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Think in reverse, people. Instead of more areas and characters, think less. How about... A war occured. Much land has been destroyed. Many species of Pokémon become extinct. The struggle for survival is, well... a struggle... There is no more large, colorful world. Buildings lay deserted and crumbling, the world has become a desolate, unfriendly environment, and you no longer have the choice of becoming a Pokémon master and defeating Gym Leaders. Those days are over with. Now you must learn to survive, with the sole purpose of your Pokémon being protection against starving, war-affected villians. Instead of Pokémarts, one must create their own Pokéballs, reverting back to the days of old. In the place of Pokécenters, a person must let time heal their Pokémon. You also have the necessary choice to kill wild Pokémon for food. It's survival of the fittest, and you're on your own. Heck, I might even play a game like that.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wes [/i] [B]Remember that a ! appears next to the level after you've found everything and beaten the level. In Super NES, Orang-Utan Gang has five secrets, two are near the end and two more require Expresso. I haven't found the last one yet. Try jumping off strange cliffs in levels where you can't find everything and follow any paths of bananas you find. If you guys want any help finding something, just ask me. [/B][/QUOTE] Did you find the one that requires you to jump off as Expresso and glide to the left a long while till you reach a big cave? And it turns out that I'm not 84% done; my memory serves me poorly. It's more like 75% or something, unless my brain is shut off for the rest of the day...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]You didn't just do that... TELL ME you didn't just do that. *jumps on car, does a handspring quadruple flip onto a skateboard, does some random tricks, jumps off onto his head, headspins, and does the boogy woogy oogy on the floor. Finishes off with a spinarooni.*[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, it's good to know that you're still sane too, N-Man.:D I don't [i]when[/i] I got here, actually. It was either '99 or '00, in April, and I had over 400 posts before everything went down. *Sighs* I miss those good ol' days...
I exercise, but only in moderation. When I do, they involve stretches, 50+ situps, 20+ pushups, 20 minutes on a bike, oh and I lift weights. Sometimes... :all:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink] I forgot another addiction...[/color][color=red][b]TOMATOES![/b][/color] [color=deeppink]Mmmm...most people hate them...but I LOVE them...yummy...:tasty:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] It's not so much tomatoes, but the taste that they leave in your mouth. Yum! I don't think I could possibly get enough of this. theOtaku boards, I mean. Second comes football, namely Green Bay football, then band class and general instrument-playing, then... Hmm.... I'll get back to ya... ;)
It is only more sad to just think of all the people out there bullying, tormenting and in extreme cases like this one, leading "targets" to suicide. Every day I'm reminded at how painful and horrible the world is, and this is one such reminder. It's almost too much too bear. I myself have had to deal with the loss of a loved one through suicide. What drove him to do such a thing is beyond me. I mean, no matter how bad things seem, it can't be so bad as to take your own life. I will pray for your friend, nameless or not, and I will pray you get through this. I think you will. :)
Guys, I'm tellin you, wait a few years, and they'll be up there in price range with old baseball cards.
It'll only mess your game up if you do something bad with Missingno. Just don't put him in the PC or anything; that would be bad.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Paul [/i] [B] The name in capitals is supposed to make it look like the trainer is shouting just like in the cartoon. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I know. Just looks cooler to me is all.
Hey in the GB game what's up with that door in the corner of the Challenge Hall? How come that guy blocks it during every challenge cup, and how come you can't open it?
I kind of play the recorder and tin whistle too. But not really. I mostly play the clarinet.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero_dude [/i] [B]about a year ago my parents wouldn't even let me go to the mall with my friends. That is pretty protective. [/B][/QUOTE] You think you've got it bad? My parents won't even let me walk around my own block by myself! Every day it's the same thing- home, school, home, repeat. Every single day, I can't take it anymore, can't a 14 yr. old do anything?!?!? Ah, man, and I couldn't go anywhere over Spring Break, and now it's ending... :bawl:
theOtaku has gone down several times since I've been here, but it always comes back up, usually better than before too. James, don't tell us you're changin' versions again? I just reached "Junior Member" status! I can't wait, either way!:)
I punched in "otaku" into the Excite search engine and found a somewhat interesting [URL=http://nim-bitz.com/nootaku/]site as to what it means.[/URL] Hmm... The top paragraph is all I suggest you read, as the rest is pretty much a bunch of bull.
This whole split, if it stays, is probably the beginning of a new wrestling league. Like WCW and ECW, one of the shows will evolve into something enitrely different. Communications between the two shows may eventually stop altogether. I mean, think about it. There's now two different "owners" on two different shows. There are different wrestlers on each show who are supposedly gonna stay on each other's sides. It only makes sense that something like this would happen. They probably just want another reason to do an "Invasion" series again.
I'm sorry, but this topic is completely absurd. Pokémon are not real; they are imaginary creatures created by a man who used to collect bugs. The very idea that they're real is a joke. They completely lack the physiology to be real animals. Plus no one has ever seen one, and furthermore in the world where people have been everywhere, I seriously doubt that they are real...
Really? Huh. Where'd that Mew card come from, then?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B] Yeah, but even that one was won in a weird way. [/B][/QUOTE] Not really, he just used a different strategy, and he did beat all the Pokémon Lt. Surge threw out. So, yeah, he did win that one the straightforward way. Which for him, I guess, is a weird way anyway... ;)
You know what's [b]really[/b] frustrating? You couldn't think of something to say then, but it comes to you after the chance to say it is gone. [b]Then,[/b] when given this chance to say them, finally, you completely forget what is you wanted to say, as well as the situation which caused you to want to say it!!! One can't win!!!
I watch it most of the time it's on. It's getting way to boring, though. Pro-wrestling was so much better when people actually wrestled more than blabbed the whole show away.
Wow. That sounded real cool, man. I've never really been paintballing before; I should give it a try. Hey, maybe someone should set up a paintballing thread in the Games&Stories section...
...I found the S's and J's harder to catch, like they were generally stronger than the others... I caught 'em all, eventually, but I let them all go. Waste of box space, if you ask me...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Well the only pokemon that I put in my boxes a strong ones, which means I raise all the weak ones until a reasonable level.... that way I have strong back-up. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, that's a good idea. I should try that first, then I'll have all the Pokémon to choose from. Then I could find a lineup... I'm so backwards...:cross: