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Everything posted by Char!
Phoenix's powers where tinkered with for the sake of the movie, but consider this: What is Jean's true mutant power? And what does it say about the validity of her outcome? All signs in each sub-plot of the story point to yet another sequel. I'll embrace it.
[color=teal][b][size=1]6:54 PM SKREE-EET! Fwump. SEEEEEEEWWW!!! POP! SKREEEEEE!! Ploosh! [i]There were three this morning. Someone must be late.[/i] At this time every night, Michael Smithson could expect several things: the bells at the corner church clanging about (always four minutes late), the streetlights beginning to flicker on as the sun droops behind the industrialized horizon, and four punks in black suits setting off acid rockets in the street fourteen floors below him. One would usually go whizzing past his window, up about ten more floors and go off safely enough above him. Another would usually not even reach the fifth floor, let alone the fourteenth. Two others would almost always avoid sparing the poor man, going off just outside his window and splattering hot, smelly juice all over the outside of his window. Smithson never understood why they were called acid rockets; nothing ever deteriorated. Perhaps they were named after one of the many Acid Terrorists. But perhaps not. [i]There's always a fourth. How odd.[/i] Smithson heard the one below him, as usual, and one high above him. But only a third went off and splattered his window. Intrigued, he left his desk and peered down onto the street, but made sure to not be too noticeable. Odd. There were the four punks, gazing up at potential victims. The streetlights bathed their sneering faces with an orange glow, almost giving them alien features. One of them looked more disappointed than any of the others that nobody poked their heads out of their windows tonight. He also held in his hand a small phaser. [i]This is bad. They must be serious tonight.[/i] Michael Smithson, a respected member of the Time Force, was in no position to keep any peace. He had been off duty for an hour now; even if he had managed to sneak out any equipment, he has no right by law to impose authority on civil affairs. Or present-day ones, for that matter. Smithson called the cops - the "3D's", as he and his colleagues called them - and requested assistance. Huh. Busy. Unlimited time-travelling technology, and the world still relies on busy phones for the police. Smithson bolted ans electromagnetized his door. He heard faint screams from floors below him, and the suprisingly sweet smell of burning flesh coming through the air vents. Smithson closed them and proceeded to now open his window. He was very aware that several murders were taking place below him, but he merely reclined back in his chair and took a nap. [i]No matter. The phrase "What's done is done" no longer has a place in the world. What's done is yet to be, and what has not happened already has.[/i] First thing on his list at work tomorrow: [i]Stop hooligans.[/i][/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][b][size=1][i]Name: [/i]Michael Smithson [i]Age:[/i] 50 [i]Appearance:[/i] Distinguished graying hair, pudgy but certainly not unfit, Average complexion, average height, Perpetually wounded-looking eyes, stubble recognizable as a few days' not shaving. [i]Bio:[/i] Unbeknownst to him until qite recently, his grandfather fell victim to McKline's ruthless, sanguinary proselytizing during the last century. Having already known of the story of McKline and his methods of conversion, Michael Smithson finds this fact astounding. Becuase of his obivous detachment form his late grandfather (being dead before one's birth aften causes such a detachment!) Smithson owes his recent interest in McKline's harrowing case to curiosity over a bloodthirsty vengefulness. Rather than seek an excuse to avenge his long-dead grandfather, Smithson's curiosity presses him to explore his queer connection to such a terrible "entity." However, his connectoin to McKline does not stop with his dead grandfather. His 24year-old nephew long ago joined the cult devoted to McKline himself. Smithson had always disapproved of his nephew's actions, and long ago broke off all contact with him. But when reports of recent temporal terrorism placed his nephew as the leading suspect, Smithson decides to take a personal interest in McKline after all. In order to find his nephew, thinks Smithson, he must learn more about the foundation of the cult, meaning finding a way into McKline's mental dominion. 23 years ago Smithson's wife and newborn son disappeared, presumably as two of many people who each year fall victim to inadvertant chain reactions of temporal terrorists and the Time Force members who try to set things (reasonably) right. His losses drove him to become a Time Cop, and his thoughts occasionally drift around the idea of stealing a time machine to save his wife and son. He creates elaborate plans to do so as a way of coping with his grief. However, his relatively high position in the Time Force and his sense of duty keeps him from actually following through. Um... I don't know what else to put. He's respected by enough colleagues to count, he lives alone in a modest condo on the 14th floor of a metropolitan structure... He... has good posture... or something. That's really all I can think of. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Well, thanks for what you gave me. I can surely work with it. ^_^ --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
Hey. With an Honors English class comes the responsibility of writing a research/persuasive essay paper. Drat. I foolishly picked a tough topic: the war's effect on America's national budget and debt. Say what you will, I personally find this as hard to research, especially with the war being near over. Or something. Right. Anyway, I was hoping that some of you reading this will have any valuable information I could use to help me? Anything at all, no matter how broad it may seem, would be of great help. Who knows what minor tidbit can greatly improve my paper-to-be? As my English teacher commanded me, I will properly cite everyone whose info I use... Though it will probably matter little in the long run. Yeah. I'ma go now. Thanks a lot, in advance! --Mike "char,char!"
[color=teal][size=1][b]Who's seen the new music video? Whoa... talk about trippy...[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Orien_Xel [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I live in Califorinai, in the Scaremento valley, so we don't have snow. All our winters are mild, except when it gets "cold", and rains. Otherwise its usually above 60 degrees out here. :D[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=teal][size=1]Oh yeah? You Califonrians. Try spending a winter here in Wisconsin. Puts hair on yer chest every time you walk outside. Heh. :) Yep, I too waltzed outside in my heavy coat, a scarf, and a sweatshirt this morning. The only difference is that it was like, below freezing this morning. That's the thing about Wisconsin. The temp can change with a snap of the fingers. Oiy. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal]][size=1]I've heard "Swing Swing" and it's one of my favorite temporary songs. So emo... *sigh* I saw the music video for it, as well. So emo... *sigh* Though good. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]Well, it's about 50 degrees today here in Milwaukee. Yes, that is a heat wave in the middle of February. I stepped outside today after school, and all I could think of was "mmm... summmmmmmmmmer..." Yeah, I realized just how much last summer rocked, and just how much cold cold winters suck. Like this one. I for one hope this weather sicks around for a while. And I'm dying for some summerlicious, er, um... stuff. Yep. Who else is waiting for summer and/or warmer weather? --Mike "char,char"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]I can't say I knew him as well as DOK did, but we talked a few times. Sometimes he'd stand with us outside after school and just chill by the tree. ...but not anymore. When I actually said that out loud to myself, it fully hit me, and I cried. What makes me mad is that today everything seemed back to normal. Much too soon... *cries* --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]It sounds peachy, yo. I've planned out a certain day, one that's well far away yet. I'll catch The Matrix: Reloaded in May, and after it I'll go catch a baseball game at Miller Park. Though I personally wish death on baseball, it is the most awesome thing to go to Miller Park and watch the Brewers blow it again. Yep. --Mike "char,char"[/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]Ah. You no me and mie mispeleens. Sorry about that. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Oh yeah, the "worst singer in the world"? Good times, my friend. Good times. *walks off* --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]I shall watch it, solely because there is a contestant who graduated from my high school in '99. But I freakin' hate the show. Notice how you aren't hearing too much about that Kelly chick... The show's completely overhyped and stupid. But that's just an innocent opinion, not worthy of harsh bashing and flaming. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]Well, I respect what the guy did years ago, but like Guns N' Roses, I think he should've left on a high note. And just between you and me... I think he might've had some work done. *gasp* Heh. --Mike "char,char![/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]:wow: Well, ah, I ah, think that we should try to get [i]some[/i] homeless people to work, just because it's a good thing to do? :help: And enough of all this pointless bashing of ideas, yo. Save that for the U.N. --Mike "char,char![/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]I know very little about this "band," except that their track on the ne DareDevil album, "Bring Me To Life," is the best song since New Found Glory's "My Friends Over You" (no, we are not here to debate the fact that "My Friends Over You" rules over every single person in the universe; that's flaming for another thread). I'm asking if anyone has heard this song, and if they know if their other pieces are just as good. Mmmmm... Evanescense... *drools* --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]Huh. One of my three best friends is a girl. Why are guys such sexist pricks? --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]And damn you for not telling me this is where you got it from Mike! I could have made quite less on an aßß out of myself. [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=teal][size=1]Oh yeah? And enlighten me on this one: what exactly is an aBB? :p --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[b][color=teal][size=1]If I died, no one would care. I don't know what I would like to come back as. For some reason, a badger is stuck in my mind. Meh. But see, I'm planning on going to heaven, not a hole in the ground or a cave or wherever badgers live. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by silentdeath [/i] [B][color=blue]my name is judson joseph _______.[/color] [color=red]SO EVERYONE CALL ME JUDD!!!!!!!!!!!![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1][b]Well, hullo, Judson. ;) Hey, that's not a bad name at all. I like it. And to quote my Geometry teacher, "It's better than being called a crocus." --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]Hmm... Check page 2 on the General Discussion Forum. A closed topic, entitled "If you're happy and you know it bomb Iraq" Funny, how the same thing can be much more successful in this forum than the other. Yep. --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]My math teacher has worse jokes than your math teacher. :p[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1][b]Wanna bet? At least your math teacher doesn't go off into completely random subjects like wallpaper, calls from his grandchild about counting, crocuses (and how some things are better than being called one), car jacks, caves in Nebraska, blah blah blah blah blah... And since he tries to turn all of them into jokes, I got ya beat. :D --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B][color=darkblue]"Meteora" (it does sound like a FF spell doesnt it lol) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1][b]Meteora is actually a huge landmark in Greece, from the biggest and most important group of monasteries in Greece after those in Mount Athos. [IMG]http://www.gate1travel.com/Destinations/CatholicPilgrimages/CP02_03/Images/METEORA.GIF[/IMG] LP mentioned something about wanting to make the place famous by naming an album after it. Sounds kinda arrogant, but hey, whatever. I'm kind of waiting for the new album. It's been so long since LP actually put some solid stuff out, I don't know whether or not I'll like their new stuff. I'd BETTER still be a fan... I heard that the mood for "Somewhere I Belong" is gonna be a fairly hopeful and optimistic one. Wow, that'll be odd; something from Linkin Park that [i]doesn't[/i] portray hopelessness... --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]
[color=teal][size=1][b]I haven't really heard much of Audioslave except for "Coshise," but I'm greatly impressed nonetheless. Am I alone in hearing real similarities to AC/DC? Maybe it's just me, but wow, they sound alike. Heh, their video for "Cochise" was especially good in the beginning, they way it was all dramatic as the members from Rage got to Chris Cornell. Yeah... makes me wanna get their CD... --Mike "char,char!"[/b][/color][/size]