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Everything posted by thewanderer

  1. yup that is why i picked him too he is really good at fighting
  2. thewanderer


    yes, he is tight, because he is supposedly the saiya-jin or something like that, but he only appears in a movie not the show so he really is not a character
  3. yes, we do deserve to be here because if u haven't looked around this earth is not perfect all the violence and pollution etc,etc,.. That is because we caused all of this so this our punishment to live in this trashy earth which we made...:D
  4. oh yeah Merril and i forgot InuYasha and Kagome
  5. vash and that girl with black hair (forgot her name)
  6. i relate more to kenshin cause he a wanderer and basically a loner which wants to quit killing ppl and he has many conflicts and he keeps true to his promise
  7. definitely the best swordsman is hitokori battousai
  8. gundam wing because it seems more in depth and the gundams don't look weird like in ggundam for example toro gundam
  9. nah i just want the tragic past the brooding attitude .. well i really don't care much for it;)
  10. its all in the way u see things if u believe that well its ur decision that was just my opinion on the afterlife u either go to heaven or hell
  11. hehehe..good ideas, but why don't u ppl read the bible :rolleyes:
  12. these probably depends on the actors playing the DBZ characters, but i think it's probably going to suck
  13. 1. wolverine's recuperation powers which basically gives me a long life and saves me money for all those bandages, also his admantium skeleton which is not a power 2. I would use my power to save humanity from ultimate destruction 3. both, depends on the situation
  14. this will just have to wait till next year when i graduate
  15. thewanderer


    i think brolly doesn't appear in the manga of DBZ so i don't really consider him as a real character
  16. heero because he is just like a replica of me:D
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