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Everything posted by juna

  1. Thought I would share a personal story (for the first time) as I am looking for some feedback. Now I know a lot of you peeps are just youngins... but hopefully there will be a few out there that can answer my question here at the end... ::Grab a spoon and dig in:: Well, these have been quite some interesting weeks. Friday, I had a bit of a break down when the realization of the finality of my relationship with Dan hit me. I guess I should premise a bit..... Wednesday night I had tre weird dream, it was a very long one at which the beginning contained clips of Dan and I. I remember such an odd feeling, like in the dream, I knew we were over, I knew that we would never be again, and it kinda made me sad. I was super confused in the dream because I didn't understand what I had done to lose him, I just knew there was nothing I could do to get back together. Any who - I woke up Thursday with a very strange feeling and opted to stay home that day. It had been a while since I took a day off, and I just felt.... like, drained. Had a talk with my mom about it and she said not to worry, you know... common Mom reply stuff. So here was Thursday, and I ended up doing some work on the computer at home that's been on the back burners for a while now.... then.... BAM! The power goes out. Everywhere in the area. Went out around 4:15ish... and stayed off all night. The incident now being labeled, "The Blackout of '03". Laf. So now, bored for the rest of the day, I am left with my dreams from the night before. *blick* I opted to call my friend Benji and have him come over to keep me company, he did and we ended playing some cards and smoking... (in the dark.. hehe). I love Benji - but he is gay and has not had a relationship that has lasted for over even three months... I knew he really wasn't going to offer what I was looking for. He left around 9ish, and I went to bed shortly after.... I hate no electricity... laf. Enter Friday. I came into work on Friday, feeling a bit more relaxed, having had the power returned to us around midnight, and plans to go out that night with my old best friend from high school, Becca, I was pretty stoked. The day was ok, a little crazy on the phone due to the Blaster worm that was going around infecting everyone's ME & XP platforms... (lemme tell ya how much fun those calls were.. *chuckle*) but was winding down and it was soon time to leave for the day. I'm talking to this customer that needed assistance re-routing his CD Rom so we could uninstall and reinstall his Dial-up Networking from CD, when Dan starts IM'ing (Aol Messenger) me talking about his plans for the weekend. I asked a question, and was not at all ready for the answer I received. I asked him if he had met anyone, and when he replied yes, and that they had gone out on a date Wednesday night to a baseball game, I just looked blankly at my screen. I couldn't believe it. I don't know why, but I had not been prepared to hear what I just did. I started choking up in my conversation with the customer, as tears started swelling in my eyes (No this isn't an invite to a pity party.. ^_~), I felt like I had just gotten my heart ripped out. I knew it wasn't his fault.. at all, that's what he said he was going to be doing, dating people. I just didn't understand why it happened so fast, and I dunno, the dream just kept coming back to me. I decided to talk to him outside for a bit before I left for home and explained that even though I wanted to maintain a friendly relationship at work, I was not going to be able to hang out with him after working hours any more. He, confused as to where I was coming from, just kept saying to me that I knew this was going to happen, and that I should have thought more about the probable response to the question I asked regarding if he had met anyone. I let him know, that I was happy I asked the question, and though I was hurt by the reply, I knew it was eventually to come. I also let him know that I did not want to be mad at him for any reason, so for this I thought the best course of action would be to just detach myself from the situation. He just looked at me and asked for a hug, I turned around and started walking away, wished him a good night, hopped in the car and drove home with crocodile tears streaming down my face. The whole ride home, I just kept asking myself why this was such hurtful news for me to swallow. Three years, so much that we had been through, so many plans that were now not to be. It finally hit me. We were over and that's what I was upset about. Just as in my dream, the finality of the whole thing hit me hard like a brick across my down trodden face. I hadn't "mourned" about our broken relationship because I was so sure in my head that we were going to get back together, even though in my heart I knew we weren't right for one another, my brain had no clue. I went out on Friday with Becca, (That's another saga all together...), and returned home that night with a goal in place for this weekend. All weekend I wrote, and painted and drew. It was so nice. I wasn't sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I wasn't feeling bad that I wasn't pretty enough, or smart enough, or nice enough to keep a relationship. I was just me, by myself... and it felt good. So my question is, has anyone had a time where you realized your something was over or no more long past when you should have realized it? I'm just interested to see if it was just my silly girlie emotional reactions, or if sometimes, things just hit people a little later then they should have. Thanks for listening... ^_^
  2. I like it, though I can see where the text has been cut off... I think I can make out an apostrophe after tomorrow, I'm guessing you did want it to say tomorrow's, but it looks as though that has been snipped off. Shrug. All in all nice job... just maybe fix the text.... ^_^
  3. juna

    Grim Reaper CG

    Pretty nice job. It looks like you did well for, what I'm guessing to be, your first attempt. Grim's face looks the best. The sickle needs some work, looks rather flat, and there by the cuff of his robe, his wrist looks funky... kinda just looks like a floating hand... Shrug, all in all, good job. ^_^
  4. Nod, very fresh job. I'm kinda super picky about the font I like, and though the one you picked is cool - you cant tell what the heck it's supposed to say - or at least I can't. laf. I like how you positioned the girl for the max amount of viewability of the character. You also gave it a nice, crisp border with the banner having a very nice overall shape. (Oh no - it's not a rectangle! *grin* ^_~) Keep up the nice work - can't wait to see more. ^_^
  5. Very nice DD. I love the blending effect that you used. The only thing that I can see that sticks out, is the 3x3 eyes text you placed. I dunno - just looks... not as fresh as the rest of the desktop looks. I'd like to see a version w/o it. You have a real talent for making these things... super durdito job. ^_^
  6. I like it, specially Rei.. very shexay, very nice. Only thing that throws it off, for me at least, is the writing... eh, still, fresh work.. ^_^
  7. shrug, [URL=http://www.fortunecity.com/business/johns/1394/ufo/gundamwing.html]here's a chick[/URL] that makes 'em, they look pretty good if you ask me... don't see much else though... ^_^;
  8. Erm, wrong forum.... Anime Lounge. ^_^ From the DVD: There is something extraordinary about the new teacher that has arrived at Kei Kusanagi?s high school. Mizuho Kazami, the new instructor, is kindhearted, young, pretty, and deliciously endowed. But that?s not what makes her strangely different. It doesn?t take a whole day for Kei to realize that Mizuho is actually the beautiful alien he had encountered the night before. Unfortunately, what other secrets he needs to learn from her, he has to learn the hard way. And it doesn?t help that he finds himself falling in love in the process?
  9. Welp, figured I'd throw ya'a Googled bone... note, not my words... ^_^ A Short Series Summary and Opinion. Trying to write a summary for Boogiepop Phantom is like trying to write a summary for Serial Experiments: Lain or The Maxx - although the overall story is important, it is getting there is half the fun, and usually the reason why the show is worth watching. Anyone could go out and write that lain is about the deity of the internet becoming aware, growing up, and helping her friend through personal sacrifice; or write for 15 pages on all of the side stories, inferences, and subplots all affecting the outcome and meaning of Lain, but it would never come close to actually watching the red blotches wafting through the shadows. Boogiepop Phantom is the same way, with all the fractured storylines, episode timelines, and mysteriously incomplete character and plotline development, the style of the presentation is often as important as what they are presenting. That Said... [URL=http://www.animeprojects.com/boogiepop/summary.html]More Info[/URL] Heh, I can also see that you started a [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28815&highlight=Boogie]thread[/URL] similiar to this one already, you sneaky lil poster...
  10. Heh, I actually think you did a very nice job with this for your first attempt at a banner, the blending of the BG is very fresh for your first stab, I'm impressed. Now for some CC (constructive criticism): The font, though a nice type chosen, seems to be mis-placed, I would try bumping it up to the top. I would also try incorporating more of the focused content on the right with in the banner. Lastly, I would suggest trying a thin border? Eh, play around... you'' see what you like... great job. ^_^
  11. *grin* Actually, I like the second banner the most out of this last set. Very nice BG, the size fits the piece well, nice and dreamy with a nice focused picky off centered. The first one is pretty fresh, the terminator looking font at the bottom especially, nice work on the colouring. The third piece, though I like the close-up of her eyes, I think it's kind of lacking somehow. I could see that as a faded BG with some font, or something.. I cant quite tell what it needs... maybe its just the chickeda on the left that throws it all off for me... eh, who knows, still great work... ^_^ Keep up the awesome work... cant wait to see more.
  12. Ermmm, I like the work, tho I dont think Mal was trying to get anyone's panties in a twist, just pointing out some stuff... heh, no biggie, right? Heh, all these great comments about the work, everyone should be able to take some constructive criticism, eh? *runs off and hides in corner* O_o Anywho - I like the picky, specially the tat on Ladies arm.. heh, very cute. I love the longggggg legs, the hair is cool, and the whole idea of "Adam's Angels" was tre cute also. All in all, nice work.
  13. So, when is this contest ending? I'm just interested in giving my two cents on the wieners... heh. Su - I love that last banner you did. Great job. ^_^ Keep up the good work all.
  14. Late PS, thanks Su for the nice words... heh, *bonks head* how do I overlook such nice things? hehe... I actually worked on my site a bit more last weekend, and am planning more updates this weekend. ~stay tuned~ ^_^ Three new ones from today... I'm really on a Saiyuki kick these days... heh. Saiyuki/Kougaiji [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/SaiyukibannerKou.gif[/IMG] Saiyuki/Kougaiji [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/SaiyukibannerKou1.gif[/IMG] Saiyuki/Lirin [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/SaiyukibannerLirin.gif[/IMG] Comments/Suggestions?
  15. I only get half of the desktop image to load.. looks good from what I can see tho - hehe, the font is a bit weird, but the BG is very fresh. Is it working for anyone else or am I the only botard? O_o
  16. So cute and so creative... heh, very nice. The font is a bit small, but still readable... I love the facial expressions you give them... laf, A chuckle whilst at work is always nice to get... Can't wait to see the next installment. ^_^
  17. 1, 2 & 4 are my fave. Really love the effect you did for the Kakashi one... only thing I can really pick on is the font. Try not to strike everything you do... laf, I should talk tho - I try to leave out font all the time 'cause I'm so picky about it... hehe. Great job, can't wait to see more... ^_^
  18. Heh, I love 'em Logan. You so naughty... hehe. My fave is the very first one you posted... all of the Delta Rebellion banners are pretty fresh too... nice and simple. Glad to see your workin in some innocent yaoi... keep up the super work. ^_^
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ruby [/i] [B]Ok, pain. You must really not like the pain you feel.[/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I think he meant to type, paint. Hehe... ^_~ Shadow: I like the banner, kinda simple, the font choice is cool, but the placement is off... The colours you chose are nice... and ermmm, welp, that's about it... heh, Nice Job. ^^
  20. I think it's pretty cool, maybe I would slap a border around the edging of your banner, looks a bit weird.. O_o Your font is always kinda... erm, freaky, which is cool, just looks misplaced tho... shrug. The original graphic is pretty cool - minus the dizzy part.. laf - twould make a freakingly cool BG for a desktop.. hehe. Nice job all in all, can't wait to see more. ^^
  21. Heh, I really like that abstracter piece above Su, *scratches head* kinda reminds me of a fly, like his face, as it's flying towards you... heh. Very nice. ^^ I like the Rei banner, 'cept maybe for the cut out in the middle... I'm a huge fan of dead space, or deleted areas... just looks weird for some reason... sorry I can't be more specific.. heh, what good am I then, right? ^_~ Can't wait to see more...
  22. Aight, couple more freshnesses from RahXephon... Had bout an hour today to work on some... so here goes... First set: [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/RahXephonava.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/RahXephonbanner.gif[/IMG] Second Set: [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/RahXephonava1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/RahXephonbanner1.gif[/IMG] Comments....? PS Ohkami, I havent forgotten about ya, I promise... just been so darn busy... heh. ^^
  23. I voted for Charles as well, I just get a kick out of that every time I read it. *chuckle* Sara's is funny to, heh, ?tis close amongst the three.
  24. Hey terra, Just want to start off by sayin thanks for all the feedback you left for me, I can tell you put in a lot of time and thought, and I will certainly take your advise...'specially the part of one character banners... heh. *Ahem*? now, on to your work. I must say that I absolutely love that last banner of Aya... tis fresh². Unique use of layers and shapes, (which I'm a sucker for) and I think the font suits the banner well. The only thing I see is the white border layer on the right hand side, (Industrial view)...eh, minor detail. In the banners above that one, I think you have a nice eye for BG colours as well as a creative font choice that flows nicely with your end product. Two things that I can offer for advise (both which you totally squashed by your last example Ó_ó) would be firstly, to be careful not to balance your banners content so much. The Faye one is not as much of an example as the other two, yet there is some sort of odd balance in that one as well. Secondly, I would suggest playing around with where you place your text. I can't wait to see what else you will post, I can already tell you are getting better... keep up the great work! Å_Å ~juna
  25. Nod - I've added the user to my black list and I've hidden my email address as suggested (thanks! ^_^) I know it's not OB's responsibility, didn't mean to sound as it was.. heh, just wanted to post this cause it was annoying and I was wondering if it was happening to anyone else... shrug. Quick related question, when someone signs up for an account, by default is the email adddress hidden or shown...? I forget if I had changed mine. If by default it is shown, maybe for the new version, we can change that; if it's hidden, just ignore this babbling...hehe Shanks again for all the advise... Poison Tounge: hehe, I'll PM you with who was writing me... don't want to trash anyone's name... laf.
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