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Everything posted by juna

  1. Thanks for the kind words. ^_^
  2. I'm definatly at least more guarded with my words online, but as for hiding - I wouldn't say I do that, it's more of a feeling of being [i]engulfed[/i] then hiding. As for being differant online vs. real life; my real life is the Internet, it's all I do. (Seriously, I wake up in fits of my fingers in the air typing at imaginary keyboards..) I work with comps all day, I get home and watch cartoons or draw or read. Get up and do the same thing over again - and as much as I'm on a comp at work, I still get home and want to get on it some more; I think I just like all the information out here. So, I guess I don't really act differant 'cause I'm not really here to make friends (no disrespect to to people that do act differant, or whom are here to make friends), I'm here because this is something that interests me and I like to participate, as myself. I will have to admit however that no-one will ever catch me airing out my dirty little secrets online...
  3. I hate putting myself into catagories but I went with the artist. [center]~pats own back~[/center] I've loved painting and drawing since I was a kid and I guess it just stuck. Yup, mom-n-pops had a hard time pulling me from my finger paints and playdo. ^_^
  4. Thought I would share some recent sketches I did of two Love Hina gals, Shinobu and Naru... I don't normally share, but everyone seems friendly here. btw; I see how to post one attachment, but not multiple, so sorry for not having the fun attachment links... ^_^ [url="http://www.otakulab.com/naru.jpg"]Naru.[/url] [url="http://www.otakulab.com/shinobu.jpg"]Shinobu.[/url]
  5. I believe .hack//SIGN was based on online RPG's. A major critisism of the show ~pleading innocent~ is that it doesn't really move (charcters, storyline, fight scenes) like an RPG. Both are cool, I just don't think one is based, or even closely related to the other.
  6. I would have to agree with braidless on the why's of Tsukasas behavior. ::Great analogy btw:: I love Tsukasa, he is a pretty messed up kid though. He's scared and confused, all he knows is that he doesn't want to get hurt again and he doesn't know who to trust. That could describe all of us at times..or at least me...~wink~ [spoiler]I just hope now that he has figured out he was the ~mermaid~ in the last episode, he doesn't close himself out to everyone.[/spoiler] Tsukasa looks like a trooper though, I'm sure he will figure out what's happening to him and what he has to do to help himself.
  7. [quote][i]Originally posted by Omar Harris[/i] Or it could be evil by saving too many people and leaving Earth overcrowded[/quote] *smirk* I guess I just never thought of that, I've just always wanted to help people that couldn't help themselves. ~walks away with crushed dream of superpower~ ^_~
  8. I was just replying to a post - didn't mean to ruffle any feathers - I'll make sure to search out that a topic hasn't been discussed before I post to something...and yes, I was discussing Reign, The Conquerer on CN. ^_^ ahhh...it was because it was originally in the Otaku Lounge, huh? Hahaha, smart am I. ~wink~ I'll be more aware though. ^_^
  9. I personally like the show, but then again I was also a fan of Aeon Flux bck in the day. I tend to like fast moving, fantasy based sci-fi's with fighting, beautiful scenery and imaginitive characters; but that's just me. ^_~ "Reign: The Conqueror was developed by some of the most creative and influential forces in anime today. The anime features character and concept designs by Peter Chung, (Creator of MTV's Aeon Flux); is produced by Rintaro (Astro Boy, Metropolis) and Masao Murayama (Trigun, Cardcaptor Sakura); and showcases animation by the famed Madhouse studio (Trigun, Vampire Hunter D)."
  10. Not too sure how many Arjuna fans we have out there..didn't see too much content when I searched for this title. Anywho - I was just wondering if anyone else was super disappointed that they only had TWO episodes on the last disc. I don't want to spoil the show for anyone that hasn't seen it, but man, I was really expecting a bit more of an ending. Volume 1: Three Episodes Volume 2: Four Episodes Volume 3: Four Episodes Volume 4: *BAM!* Only TWO Episodes... Just wanted to complain about it - one always feels better after complaining you know ^_~.. For those who havent seen the series, it's really good, pick it up sometime... [i]Short Story:[/i] When an accident leaves her clinging tenuously between life and death, fate intervenes as she becomes the sole witness to scenes of Earth's destruction along with humanity's reckless pollution of the sky, the Earth, and water. It is here in which Juna is given a new chance at life and bestowed the powers of the Earth, a power she must wield in order to stop an evil bent on Earth's destruction. [i]Addition:[/i] No, this is nothing like Captain Planet. No disrespect to that show, but the planeteers were never my cup of tee.
  11. It looks like you tried real hard - that perspective is difficult to draw also - you did well. ::As with anything:: Practice, practice, practice!
  12. I know what signature you are talking about, it says something like: Signatures are dumb..[spoiler]so is mine[/spoiler]... I forget who it was, but I'm pretty sure it was just done with spoiler tags...
  13. I really like the show, but I can see how it could be deemed as depressing. From what I've seen so far ~on CN~ the show is moving rather slowly - which may be a factor in why the show may be thought of to be depressing. I think ~hope~ that as this series progresses the depression factor decreases. Still beautiful to watch - and sometimes the more depressing the show - the more it makes people think....
  14. [quote][i]Original Question Posed: by Juuthena[/i] I've been thinking about this a while, and I was just wondering... 1) If you could have any super power, what would it be? 2) What would you do with your powers? 3) Would you use it to do good, or evil?[/quote] I would want the power to heal. Not just a [i]"Oh, you scrapped your knee, let me help you with that."[/i] More so like the healin' powers of Dende (DBZ) or Yukina (YYH) ::maybe just a bit more kick *** though. Cure sickness and dying...that would be pretty fresh. I don't believe the power of healing could be used for Evil; I guess though healing someone Evil would be considered evil...shrug. ^_^
  15. [quote][i]originally posted by sex with lurch[/i] OK, so there's this boy and his whole town gets wiped out by monsters or a flood or something. He's the only one left alive and he runs off... I don't remember why. There's also an evil wizard type of guy who wants to capture this kid, so he sends this girl to him to lure him back to the evil guy's castle. The girl lies and tells the boy that her family was killed by monsters, too. He trusts her and they head back to the bad guy.... that's all I remember. Can anyone help?[/quote] I found four movies that closely match what you described; your job now is to research these out and see if one is the one you are looking for. Three are a tad earlier then what you had mentioned but I looked for movies between 60-80; figured just because you watched it in the 70's doesn't mean it was made then. ^_^ [i]MAGIC BOY[/i] (6/22/61) MGM (Japan) 82 mins. Director: Taiji Yabushita A boy, plagued by an evil sorceress, studies magic and uses his powers to defeat her. aka The Adventures of The Little Samurai (Shonen Sarutobi Sasuke 1959). [i]PANDA AND THE MAGIC SERPENT[/i] (7/8/61) Globe (Japan) 78 mins. Director: Taiji Yabushita Boy falls in love with girl who is incarnation of white snake he had as a child. A wizard tries to break up their romance, but is thwarted by boy's pet Panda and cat. aka The White Snake Enchantress (Hakuja Den 1958) - Data International Films (3/15/61 Variety article) [i]THE LITTLEST WARRIOR[/i] (1962) Signal International (Japan) 70 mins. Director: Taiji Yabushita. A boy becomes separated from his family by an evil Emperor. He grows up to become a samurai and, after many fantastic battles, avenges his family. aka The Orphan Brother (Anju To Zushio-Maru, 1961) [i]WIZARDS[/i] (3/2/77) 20th Century Fox. 81 mins. D: Ralph Bakshi. Set millions of years after a nuclear holocaust, the world is divided between the Badlands, the kingdom of evil wizard Blackwolf, and the Goodlands, the realm of fairys and elves and the domain of his twin brother, the good wizard Avatar. Avatar is joined by Elinor (a sexy fairy), Weehawk (a elfin scout), and Peace (one of Blackwolf's assassins converted to good) on a mission to destroy Blackwolf's abuse of high technology.
  16. Welp, unfortunatly I think this has to do alot with us Emericans (yes - E; the E standing for economy). We are into making money and for the most part "cartoons" (did that just come out of my mouth?) are thought to be made strictly for children. So Hollywood starts looking at this anime title, knowing how well it has done and they start thinking to themselves..."Hrmmmm, How can we squeeze [b]more[/b] money from this series?". I can just imagine what the EVA's are going to look like *cringe*. ~The role of [i]PenPen[/i] will be played by Stephen Baldwin (wink)~ ::Remember Spiderman?:: Who was smoking when they developed what the [i]Green Goblin[/i] would look like in the flick - it's just laughable.
  17. Two I read and subscribe to are [url=http://www.protoculture.qc.ca/Proto/Index.htm]Protoculture Addicts[/url] and [url=http://www.newtype-usa.com]NewType[/url]. I really dig the Newtype magazines, every month you get the mag, posters, postcards, manga installments, tons of info and even a DVD. This months DVD had the first episodes of Boogiepop Phantom, Sakura Wars TV AND Samurai Deeper Kyo! (which by the by - Samurai Deeper Kyo kicks boo-tay!). I even went as far as to buy DVD jewel cases and design inserts to go into the flaps for each month, the cover obviously matching what's included on the disc - it's pretty fresh if I do say so myself. Honestly though, if you are into the content, or the run-down of shows/episodes/movies, prolly Protoculture Addicts would be a better choice; if you are into the art or production of anime, may I then suggest getting the very fresh magazine, NewType. Both though - two thumbs up.
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