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Everything posted by ianthestampede
its actually very entertaining. i mean sure it doesn't make sense, but look at abstract painting. most of it don't make sense, but its tied to a somehow relevant subject in our world. and flcl does just that, atleast i think. If you think watching the whole thing might give you a better understanding, then maybe it will. haha. its all how you respond to it. and personally i think it rocks.
i think its wrong that they released the pictures to the american public. well i guess not so much wrong, but more of a mistake. The american people aren't used to that kind of stuff, nor should they have to be. Personally i don't think anyone should have the right to take anothers life. but i guess we had to kill the spider to save the butterfly. but that still doesn't make it right, america in turn are becoming the murderers. i don't know, the showing of the pictures i think is just an out of character act american intellegence decided to pull. maybe it was the right thing to do, maybe it wasn't. whats done is done.
Yeah its alright, D wasn't as cool as he was in the first one. but the whole vampire hunter group did make the whole thing alittle interesting. especially the guy that can be like a ghost thing! well i'm gonna bounce! X.x
To start off i'm gonna tell ya where i stand on the subject. First of all, i'm not pro nor am i con for gay marriages. If the individual decides he wants to spend the rest of his life with his soul mate. Then so be it! And for the Anti american deal, its just plain dumb! Not being a christian does limit my knowledge to their principles. But I think everyone decided along time ago to seperate government and religion? *opinion only, it may insult some people* I think everyone deeply fixated on a religion believes in some very good ideals. and some not so very... Realistic ideals. The fact that a religion would exclude anyone that commits adultry, and all these so called sins is almost obsurd. This almost makes me feel like these religions are tryin to fabricate the reality we all know. Sheltering its believers from the real world. In reality people DO mess up, its all about forgiveness! *end of ramble* So Yes i feel if gay men/women decide to marry then let them!
Anime The Official Dragonball GT Dub Thread.
ianthestampede replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Otaku Central
WHAT ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT! THE SONG IS DOPE! it's better than the DBZ theme! I actually spoiled dbgt for myself i downloaded all the last episodes! -
my favorite kind of ice cream is cherry garcia, it is soooooooooooooooo awesome! and in 2nd place i have to have vanilla ice cream and put butterscotch and carmel on it with a cherry! Its almost like a small bit of heaven!
Happiest Um... When i went out with the girl of my dreams :D. pressured When i was pressured not to kick this kids Arse, i wanted to sooo much. He had tried to rape my girlfriend, and she ran away and came to me... So i was about to kick his arse but my friend told me not to.. After me and her left they kicked his arse for me... Saddest When I had to break up with the girl of my dreams, that i had went out with for 5 years. Just Because i had to move away... damn it sucked... and probly when my best friend died in a car wreck.... that was a really hard time... cause he died in the hospital with me beside him...
I was having a discussion with someone about this. She believed strongly in nostradomis's prophecy's(i don't think thats how you spell his name). And the way i percieved his Prophecy's, it seemed like his prophecy's were written for the reader to intepret. So you could take any of his prophecy's and relate them with any event pretty much(thats relevent to the topic). I don't know... How do you people feel about this?
No i don't! just because you enjoy some cartoons doesn't make a kid...unless you want them to! Do you act like a kid?
Time travel(what do you think)
ianthestampede replied to ianthestampede's topic in General Discussion
I agree with you almost 100%! but the Time thing kinda threw me off. I feel Cells, can be almost compared to a sun. The sun can only produce so much energy, after awhile it collapses, but only after it expands. The cells that age us go through those same patterns also. They are young at first, then they go through a growth spert. After the growth spurt they are at a controlled pace.Then it just starts goin downhill i guess.. -
We'll all look young and youthful but we'll all have alziemerz, and osteoporosis! I don't think i'd want to be young all my life, hell i'm just starting to get old enough to taste adulthood! I woud not like to stay alive for ever, it would be like on Cowboy beebob "sympothy for the devil" you'd see so much, and realize so much you could minipulate people! So no, i would not want to stay youthful forever!
Yeah the "what anime character are you?" ones are kinda interesting... i usually don't do those band ones....
i will have to do that! Hey i see you like lostprophets eh? YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! \m/:D\m/ lostprophets are my all time favorite band!!!! well anywho back to saves the day! have you heard any of saves the day's acoustic stuff? well its pretty darn good!
Well i'm deeply impressed by the evidence you brought forth,Bravo bravo. but i still don't believe he is alive. It would be great if he was but... Who knows maybe he's hiding with elvis, or Buddy holly?
Who's heard of this guy? He is soooo awesome!(chris carraba)! Probly the best emo i've heard! i say yall should look into this band! Tell me what you think about this dude! peace!
Saves the day is an awesome band! MY favorite song from them is see you! I love when he sings " you want to know who i really am, well so do i! well so do i!" Very great band! If you heard of saves the day, you must have heard further seems forever! if you haven't you should check them out! very great emo band!
Who was your first kiss? Well it was when i was 12 i believe, the girl was like 13 or 14 i can't remember. It was the first time i ever french kissed someone, and i was like... "...wow...that was your tongue..." lol. How old was you? Well like i said i was 12 or 13. How was it? It was umm... Very good... The girl was pretty hott... so yeah it was awesome! What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) Well It was at my house in my closet? lol. it must have been like 12 at night. I was packing for the trip to Pontypridd(wales) and i wasn't goin to be back for a long time. So she came over to say good bye and we just started kissing :D. It was a emotional time haha. Best/ worst kiss? Well my best kiss that i remember was... When i walked my girlfriend home and she gave me the longest goodnight kiss! The worst was probly in 7th grade! I was goin out with a girl and her friend was there and she was like " well why don't you guys kiss?" and i looked at her and she just started kissing me! I don't like to admit this to anyone but she had just ate like a tuna fish sandwich before and it was nasty! haha.
I feel i exist because of course, i just do! How can you prove we don't exist? that is the question! haha!! If you can alter history, or a persons belief does that make you exist? If we don't exist whats the problem? If we don't exist right now i'm just talkin to nothing, and nothing is responding. Does that make it something?
Time travel(what do you think)
ianthestampede replied to ianthestampede's topic in General Discussion
I think the point is clear that time is a figment of our imaginations. Time travel is basicly goin to a destination before a curtain event took place(that of course already took place). This is believed to happend by traveling a fast speed right. i think some people in this discussion believes that mankind would try to use time travel on earth. Which is possibly the dumbest idea, everyone knows that earth has gravity which would create force and all that stuff. The smartest and effective way to travel at a great speed is of course in an enviroment that has little limitations. Which of course is space. I don't believe that time travel would be used to actually minupulate earth time. I feel it would be used to travel great distances in space, which would be the only way to travel to another galaxy. I feel time travel is very real, not only for our advantage but for our interests, and to further our knowledge. I'm just gonna wait for another reply to continue what i'm gonna say. And I know i'm not a scientist haha. But someone who is interested. -
juna, i don't think it was a comic was it? wasn't it donald duck? question: the tigris and eufratis(not sure if this is spelled right) rivers are located in what country?
Time travel(what do you think)
ianthestampede replied to ianthestampede's topic in General Discussion
:babble: well i also find there being no point to go back in time. it's an interesting topic. I did this weird study and found if there was a rocket that can withstand the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) The fuel it would need would be about the same density as our earth, which would leave you nowhere to return home to.:rolleyes: . The topic of time travel is very trite and used too often as i can see. i guess i just needed something to talk about :D . -
Ever since i was little i always wondered about goin back in time. It wasn't till i was 12 when i realized the simple formula. My brother was driving me somewhere, and it was gonna take awhile so i decided to see how long it would take. it was like 50 miles or so, so i was like well where traveling 50 mph, that means we'll get to the destination in one hour. if we travel up to 100mph we could cut the time in half.so i kept on increasing the speed and thought well, if we were able to travel 300 mph would we be able to get there before we actually started? This made me wonder for awhile. Even though its not possible to travel 300mph(in a car, you wouldn't be actually getting there before you started(which i thought would happen...hey i was 12!) You'd be cutting your time into fractions of a secound. you could keep on doin this untill you get the special number! And this is supposedly when you go into minus time. The special number of course is the speed of light!(if you didn't know, its 186000 mps). But even if this is possible wouldn't it cause some paradox's? like what would happen if you did get into minus time. does that mean you would go back before you actually went back into time. causing you to not actually go back in time?:therock: tell me what you think about time travel... cause it gets confusing sometimes!
Hi... well i'm here to tell you what i came to believe. The human race is a selfish creation of animals. which is possibly why we are all sitting here talking about questions that we may never know. Everything we know and see and feel is of course our own perspective on the world and everything else. Our logic is based on calculations that we made up, as a human race. The bible was created almost as i see it, a guide line on how to live a good life. It's suprising to me that the bible refering to the creation of man with simple elements. But thats all we are made out of, elements put together. Well our body's at least. Someone told me that our souls are pure energy. if thats true, everything should have a soul. Which i wonder, if our "energy" goes somewhere special,does all the other matter's energy go somewhere special. If not why are we soo special? I'd really like to believe that there is somewhere special to go after we die. But it seems all we do is enrich the planet with more nutrients to continue the cycle of life. but i'm not gonna belittle with anyone else's beliefs cause everyone has a different perspective of the other world. this is only my opinion. i could type more but i have to leave shortly. so.... Peace! X.x jigga what? XX.xx jigga who? x.X
:babble: hello everyone! i'm new here SO HI! i hope to ya'll around the board! peace:toothy: