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Everything posted by Char!

  1. [color=teal][size=1]C'mon James, you're saying that it's not even [i]possible?[/i] I was intrigued by the facts suppoting the belief that we didn't go to the moon. As more and more issues were brought up, I found it more and more easy to believe that it [i]was[/i] all a hoax. Now you know, I don't consider myself an "ignorant" person, and I'm sure that very few of the rest of the speculators would call themselves that either. As for the issue of the human skeleton, I believed it right away. But curiously enough, while writing this I've gotten more suspicious at the story's credibility. Who knows, maybe there [i]is[/i] a human skeleton up there. We may never know for sure, and yeah, that sucks. But it's interesting and hardly ignorant for people to at least question and wonder. No offense to anyone. :D[/color][/size]
  2. [color=teal][size=1]88.2%, wow, what a sheltered, child-like life I'm forced to leave...[/size][/color]
  3. Char!


    [color=teal][size=1]I'd say being youself would have to be the best advice. Don't try too hard, otherwise you'll have to [i]act[/i] the same way every time you two talk. Which really sucks, 'cause then you can't stop being a certain way and it'll piss you off. Whoops, got a little carried away there! :D[/color][/size]
  4. [color=teal][size=1]Nevertheless, I doubt anybody would want something like that to happen again.[/color][/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]I think most people sign up with the intention of posting...but they post maybe once or twice and then they get bored...or lose interest, or find something else to do. Some people sign up and just simply forget to post here. It happens -- I know I've joined boards where I've posted once or twice and become bored with the place. In fact, OtakuBoards is only one of two boards that I ever regularly post at. Just shows how great our community must be. ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]Or in the instances that people sign up at the last minute, maybe they forget their username, or password, or even the name of the website... That's happened to me and I'm still scratching my head over names and passwords... Alzheimers at 14? Possibly.[/color][/size]
  6. [color=teal][size=1]Wow, after all that, and we lose to Germany 1 - 0... Oh well, the US hasn't done this well in 70-something years, I guess we should be proud of how far we came... But all the way next year, right?[/color][/size]
  7. [color=teal][size=1]Wow, don't evolve it or it'll lose it's color... You did catch it, right? I once found a shiny Tangela, but the freakin' box was full... Oy, I'll never forget that...[/color][/size]
  8. [color=teal][size=1]Okay, I'm tryin to get to the level just past the Lost Woods on a linked game. I don't want you guys to tell me what the sequence to get through the Lost Woods is, but just tell me this: is there any way for me to figure it out without long hours of trial and error? I mean, was I given any clues in the game that I don't recall? Thanks![/color][/size]
  9. [color=teal][size=1]Man, guitar is hard and I'd love to learn it, but this guitar we got is ancient, and my fingers just don't bend the way they need to. Heh, that's why clarinet rules...[/color][/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Cyndaquil is good in the 1st half but 2nd half,the typhlosion will be dead,unless maybe the 2 secret moves willl help the guy.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]Hm? What secret moves are you talking about? I gotta Typhlosion, and I'm interested...[/color][/size]
  11. [color=teal][size=1]You could call me a retired Pokémaniac and Digimaniac too. In my opinion (and if anyone find it offensive then pay it no mind), Pokémon is a lot cornier. Aside from the new Pokémon they encounter but never try to catch, every episode is the same. Digimon actually has a plot. That's really the only difference I can see.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=teal][size=1]So, the password I got at the end of Seasons, I'd put into a new file in Ages?[/color][/size]
  13. [color=teal][size=1]I had a bad insomnia attack last night; didn't go to bed until 'bout 5:15 am... I had absolutely [i]nothing[/i] to do... Was bored outta my mind. But then my mom had the nerve to try and wake me up at 7:00. Heh... she'll learn...[/color][/size]
  14. [color=teal][size=1]Yes, exactly!;)[/color][/size]
  15. [color=teal][size=1]Hey, I remember that name at the top of the thread! :wave: Anyway, yeah, you do need them to finish the game, but that's all I'd ever do with them. They're just... too strong for their own good.[/color][/size]
  16. [color=teal][size=1]Well I guess Geodude is you best bet then, but really any Pokémon can beat Falkner, as long as it's raised properly...[/color][/size]
  17. [color=teal][size=1]Also, if Ivysaur hasn't learned Razor Leaf yet, replace Vine Whip with it when you get the chance. I've found that Rage doesn't work well with the Char family. Replace it with... something that isn't Rage. Slash would work well, but he hasn't learned it yet. Flamethrower either...[/color][/size]
  18. [color=teal][size=1]I really don't feel like posting it up right now, but I don't wanna leave you hanging: [list=1] [*]Save in Prof. Elm's Lab, before choosing any Pokémon. [*]Choose Cyndaquil. [*]Get your Pokéballs, and make sure you don't save at all. [*]Catch any Pokémon. [*]Deposit Cyndaquil in the Pokécenter. You still shouldn't have saved. [*]Start to save. When it says "Saving... Do not turn off the power..." turn off the power between "turn" and "off" [*]Turn it back on, and you should be back in Prof. Elm's place. [*]This time choose Totodile, and repeat the entire process. If you look, you'll see Cyndaquil in the PC, but don't take him out. [*]Now you should be in Prof. Elm's place again. Choose Chikorita and withdraw the other two. [/list=1] I don't advise players with long games saved to do this, because, obviously, you'll lose your saved game. Also, Cyndaquil and Totodile won't show up as being caught in your Pokédex. Just breed them later. And if this cheat doesn't work the first time, keep trying. It does work, you just gotta do it right. :)[/color][/size]
  19. [color=teal][size=1]I say choose randomly, and work with whatever you get. But you know, you [i]could[/i] get all three, without any cheating device whatsoever...[/color][/size]
  20. [color=teal][size=1]But you can't get any Mareep before the first gym, can you?[/color][/size]
  21. [color=teal][size=1]First of all, you gotta get rid of Kadabra's Teleport. But at Lv. 25 I guess you can't help that. Plus, it's hard to rate, because with low levels I don't know whether you're only halfway done with the game, because if you are then suggestions for different moves won't come in handy until you get your Pokémon to high enough levels to learn those attacks. Considering you're not done with the game (again, I don't know whether you are or aren't), it's a good team. It's well balanced, and will get you through the game if you keep training them.[/color][/size]
  22. Char!

    Boss Help

    [color=teal][size=1]I'm just gonna try this, and if it works, that's great. But if not, just shut it down. I've been noticing a lot of threads asking about how to defeat bosses in various Zelda games. Gets pretty cluttering, at least to me. So I propose that people post their questions about bosses here, in one nice, orderly thread. And that'll be one less thing for Desbreko to worry about.:)[/color][/size]
  23. [color=teal][size=1]Don't worry about any passwords, just dance. It starts really slow, so you should be able to get the Boomerang pretty easily. Just look at the center guy. He poses is sets of threes, points to the left, hit left. points to right, hit right. Strikes cute little pose, hit A. Don't look at your position on the square, it'll just confuse you. You'll get it.:)[/color][/size]
  24. [color=teal][size=1]Wait, that guy's not in Level 7, is he? Level 8, yeah, and I think Level 4 or 5, but Level 7 only has one mini-boss, the skull guy with the birdies. I dunno, I haven't played that game since who knows when...[/color][/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Unholy Newt [/i] [B] That is bull. There are millions of things we don't know a bout Earth. Especially in what Majora's Mask said. We haven't cured all of the diseases and other bad stuff like that. We should clean up our own mess until moving on. I am 100% against this until Earth cleans up their act. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]Alright, I'll give you that one. I agree, we [i]should[/i] clean up our own planet first, but in the instance that it is too far gone, then I'd want some sort of fallback. I don't know about you, but that's what I think. In response to other posts: I realize that the ISS is not meant for travel. But as a space station, it allows for other machines to take off from there, and travel even further than normally allowed. So I'm for that, all the way.[/color][/size]
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