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Everything posted by Snufkin
Yet somehow I don't see that happening :p If he ever did I imagine them as being Shel Silverstein-esque poems. Anyway, on to my comments ^_^ "Darkness" - I thought this was an intrigueing poem and I got the overrall message but not any of the 'hidden' things within the poem. Oh well, who said you had to understand poetry to write it anyway. And you got The Ballad of John and Yoko stuck in my head now, thanks a bunch, hehe. I actually really, really enjoyed your short poem. Especially the line 'We all want the butterflies'. It reminded me of CowBoy Bebop the movie...when they see the butterflies forever flying in the sky as little lights... "Fell in Love" seems to stop too soon. Not a bad poem, but it just felt like you got tired of writing and just decided to end it. Unique style though ^_^ "Comfortable and Numb" - excellent poem o.o; The rhyming scheme, barely noticable when I first read it, was well thought out and the way it flows was fantastic! (I need that thesauras...heh...must expand vocabulary ^^; ) I think I'll put this at the top of my favorites list for now ^^ "Puppet Show" is another of my favorites because you conveyed a strong messaged while keeping things nice and simple ^_^ Plus I love the idea of puppets...mwahahaha. This makes me want to take a tennis racket and smack the first puppet while cutting the other's strings. People really do have weird wishes, but eh, that's what this world is made of. Nyaa nyaa, maybe I'll post some of my poetry ^^; I just need to find something that's actually good to post first.
What do you do to cheer yourself up?
Snufkin replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I try to avoid watching the news...my friend isn't allowed to watch it because her husband is Kuwait and she promised him she wouldn't watch so I decided to not watch it with her *nod* It really depends on what sort of 'trauma' I am going through. The majority of the time I'll write poetry to try and get something off my shoulders, or I'll write a story in which the character is going through troubles worse than I am just so I can remind myself that my problems are very simple ^^; I also read to cheer myself up...something silly with lots of humor in it to make me laugh or smile. Ranting in an online journal also helps or even chatting with my strange assortment of friends. With so many ways to cheer myself up it makes me wonder why I drift between happy and sad so much, heh. -
I have a few that I can actually acknowledge at the moment, but I'm positive there are tons of weird things I do - I just don't know what they are yet. 1. I have to tell my brother every stupid little thing that happened at school. I don't even know why I'm tell him, since I'm certain he dosn't really care, but I just do it anyway. 'he said this' or 'guess what ___ did in third period?' and I always have a zillion things to say because my classes are just so weird. Bet he's looking forward to next year when we'll both be too busy for all this nonsense. 2. Usually, I can't go more than ten minutes without laughing. I laugh at almost everything. My friends constantly point this out and yell at me, but it's not my fault I find so many stupid things amusing. 3. I can't sit still. I'm always spinning in my swivel chair, shaking my hands, tapping my foot, moving from side to side...anything as long as I'm not sitting still. I hate having to sit still and it's simply an impossible feat for me to acconplish. 4. I have to write a poem after every test I take in my History/Geography class o_o; I've been doing this since last year and I've yet to miss a single poem. Sort of a tradition I suppose, but it's more odd than it is traditional.
Writing What kinds of books do you like to read?
Snufkin replied to dposse's topic in Creative Works
Well, when I was little I was into humor and books about talking animals. (Louis Sachar being humor and things like Beatrix Potter filling the shoes for the talking animal books.) And though I still enjoy reading the odd silly things I enjoyed when I was younger my interests have changed. Somewhat. I used to strickly stick to fantasy. I'd read Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, and A Series of Unfortunate Events so many times I'd already have bits and pieces of them completely memorized and spot references to them everywhere online >. -
I read the first Artemis Fowl book about two years ago. I liked it well enough, but the second one was more interesting to me. The way things played out and twisted kept me amused during the time I was reading it. However, I think the third one was my favorite. I love the way that Eion Colfer, pardon my butchering his name, is a very talented writer. He created characters that I absolutely love and has hooked me into his series. His writing style is quite unique and it's made so that you never know what to expect next! Even though you usually do, heh.
I used to be home sick a lot because I've got a horrible immune system when it comes to any sickness. Most of the time I sleep, but because it's so hot during the school year, well all year really, it's almost impossible to stay asleep. I tend to get bored really easy so there's a variety of things I do when I'm sick... Read. I always have a mountain of books somewhere near my bed to read whether I'm sick or not. I've got manga by CLAMP which is always worth a read, and a good number of fantasy novels to entertain myself with. Usually if I'm really, really sick though I can't focus too well on reading for that long ^^; Write or doodle. The pen is the only instrument that can always supply entertainment to me other than my computer keyboard. I can doodle about a hundred drawings on piece of paper and write for hours before I run out of ideas. I just have a weird enough imagination to keep myself busy and focused on living in my own little world where everything runs my way, heh. Watch TV - although there is rarely anything worthwhile on television. Silly cartoons with talking animals and children with annoyingly squeaky voices. Just grab Pirates of the Caribbean or The Lion and King and while thank the lord I have a dvd player in my room :p If all else fails, I can drag myself out of my bed and log on to talk to my friends in Australia ^_^ Whee, life is so cool.
You always make such wonderful banner and avatar combinations Mei ^_^ The nice soft colors of this combo are very eye pleasing and the faded edges of the banner just add to it. Simple and kawaii - always a nice combination ^_^
I haven't been a fan of The Pillows that long but that is only because I only just discovered how wonderful their music is. The moment I get enough money (which sadly will probably be ages from now >.>) I am going to purchase a few of their CDs. For now I am happy for the few mp3s I have ^_^ *hugs her computer*
*sweatdrop* I am limited in knowledge, but I shall do my best. According to the storyline in the anime, in Egyption times three God cards were created. They were even more powerful than Egzodia the Forbidden One. When Pegasus remade the cards he created the three Gods cards. However, the cards were so powerful, he didn't dare use them. This is pretty much major plot of the series as of right now. Kaiba was hired by Ishizu to collect the cards before they could be used for evil. ^_^' Hope that makes sense. I'd advise to ask someone more familiar with the series than I. They could go deeper into detail than I could.
In the story as in the anime? Or in the actual card game? ^^; I never really got into Yu-Gi-Oh, but the strongest card in the series that we know about so far is supposed to be the three God cards - The Winged Dragon of Ra, Obelisk the Tormentor, and Slyfer the Skydragon (pardon my terrible spelling, not at all too fimiliar with the series but my little brother is obsessed with it). In the actual card game, any card can be really powerful. You just need to know how to use it. Magic Cards can make the weakest monster all powerful ^_^
Heh, I have yet to meet an actual blonde offline who is offended by such jokes. Quite the contrary, one of my blonde friends actually finds them humorous because most of them are so lame. Really, it's all in how you look at things. If you know you're intelligent why let such stereotyping get you down? Really it's all rather silly to me ^_^ That's why I don't do stereotyping :p We're just human beings here.
Well, lately I have been listening to a lot of Jpop music (because some of it just so awesome ^_^). The current songs I have switching off between are: Hybrid Rainbow Little Busters and Instant Music All of which are by The Pillows ^_^
Ahh, there are many things to look for in a good anime ^_^ Usually I tend to look for the following: 1. Storyline. If the storyline is just a normal "have to save the world" kind of thing it usual has to be very deep for me to see it as original. I like the plots to have many twists and turns in order to enjoy it so much. 2. Artwork and music. I don't really judge an show by its art, but I don't want it to be too hard to look at either O_o And the music is definately a big thing I like about most of my favorite anime ^_^ The music pretty much helps develop the anime. 3. The characters. Quirky characters, mysterious characters, a hidden past, a bright future. I like the anime to have a wide variety of characters of all sorts of well thought out personalities. 4. Emotion. Does it make me laugh or does it make me cry? Usually good anime will make you do both throughout the series. ~_^ That's just what I look for anyway.
XD This whole thing is just so monkey :p I don't think I will ever meet someone else with a personality and sense of humor as odd an twisted as yours. Seriously, lol. I love the banner and avatar though! ^_^ It just has a Shin-esque feel to it.
Ahh, I can't really think of much of anything that I want this Christmas. Peace at home and school is what I really want, but I know that isn't going to happen anytime soon :p If I just get a few good books to read I'll be happy ^_^
Ahh...neopets...that was so long ago... I used to be obsessed with Neopets ^.^' I could not go a single day without logging on and seeing all of my friends. It was a nice place to hang out and live in my own little world, but it wasn't exactly a friendly site. ^^; I left the site when my computer blocked it and I haven't been their since then. I got a link to a much better virtual pet community anyway. I've met tons of nice people there who actually pay attention to people. They even have some people who really know how to RP -_-; So, yeah. Don't do Neopets anymore.
Heh...siblings...I could go on and on talking about how they irk me so much. They drive me on the brink of insanity each and everyday, but not bad enough for me to say that I hate them. My younger brother is one year younger than me. I share a room with him. Enough said. He is the most annoying pest I have ever met. (Not saying that there are not worse than him, just saying I've yet to meet them.) The thing he most often that bugs me is his singing. I can't stand it. He thinks that he is the best singer in the world but he isn't. It's terrible. Terrible like nails on a chalkboard or a cat in pain. He also says the dumbest things like quoting things we don't want to hear or telling us to shut up all the time even though he is the one being annoying. He's just too immature; he needs to grow up and act his age. Speaking of having to act your age, I get to my older brother. He is far less annoying but he still bugs me in a different way. He acts like an egotistical jerk half the time, and even though he says 'I'm just kidding you know that, right?' he still does it. Over and over and over and over and over...sometimes I just want to smack him for taking things he says out too far. But eh...without my older brother I'd go insane. I need someone logical to talk to, and it sure isn't going to by my younger brother >> (Shin...don't kill me.)
Du duu duuu, this first RP I've ever joined here o_o; Name: Cynthia (dun, dunn, dunnn! Now you can't say I never said it, Shin ~_^) Age: 14, less confusion if I keep my own age here, lol. Past Information: Just your normal smart-alek who lives in her own little world. She tends to stay quiet and only speaks freely amonst her closer friends. When spoken to, Cynthia can hold out a converstation, or just roll her eyes and pretend you never said anything. If you get on her goodside though, you've got a friend for life. ^^ Cynthia spends most of her time on the internet talking to her friends, reading, and writing small stories or poetry. Relations: Shinmaru, her "egotistical" older brother :p Name one item and one item only: Small notepad for writing on ^^ o.o Wait, she can't take a pencil, that's two items! Career: Student.
My favorite Manga, and you must understand that I have read a very small amount of Manga compared to how many good ones are out there, would have to be Magic Knight Rayearth. I have actually not read the entire series of Rayearth, but the plotline and meaning of the series is very moving. The characters were easy to like as well. This would help a whole lot more if I had access to a wider variety of Manga ^^;
First Name: Chrysa (Real name however, may never be known. Mwahahahahaha! o.o' So..yeah..) Age: Fourteen, although some see me as older, some see me as younger because they have bad memory. Hair Color: A dark cocoa brown. Eye Color: Brown. Height: 4'11 or 5'0 exactly. Wardrobe: Eh, as long as it's blue I don't really mind what clothing it is. However, I refuse to wear tank tops and skirts, things of that nature. Personality: I don't really have personality. Offline, I choose to keep quiet, online I'm a bit hyper. Hair Style: I don't really have a hair style. I just wear it down or tie it up to keep it out of my face. It's thick and wavy so it tends to always be in my face ^^; Favorite Music Type: I mainly listen to J-pop but I'm not really one to listen to music. Favorite musical Band/Artist: Do As Infinity is my all time Fav. Hobbies: I like writing short stories and poetry most. I also like drawing on my notebook(if you can call those scribbles drawings). I watch quite a bit of anime, hence why I am here, and play video games when I can be pried away from the internet. That's all for now, ta ta!
I live with a family of people with overactive imaginations. Having a good imagination is not a bad thing at all. I tend to zone out quite a bit, forget a lot of things, and sometimes confuse my world with reality, but hey, imagination is a good thing. It keeps you occupied and builds character. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]I usually also use my imagination to get to sleep. After I go to bed, most of the time I can't fall asleep unless I imagine myself in a really comfortable situation. ... Which is weird, because my bed [i]is[/i] a comfortable situation. Sometimes instead of that, I'll try to imagine a nice little story or something, which can get me to sleep as well. But sometimes that also backfires and I'll get so involved in imagining the plot of the story that I'll stay awake for even longer and get really caught up in it [/B][/QUOTE] Yay! I'm not alone! I do that all the time to put myself to sleep. It always takes me ages to actually fall into slumber so I just make up a random story to help me fall asleep better. It's fun actually making up stories and getting caught up into them instead of actually going to bed ^^;
Wai~! This banner is just awesome. ^^ The color has a very nice reflection on the picture and the text. Just the picture alone is very beautiful. Great banner, I love it ^_^
Hey, come on, I'm the one who told you Kefka was crazier, Shin *sticks out tongue* Erm, anyway...I'm not such a hardcore gamer as most people so I haven't played too many RPGs. Three of my favorites, however, have always been Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Super Mario Brothers RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. All of them had wonderful story lines and plots, great and unforgettable characters, and graphics that stood out stupendously at the time in which they were made. Since my brain is limited in gaming knowledge, I'll stop here before I hurt myself O.o
Art A new banner.... hopefully better than the last one
Snufkin replied to Dagger's topic in Creative Works
It's a tad odd, but I like it. The blending texture has a nice effect on the banner, and the text seems to go with it. It'd be cool if the background text was more readable, but it looks cool being faded ^^ -
Whee! This was a really fun story to read. ^^ It was quite entertaining and very interesting. *nods* *reads it over agian* Wish I had more to say about it though o.O