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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Here it is, Boba! Hot off the presses! Appearance: [IMG][/IMG]
  2. Everything's fine, but I need more detail, like what he wears and the color of his cap. If I'm gonna draw your character I need detail.
  3. Here's my character: Nickname: Gloveman Bio: After the invasion, Gloveman left his little brother at home with the house's A.I./butler, Housebot. Gloveman's determined, and is like a bomb with a short fuse, you don't want to get the fuse lit or he'll go crazy-mad:flaming:!! Gloveman has a helmet that scans enemy weaknesses. Weapon: His Gloves/gauntlets, the gloves are made out of a material that's as strong as diamond, but light as paper. Weapon's special atack: The gloves can charge up to deliver a humongous blow, 1000 times stronger than a normal human punch. A blow this strong, however, drains Gloveman's life force quickly. Appearance:[IMG][/IMG]
  4. This RPG will have a lot of images to show you what the enemies look like and what your character looks like in a certain pose, but I'll be doing the drawing. Islandopia is a planet somewhere in the galaxy. The people living on it are all unique. The planet is a spread of islands, big and small. The biggest being Central Island. This takes place in our present time, but the islandopians have more advanced technology. The trouble started when an alien ship landed on the planet, carrying an unknown race of aliens. It landed next to Central Building, the main building on the whole planet. After negotiating with the planet's leaders, they transformed central building into their own base of operations. After that, they transformed 50 percent of the planets popoulation into their own race.[IMG][/IMG] Now, it's up to a handful of heroes to save the planet's population and destroy the aliens. Thus begins, the legacy of Islandopia!!! I'll need 3-6 people. To join, fill out this form: Nickname of character(ending with man or woman): Bio: Primary Weapon (explain about it): Special powers with that weapon: Appearance: Describe or make an attachment and I'll draw it Super-Deformed P.S. If you don't want to or can't join. then you can be a temprorary character, like an NPC, without filling out the form (attaching a picture of your temporary character is optional). PPPLLLLEEEEAASSEE JOIN!!!
  5. Psycho


    Come on, people, post! The RPG is dying!
  6. Psycho


    Doesn't anyone like my picture? :(
  7. Psycho


    Phoenix, Zebra and nightie searched around for the strawberries until they came to a small grove where a Ham-ham with a beret and paint all over his fur was painting a picture of a strawberry. Phoenix: Ham-ha! Ham-ham: Ham-ha! Zebra: I'm Zebra! Phoenix: I'm Phoenix, and this is Nightie! Nightie: Ham-ha! What's your name? Ham-Ham: My name is Picasso, I'm a painter Ham-Ham! Phoenix: That's great! Hey do you smell strawberries? Picasso: Yeah, this IS a strawberry grove, after all. Zebra: Can we have some strawberries? Picasso: Sure! P.S. If you haven't the picture of Picasso in the recruitment section, then here it is: [IMG][/IMG]
  8. Psycho


    sorry for interrupting, but I joined just recently in the recruitment page so can I play?
  9. I wanna join, too! Name:Piccaso Male Color:Tan with paint splatters all over him Accesories:Black Beret and a paintbrush Bio:He's very artistic and can draw, sculpt, and paint very well. he's usually calm,but if you get him mad he'll go crazy! Owner: Gene (Male) Appearance: [IMG][/IMG]:D
  10. As they enter the base, they notice a huge laser pointing at them. Gene-What an idiot to put a laser right inside his own base. Gene jumps up and kicks the laser so it rotates 180 degrees. The laser poweres up and fires at the wall blowing up half the base. Sather-so much for stealth. Gene-gets the job done. :wink:
  11. arriving at the evil person's base, everyone hops out,but Lugnut stays. Gene-alright y'all, let's load the guns. (everyone takes 2 guns out of the back of the jeep.) Shin-Dang, this place is huge! Sather-I wonder what the electricity must cost with all those lasers installed, that are pointing at us. Waitasecond... Everyone-AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Gene runs forward and starts hacking on the control panel. while everyone is dodging and shooting. Gene-DONE! The lasers beep a couple of times and shut down. Shin runs up and kicks one. Shin-Take that! K.K.-Let's just go in. Gene-I'll start hacking...again. P.S.-You guys got the idea of the rpg, yay! We just need Dragon Warrior to join up.
  12. Let's get this started! Everyone is sitting around the Rubber Bullet base doing whatever suits them. Gene (practicing karate moves)-Strange, we've been doing nothing for the past couple of months. K.K.(drinking cocktails-Maybe there's no problems in the world, lately. Shin(practing shooting)-That's doubtful, there's always something going on in the world. Sather(sitting watching the news on tv)-True, but it seems quiet lately. Suddenly the tv shuts off and the intercom turns on. Cheif-Hello, Rubber Bullet squad. Everyone-Hiii, Chief! Chief-Enough small talk. We have a situation, it seems that another invader has attacked the earth and established bases on all seven continents. Your first mission will be to take down the base in america. You will leave now. Intercom shuts off. Gene-Well let's do this, Rubber Bullet squad! Lugnut-I WILL START DRIVNG. This is what the guards you will face look like:
  13. Yay! Here's the robot and the jeep we ride in. It has a turret gun in the back. The jeep is bigger than in the picture. I'll take control of Lugnut the robot. Look for the Rubber Bullet Rpg in the adventure arena!! Whooohooo!
  14. That's a little wierd. Now we just need DW's approval and we can start!! YYYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!
  15. Not a bad idea, Lauren. Let's wait and see if anyone else likes the idea.
  16. Here's your picture, schratn. I fogot what "glocks" are, so I gave you a couple of handguns. YAY!! We just need somebody to drive the jeep, but you'll have to give up your special skill. If no one wqants to, then tell me and I'll make it so I have two characters.
  17. No, you can only have a gun, so you might have to change your bio a little, too. But every thing else is good.
  18. You need a gun, Schratn! Hey, DW, did you think of a special skill? When you do, put your stats and pic in your siggy. P.S. I need at least one more person to start the RPG! Yay!:p:D P.S.S Someone needs to be the driver of the jeep we ride in. That'll be decided when the fourth person arrives. It's a secondary job, though. It has to be someone without a special skill.
  19. How's this, DW? I don't know what a gunblade looks like, but that's how I drew it. P.S. Lauren, did you like the picture that much that you used it as an avatar? You didn't have to, just put it in your signature like I did. But, if you like it like you have it, that's fine with me.
  20. How's this, Lauren? Put your stats and special skill along with the picture in your signature.
  21. Yeah, everything's good, except you need a gun as a weapon, DW. Read the sixth post, it explains the gun situation. And think of a special skill, DW. Look at mine and Lauren's to get the general idea.
  22. The detailed plot would be this: Military bases have been established in all of the continents. Each one having tons of guards and a general(like a boss) to command the base. The government of the U.S. has become aware of that, but are not able to launch an assault on the bases because of a videotape recieved on the day of the discovery of the bases. It showed a shadowed face, and it said "We have a bomb, mess with us and say good-bye to your pathetic continent. Muah-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!*cough*." So the goverment called an elite infiltration force called the Rubber Bullet Squad to take down this conquerer from the inside of his own base. Got it now? Good. I need more people to join. P.S. Lauren, I'll post your picture soon. BTW, what's an overshirt? And what color pants do you want? Oh, and you need to choose a special skill. P.S.S. Special Skills have to do with your character's stats and bio somehow. They have to be able to help out the mission somehow.
  23. Listen, sorry, but you can't join. You obviously don't get the point of the game. The game is pretty cheerful, actually. It's humorous. And I only need simple weapon names (i.e. Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle). And people, let's not forget that the characters look only like I showed you.
  24. Uh, yeah. Could you tell me what you clothes look like? That's what description is meant for. And pick a gun, not a close range weapon.
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