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Everything posted by juna

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]I would say, if you are going to go with the first one, you should have the duplicated image and nothing more. In other words, that pic at the far right doesn't fit. It might look better with just the two duplicated images.[/B][/QUOTE] Wow.. Thankies!.. dont know why I didnt just think of that.. laf.. O_o. Drunken state eh?... LMAO.. maybe thats why I like the series.. lol... thanks again for the constructive crit.. ^_^
  2. juna

    New Banner

    O_o :: downloaded *738* times and no comment?!? lol... oh, how these boards can be cruel at times.. laf.. I like it.. heh.. the gradiant layout in the BG is pretty cool.. and I really like the rocket.. I would prolly omit *or change* the "Bombin'" as it sticks out like a soar thumb and kinda doesnt do the banner any justice.. also, I would think about puttin a border around it.. doesnt have to be black of course.. maybe, even like a sketchy looking gray border... heh.. all in all, I like.. good job.. ^_^
  3. I likie... one thing maybe I would change, the *flames?* around him.. clean it up a bit. Not really sure what that red slash is under his left eye either.. a stray flame perhaps?,., heh.. Also, (ok, maybe two things..) I would try to either center him, or off center him more then you have now. Being just a bit off balanced, makes the banner look a bit off... nice banner tho... ^_^;
  4. wow I have a dirty mind... O_o ermm.. welp, its pretty cool.. heh... not too much of a lightsaber guru.. but I think it may look a bit better with, as you said, more shading and detail.. laf.. also, maybe the light coming out of the saber as well?.. heh... Nice job.. ^_^
  5. *grin* I dont know if I like this so much because I work at an ISP, or just cause I hate NetZero as well.. *die competitors...!* ^_~ ... the best line... "Your username and password have been deleted".. Very whitty indeed. ^_^ ahhh.. good times.. hehe.
  6. Laf.. the pic made me laf too.. I agree with Wasabi.. a bit on the sketchy side, but still very good.. heh.. Is he like,... scratching his face with his left hand?... I like his facial whiskers, makes me want to scratch his beard.. hehe... Very cute... nice job.. ^_^
  7. Yes,... work has been tre slow today so, Im on a desktop making frenzy! Just ordered Volume 7 of Saiyuki today and I figured I would make a desktop dedicated to my love, Genjo Sanzo.. *yummy*... I made two.. the first one.. I dunno, Im not a fan of using the same image twice, but I like the eyes.. so.. erm.. ya... [url=http://otakulab.com/genjodesktop.gif]Sanzo1[/url] and, the second one.. *yes, simliar to the first*.. is not using a duplicated image within the piece, and personally I like this one better... [url=http://otakulab.com/genjodesktop2.gif]Sanzo2[/url] I dont know.. suggestions/comments.. blah, blah, blah... Thanks.. ^_^;
  8. juna

    Arch's Art

    *grin*.. I love the ears! (wings?.. O_o.. lol)... tre cute... I just want to scratch em.. hehe.. The body proportions are what throw off this piccy tho... the arms specially... but still very nice work... ^_^ ~ nice shading too... ^_~
  9. Havent been here in a while... *wince* Been messing around with images again... updates to the site and what not... Here are some quickie desktops.. I thought maybe someone would be interested in usin'... [url=http://otakulab.com/elhazardDT.gif]El Hazard DT[/url] [url=http://otakulab.com/otakulabmaindt.gif]Site Theme DT[/url] Feedback, criticism.. blah, blah, blah... ^_^;
  10. Wow, Im pretty impressed that you use MSP and get banners that look like that... very nice. I like the blue of the first banner that you posted, but I dont care for the pic. I like the pic of Inuyasha in the second post, but dont care for the BG.... heh. The banner in your siggy is pretty fresh, did you make that one too?
  11. juna


    This has been one funny thread; as always, Charles and James seem to be the voices of reason. Racism stems, from what I believe to be, a lack of wonderment about the world. There is so much cool stuff out there! The amount of stuff people could learn from different cultures if they just allowed themselves to open up. At the same time, freaking out about closed minded people and disapproving of their beliefs, solely on the basis that they are racist is just as bad as putting a person down because you don?t like the colour of their skin. The more we allow in others, the more hopefully will be allowed to our children. I feel bad for people that are racist, not that I?m all high and mighty, but, I dunno, something in me just feels bad for them. Like, they are so angry and focused on hate, why would someone want to live their life like that? There are just so many beautiful things all around us, so many things to be thankful for? ah well, that?s life, eh? Different views, different cultures, different experiences that mold us? same world.
  12. Ughmmmm, This isnt allowed, AT ALL. I'm no MOD, but I'm guessing one should be following close behind me to close this up. *tisk, tisk* O_o Welcome to OB *Edit: Laf - well, I guess that pic wasnt what I thought it was... lol. Sorries, heh. Still, quite the word smith, arent you? *grin*
  13. Let the lecturing begin.. *cracks knuckles* ^_~ I really like the banner. It's simple and the B&W pic makes it seem as though you are looking into this guys "soul"... heh, corny, but that's the vibe I get from it. I dont normally like mixing B&W's with COlour pics, but I think you did well. And I like the effect you used... laf. Shrug. Very nicely done. ^_^ (I even like the font) WHAT?!? *grin*
  14. Of course they are allowed sillies.. ^_^ The banner is very nice. I lke the purple masking and the border, the outer glow bit is a nice touch too. I would have maybe sized the font down a bit, so it wasnt touching Sonic's ear, but that's just me. All in all, I like it. Good job. ^_^
  15. So, you like yaoi and you burn people? You are wicked Leh, you wicked, wicked monkey! lol. ^_~ You never answered tho, is that a collar? I wanna see more of that leash looking thingie... O_o
  16. Transformers are cool - but wheres the darn poll? ^_^ I don't really know if I would classify the aboved mentioned titles as anime, any more so then I would put Thunder Cats in the mix. Shrug, still cool tho. Do you have the DVD sets?
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i] [B][color=darkred][size=1]Nice to know we have alot of gays on OB >_>[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ermmm, I had to squint to make sure, but that definatly does not say guys. *esh* Love to all my friend, love to all. I have tons of gay friends, in life and online, they don't bite sweetie. ^_^
  18. hehe, funny girl, Helba... The banner looks hot Leh, nice job with it. Is that a collar around his neck? *Drools* I want to see more of the collar! A nice, long, clanky chain attached, ... *eh-hem*... sorries... whew. Any who, the font is nice, just looks a bit misplaced for some reason. Very shexay, two thumbs up! ^_^
  19. As well as nose bleeds, by plugging your nose you could also blow out your ear drums... and that can't be too fun. I used to hold my nose to, until the fateful day that I managed to cover myself in my own, erm... "goobies" whilst in a lab class in college. laf. That was not cool. At all. An explosion of embarassment. *grin* I dunno, when I'm sick, I just dont wanna keep pulling out some rag that is all slimy and nasty from getting used over and over.
  20. Aight... here's some one's I made for various peeps, wanted to keep in my thread for posterity... tell me what you think guys and gals...^_^ Big O: Banner [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/BigOBanner.gif[/IMG] Avi [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/BigOAvi.gif[/IMG] .Hack: Banner [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/HackBannerHelba.gif[/IMG] Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/HackAviHelba.gif[/IMG] Cowboy Bebop: Banner [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/CowBoyBanner.gif[/IMG] Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/CowBoyAvi.gif[/IMG] Flcl: Banner [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/FLCLBanner2.gif[/IMG] Please Teacher: Banner [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/PleaseTeacherBanner.gif[/IMG] Random Image: Banner [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/MystiqueZeppel.gif[/IMG] Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/MystiqueZeppelavi.gif[/IMG] *whew* ^_~
  21. Well, you're right about no masterpiece coming from MS, though some peeps around here have been able to create some pretty good ones with it. Ah well, you did well for your first attempt. The screen shots you chose are very pixely, starting off a piece with poor quality photo's always pretty much dooms them (Or at least they have when I've tried using them...). I like though that you used diff pics, and chibi versions of characters are always cool too... ^_^ Can't wait to see what else you can make... ^_^
  22. Impressive indeed. I like it 'cause I havent seen one like it, very imaginitive. The banner is fresh, but the avi is really nice. It looks very 3d-ish, and it looks like a person standing there in the flames... very nice job.
  23. < Rant > Ahhhhh! Man, to be young again. To like, the last? what 3 posts, I know yaw?ll meant well, but man?. [I]No, it does not mean that she does not love him if she chooses not to stay with him.[/I] Please allow me to use myself as an example. I am 25, my very recent ex is 23. When I met him he was 20 years old, however I was already 22. What's important about that, is that I had my chance to go out and have fun? and boy did I. Throughout my ?growing years? I went out quite often and met many people along the way. He, on the other hand, was very, ermm well, picked-on and he often secluded himself for that reason. He never went out, he never really did anything. We met and instantly fell for each other. We spent so much time together, family functions, work parties? mostly just chilling together though. Well, it got to a point that we were seeing each other so much, we work together (as Support & Systems managers for a local ISP? *toot toot* ^_~), then hung out with each other quite often. As time went on, we nearly hung out just about every night. Now comes the clincher, he realized that he hadn?t "lived" enough, he wasn?t ready for certain things, and I had to respect him for that. I though, also wasn?t ready to [i]not[/i] to have certain things. I got to a point in my life where I loved the person I was with, very dearly, I had a kick booty job makin? good money and I just really wanted to fall asleep next to him every night and wake up beside him the next morning. It's not that I didn?t love him that I wanted these things, it was because I did. We talked for a bit then he shared the fact that he would not be ready to move in with someone until his late 20's. Again, something I could not fault him with, as he was being honest, but in turn I also had to be honest with myself. We decided that even though we loved each other we were in different places in our lives. I'm ready to just chill, quite nights at home with a movie and a book. He wants to go out and meet new people. Eh, what are you going to do? Be mature enough to make the decision that you know to be true, and follow through with it. I really wish people would stop posting that she doesn?t love you if she doesn?t wait for you. It could be the hardest thing she or yourself have to decide for yourselves, and your not making the decision because you don't love each other, if you didn?t I don?t think either one would care about the outcome. Then again, people are allowed there opinions... as weird as they are.. O_o.. < /Rant > Thank you drive through... ^_^
  24. How very odd, this kinda is what I just had to go through. Pretty much, as everyone has stated, if you are not ready, don't do it. I, being female, can relate though, to your girl friend. The best advice I can offer is for the two of you to sit down and really talk about what is going on. Honestly, I also felt like I wanted the relationship to move in another direction, that frankly that guy was not at all ready for. Three years, and I just felt like I dunno... that I wasn?t getting any younger. I did not, however want to marry him, but to move in together, he still was not biting though. ~Ho-Hum~ It honestly depends on you, if deep down you know you cant marry her or whatever she wants in the relationship, then don?t do it. [b]But then, you cannot blame her for not wanting to stick around if she is not getting what she wants out of the relationship either.[/b] Maybe the two of you could agree on a baby step, such as just moving in together... shrug. One thing for sure though, if you can sit and talk about the issue with an open mind and an open ear, you will be able to come to some kind of resolution, good or bad. Hope everything works out for the two of you.... good luck. ^_^
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fall [/i] [B]I use neither. The right-hand sleeve of my shirt or jacket comes in handy for that purpose.[/B][/QUOTE] *grin* Das funny. I can't understand people that use hankies.. I like yourself, find it to be kinda gross to use something over and over again.. espeically keeping in mind what exactly that hanky contains... *icky germs* I use tissues, Puffs plus with Aloe to be exact... my nose deserves the very best.. hehe. ^_^
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