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About Shinryuu(GP)

  • Birthday 01/31/1988

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Daz [/i] [B]its a special summon with masked beast, there woz a ritual card in play therefore they can use the effect of the card to tribute, its not that hard to understand really and yes i noticed thart error wit the life points but not wit insect queen, i got that ep on video so ill be sure ta check that out [/B][/QUOTE] The card says "No matter what the situation, neither player is allowed to offer a monster as Tribute."
  2. I don't trust American duelists w/ Japanese decks, b/c if they start to lose, they'll lie about effects. Like I knew one guy who had japanese Magical Hats, and tried to tell me that if I hit one of the non-monster cards, it'd activate it. But that's not how it works. I do trust Japanese duelists, b/c they usually (atleast the ones I duel) have enough skill and honor to not lie about cards. (And some say their tactics are partly the reason SORL are limited.) But usually, I'd just ask them to use only recognizable Japanese cards (i.e the Magnet Warriors, SORL, GAF, HFD.)
  3. Yea, Heero's cool. At first, I thought "Duo, of course!" But then it's like, "But what if we were infiltrating some base, and he cracked a joke, made me laugh, and gave our position away?!"
  4. Lumis and Umbra summoned Masked Beast w/ Mask of Restrict in play. This should be impossible since the Mask prevents anyone from Tributing (no matter what the situation) a monster.
  5. I have three methods: 1. Weigh it in my hand, 2. Check the perforations/indents, 3. Dumb luck. Never noticed any dots or slashes before.
  6. There's no mention of Une having a first name (maybe Yoshiyuki Tomino wanted to be funny and Lady IS her first name.) Perhaps her having almost no past or identity serves to emphasize her devotion to Treize.
  7. Heero. If anything goes wrong in a mission, he can just use his Perfect Soldier skills to get us out.
  8. Where's the Toon World required to summon the Toon Blue Eyes?
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