange Program?
Failed_Attempts replied to TrickyNicky's topic in General Discussion
Hmm, I've never heard it. I live in America, but, I haven't heard anything about it at all. I'm sure if I did, I wouldn't be able to participate at all. Stupid grades. ~_~; Ah well, I hope you get in! -
Are you serious about the "literature" part?! *dies* Thank you Baka. Well, Shounen-ai is NO problem for me. So...Vertigo, just how much do you sense the Shounen-ai in Demon Diary? I'm interested in reading this manga... There's nothing better than Sweet Teenage Demons. ^____^
I don't particularly care for Haiku. I usually can't write any sort of Haiku at all. I only like them when they're extremely well written, otherwise; they're just not good. I like other forms of poetry, often ones with no rhyme(Sp?). If they do perhaps rhyme, it'd better be good. *thinks she shall post one of her poems*
Hmm, I haven't read it, but it sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. Oh yeah, may I ask, Why you have this in the Poetry, FanFiction and Literature section? O_o;;; Just curious... *runs off to find Demon Diary the Manga*
Hmm, very good point. Ooh, Jim Carrey when he did The Majestic. THat movie was just NOT for him at all. You can't expect him to be serious at all. Now that I think about it. I agree with Semjaza. A serious, yet, comedian-esque actor is the best to play parts such as these.
Skateboarding, Agreesive, Snowboarding, etc.
Failed_Attempts replied to Epitome's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Agatio [/i] [B]Hey anyone else here do any skating or snowboarding. I myself skateboard and snowboard and their both really fun. Except I live in Maryland and we dont too much snow except for last winter when we got a ton but thats not the point. So anyone else skate or snowboard? [/B][/QUOTE] I live in Northern-Virginia, near D.C, so, we don't get much snow either...except the over 3 feet recently...but yeeeeeah. Okay, but, Snowboarding fascinates me, I love to WATCH it. If I actually DID it, I'd end up killing myself, I'm very accident prone... :blackeye: Haha. -
Haha, yes, Sara. I heard this one boy say B-R-B when he was leaving his friends to go to the bathroom. I laughed, but found it insanely stupid. Pronouciation doesn't bug me, except when it's a real easy word, and they completely butcher it. @_@; It's messed up. . .
Yes, it does seem kind of...different with him in it...? It's just weird... But, he does bring a new sense of "funny" to the movie. So, I believe it'll still be good, and funny, even with him in it. 'Cause, the Preppy, poppy, jocky Hartnett, just isn't the type of person for this role...but it works.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plant_Angel [/i] [B] Where America has its cool expensive live-action Hollywood blockbusters, Japan has its anime, its manga and its appreciation of the natural world. [/B][/QUOTE] May I ask where you got all your American Knowledge from? What's to say that americans don't have an appreciation of the natural world? I live in America, and I see otherwise. Okay. Well, I don't think Anime makes you any more open-minded than you already were. It all really depends on how you think, how you were brought up by your parents, and how influencial you are. If you were raised to be open-minded to other cultures, races, and people's sexual preference, then you'll most likely be open-minded to those. To where, if you were raised that YOU are superior, your race is the better one, and that homosexuals are just plain wrong, then, You'll most likely believe THAT. It's all a matter of your mind. How you want to think, and how you were raised to think. Those have more influence on your open-mind than anime does. If you're VERY influencial, or just gulible, then you'll believe false things that you see in anime. It's just a false sense of thought. There are some truths, so don't stone me for saying that it's all false @_@; Also, I do agree somewhat with what Queen Asuka said. About the people who watch anime and then feel that they now have the "right" to move to Japan, become a linguist, and do many other things that they most likely will not do. Yes, yes, I'm going to get heat for the linguist stuff, but, if you haven't had the desire before it just popped in your head one day, then, what's to say it's not a phase? It probably is. Unless you've learned all these different languages etc, then, you probably DON'T want to be a linguist. Learning 2 languages does NOT make a linguist either. But, by watching Anime, you're just getting certain aspects of life in Japan. To get the truth, you will have to do more than watch anime that takes place in Japan. Okay, I think I'll shut up now. . .
*waves hands in the air* I HAVE! I want to see it definitely. It looks so funny, yet, I don't mind the action. I saw it right after I found out [spoiler]Rueben[/spoiler] won American Idol. It was only the commercial, but it got me hooked. ^_^;
*steals Braidless Baka's soapbox quickly from under the table* You may be afraid to admit that life as we know it will just cease to exist; but, I'm not. For all I (or anyone) knows, the world could just get destroyed in some massive way tomorrow. Who knows? No one.I sure don't, but I do have my believes. Reincarnation, theory of evolution of mankind, theory (big bang) for the earth's creation, I have my OWN set of beliefs. But...as I was saying. The world could just end in a fiery blaze tomorrow. You don't know it, but, then again, you can have opinions. Right? Heaven and Hell, I feel, was just made up to give people a false sense of security to do good and that they'll go to a "better world." But, your body is just going to rot, in the ground, as I said in my post, previously. I agree with Braidless Baka too. The whole, reborn thing, I think it's true. You may not know what you'll be reborn as, but reborn none the less. *decides she needs to shut up, and jumps off the soapbox* I'm done, I hope that that made sense, if not, I'm sorry. @_@;
HEHE! That's funny. I'm sure it'll be wonderful on tape and acted out! GOOD LUCK! Oh and uhm...*pauses* Now I remember! I like the annoucer. [b]BUY OUR STUFF! BUY OUR STUFF![/b] Hehe, I love that. *laughs and runs off distracted by shiny thing*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bishie [/i] [B] My mother does not stop me from watching anime, im 17 lol ^__^ i doubt she could if she tried. BUT! do anyone elses parents dislike it? I know when i was alot younger she would try to talk me out of watching it, then got really bad when i started watching/reading Shounen-ai manga/anime. Apparently she thinks it will fry my brain and make me forget the real world. [/B][/QUOTE] Bish, I know you, like *personally* ^_~; And, I don't think you'll ever "fry" your brain, or remember the real world... you're in it, just not to much into it. . . that made no sense.. Okaaayyy. Well, my mom couldn't care less, she just thinks it's cartoons and asks why a 15 year old is still watching cartoons @_@; I try to explain...but, what I watch is not really hentai, but it has elements to it. Chobits, and Gravitation... my mom might oppose, but she can't stop me! ^_^;
Writing Sylvia Plath, and Sarah Waters?
Failed_Attempts replied to Failed_Attempts's topic in Creative Works
That's awesome, no school. Yes, you should definitely check out her poetry. I know of a site that has 230 of her poems. I recommend: Lesbos-kind of funny, but, morbid too. Great poem, you should check it out. Lady Lazarus-Another extordinary poem by Plath. One of her more well known ones. Daddy-Cool poem, morbid, and intriguing. ^_^; Cut-Another MORBID poem, and another of her more well known poems. -
Heh, that's why I write "should've." I hate all the words with U's like Tough, Through, Though, Thought, Thorough (sp?), and all of those type words. They're just TOO alike. @_@; I can always get Tongue right... Hahaha, Sara! Fancy or Arrogant. That's funny. Tee hee hee.
I've read his poems, he's a great poet, too bad I can't remember the poems I have read though. However, Sylvia Plath is my favourite, but, I think that I shall look into more Frost. He's in my 9th grade Literature books. *runs off to read his poems*
That's what I would've done on my spelling test too. It's become such a habit, it bugs me when people spell [b]color[/b] sometimes. @_@; On another note, I spell [b]grey[/b], mainly because of Dir en Grey. ~_~; Oh yeah, as someone said in a previous post, the "ph" and "f" get me confused @_@; When I'm in a hurry I end up writing "fone" instead of "phone" on accident. It all confuses me. @_@ (EDIT! I was also curious as to do you keep the 'U' like in Favourite, Flavour, Colour, etc... or just make it a 'O' Like americans (for the most part) do. Favorite, Flavor, Color, etc? Plus, I found another word that messes me up. "Anti" it messes me up every time,there's 2 different pronounciations. @_@; )
Anime Which Anime Chara do you relate to most?
Failed_Attempts replied to Alexa's topic in Otaku Central
I'd say, I'm most like Nakano Hiroshi (Hiro) from Gravitation. Intellectual, tall, long hair, quiet, creative, keeps a level head, and I'm the person people run to when they need help with stuff (relationships, depression, or they just need a shoulder to cry on. I'm always there). ^_^;