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Everything posted by juna
I always like your stuff Nomad - these last two are kinda scary... hehe. I like ICP, don't get me wrong, but I don't like that you swore in it, I'm no prude when it comes to stuff like that, I just... I dunno, don't like it. Also in your "eye" banner, the second line says, "Cannot stand this hell I fell", did you mean feel?... love the eye bit and that font seems to fit the banner nicely.... Gooda joba.... ^_^
A new Love Hina addition.... I know it's just one this time, I was a bit busy today tho.. hehe.... ^_^ [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/LoveHinabanner.gif[/IMG]
I like OB largely for the fact that it is one of the ONLY anime boards that does not have pop-ups, banner ads, or an Advertising Forum, shrug... I think I wouldn't like this place as much if it had any of that stuff... This site is clean, and non-bothersome, I love it the way it is....
Hurmmm, k, let's see, if I can have two also, I would like drawing and poetry. If just one, stick me in the last drawing spot, if someone beat me to it, then to the poetry section I go. Heh, *whew*
Wow, I think it's super good... did you use something to model her after, or did it all come from the ol' noggin? The shading on the dress is very nice. Eyes, hair and 'specially her left hand are pretty fresh. Only thing I can say I don't like is that stuff in the upper right corner... her name and that butterfly is cool, just that other stuff makes it look messy... shrug. Nice work, can't wait to see more. ^_^
You like to stir up a lil' trouble don't ya Taylor.. *wink* ^_~ Like Malajusted said, tis a bit on the boring side... tho I think it's funny that you are using a real pic after all the craziness on your picture post thread...heh, good for you.
I like it Logan, very imaginitive... ^_^ looks through avatar's *sniff, sniff*, I no have no friends... *runs off to corner...* ^_~ heh. j/k. Great banner. ^_^
Nod - I agree that it's pretty - very pretty - but I think it's a bit too faded... I know you are prolly going with a lost dreamy look, I dunno, maybe a thin border in the same colour as the font? Nice job. ^_^
Very interesting, I can tell that you tried. heh. ^_^ One suggestion, the pictures look very 2dish, I would work on making things look three dimentional; maybe starting off with boxes and circles, (shapes), then working into actual people, or parts there of. You have a nice eye for placing the content of your work in areas that best show them off, keep on practicing! ^_^
The eyes and hair are amazing.... nice work... ^_^ Now for the criticism, the shoulders look very weird, too high, makes her look like a beefed up football player. Mouth yes, missing, along with a nose...there looks to be something in that area, but not really anything that resembles either or. Her right breast is larger, and placed oddly, then her left one... and lastly, are those wings or a shawl? I likie Kai, you shade very well, can't wait to see what else youpost. ^_^
Wow Su, Great job! I like the frame you put around it. Can't super specially tell it's Kenshin, but it's pretty cool none the less. Two thumbs up, ^_^
*cries* Tis NO fair! Do you EVER dis-appoint? I want to have some CG skills like you... heh. Great stuff Mysti, as always. Really not much to say, much like Maladjusted, my eyes went right to the part where she is sitting, as that looks off, maybe you can add a bit of dress draping over it, I'm no pro like you, but I think that would help to take the eyes out of that area... and as Sem said, the legs on the desk look a tad on the funky side 'cause they are not straight. The more I stare at it tho (not knockin your skills) the more weird the legs are looking. O_o Like, how she is sitting, her right leg shows too much of the back heel, and her right leg, as the one being crossed, shows too much front shoe.... Hard to explain, shrug, GREAT work, once again..... ^_^
Very cool. The second one is the best, but by omitting the "sun/moon thingie" I think it will look A LOT better... it just looks more, oblongal then it really should, so it throws everything off.. Keep up the good work! ^_^
I like it, the purple BG is pretty fresh, what are those, buildings? I also like how portions of his face seem to be omitted, leaving the important part, being his eye. Kudos! NJ. ^_^
naughty Otaku double posting... *wink* ^_~ I really like the banner, not much a fan of real peeps for content, but I like what you did with it. The blue is a nice BG shade, and i like that you focused her face, and fuzzied the others.... nice job! ^_^
XB - I really like how Sara used the white font for the banner, makes it feel more watery some-how. You should consider using that idea....shrug. Sara - I LOVE the new banner... looked to see if you started a thread about it - was reading the club you wanted to start... The Yellow Coallition (something to that affect)...heh. Great Banner. ^_^
Of course you can use it/save it ~*vixen*~ ^_^ ....and sanzo is pretty hot... *woooooo baby* Can't wait till the next disc comes out, looking over to the calendar, 6 more days...... YAY!
Ermm, I dont think you are gonna be able to get the size bumped *up*, hehe, everyone follows the same standards and rules... plus, you'd be asking for the length to get sized [i]down[/i] from 500 to 300. Eeeeckk! laf. "unless they want to keep it at 100x300 becuase of 56k-ers." The max size is 100 x 500 for Banners. 80 x 80 for Avatars... As for the graphic, I like it, it looks like you have a nice grasp of the filter tools.... that third post is just a cropped version of the second, right? Still, nice work, and to end I would have to pose what DD has asked ya, "could you be able to make one exactly like that again?"
I like it also. Maybe t'would look better sized down a tad? I too, see no shoe. heh, that rhymes... Very cool, really nice work. ^_^
Got bored today and decided to make a new desktop, what do you think? Any comments/suggestions/feedback, GREATLY appreciated. ^_^ [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/SaiyukiBannerGenjo.gif[/IMG] Tried to attach - too big - heh. For those that want a link....[URL=http://www.otakulab.com/SaiyukiBannerGenjo.gif]Link[/URL]
[Quote][i]Ori By Dan R...[/I] Sorry, but that is really... not good. Next time you draw something, spend time on it. Keep trying[/QUOTE] Well, I am agreeing with Dan, and I think he [B]did[/b] give you some contructo criticism. Take your time, and keep trying... Honestly, I don't like the fact that you're drawing a kid holding a smoke, but that's just me. Heh, I dunno, it just looks like you think it's [i]cool[/i] to smoke... shrug, *fear* I'm sounding like a parent. I dunno though, I think you're trying too hard, but didn't try hard enough... it's weird. O_o 3/10 Keep on tryin though, you only get better through practice. ^_^ Edit: *Looks over at Post, #200! Woo-hoo* Heh....sorry. :P
YaY ! §(Ö_Ö)§ ...._| |_.... There was a lot of great work posted... I'd like to follow suit with Dan and thank all of the members for the vote in. ^_^ I so happy. *beaming*
Heh - This thread is going to turn into, "What happens when you die" Loved the Matrix (and movies similiar, What Dreams May Come, AI, BladeRunner), but finding any real relation between those movies and real life is, in my opinion, silly. Shrug. P.S. You like your *biiiig cookie*'s don't ya Juu... hehe. ^_~
Hey Syk3, spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out how you made your AIM transparrent... tis very cool, I want mine like that too... heh. Any help would be appreciated... I was going to PM you, but then I figured someone else might find this info useful too... Shanks... ^_^
I'm glad to hear you have found a place that makes you happy. To start off, I guess the most important point to make would be to let you know that in Life there are good times, there are bad times and during no time do we have control over what life dishes out. There are times when you think life could not get any better (but some how it does), and other times that you wish you were somebody else. All these thoughts are natural, and everybody has them. I guess it's always best to be happy where you are and to enjoy what you have while you have it; the more time you spend worrying about losing something or someone, the less time you have to enjoy it/them. Dreams are wonderful... life is real. Live. ^_^