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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Name: Ace Gold Game: Towers of Vydronia (fictional) Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Bio: Ace is an orphan, answering to no one and free as a bird. He gets sucked into a different game after destroying the Towers and then having to rebuild them, since they weren't supposed to be destroyed. He recieved a suit from the old king that makes him all strong and tough. He still has his favorite cap, though :). Weapon: The Legendary Blade of Vydronia (named Pulse), The Mega Suit, and anything else he can find :D. Hope that's good.
  2. Ace looked at Fli walking away. He clenched his fists and had another flashback. He saw his parents in bed, grabbing their sheets as they watched a dark figure turn and walk away, slamming the door behind him. Ace felt something in his eye and rubbed it. Ace: Fli! Hold up! Fli turned around. Ace: I'm coming with you. Fli: Why? Ace: Cause we're friends, right? Ace held out his hand. Fli smiled and shook his hand. Ace: Come on, guys! Let's go!
  3. After everything that had happened in the past few minutes, Ace couldn't help but feel exhausted. Mostly because of the life-force draining thing from Boom-Boom. Suddenly, he felt a burst of wind coming from nowhere which turned into a snowstorm. He fipped on the visor from his helmet to protect his eyes. He noticed that Mischief was walking away from the group, with Charlie following him. Ace turned to the remaining group. Ace: Umm, guys? Maybe we should huddle together, or something. Ace sniffed and waited for a reply.
  4. Ace had started running in circles. Ace: AAAAHHHH!!!! Help me!! Wait a second.. He pondered for a moment while a creature flew by, right above him. Ace: Of course! He ran up to Avalon, the girl who had given them smoke bombs a few minutes ago. Ace: Umm, excuse me? I figured that we're both technical geniuses, so how about we build something to help us win this?
  5. Ace noticed that the group that he wasn't with had an ice dome around them. Ace: Hey, NO FAIR!!! I gotta do something! But... I'M TOO SCARED!! Ace suddenly had a flashback of his parents lying in bed, scared. Ace got a burst of courage and drew his gun, Boom-Boom. He held on to it with both hands and held down the trigger at the back of it. Boom-Boom started to charge up, but draining Ace's lifeforce with it. Two bolts of electricity shot out of the gun and hit Ace's temples. They stayed there until Ace released the trigger in the back and the bolts disseapered. The gun clicked and glowed. Ace pressed the actual firing trigger. A huge blue energy sphere shot out of the gun and flew through the air, slowing down time wherever it passed for a split second. The sphere landed in the middle of the cluster of creatures and sent them flying in all directions. One of them appeared stunned. Ace: YES!!! Success!! Ace kissed Boom-Boom and put it back in its holster.
  6. Ace climbed out of the water and was hit in the head with the purple stone and fell back into the water. After climbing out of the water the second time, Ace realized that it was unbearably cold! He stood shivering, waiting for everyone else to arrive.
  7. Ace waited for an answer from Turkey, but was interupted by Bozel saying that everyone was to jump into the pool. Ace gulped. He put his finger in the water and pulled it back. The water was cold. Ace gulped, and dove in. He noticed he had become invisible and he was surrounded by lights. "I must be dead" he thought.
  8. Ace was glad he was making friends. Ace: Hey, Mr.Turkey? Can you make my weapon fancy?
  9. Ace gulped, wanting to be the last to get the stone. He took a step back, so as to run, but remembered his family at home and remembered that they needed him. He looked up at the sky, bit his lip and murmured something that sounded like a prayer. He walked forward and the circle started spinning. He waited for it to stop... He was waiting for a while. The circle started wobbling. Finally, after 5 minutes, it stopped and Ace took a blue stone. The stone shivered in his hand. Ace went back to the others with his head down. He walked up to an innocent loking kid (Flight ;)). Ace: Hi! Wanna be friends? The kid looked at Ace suspiciously. Ace smiled. P.S. Ace's family is in danger. But what the danger is, I'll reveal eventually. OOC: Ace is very unconfident in himself and is shy.
  10. Ace got off his hover bike and ran towards the school with his bags flailing in his hands. Ace: gonna be late..gonna be late..gonna be late!!! Ace followed the general flow of people and noticed that he was not unique around here. He looked just as wierd as anyone else. Ace: Guess I'm not a freak after all ;). Big Guy: Did you call me a freak? Ace: NO, SIR!! YOU SMELL LOVELY!! [SIZE=1]ooops[/SIZE]:nervous:. Big guy: GGRRRRR!!! Ace :D :bluesweat: *runs off* Ace got to a pool of water that everybody, small and large (mostly large, compared to him),was circling around. He patted his gun holster nervously and gulped.
  11. Name: Ace Gold Race: Human Powers: None, really, he has a fancy gun, though :D! Age: 13 Height: 3' 3" (he's short:)) Weight: 90 lbs. Others control: Let me think about it.....Yes. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] History: The gun he uses is called "Boom-Boom." He's attending the school because he wants to unlock his hidden potential. He's an electronics wiz, and a geek at that. But, a cool geek. He can go crazy sometimes though. Classes: Weapons Science Engineering Weapons advanced Is this okay? Am I late? :(
  12. Hey, Gotenks, did you even read my third to last post? The star piece guardian isn't Bowyer!
  13. Uh, Nefertimon, I don't mean to be rude, but you kinda ruined the drama of the moment. I mean, there's a time to be cheerful and a time to be sad. So, if it's ok with you, could you change your post to suit the moment?
  14. Marry and Leggy jumped up and smacked Bowyer with their hammers as hard as they could. Wak: 6...5... Deebie shot a beam at Bowyer. Wak: 4...3... Geno shot an beam at Bowyer. Wak:2... Bowyer: RRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Bowyer awoke earlier than expected, and just as Kyle was about to shoot an arrow. Bowyer looked down at Kyle with his cross-eyed stare, and sneered. Kyle gulped and put his hands over his head. Bowyer raised his fist, preparing to strike. Everyone froze...his fist came whistling through the air...Suddenly, Shade jumped up and put his shell in the way of Kyle. Bowyer's hand came crashing down onto the spikes! Bowyer: OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! While Bowyer was stunned Marry and Leggy Stood side by side in the same position charging up their hammers in synch. They yelled a battle-cry and smacked Bowyer so hard he flew away until he was a speck against the sky. Bowyer (fading out): Nyaaggh!! Darn it!! Nyagh!! Everyone took a rest while Deebie did her healing rounds. Marry: Hey, wait... Where's the star piece? ???: Bowyer was not the guardian of the star piece, heroes. Marry: FROGFUCIUS??? Frogfucius: Yes, it is me. The guardian of the star piece is not Bowyer, but a giant fish in the depths of the forest. Leggy: Why did you leave your pond? FF: The pond is dying... The tadpoles have to live in a small puddle. I fear they...will not survive. Marry: WHAT??? Who's doing this??? FF: I told you, the fish. He's drinking all the water. Deebie: Waht's the bad Fishy's name? FF: He calls himself Glub-Glub. Suddenly Frogfucius started to cough uncontrollably. Marry: Oh, no. Frogfucius, are you okay? DEEBIE, get over here! Heal him! FF: No, *cough* Do not worry about *cough* me, save the *cough* tadpoles *cough*. And with that last cough, Frogfucius closed his eyes and smiled. Frogfucius was dead.
  15. The group stood motionless, waiting for a sound. They heard scurrying all around them. Suddenly tons of koopas and paratroopas jumped out of the bushes. Everyone leaped into attack. Marry and Leggy stood back to back fighting off the swarms of koopas, knocking them into their shells, then jumping on them and sending them spinning into more koopas. Shade was flinging eggs left and right, and swallowing enemies occasionally. Deebie ran around crying and shooting her star beam everywhere, and healing everyone, even if they weren't hurt. Wak Foo was standing still and waiting for an enemy to charge him, then dissapeared and the enemy went flying through him, he would occasionally smack a koopa if he wasn't fast enough to dissapear. Geno, stood calmly blasting and punching koopas. Kyle, stood on a rock, aiming at paratroopas that were too high up, and shooting them with his bow. Eventually, everything calmed down, and the heroes continued on their way like nothing happened.
  16. Chapter 1-A Fishy Situation --------- bum-bum-BUM-bum-bum-BUM BOOM ---------------------------- Marry and the others trekked through the Mushroom Kingdom, trying to find Frogfucius's pond. The journey was long and hard, and Deebie was starting to whine. Leggy's legs were hurting and Wak Foo was turning invisible from the exhaustion. They arrived at a forest. Shade: Hey, I know this place! This is Mushroom forest! Geno: If I know mushroom kingdom as well as I think I do, then we just have to get through the forest and we're at Frogfucius's! Shade: It won't be that easy, the forest is very, very dangerous! Marry: Oh, come on! We can kick the monsters' butts! Let's go! P.S. Sorry it's short, I'm in a hurry! Oh, and Marry doesn't say say "mama-mia." He is soo past that.:D
  17. When Marry, Toad and Deebie arrived at the castle, they met up with Wak Foo and Kyle, and they decided to join their party. Suddenly, they heard a scream. Mysterious yoshi: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Deebie: that yoshi jumped off the waterfall! Kyle: I'll reel him in with my suction cup arrows! Kyle shot his arrow and hit the yoshi, right on target. After that, everyone pulled to reel in the yoshi. Marry: Hey, why did you do that? And who are you? And why do you have spikes on your shell? Are you a minion of Bowser? yoshi:Easy with the questions, buddy. I tried to get to the castle by jumping off the waterfall, my name's Shade, I was born with these spikes, and NO, I'M NOT BOWSER'S MINION!!!!:mad::mad::mad: Deebie: Calm down, silly Yoshi!:laugh: Shade: sorry. Hey, can I join your party? I'm a real good fighter! Look! Shade whipped out his tongue and swallowed Toad. Shade: oops:blush: Toad popped out of the egg and took a deep breath. Toad: Deebie, I realized something. I'm too old for this! Deebie: But...but:bawl: Toad: now, now. Don't cry. You've grown to be a fine young woman! You'll be the best fighter on the team! Deebie: Really? Alright! Bye cousin Toad! I'll miss you!:wave: Everyone said their good-byes and Toad walked off into the sunset. Shade: Hey, what's with the sunset? It's 3:00 at noon! Marry: Oh, well.:rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: The laughter was broken by a scream and leggy running up to the team. Leggy: Help!!!! My parents have been kidnapped by Bowser! AAAHHH!!! Marry: cousin Leggy? Leggy: Marry? Marry, I need your help! Can I join your party? Marry: Sure! Lead us to Bowser! They all ran to the place where Bowser was standing with Luigi and Daisy under his arms. Luigi: Mama-mia! Marry's here...and...all his other friends! Bowser: You'll never stop my son from taking over the mushroom kingdom! And I've found a princess for him to kidnap! HA-HAHA-HAHA-HAHA-HAHA-HA!!!! Wak Foo: What's so funny? Marry: What's funny is how we're gonna kick your butt, Bowser :raspberry!! Come on, everyone!! And so, everyone released a flurry of attacks on Bowser. Bowser: Stop it, oh, stop it!!!!!:mad: :flaming: :mad: :flaming: Eventually, Bowser gave up and dropped Luigi and Daisy, after which, he ran away. Shade: Yeah, we did it! Deebie: YAAYY!!:rotflmao: Leggy: Mom, Dad, can I go with Marry and save the world? Luigi: Sure, son! Daisy: Just pack some extra underwear! And so everyone set off to find Bowsie. It wasn't long till they met up with Geno. Okay, now someone finish up the meeting with Geno and I'll start the next chapter, after that there will be no limits as to where we go! At least, not as many;). Just kidding!:laugh:
  18. Sign-ups are closed! Look for the RPG!
  19. PROLOUGE-The New Generation --------- bum-bum-BUM-bum-bum-BUM BOOM ---------------------------- Marry slept peacefully, dreaming about how he was a hero after beating Bowser, his father's own enemy. The dream was interrupted when Marry fell out of bed. He went downstairs to the kitchen where he could hear his mother, the former princess of Mushroom kingdom, nagging at his dad, Mario, for jumping around at his age. All Mario could do was nod. Marry sat down to eat his Mushroom Puffs cereal, with Mallow-shaped marshmallows! Suddenly there was a deafening crash, followed by a nasal laughter. Marry and his family ran outside and saw... marry:"BOWSER?!?" peach:uh-oh! Mario:mama-mia! Marry: but bowser retired, isn't he, dad? Mario shrugged. Peach:You should go see what's going on at the castle, Marry! Marry: But mom! Peach: No buts! Marry: Ohhhh!! And so Marry took his dad's hammer and set off towards the castle. Okay, people. Once everyone has written their Prolouge and gone to the castle, I'll finish up with us meeting at the castle, and then we'll start Chapter 1!! WHHOO!!:D P.S. Here's a picture of Marry. I drew it myself!:D
  20. Great! Look for the RPG in the adventure arena, coming soon!
  21. sorry, but this RPG is dead. I'm doing the Super Mario RPG, now. And it's hard for me to do two RPGs at once.:(
  22. Everything's great, guys! I'll just need a few more people to join!
  23. Here's my character Name: full name: Mario Peach Mario (but you can call him Marry, pronounced like Marty without the "t") Species: Human Relation: Mario's and Peach's son Bio: Marry is just like his dad, but he's can get obnoxious like his Mom, sometimes. He's determined, reliable and not afraid to help out. Description: Looks like Mario with the colors reversed, blonde hair and no moustache (picture coming soon :D). 2 primary Weapons/attacks: Jump and Hammer
  24. Bowser's retired. And since then, so has Mario and Luigi. They've gotten old, too old to have parties, have races or play tennis. Golf is still a favorite, though. Mario got married to Peach, and Luigi married Daisy, and they both had kids. Bowser had a kid, too. An annoying, spoiled, snot-nosed brat. Bowser called him Bowsie, and he thought his son was a fallen angel :angel:. Of course, like Father, like son, Bowsie soon developed the urge for world domination...and kidnapping princesses. And so, being [SIZE=1]slightly[/SIZE] smarter than his dad, Bowsie developed a much more reliable plan. Bowsie destroyed star road completely!!! After that, he harnessed the power of the seven star spirits to completely have control over everyone's wishes, not just his own! And so, not hesitating, Mario and Luigi sent their sons away on a journey to find Bowsie and defeat him!.... But not without help:D. I will be Mario's son, someone will be Luigi's son/daughter, and everyone else will be the rest of the crew. Here's what you need to join. Name of character: Species: any of the species that appeared in the games will do Bio: Relation to previous heroes (optional): Description: 2 primary Weapons/attacks (luigi's kid has jump and hammer): That's it, enjoy! And try to stick to Mario's world, please. No outside games.
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