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Everything posted by juna

  1. Those are great pics Ginny! Even tho I don't know the inside jokes, I still found them, that top one 'specially, pretty chuckle-able. ^_^ The facial expression on that top pic is just priceless... heh. *save* Very well done.
  2. juna


    I wanted to post my current Desktop up here too - heh... Saiyuki...... *yummy* [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/currentdesktop.gif[/IMG]
  3. I love the banner - very fresh. I know Chris has been usin it for a couple weeks now, so I guess suggestions now would be mute, heh Ö_ô *grin*, but the grey background (behind the top sliced layer) would look kinda cool matched with some of the brown in his hair... maybe for a banner down the road... shrug.
  4. AzureWolf, are you talking about banners like mine? With the small picture on the right?... This is actually one picture file, shrug. If it wasn't what you were refferring to, I apologize... I just havent really noticed anyone using more then one banner, but as Sara said, they're around... ^_^
  5. Heh - I don't mind being labeled as a newbie... that's what I am. I think people place too much emphasis on what the titles read, and in turn what they mean. I've read "Otaku" posts that have made zero sense and had broken various board rules, and I've seen "Newbie's" rise up to Member status in lightning speed by posting one sentence ridiculous posts, eh. The titles really don't mean much - it's really just a gauge as to how many posts you've done. Shrug, the only title that matters is Moderator.
  6. Hehe, those are great stories Angel and Blanko... I don't feel so lonely now.. ^_^ I should really start a Fave's folder - never really liked too, but it would prolly save me some hassle.... laf.
  7. Alas, I meant Sagara Sanosuke (Sano) and spouted Sango (yes from Inuyasha - laf)... Non the less, looks more like Sano, but very nice.. ^_^
  8. Aight - just two new ones I just did today Gundam Wing; [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/GWbanner.gif[/IMG] And a NeoRanger; [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/NRbanner.gif[/IMG]
  9. Heh, I like it Chris, It looks more like Sango then Ken tho - still nice work. You have a nice sence of line control. ^_^
  10. I wish this was my, "pathetic anime portrait" GAH, Are you crazy man? O_o Great as always Mysti, can't wait to see more. And - I like the border you chose to use... heh, funny.
  11. I'd have to say Charles, that IM convo was just hilarious.... It's really the only one that I took the time to read all the way through.... most loose me by the first or second line. Heh. Go Charles! ^_^
  12. I love it Maj... great job. This is very imaginative.... and it's the claw girl...hehe. ^_^
  13. That is absolutely fantastical... wow, I am VERY impressed. You have some great talent there Mysti. *bows*
  14. Heh, let's remember none of us our Mods here... let's all play nicely. His title reads, My Friend's Funny Sig - Rate Please... one would think that he wants us to rate a funny sig, as most people do not find this banner to be funny to them - they are giving lower scores.. no biggie. And honestly, maybe he/she didn't wanna give a score 'cause it woulda been low, and he/she (heh, that sounds funny) felt bad...shrug, ya never know...^_^
  15. Ya, ermm, sorry, I didn't even know that they had that "stuff" on there, laf. Mysteriously enough, I just saw the OtakuBoard link and clicked on it without even investigating what those cards were all about... I would have to agree that most people do use URL's in favorites or saved, I dunno though, I just like typing them out everytime for some reason...laf. That's a funny story about your friends Sennen.. ^_^
  16. Sometimes I love being alone, other times I can't stand it; most of the time though it's the former. Being alone gives you time to think and create, and just, be. I've met a couple people that can just chill and hang out and not have to talk all the time, I lke that, just watch some TV, or go outside and paint, but there aren't too many people like that, hence why I like being alone more.
  17. Pre-story Note: I saw there was a topic mentioning this but it had been closed.... Ahem: This morning when I woke up, well before my first cup of coffee, I came to the computer, plopped down and read some email. Saw a couple peeps posted on some of my threads so I wanted to check out what they said.... Go to the ol' address bar and type, otakuboard.com. I get to what looks like a new otakuboard layout - silly me thinks that OB has switched to the next version overnight. I immediately saw the link for OtakuBoard, so I clickied on it. Eh, interesting layout, but I wasn?t to keen on it (No disrespect to any other boards), and when I went to log in, it kept on telling me that there was no such user/bad password. WTF? So, I click on forgot password, and entered in the email address I signed up with, comes back this time with no such user with that email. ARG! I go to the Members list to find my name, and notice that there aren?t as many users on OB as before.... *scratches head* I start thinking to myself that maybe, this was the new layout, but all users hadn't been transferred over yet...I didn't know what to think... Frustrated, after about 20 minutes of "detective work", I decide, duh! go through theotaku.com. So I did, and followed the link to the boards, low and behold, yay! I'm back. Confused as to what just happened, I went into my history and saw the silly error I had made... laf, *forgot the s* Heh, I just started laughing, how silly... please someone out there make me feel better, has anyone else done this, or am I the only silly naive?
  18. I'm agreein' with Logan, I just don't really see how it's funny. I just see a banner to show off a tower, a laptop, and a high score..shrug... 3/10 If you like it tho - it's all that counts.. ^_^
  19. heh, very cute Maj... great idea... ^_^
  20. Call me vain but I say both... I though, have a differant view on what's "attractive" then the main stream view of the tanned, A&F sporstie muscle model man, I like bookish smart skater looking guys...shrug. I guess it's all perspective...
  21. Hurmm... somethin' peeps haven't mentioned.... Maybe, Super Mario Brothers 2 (Nintendo), I'm counting it as under rated because it was my favorite, and many others' least. And, I don't know if this would be counted as under-rated, I just know I absolutly loved it, Star Fox for SNES. I used to have marathons with my brother playin that one...heh.
  22. Shanks for the nice words... Chris, I'll be more careful of the characters I make into banners, you're right, there are lots-o-kids on these boards... *feels bad* ^_^
  23. Thanks everyone for the comments, I like to read what peeps think of 'de work... keep 'em comin' Three more I made today,... The first one is dedicated to my newest bud, Majin. ^_^ [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/MorganBanner.gif[/IMG] And the last two are for Saiyuki.... I can't wait till the 3rd disc comes out next weekish... *yay* [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/SBanner.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/SBanner2.gif[/IMG]
  24. Ah Charles, your innocent ways... ^_~ As I had said in my example, "for us newbies". I do agree with what you said tho, I guess... in a way, with the whole people "needlessly bumping threads",... I'm sorry I had such a *horrible* idea... I'll never think of one again. *pounds head on desk in shame* Laf. ^_~ For real tho - twas just an idea, I have something similar to that for my Call Ticketing site at work that was really super easy to code up, thought it might be handy here too, didn't take into mind that people would be "needlessly bumping threads"... thankfully the techies around here don't. I'll just double post then edit it into the first post in lighting quick speed... ^_^
  25. I never thought of that,... ... maybe we could encorporate some kind of, "New Content" checkbox? That way, if someone is fixing a spelling error, they can forgo the thread going to the top of rotation again by leaving the box unchecked (which by default it would be).... ^_^
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