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Everything posted by juna

  1. Eh, ya, I could add em to my black list, shrug.... Just thought that maybe the Mods would want to know so maybe someone could ask him to stop trying to get people to go to his site through emailing them from OB.... shrug. Thanks for all the advise.... ^_^ *Address added to black list*
  2. So, you saw 60 Minutes the other night, eh? *chuckle* Twas a good episode... pretty weird that story... that part about the cop that passed him when he killed that cab driver got me so mad,... he was told that the culprit was black (big shocker seeing the year this happened in), and so he just let the guy walk by 'cause he was white... shrug, the cop felt bad, like he messed up (he did!), things like that get me so mad though. Profiling... gah! Freaky story though.... I love 60 Minutes.. laf.
  3. Help, please! I'm getting annoyed... Who should I talk to about a problem I am having with an OB user who keeps on sending me emails (NOT PM's) about coming to his anime forums site? It's very annoying... and it's not the first time it has happened.... shrug, thought someone would like to know also.... don't want to get anyone in trouble, I would like it to stop though.... Thanks for any assistance you can give me... ^_^
  4. laf, that was pretty silly of me... *bonks self in head....* How does this look? [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/Daisukebanner6.gif[/IMG]
  5. Maj - I really like what you are doing with your back ground layers...shown with Vega and Ryu..., the stone border is kinda weird... something not right about it, but the idea is great! Great job, Can't wait to see more.... ^_^
  6. *Groan* I wish peeps posted on my thread like they do yours.. heh, but I digress. I love all the banner work, big shocker there..., best in my opinion... #'s 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 & 10. The others are cool, just somefin about em doesnt strike my fancy..... shrug... all time faves.. hurmm, 1 & 10. Very nice, as always.... ^_^
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I can help! I speak Idiotese... Translation: [i]"i say way not its a hars show to understand = I do not think so, it is a hard show to understand"[/i]...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *wipes eyes* ahhh, that was funny... Idiotese..., I love these boards... back to the post, Heh, honestly, the anime is good, but I would rather see a Kenshin section first..., or a .hack for that matter... shrug. Not really interested to see the Big O come first... all personal opinion tho...
  8. [QUOTE] [I]By Yogi[/I] what should I do????[/QUOTE] Ermmm, be his best friend...?.. You can try telling him what's going on. Sometimes, if you're really good friends, and you can tell him in a way that not offensive... Try omitting lines like, "I've managed to keep a lot of people from beating the crap out of you, but now I?m trying to keep myself from doing it."... not that you would say anything like that, just a fore warning... Maybe like, invite him to play some vid-games and just chill with him for a bit. Ask him how things are going... I dunno, maybe he's going through some stuff, other then puberty... *snicker*. When you say he is getting stuck up, what do you mean by that? Like does he look down on people and?s just plain rude, or is he just trying to do well in school... sometimes those are hard to decipher between. Shrug.. Mostly, I guess though, the best thing you can do is be honest with him... good luck.. O_o
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Edit: DR: This is about the Tapion banner, you sneaky little poster... heh[/COLOR] Very nice DR. *claps* I honestly can't see anything I would change.. *double checks..* nope, nothin'. A great close up on the left (like the outer glow bit). Tis nicely positioned so his ear and the hands to the right flow together nicely. A nice fade on the right pic and I love the banner, double goes for the font, ermmm.. heh, man, this is really good. ^_^
  10. Aight, made some new hotness for Full Metal Panic. heh. The dog tag didnt come out as wanted, hopefully you can kinda tell that's what that silver thing is in the middle.... laf. ah well, took some time and I like it... that's all that counts I guess... Any Suggestions/ Feedback/ Comments? [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/FMPAvatar.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/FMPBanner.gif[/IMG] I'm also archiving my old Faye banner & avi in this post too, heh. [img]http://www.otakulab.com/CBFayeBanner.gif[/img] [img]http://www.otakulab.com/OBCBfaye.gif[/img] PS: I'm glad you like the banner, spiegal, ^_^ [COLOR=darkblue]Edit: Here is the banner you asked me for Ohkami, wasnt sure how you wanted that, with/wizu stuff...shrug, if you want any changes, let me know, Ill save the PSD version for about a week.. ^_^ *Image Removed - See below for new image*[/COLOR] ...and another Daisuke I made today...out of boredom.... [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/Daisukebanner2.gif[/IMG] ...laf, and another..... (Someone else please post, this edit crap is annoying.....) [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/Daisukebanner3.gif[/IMG]
  11. I have the japanese characters for 'create' and 'destroy' on my left arm, going down vertically... heh, PinkFloyd fan... and a some what queer girlie butterfly on my right ankle that is only somewhat cool cause I designed it myself. *groan* My belly is pierced as well as my tounge,.... 5 wholes [COLOR=darkblue]*edit-holes.heh*[/COLOR] in each ear, I guess they dont really count tho. laf. KnightOfTheRose/terra: Yes, *shudder* collarbone piercing does sound rather...erm, dealthly uncomfy... O_o Semjaza Azazel:I LUV Nightmare Before XMas, those ink jobs are pretty fresh..(even though there not yours yet)..hehe. ^_^
  12. I agree with Kaisuke with the border bit, it's a bit on the large side and just looks a bit chunky... also the text is set kiinda weird, I guess I would try nudging it more up to the upper left hand side. shrug... I like the picture that you used, and for your first attempts at banner work, as I said before, GREAT work... ^_^
  13. Very impressive for the first stab Stuart. I like that you rotated her a bit for nice positioning and the maroon font and border match well with the feel... *claps* Nice.... ^_^
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XBebop [/i] [B]It's my topic, i can post off topic, can't i? Anyways i'll amke a topic when i want you to post your stuff, allright? Keep your *** glued to your seat until then.. [/B][/QUOTE] Eesh, XBebop this is a cool thread and we are just all excited to start it,... let's ah, try to stay....nice...., eh? Tis been a while since you started this thread, and peeps get antsy on OB when someone starts something, and then doesnt post updates on when we should be expecting something. Additionally, the only person you replied to in this thread was DayDay about her poems (and the lack of posts to them), omitting every other legit question that peeps have posed. Hopefully you can understand why poeple are getting a little restless, eh? Can't wait to get the rules, maybe you should post em soon? ^_^
  15. juna


    I stick with Industrial, but I also like Version 6 a lot. I used the latter for a bit, then switched to the former.... havent switched since, I'd have to agree with Vegitto that I find it easier to navigate for some reason.
  16. Laf, I'm 25 and just this weekend broke up with my boyfriend of just about three years now. (Alas, I suppose it was destined) And no I am looking for no pity party... *stabs any party that comes close* Pardon if I don't feel too bad for ya... heh. Tis cute that you are gettin all upset about it, but you got some livin to do sweetie, everything will be aight... ^_^
  17. I luv that banner Mal, I was just actally looking at one of her posts and noticed it, thought it was cool, 'specially the font choice... great work! ...heh, like that's a shock... ^_^
  18. Welp, to start off, it's your first stab at a banner, and only by practicing more will you notice improvements... yadda, yadda, yadda... heh. Ok, now for some constructive criticism... (it only makes us better, right? ^_^) First off, you have to work on your image selection, all of the pictures you chose are very pixely, especially that picky on the right hand side. The two on the left hand side are rather small and hard to make out. The BG (back ground) is rather blah, (that is not always a bad thing), and the border you chose for this specific banner is a bit too large. The font,.. eh, well, it's not so hot, both the colour and the type. For the good, I like that you weren't afraid to put a couple pictures in one banner (sometimes people will just start off with one pic), and I like that you made them different sizes. The expression on Ryoko's face on the right is also super cute.... Keep on tryin.. can't wait to see the next one.... ^_^
  19. I like it, for your first banner, that's pretty darn good. The BG is pretty fresh, and your character placement is nice, along with the size that you chose to make him. Not really a fan of the font, but you did good stroking it with a blue so it was readable... All in all, nice work, can't wait to see more. ^_^
  20. Heh, I see a watered down ying-yang. Very cool DD, I likie... |^_^|
  21. juna


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by soup [/i] [B]er,my god. [/B][/QUOTE] That my friend is Spam.... welcome to OB. ^_^ WOW, MB..i LUV all the pics, you have a nice sort of D&D feel about your work. ...Excluding that last robot pic, which completely took me for a loop, didn't seem up your alley... heh. Great work.. can't wait to see more. ?ßÖ__Öß?
  22. I like it a lot... only thing what program do you use? I only ask 'cause if you are using Photoshop, I believe also Fireworks, you can save that background as a transparent layer. By doing that, and saving it as a .gif instead of a .jpg, you will notice that you won't get any of the background layer showing up. Hurmm, this is confusing, eh? Heh.... Right now, your banner is a rectangle, and on a coloured web page, you can see the white in the lower right hand corner. If you had deleted the layer, or made it transparent, you would only see the cut out of the actual image that you wanted the banner to contain. Just a tip... ^_^ Very nice tho, I love the idea....
  23. I like it... tho I'm not really into pixelly stuff. The green snake skin BG is pretty fresh. Good job. ^_^
  24. Wow, heh, this story was very interesting... Google newsed the issue, couldnt come up with where they said the "killer" was using arsenic, [URL=http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/poisoned_dogs030718.html]ABC LINK[/URL] and specially bein, ABC News, if there was proof of arsenic, they would have been all over that... Regardless of what poison was used, that is one sick mofo... I guess he called up some local bar and told some waitress there that he was going to be targeting another park... man, like, is this giving him pleasure? How cool could you honestly feel killing some innocent animals... Ug, crazy people make me sad...
  25. juna

    Art Request

    Yes, requesting stuff through PM, or sending multiple web links are both allowed, and obviously preferred... ^_^
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