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Everything posted by Failed_Attempts

  1. Hmm... interesting thread. I'm not all that sure what I believe in. I do, however, think that reincarnation is possible. But, when you die,you obviously wont be living, so there is nothing afterwards. Just, rotting in a coffin (or cremated into ashes) just there in complete darkness. You wont feel anything or be anything; but dead. Reincarnation is a good thing that I like to think of. People that do good for man kind, and don't get recognition for it in this life, will be recognized for something amazing in the next life. I don't know, that's what I think. What Bishie said intrigues my mind and thought, about living someone else's dream. But, what if you don't believe in that "someone" else. I don't believe in God, so it can't be their dream (I'm not saying it's a guy or a girl, anyway, I don't believe in IT), then who's dream can it be? Is it a dream? Is it real? I don't know, no one does. No one ever WILL know. God, I don't believe in purely because, how can ONE thing make life and Earth? If anyone knows science and theory, then you know of the Big Bang theory. I believe in that theory, stating that the Earth was made from this big "explosion" in space, and it created all the rock and iron core in which the Earth is laid upon. Adaptation too. Humans adapted to this planet, and how to use the air; and evolution from little ameba and single cell organisms. God didn't make Earth, the Earth made itself. We're NOT the only beings in space, I mean c'mon, other beings don't need water like some believe. They adapted to using what sources they have, as we have adapted to using ours. I *really* hope that made sense, just some random thoughts from the mind of Jessica (me). ^_^;
  2. Hmm, I'm an american and write colour. It is prettier. And, it's a habit. Earlier, someone said "artery" gave them a bit of trouble. It's like seperated "art-er-e" That's my elaboration of it. @_@; It's probably wrong. ~_~; Susceptible, I have the hardest time trying to pronounce it. I can, if I slow down and think about it, but, if I'm reading out loud; I can't. Otherwise, I'm pretty good at pronouciation and knowing the meanings of words.
  3. I was wondering if anyone has heard of Sylvia Plath, and/or Sarah Waters? Sylvia Plath is a poet, that writes rather morbid poems, yet, they're refreshing and a great literary read. She wrote one book [i]The Bell Jar[/i]. She is very good at condensing her words, and making them ALL worth reading,and all of the words contribute to the poem. Unfortunately, she commited suicide at about around 30? I believe. Sarah Waters is a rather "new" writer, she's written 3 books. "Tipping the Velvet" (Great book, but I don't recommend if anyone is squimish about Sexual acts that kind of go into detail, yet not much, and if you're not interested in hearing about Lesbian lovers) "Affinity" (I'm in the process of reading this one, not very far though @_@) and "Fingersmith" (all I can tell you, is it's about a women theif) All in all, Sarah Waters is a great british author that writes about Victorian England wonderfully. I suggest if you haven't heard any of these authors, then you should try to check them out. If you appreiciate good literary finds, then you will love these ^_^; If you have heard of them... what do you think of them?
  4. *sigh* My mom. I can't stand her at all. For one, she's way too young to be a mom, let alone to act like one. I'm half her age. I'm 15 and she's 30. A lot of people are like "Oh that's so awesome, you guys can like the same music and everything!" I'm just like, uhm no. We're complete oppisites, I can't talk to her about anything because when I do; I cry. It's horrible. We have a relationship; where she emotionally abuses me. She's horribly selfish, and, because of her, I try to be the least selfish I can be. ^_^; I do a pretty good job. :) Oh well, I have my beloved grandma that's taken care of me since I can remember, and before I can't. *hugs grandma*
  5. AFI songs to download, eh? Hmm, let me think for a moment. "This Celluloid Dream"--Wonderful lyrics, accompanied by great music "...but home is nowhere"--that's 15 minutes long, but it takes a little break in the middle to break into dialogue, Davey (the lead singer) yells, quite a bit in the beginning. "Leaving song pt.II"--I can't quite remember how it sounds @_@; Good song though. ^_^; "Bleed Black"--It's about cutting (self-mutilation) but, you barely notice at all! Wonderful song too. ^_^; I love this, as well as the others. And uhm...I think that's all I can think of now. ^_^; I hope that helps into your decision!
  6. I like a lot of different stuff, but here is a small list: Dir en Grey T.A.T.U AFI Evanescence Anti-Flag Chevelle Linkin Park Good Charlotte Bright-eyes The Ataris *trys to think of more main-bands* I don't remember any off the top of my head, but I like punk, rock, punk-rock, some metal, J-rock, J-pop, and some other stuff. ^_^; GO MUSIC!
  7. ^_^; I love Evanescence, their music is just amazing. Going Under is my favourite one, only because I can relate to a past girlfriend of mine. But, over all, their music/lyrics show great potential. I can't wait to see what this band does next.
  8. Hmm, I do agree with the violence being too much, for immature children. It all depends (to me) if the child is ready for the violence or not, if they are impressionable. Then, why should the parent be buying them such games anyway? Video games are meant for a challenge (in most cases) and for enjoyment. If you (or a child) listens to the messages in the games, which, there aren't many bad ones. Then, why are you playing them? Why do you listen to them? Is that how you were raised...or shall I say, NOT raised? Well, that's my opinion, sorry if I offended anyone. I was using "you" as a general term, it wasn't directed towards anyone. ^_^;
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