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Everything posted by Raiha

  1. [quote name='Kastom']However, if you open your mind a bit, and look at this whole idea from someone else's point of view you just might see something interesting. Sure, lots of people think that these things are indeed "evil". However, since there are indeed people that do said things, does this not constitute the idea that these people do not think so? So where does this leave us? One person believes that they are good, and some other believes that they are bad. What's the solution? Hard to say. According to you and all human history, it's to kill. Is that not in itself at least somewhat brutal and savage?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Do not patronize me. As I recall someone opened their mind once and suggested that we could try being nice to other people for a change and they nailed him to a tree. You're not responding to my points, you're giving me psychobabble in the name of moral relativism. Stick to the topic at hand. To suggest that people who routinely hack off the heads of infidels is not evil in any way is both embarrassing and demonstrates a level of social confusion that borders on the imbecilic.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Kastom']As soon as I saw the topic of this thread, I just knew that somewhere, at least one person would use the words "good" and/or "evil". I love it! It's so amusing that people still believe in the concept of morality and ethics, and are applying them so readily, especially in the midst of heated arguments and discussions. I really find it hilarious that people here are trying to justify their point of view by saying that their own way of life is better than others. You have every right to, as it's obvious, that in [I]your mind[/I], what these people are doing is in fact "evil". Personally, from [I]my point of view[/I], I find it very funny. But really, that's what it all comes down to. [I]Everything is relative[/I]. Still, at least there are people like TimeChaser...[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Save your moral relativism for a more fitting argument. TimeChaser himself has agreed that change is necessary and while he doesn't stoop to using rhetorically inflammatory statements designed to get a response, he's not wrong. Furthermore, I'm not trying to justify my point of view by saying Western culture better than other cultures. If I was I would have advocated the destruction of every Muslim in the World. Look closer, I suggest we spare Egypt right there in my opening statements. You think that murdering rape victims is not evil? You think it's funny that I'm offended by female genital mutilation and think the people who practice it are brutal savages? I pity you and your ethically comfortable paraplegia.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='TimeChaser']I am not greedy. I am not lustful. I am not evil. What I am, is someone who believes in reason. A reasoned approach to any conflict is preferable. That doesn't mean people won't die, because they have and they will continue to do so, it's a sad fact. But trying to limit casualties as much as we can is better than going in and wiping everyone out.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]You are man. You ken evil just as anyone else in this world. And you are reasonable, but you are also idealistic. Limiting casualties, and holding yourself back for the sake of a measured response is not the way wars are won. Using just enough force to beat back an opponent will spell your inevitable demise. And not everyone is as reasonable as you. You are a rare gem of nobility and honor in a world that has forgotten the meaning of shame. Enjoy it while it lasts.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='TimeChaser'] I hope you are being facetious again. Even if you are, that attitude still scares me, because some people honestly believe it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Actually I'm not, and those people who honestly believe it are also known as the Radical Christian Right. And while I don't agree with many of their policies, I don't think they're wrong about everything. However you're also operating under the belief that you know what is healthy for a country. Look how well it's working for Iran![/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][center][i]"He is the angel with the scabbed wings Hard-drug face, want to powder his nose He will deflower the freshest crop Dry up all the wombs with his rock and roll sores"[/center] She flicked her clawed fingers from behind her scapulae, crouched over with the backs of her hands pressed into her back. Graie felt her flesh ripple as she shifted her weight and jerked her hips almost spasmodically to the drumbeats. Thorn knelt to one side of her, moving his hands just enough to draw attention to the parts of her body the light was playing across. She twitched and fell and curled into a ball, then contracted and released and arched back up again, shuddering as Thorn flicked deerskin against her ribcage.[/i] "Are you sure you want to do it like that tonight?" "Of course I am. I'm not afraid of drawing blood on the stage if it's me." "Won't it sting when I hit you with the-" "Relax Thorn. I'm not a rank amateur anymore. I don't feel pain like I used to." [i]When the music changed again Graie arched back completely, articulating her spinal cord enough to make some of the less experienced audience members flinch. She fell to her knees, threw her head forward so her hair covered her face, and drew her sharpened nails across her back, creating lines of pink that quickly darkened to red. With a quick spin on the ball of her right foot she let her back relax and the blood began to flow, splattering outward far enough to fleck Thorn's pale arms and chest. He smiled and flicked a drop from his fingertips, smearing it across her back with his flogger. She hugged herself again and drew blood even harder, making the marks even brighter, deeper, heavier all over. Seized with pleasure, she convulsed and screamed in ecstasy, the audience sighing with her. Painslut. Algolagnia. Those were her names on the stage. Behind the lights so bright she could blind. And she was blind. Without her contacts or glasses Graie was as blind as a newborn, and it was the reason people would come to see her. Every night she performed at the Birdcage, new people would come to watch. And Thorn would work with her, guide her, even if she wasn't his full time and he would never be her master. She knelt and let him press her face against the ribbons in the surface piercings that ran parallel to his spinal cord. With her teeth she began to untie the bow and she gently tugged back to let the fabric elongate itself. When she tilted her head back the crowd could see the line of black connecting his back to her mouth, and some of them moaned aloud. Visually it was as powerful as a stroke across the groin, and half the audience shifted their positions. Then the music wound down and it ended with Graie's face pressed down into the stage floor. Thorn's hand covered her entire cheek and forehead, his fingers spread out like claws. People clapped, cheered, catcalled, and Graie flushed red under their praise. Slowly she let herself be dragged upwards by her hair, moving just enough to keep it from being unbearably painful. Then she bowed as well, and the blood flowing across her back changed directions again.[/i] [size=1]**Because Allamorph is my dear leader, I have to warn anyone who is under the age of consent. This thread isn't for kiddies, children, immature, those with heart problems or a history of heart problems, those who are pregnant or are about to become preg- You get the idea.[/size][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']There is no real best course of action. I do agree what we're doing is right. If we left, the curds would be gone within a matter of days. Oh and I'm glad someone brought up the sons of Isaac and Ishmel, I have a question about that though. IF we would somehow find the ultimate solution, would that mean we would bring about the end of the world if they stopped fighting?[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Kurds dear, they aren't the leftovers from the cheese fermentation process. And that someone being me I guess I'll answer that. No, we wouldn't bring about the end of the world, God would. And we'd then perish in fire and death because He did promise to not use water the second time around, which I guess was sweet of Him when you think about it. And I seriously doubt humanity will ever be consciously evolved enough to find an ultimate solution.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Anime_girl5'] 3) My spelling is for the computer. I dont spell like this for school! It's faster, and better. I mean as comparing myself to her, and I guess u now. Cause have entered this... But I'm sure that I know more about it than ya'll do. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Please spell like you do for school, it means we can take you seriously instead of writing you off immediately. And I'm also sure that your arrogance is going to cost you dearly. I am a minister's daughter and the niece and grandchild of Lutheran Christian parsons. I have been steeped in Christianity from the day I was born, anointed with sacred oil, blessed with holy water, and Confirmed before deacons of the Lutheran church. I can recite you scriptures on command, tell you their meanings, and exegete Jeremiah to you with half my brain tied behind my back. Comparing yourself to me and your own simple grasp of Christianity is not only laughable, it is needlessly patronizing. However because I take pity on you, I'll tell you right now that you can leave off the witnessing to anyone who isn't interested. So like everyone on the boards. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Anime_girl5'] and how old r u? Unless u r WAY older than me, I do not believe that u shall call me a kid. :) but that depnds on u... dude, I know WAY more about my religion than u'll ever know. ...:animesigh[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]*clears throat quietly* She's about 16, and if she's calling you kid it's because your spelling and writing aren't on par with hers. I am way older than you, and I'll call you kid for all the reasons I'd call anyone kid. A diminutive. And I really really REALLY doubt you know more about your religion than anyone else that even cares to know about it. You can't post in a debate 'Because God Says So' because that just won't fly with any skeptic. And talking about witnessing in a thread designed for Intelligent Design and Evolution theories isn't exactly a good idea, nor does it do anything to advance the cause of people who might also be religious. Like. Me.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='TimeChaser']Well it is obvious that the intelligence organizations need a shake-up first. Doesn't mean they can't work at all, though. :)[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]For that to work you'd need to demolish the wall that exists between intelligence gathering organizations and law enforcement. We also sometimes call this Jamie Gorelick's wall. Just ask Bill Clinton about it. He'll be happy to not tell you about the times we could've gotten Bin Laden if he had taken a break from the freaking blow jobs and simply gone for it. But anyway intelligence can work, when its hands aren't tied by a squeamish politician looking to cover his own enormous rear end.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='TimeChaser'] And Piltdown Man was long ago exposed as a hoax, so that isn't a valid exampled of a "missing link".[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I was kidding sweetie. I know he's a hoax. I also know that a variety of other "missing links" are also hoaxes, no matter how much some scientists try to use them to get famous. Donkey jawbone, dolphin vertebrae, ape skulls, etc.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='TimeChaser']We should all work together on a solution that can avoid the kind of bloodshed you seem to be advocating. I know other people believe as you do, but I sincerely hope your view does not become the overwhelmingly accepted one.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]First you'd need a populace in the Middle East that wants to work on a solution. Instead you have a group of people so sincerely convinced of their own moral superiority and convictions that they're willing to kill children to make a statement and win their wars. You have people who will booby trap babies and small children just to kill Americans and other helpless civilians. No sort of civilized response is going to work with a people who respond most effectively to brute force. And you honestly have no idea what I really believe. I wouldn't be so tacky as to post my true opinions on a subject on the INTERNET. [joke][/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='TimeChaser']Evolution has practically been proven except that we can't see it happening as it takes place over millions of years. But we do know mutation and environmental conditions act in tandem with natural selection to produce change in life forms.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Practically proven? And you're right, we can't see it happening over millions of years. I also believe humans weren't around millions of years ago to even notice. And yes, mutation and natural selection occur in nature around us, but I don't believe that that isn't the hand of God at work. And as far as theory and science go, don't preach to me about what constitutes theory. I know my Biology and I know how complicated the human body is. I find it difficult to believe that all of this happened as a happy sort of accident. Too many things could've gone wrong in the mutation process. I also believe that cross breeding between races like Chinese and German, Black and Asian, can result in interesting genetic changes. I can see the science in that. But until you bring me a creature that's the 'great throwback' or capture for me another Piltdown man I'll just happily disagree with the theory of evolution as it's preached to us in school as proven fact.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='TimeChaser']I got that you were kind of being facetious to some degree. I realize conflict will not be solved without blood on either side, that's a sad given. But I think casualty on a massive scale is just sickening. We don't need a to perpetuate a holy war from our own point of view, let alone theirs.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Casualty on a massive scale is how you win a war. Because these countries do not allow free speech, a war of ideas can not be fought on any level. And it's not perpetuating a holy war. It's ending one. The U.S. has yet to declare a fatwah on the Middle East, but Islam as a political vehicle for terrorism has declared a fatwah on the U.S. and Israel in particular. It's the job of any nation who cares about freedoms for women, gays, and so on and so forth to combat terrorism. But how we do it would have to be either completely subtle [and thus difficult to the point of almost being impossible] or completely devastating. Propose a working solution and then I'll be interested in considering if that's even a possibility. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='TimeChaser']Why would you want that? That's just as extreme a view as they have over on their side. Extremism to fight extremism is not very intelligent solution.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Did you catch the facetiousness of it all? No? That's okay. I only mentioned it once. And besides, it's not as extreme because I'm not motivated by religious mandate or some cracked belief that if I bring about Armageddon the 13th Imam will show up to save us all. I also don't think publicly hanging homosexuals is a good idea, nor do I support the killing of a woman or girl who is raped. So it's not just as extreme so much as it's a cold and completely logical thing to do if you think about it. I never said it was intelligent, but neither is the vain hope that someday Jews and Christians will find common ground with people who have repeatedly stated in word and in deed that they want to kill. Us. All. For all you know, this is motivated by survivalism. And if we manage to stamp all of them out in a series of quick attacks, they won't have a chance to strike back. Peace through superior firepower and all that. Besides, a pre-emptive strike means never having to say you're sorry.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]We did not come from 'monkeys' and Time Chaser has already stated - we share a common ancestor. You can look this all up on Wikipedia yourself. [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I don't accept the science behind wikipedia any more than the science given to me in my college and high school textbooks. It's a theory. Theoretical. And since we can't reproduce that whole 'making new species' thing I'm pretty sure it's as of yet unproven. In the same way we can't disprove it, just like God and the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause. Oh tragedy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Bomb the excrement out of every country except for Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Israel and then go about our business is my plan. Iran has a people ready for revolution but afraid of being mowed down with machine guns and tactile nuclear devices. The Palestinians are a grossly misled people that are the virtual Muslim lepers of the world which is why no other country wants them for anything except cannon fodder for Israli missiles so they can be trotted out as an example of why Israel should die. Saudi Arabia can burn for all I care after the way they've treated the women of the land. Read the story "Princess" by one of their former queens if you don't believe me. Syria is where I believe the WMDs we gave Saddam 16 months to hide are located. Israel has a right to exist and considering the map of the middle east and how little space they take up, it wouldn't KILL people to just accept it and move on. But people will kill for it anyway. In short, "Kill 'em all. And then let God sort them out." I say this facetiously though because I can honestly think of no other real solution that isn't just pie in the sky wishy washy hopehopehopewithnosubstance. Biblically speaking I believe the same thing as a lot of other people who care to study ancient history. The sons of Isaac will make war with the sons of Ishmael until the end of the world.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]To a shockingly large number of males on OB I'm considered a big sister figure, maternal creature, and object of interest. Korey made my signature banner based on a conversation we had in which he called me a "Bad Mommy." Insert your own connotations here. Allamorph in all of his runty kindness made me my avatar based on a recent vgcats comic in which an angry angry Aeris takes revenge on her friend via a time traveling etc. etc. etc. It fits and ties into my title, "Only Angry Most Of The Time," if only because there are days in which I'm not upset, frustrated, and entirely non tractable.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]So does anyone have any further requests? I've hit my goal as far as page views and post counts go, but I always have more to write about. And someone will always dislike someone else. Especially if you're delusional.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [quote name='Kenso']But that is the exact problem in this election. McCain is 72-years-old. If elected, he will be the oldest man ever elected president. He is at an age where even in perfect health, it would not be a surprise if something popped up that, to put it bluntly, killed him. The Vice Presidents in this election are nearly as important as the Presidents. It's one of the reasons my father won't vote for Obama. He doesn't like Joe Biden, and he's convinced that the one of the fairly large number of racists in this country of ours is going to assassinate him. Technically, it's not that farfetched. So the Vice Presidents matter a lot more than normal this time around.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]For the record Joe Biden is 66 and has his own health problems, so he could also at any time drop dead from an aneurysm or an attack of the myocardial sort. You never know. After all, if you don't have your health... [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][i]I could feel his arms on me, and I gave him just the barest hint of a grin; my lips burned like fire if I tried to move them more than was necessary for speaking. Kenso didn't smile back, so I sobered up and gave him a look, leaning against him just a little when he helped me up the staircase to my apartment.[/i] "You've been seen with me at the hospital, you've been seen teasing me at the Y, you wear a uniform, people have seen you at work talking to me about files we had in common." "So there's not really anything to all this shit about how you're my hei-" [i]The door was already open, and he looked so cute standing there bewildered. I couldn't help myself. Ignoring the fire that lanced through my bottom lip I kissed him anyway. Not too hard, but hard enough to let him know I wanted him to shut up about worrying who thought who was going out with who and why it was so important in the first place. He awkwardly closed the door behind us, and I heard the locks snap into place. I let go just when I felt his heartbeat accelerate, from where I'd placed my hand on his chest.[/i] "Don't worry about that right now." "If you say so." "Kenso- I don't care what people say. If being your heina means Southsiders are going to take care of me when some shadow puppet government types try to mindfuck me then so be it." "So they got you before they got me." "The guy was a ghost. Same for you right?" "Always in the shadows?" "Yes. They put something in my purse. I haven't looked at it, but Eduardo told me I better give it to you. He went through it when his sister was cutting my eyelids for me." [i]I held out the white sheets to him and he took them from my hands, slowly unfolding the creases. After a few minutes he spoke in the quiet tone I was beginning to realize meant he was holding himself back from violent activity.[/i] "Eduardo knows his shit then. This is a list of the dirty politicians and cops in Otaku City. And not just names." "Addresses?" "Places of business. Hookers they frequent. Last night wasn't just a cholo convention like Jae said it was." "So these people are-" "Spooks? Cleaners? I have no fucking clue. All I know is that this is a time bomb. Poison. A problem." [i]He dropped the papers down onto the coffee table and I shivered uncontrollably. Freaking heater was still out. I automatically looked towards the window, but the blinds were still drawn from last night.[/i] "So what'll we do with this?" "My guess is that they want assassins to clean up the city. But then maybe they just want blackmail." "They want us to find out who fucked up my brother too." "Why pick on you and me though? I mean we can't be the only honest people left in the city." [i]I quietly began to fold the papers back into a small packet.[/i] "Eduardo and his sister were honest. They have that whole 'honor among thieves' shit down to a science. In an honest Otaku-City, they would be respectable people, not just gang bangers."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Gee, wonder who this person could possibly be.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]How charming. Now it's only a matter of time before someone helps him get out. Oh wait I think I saw this episode of CSI! ......but seriously, it's about bloody time. He's no Kratos, he's got no rights at all. Forfeited them when he decided to be a bad boy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='Jeremy'][SIZE="1"][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbDUa0yMCjo"]The Debate[/URL] I've watched the debate, and my summary is: Sarah Palin equals queef quacker[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]That would be an opinion and not a summary of said debates. And it would also be mean spirited, unworthy, and based largely on the popular zeitgeist of the day, not on any actual evidence. If you could possibly clarify your stance with: "I think she's unintelligent and unfit to be a vice president" that would be helpful. But since I can already imagine your stance to be the stance so many of the moderately snobbish or otherwise elitist I think I'll spare myself and say this: Sarah Palin just shot Joe Biden between the eyes and made him look a fool on national television. And did he not have it coming?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][i]Grace absentmindedly bussed her plate to the sink and began to load her dishes, rinsing out her water glass as if in half ritual half awake. She put down the plates in the rack and looked over the counter towards the table. Eros and Carol were sharing some hidden joke that had gone right over Yamiko's head. Mrs. Young was contemplating two pieces of green bean on the end of her fork when she whipped her head around and spoke in a voice as dark as a young man's and not at all the quavering voice of an old woman.[/i] "They're climbing the first wall. Get the dogs inside and put Yamiko away with them." [i]Carol immediately snapped her head around and Korey could've sworn her eyes expanded well beyond the confines of her eyelids, when they went back to normal. Eros was already standing and dragging a stiff Yamiko across the room, Escobar and Carlotta's nails clicking on the hardwood floor. Mrs. Young was already standing and putting her plates in the sink. He turned over to see Grace's nostrils flaring like a dog on the hunt. I smelled Eaters. Rotten to the core, like apples that were left out for too long. They were getting closer all the while. Feeling the hairs on my neck sparkle and rise up of their own accord, I reached down to my thigh for the Glock, and flicked the safety off. In an instant Carol was standing next to me, moving faster than I'd thought she was.[/i] "We'll pick them off one at a time. Korey can help." [i]He looked over when Carol spoke his name and I smirked just a little. I'd seen raids like this before. Inevitably, more than one Eater would try to get at us, and it was just a matter of taking them apart before they massed. Ignoring them long enough would make them turn on each other, but there was always a mess to clean up afterwards. I laughed aloud like a child this time around and bounded over to the back door, hearing Carol sharpening two of her knives against each other. Both in her left hand, she flicked them expertly, her wrist moving in a blur. Korey stood as well, pulling his lanky frame up from the table. Eros was nowhere to be seen, but Josie was sitting in the middle of the kitchen, her long tail frisking back and forth jauntily, as if she were already savoring the flesh of the Eaters we would kill. A rattle at the far wall, from the chains we'd taken the liberty of stringing across the middle and top of the fences made everyone's hearing sharpen. And Josie rose to her feet and she let out a long, low growl.[/i] "Easy Jo' girl." [i]Her tail stiffly wagged, but her ears were pinned back, nearly flat against the sides of her head. With a stealthy movement, Carol gently pulled the sliding glass door from its only mildly ajar position to wide open. I smiled once and then as if on cue, Korey and I flung ourselves out into the wide back yard, my Glock nearly glowing red in my hands. Behind me I could hear Josie howling with sheer animalistic delight, and Carol's voice rose in pitch to meet hers.[/i][/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Weddings, sex, food, and probably some roasting sheep. I suppose that's about as Montanan as I can make it without cowboy hats. And boots.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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