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About darkone

  • Birthday 08/04/1988

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    i stay in my room wachting weird anime.

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  1. Name: Xavier. Powers: Mind control, Superhuman strength. Weapon(s): KatarsX2, Iron staff. Race: Vampire. Sex: Male. Age: Unknown. Height: 5'8. Weight: 178 Bio: Searching for his past. Description: Wears a long black trenchcoat thats hides his weapons. (I want to be on your side botosai.)
  2. ok. His hometown is Pallet town and his onix and ninetales are normal pokemon now. He is just a rare pokemon collector.:ball:
  3. Name: Zero-Nine. Age: 20. Hometown: unknown. Starter pokemon: Tyranitar. Other pokemon: Thousand year old Ninetales, Umbreon, Scyther, Crystal Onix. Personalty: A loner. He travels with pokemon looking for new challenges and new and rare pokemon. No one know what side he is on.
  4. Me and my freind were fighting over the god cards.He saids ra is stronger while i say oblisk is stronger. which do you think is stronger?
  5. we, the nintendo fanboys, have come to destroy the evil playstation. for far too long, we have stood by while the sony beast sucked the lifeforce from nintendo, causing its spot as number one consle maker. well not anymore. we will destroy it and then the evil xbox monolithe. then we shall ressuerct nintendo and sega for a new golden age. BEWARE THE NINTENDO FANBOYS. :flaming: :devil: :ball: :cussing: :sick:
  6. i prefer using my favorite cards in combonation. first card:trap card: dna surgery effect: change monsters into any type that u wish. second card: insect barrier. blocks any insect attack. u know where im going with this. u use dna surgery to change them to insects and then play insect barrier. the real kicker: its a continus combo
  7. no.not really. only because they can pull out the gods on you and cause major damage.
  8. the millieniun shoes. run faster than the speed of light
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