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Everything posted by GrimmFang

  1. GrimmFang


    I see I see sorry that was my bad I have a terrible headache from playing with it for so long I missed that sticky. Thanks a lot for pointing that out to me Panda.
  2. GrimmFang


    I'm extremely html illiterate how do you go about making background colors transparent in Hex? I?ve been playing with the Edit Styles feature for hours now.
  3. Here's my view of what I think happened. [spoiler]After Darcia was rejected and killed by Paradise it left only his wolf eye. They showed Cheza and Kiba's blood mixing together not really sure if that was supposed to mean anything but after Cheza exploded into the seeds. They showed Kiba lying in the snow and as the world was being reborn the ice melted and he fell into the water and died. After the world is fully restored they showed Darcia's wolf eye in the water with something that looked like poison coming off of it this symbolizes corruption and evil in the New World. When they show the city and everyone going on like a normal day they show the main wolf character's but did anyone notice that Tsumi was riding a bike a wolf can't drive or ride a bike I believe they came back as human?s[/spoiler] But hey that's just what I think. Why they gotta put such a strain on our brains is anyone?s guess.
  4. :tasty: I will definatly be over my friends house getting smashed. Playing some games here watching some anime there oh yeah good times. What!! :eek: The world is ending? Oh well I'm having to much fun. Hehehe :D
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]My first job was at a Burger King that I was a closer at. A closer is someone who learns how to make all the food but stays and cleans everything at the end of the night. It has to be one of the worst jobs in the world and I will never do it again.[/COLOR]
  6. I got the name GrimmFang from Rage the spin-off card game of Werewolf: The Apocalypse. His name is actually Grimfang I just wanted it to be original so I added an extra m and capitalized the f. He is my favorite character and still one of my strongest.
  7. I never want anything but my family insists on giving me something. I just tell them to give me some money. I can just buy what I want or save it that way. With that said this is what my list consists of. 1. Money 2. Money 3. More Money 4. Even More Money
  8. I think I saw how to fix this problem on an episode of Xplay. If you take the cover off your PS2 there is a little white gear to the left of the disc tray in the back. They said to start adjusting it until it starts to read all disc formats again. Here's the link [url]http://www.techtv.com/xplay/features/story/0,24330,3516150,00.html[/url]
  9. I get Deja Vu every once in a while. I just wish I could remember what happens after I get the feeling all the time. Last night was one of the few times I actually did remember what happened. A couple of my friends were playing Mario Kart DD and they just finished one of the tracks in a cup. They were happy because they were so far ahead in points than I remembered that on the next race the computer was going to seriously whoop them and it did happen, they got eighth place. My Deja Vu comes from dreams but not sleeping I get mine from day dreaming.
  10. I live in North Huntingdon Pennsylvania right around Pittsburgh. This place is the definition of boring there is never anything to do. I always wanted to move to Alaska or Canada I love the wilderness.
  11. I heard of the Atikins Diet I was going to try it but my aunt who is a head nurse said it was a bad idea. She said that those kinds of diets could hurt your body more than help them. I decided to try Trim Spa instead and it worked real well I lost almost 80 pounds I weighed 240lbs now I weigh 164lbs.
  12. The first game I ever played that got me hooked was Breakout for the Atari. I played that game for hours upon hours a day. I played many other games but that was the first than the NES came out than it spread from there.
  13. The world is kind of crowded we have to little wilderness left to prove it. If you think about this the planet seems to agree. Some of these viruses and such just keep popping up as if the planet is like saying their are to many of you some of you need to die.
  14. I've felt this way since I was 9 I am not a big fan of humanity. Yes I may be human I think but it doesn't mean I have to like it. [quote]Look at all we've done. We've burned large forests, built a Big Boy where there once was so many animals, not to mention McDonald's shoots cows and gives them drugs. What are we coming to ?[/quote] Sadly that is to true. All we do is take what nature has to give us and ruin it. Sometimes I wish we could go back to when the world was full of forests and less buildings and roads.
  15. Best bet on getting a lot of piney apples is the delta server. There is one level that I can remember that has a piney apple in the first room when you warp in. I can't remember the key words but I think it was one of the main story line keyword levels. All you have to do is keep warping in and out of the level and get the piney apple.
  16. I just recently had a strange dream one of the few that I can actually remember. I went back in time some how and I remembered everything that happened in before I went back. I was mad because I never met my friends yet and I had to go through school again. Now for the really weird crap I was looking at this machine that some guy got his hand mangled in and someone told me to touch it and right when I did my friend called and woke me up. If I ever have anymore I can remember I will post them.
  17. GrimmFang


    First Name: Randolf, Randall, or Randy doesn't matter. Age: 21 Hair Color: Brown used to be blond how weird. Eye Color: Depending on mood good mood light brown, bad mood dark brown, and when I'm really ticked almost black yeah it's scary. Height: 5'8 1/2 Wardrobe: Black anything black. Personality: Quiet and morbid I normally keep to myself even around a lot of friends I hate parties. I talk about death a lot maybe too much. HairStyle: Either spiked or I let it lay naturally. Favorite Music: Metal, Hard Rock, and Alternative I love Tool. Hobbies: I like working with electronics, computer graphics like 3D modeling and such, Video games FPS and RPG's, and I have a tremendous love for wolves.
  18. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was a really good movie. I just recently saw Brotherhood of The Wolf that movie suprised me it had so much action more action than I anticipated this is the first French movie I ever saw.
  19. I only had one deadly illness and it was back when I was 5 years old. I don't know what the name of it is but my blood platelets were low and one cut or bruise would have killed me. I had to stay at the hospital for 3 weeks while they injected me full of platelets.
  20. I never beat FF1 either. I could never find my way through the last dungeon it was like a giant maze. I would go a direction I thought was new but end up in the same spot.
  21. I should get some of my cousin?s cards that he won from tournaments and scan them. He has some good cards just wish I remembered them. [quote]Grimm, a friend of minehasa Rage deck, but I've never seen him play. Is it really that complicated?[/quote] Yeah it is really complicated at first. It also doesn't help that you can play multiple different ways. I would explain it but it would take paragraphs. Ask your friend for one of the direction booklets that come with a starter deck.
  22. I have only played MTG a few times I am more of a Rage player myself. My cousin is a big MTG player though he was the Pennsylvania State champ a few years ago. He has been teaching me the game on his spare time from college. Being that Rage is very complex I haven't really had a hard time grasping the rules and such of MTG. This is a really fun card game.
  23. I have been waiting for more of FF7's story I will definitely buy this. I don't really mind it being a movie I actually enjoyed Spirit's Within even thought it didn't really follow a FF game. In this day and age if it was up to the planet to get rid of the bad and keep the good over half of humanity would be wiped out that is my opinion.
  24. I live in western Pennsylvania and right now the winds are blowing like crazy. I am pretty sure they said it would get worse before it got better. Doesn't bother me though nothing exciting ever happens so this is kind of exhilarating.
  25. Instead of calling someone a b**** I use the word bisnotch I have no idea where I got it but it just came out one day. I could have sworn I heard this word being used on TV recently.
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