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Everything posted by Char!

  1. My dad's a Cancer... I don't know what the rules are for which signs get along together... But everyone's gotta get along with a Leo, right? RIGHT???
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B]Thats scary :worried: dude i mean dang 120 ppl absent thats alot well i'm glad that my school doesn't virus's.Hope u get better :) [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that does depend on how big Jam's school is. Start "pumpin' the orange juice," that's what my mom always says. It never works, though. :therock:
  3. Dude, you remind me of that kid from [i]October Skies.[/i] Good luck!
  4. The only thing that sucks is that it isn't a televised game, otherwise I would advertise the boards, and would wave a sign sayin' wassup to everyone here. But I can't! :bawl:
  5. Good point. Ah, how fun it would be to be a Newbie in this V5...
  6. Yeah, I know how that is. And sometimes, if you post a lot one day, you go back the next day and have no interest at all in posting. That's how it sometimes works for me.
  7. Yeah, that's it. 100? Really? I thought it was 200... :huh:
  8. I was walkin' home one day and I saw this newly dead mourning dove. The sad thing is that those things are usually in pairs, so, you can see where I'm goin' with this... :( :(
  9. You may hit that mark sooner than you think, amiboshi. Just keep doin what you're doin, and you'll be there before you know it. Look at me: a couple months ago I had about 100 posts. Alright, bad example, but you get the idea.
  10. Dude, Mystery Guy, James said in another post that Newbies don't get more avatars until you get 200 posts... I think... :confused:
  11. Maybe this year things'll be different. Maybe I'll actually gain freedom, and get an actual outside-of-school social life! [i]*drools*[/i]
  12. It's funny though. Am I the only one who thought of James as a guy wearing a suit and in his late 30's? He's gotta be the most mature (sounding) 19-yr-old. I know. Happy Birthday to Adam, and James! Actually, happy birthday also to mr. sexy, Chibi D.Scythe, Aurican, Alucard, and Vagetto. They should be let in on this party too... HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE!!! :D
  13. I think all the reality shows suck, except that [i]Murder in Small Town X[/i] show. That one kicked... butt... :all:
  14. Char!

    Jason X

    Hey did anyone see [i]Jason X?[/i] I heard the WWF's Kane played Jason... That'd be an interesting reason to go see it... Other than that I'm sure I don't wanna see it.
  15. I only have.... too many posts more to go until I reach the legendary (to Newbies and Junior Members) 80x80... [i]*starts drooling at the thought of CUSTOM avatars... Auuuuuuuuuuuggghhhhhhh...*[/i]
  16. Ever seen [i]Outbreak?[/i] Heh heh heh...
  17. I'll probably fall over or something... I'll trip the tuba player on accident and down comes the rest of the band... Shut up, Char, you're scaring yourself outta it...:nervous:
  18. Yeah, then maybe I could submit my stick person still-fights... Hee hee...
  19. Heh... So, what's everyone's sign? I'm a Leo, and it's very cool.
  20. I say it actually looks a tad more mature than the last version... The big blocky 4 on the last version's site was pretty tacky, if you ask me. This one looks much better.
  21. Good point. But yeah, they're taken [i]from[/i] real creatures, and are made into fantasy creatures. But who knows? And if you wanna get into the topic of maybe on other planets... Then I'll be the first to agree that they're real...
  22. The only fun one can really have with a Lv. 100 team is by battling friends who also have Lv. 100 teams. Too bad for me I don't know anyone who still has Pokémon cartridges.
  23. Char!

    GS ball

    Yeah, but in the show, has it been opened?
  24. And then Eevee evolves to Espeon and Umbreon based on happiness... By the way, which do you prefer? Espeon or Umbreon? I'd pick Espeon because he's pretty much stronger in every way. [color=indigo]This started off as an okay topic, so lets try to avoid turning it into a "favorites" thread, okay? - Desbreko[/color]
  25. Oh yeah, I forgot, there's a new game. Like I said before, too much of anything is a bad thing. Especially Pokémon and their games. I miss the olden days of Red/Blue. [i]*sniff*[/i]
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