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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Sorry, I've been busy... Razor-Karen, Cliff, get digging! Gene-Hey, don't push a cute girl like Karen around! Razor-You should not talk back to your elders. Have respect. Ace-Respect, respect.:rolleyes: Keen-Hey, Jim are you the son of Jeremy Hawking? Jim-Yeah, so what? Keen-I'm your cousin... Jim-:eek:!!! Ace-James, that you? I thought you were someone else!!! Jim-Nope, I'm a Hawking! Next Episode: Digging Up The Wrong Thing! [I]You Better Get Ready![/I] P.S. *GaLxY-GiRl*, you got the names cliff and Karen from Harvest Moon didn't ya?:smirk:
  2. Aisha-I can't believe it!!! Is Golidon made out of Dragonite??? Gene-Looks like it! Ace-*whistles*, that's a lot of money! Keen-Yeah I can't believe it! Jim-That's amazing! Melfina-Now landing... Cloud-Let's get this show on the road! Gene-Hey, that's my line! Cloud-Sorry...:rolleyes: *under breath* mental. Kindora-Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we ther... Cloud-SHUT UP ALREADY!!! Kindora-Sorry, Cloudy. I'm so nervous! Cloud-YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T CALL ME CLOUDY!!! Kindora-Sorry;) Cloud-Well, I've landed. Gene-Same here. Ace-Me too. Next Episode: Harvesting The Gold [I]You Better Get Ready![/I] P.S. You're being sarcastic aren't you *GaLxY-GiRl*? :mad: I dont care I think it's awesome! Sorry:o ... I'm gloating...
  3. I love HM64!!! I'm on my 6th year! I have a baby boy! Karen's my wife!
  4. I'm on Neopets, too! My Username is psycho255, I have a Kiko, Elephante and Kau.
  5. Melfina-Launching in 5...4... Cloud-3... Ace-2...1...Blast-Off! Keen-Hey, Ace isn't Psycho coming with us? Ace-No, he left with that other assasin. Gene-So guys were we headed? Ace-I dunno. Kindora-I heard there's a planet that's made out of Dragonite! Aisha-Ooh, Me too! Gene-Well then... Let's Gooo! Next Episode: Landing On Planet Golidon! [I]You Better Get Ready![/I] P.S. Did you even look at the pic:mad:? Please tell me!:(
  6. Ace-what is this a family reunion?? Gene-I don't know what it is! Ace-You're here, too? Gene-Yeah I am!!! What's it to you? They both take out Caster Guns. Gene-Eat this!!! Melfina-Please don't fight! Ace-Hey wait you have a caster, too? Gene-Yeah, What's it to you? Ace-I guess we are both Outlaws. Gene-Oh yeah. So let's start the introductions! Everyone introduced themselves. Gene-Wow, there's a lot of connections here. Kindora-I remember you Aisha! We were both in training school! Aisha-Candy, is that you? HA-HA-HA!!! Gene-Hey guys, could I ask a favor? Everyone (except Jim, Aisha and Melfina)-Sure... Gene-Could you help me shake the Pirates off my tail? Everyone (except same people)-*fall down*What?!? Gene-So can you? Everyone (except same old people)-All Right... Next Episode: Launch Ships! [I]You Better Get Ready![/I] P.S. Did you like the pic?:D
  7. I drew a pic of the Nebula on my computer check out the attachment!
  8. Kindora and Cloud went to the repair shop, looking for a mechanic. Kindora was jumping up and down with happiness. Kindora-Oh, Thank You Cloudy! Cloud- *moan* Meanwhile the OLS and The Nebula were pulling in to the docks. Neither of them realizing that the other was there. Gene-I can't believe we got away! Suzuka-I have some business to take care of. I will see at 12:00. Aiesha-I heard that there is another Ctarl Ctarl somewhere here! I'm gonna find them! Bye *runs off*! Jim-Why does everyone always leave? Melfina-Shouldn't we be looking for a mechanic? Gene-I told you Mel, we can't do any repairs. Not with the money we have! Ace-Come on, let's go get some drinks! Psycho-I have to meet a fellow assasin, I will meet you at 12:00. Keen-Wait a minute... PSYCHO'S AN ASSASIN?!?!:confused: Everybody was going to the same repair shop (and Bar). Suddenly they met... Gene-Hey you're that guy from the Nebula!!! *takes out Caster Gun* I'll blow your brains out! Ace-There's no need to kill me. I'm not a pirate. I'm an Outlaw. Next Episode: Meeting of old and new friends [I]You Better Get Ready![/I]
  9. The Outlaw Star took little damage but decided to head for Blue Heaven. The Nebula was nowhere in sight. Aboard The Nebula: Ace-I guessed they had enough so I left, Keen! I'm not chicken! Keen-CHICKEN!CHICKEN! Psycho-You people amaze me... Keen (while struggling to get away from Ace's grip)-How's about we go to Blue Heaven? Psycho-Fine with me. Ace-Fine, Lil' Bro. Next episode: The Collision [I]You Better Get Ready![/I]
  10. By the way all you people who just want to look at this you can join at "Outlaw Star RPG" at Games & Stories:D!
  11. Hey, safer cloud! I guess you liked the idea of RPGs huh? I posted the new chapter of the Outlaw Star RPG, look for it!
  12. This is the thread where the RPG will be happening. Let's gooo! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortly after the Outlaw Star left the Leyline, they met up with another ship. Thet started a battle, thinking the ship was a pirate's. Gene-Come on guys we got to pull through! Jim-We can't win!!! They keep attaching their anchors arms to us! Gilliam-Jim, what if we used the same grappler mode where Suzuka and Aisha take control over one arm each? Jim-We don't have enough power!!! Gene-That's it! Fire everything we got!!! Jim-Right! Ace-Outlaw Star, you had enough? Gene (sarcasm)-Spare us, oh great ship! We're dying! Ha-Ha! Ace-Wrong answer! The Nebula dodged all missiles (being a small ship) and attached its anchor arms one more time to the OLS and flung it into space, then fired its two missiles. Gene-Can't you dodge them? Jim-No, we lost control! The missiles made contact. Next episode: The Cloud and The Luna are introduced and the pirates are back for an Encore... [I]TO BE CONTINUED...[/I]
  13. Psycho

    Outlaw Star RPG

    Well, I guess we have enough participants, let's get on with it! Look for my storylines at Games & Stories! Oh and anyone else wants to join, you will be introduced in the following chapter after you join!
  14. The pirates have not yet given up to get the Outlaw Star back. But this time Gene Starwind has a few friends with their own ships. Here's how to personalize your ship, Name: Type (example: grappler, plain, fast, etc.): Weapons: Background info: Crew (just names): Health (200-1000): Home Planet: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My ship :D Name: Nebula Type (example: grappler, plain, fast, etc.): Anchor (it attaches to other ships) Weapons: 2 missiles, 2 anti-missiles Background info: Built on five different planets, then put together Crew (just names): Ace Goldstein, Keen Goldstein, Psycho Health (200-1000):1000 Home Planet: Sentinel
  15. Psycho

    Dbz Rpg

    Name: Psycho Description: Red Spandex Tanktop, Jeans, White hair (kinda like Trunk's SS hair but it's not so high up), gauntlets on hands, and blue eyes. also sometimes wears a trench coat! Level: 100,000 Weapon: none (he's a stronger character that way)
  16. Who likes Paper Mario? I do! I rented it 3 times already! Some doof erased my game the 3rd time but I beat the game in 5 1/2 days!:D
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