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Everything posted by Char!

  1. No, Treble, I'm saying that people who use legendaries are considered cheaters because legendaries are too strong. So people don't want to use them. That's what I mean when I say people basically aren't allowed to use them. I suppose you're right; one would want to catch them just to add them to the Pokédex. But the Pokédex itself is overrated. I don't think a person has to catch all of them to complete the game. You beat the Elite Four to complete it, and in G/S/C's case, Red too. Look at me, sayin you shouldn't catch 'em all and I have all the Pokés...
  2. I just don't see the point in having to catch almost uncatchable Pokémon that you're basically not allowed to use. Then again, to argue with myself, by what I'm saying I shouldn't catch [b]any[/b] Pokémon that I don't intend to use in my lineup. On the other hand, I may use them in a future lineup, who knows? But if you're not allowed to use legendary Pokémon, then what's the point? I'm practicing for Debate, can y'tell?;)
  3. Let's see, I'm not really an expert at these things, but I don't think Raikou is set up very well... First of all, Cut is an all-around bad move. What's its power? 60? 70? Can't remember, but it's not worth it. If you want to attach a Magnet, then give him another Lightning move. Try Spark or Thunderbolt. In my experience, the Rain Dance/Lightning move combo never works. And I don't think it could help Feraligatr's 95-power Surf attack much. So I suggest to get rid of that, too. That leaves an extra space for Raikou. You should give him some sort of attack that can hit a ground/rock type hard. I know you have Feraligatr and Mewtwo, but speed is a good part of winning, and switching Pokémon wastes time. It would be a good suprise attack also. I'd also suggest to switch Dragonite's Focus Band with a Bitter Berry. This will allow for longer opporitunities with Outrage, a strong attack. You've got Thunderbolt to counteract Ice Pokémon, good. Dragonite's a good Pokémon anyway... I see a problem with Feraligatr, though. Hidden Power? Nope. Shoulda kept Slash. Now [i]there's[/i] an attack. Ah, Slash has saved me more than once. You got Earthquake for Lightning Pokémon. Good job. Well, there's my opinion, whether it helps or not, I tried.:cool:
  4. I don't know what I might pick. Maybe a Magikarp? :therock: :therock: No seriously, I'd make it into a [b]good[/b] Pokémon... :therock: :therock: No really. I'd raise its stats, not to 999, but something not pitiful. Y'know, somewhere in the vicinity of 350-something. I'd give him some good attacks. Not neccesarily the greatest attacks, just something not weak. [list=1] [*]Splash [*]Tackle [*]Supersonic [*]Water Gun [*]Headbutt [*]Double Team [*]Reflect [*]Dragon Rage [/list=1] Yeah, I know, those attacks suck, but they're better than Splash and Tackle alone, right? :therock: :therock: Alright, I give up...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zachary [/i] [B]Well, in crystal Suicanes easy to catch. But Raiko and the electric one are really hard to find. There worth it though. Mewtwo, is defiently worth it. The only rare pokemon that i think isnt worth the try is :ball: Mew:ball: [/B][/QUOTE] But I'm saying, people don't like to see Mewtwos in lineups, which I agree is kind of bad. My old lineup consisted of Mewtwo, along with Articuno [b]and[/b] Zapdos. Now I feel like a cheater for using such Pokés in my lineup. So what I'm sayin' is, if people don't like lineups with legendaries, why go to the trouble of tryin' to capture one?
  6. Oh alright. Thanks for clearing things up!:D
  7. The way I see it is that Legendary Pokémon aren't worth it. In R/B/Y, the legendary birds and Mewtwo are powerful Pokémon to get. Too powerful, many would say, and consider those with such Pokémon in their lineups cheaters. Plus, going about trying to capture them is too darn hard, and too many people just copy MasterBalls instead. The same is true in G/S/C. The 3 dogs, Ho-oh, Lugia... They're even harder to get, and people still don't like lineups consisting of them! I've been noticing this and think that legendaries are a waste of our time... Add your thoughts here.
  8. Hey, is Substitute even a move in the G/S Version? It's not a TM, and it's not even part of Mr. Mime's arsenal. So what's up with it? It was a great move, in my opinion. I hope they didn't take it out of the series...
  9. Spikey, Ho-oh is pretty much orange anyway. Now an orange [b]Lugia[/b], that's crazy.
  10. Char!


    Well that sure sucks; something like that in the American Version would've been awesome...
  11. I remember when a Charizard would sell for over $300. Too bad for us, they aren't as popular anymore. But just wait about 10 years, and collectors will spend loads of money for even the most common of cards! That's the way those things go... I can't wait!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]Here's my theory... Not a long one, and it sounds better in my head than anywhere else. If time travel is possible, than you [i]can't change the past.[/i] Because you've already gone and done it. Gah, too hard to explain... The only exception to this rule is death. You can kill someone who hasn't already been killed...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Not to contradict my own view, but if one could travel to the past it's [b]very[/b] possible to change something. For example, you could travel back to 3rd period and re-take your biology test, and then anything after that would be different from the original timeline. Man, this topic [b]has[/b] destroyed my sanity... Time to pull out the ol' straightjacket...
  13. You know what really pisses me off? When these kids lie about being a virgin? Kids! Lying about such things! I mean, what's wrong with bein a virgin? Nowadays thats a trophy one should be able to hold high above their heads.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boris [/i] [B]hey, if you have an atm card you could buy stuff. thats how i do it, at least most the time you can use atm cards:alcohol: [/B][/QUOTE] Nope, don't have that either. Like I said, my parents [b]really[/b] suck...
  15. I dunno, it used to be cooler when everybody actually fought. I'd watch [i]every[/i] show back then. Then they stopped fighting (lousy censors), and you could see just how [b]fake[/b] it is. Especially since they've done that JerryCam thing, you can really tell they're bad actors... Like I said, funnier when fighting...
  16. Ah yes, the infamous "timetravel" topic... Splendid... The way I see it, there is no physical way to go back or forward in time. Forget Einstein's whole relativity thing, that's a bunch of phooey. Even if it is possible, the technology needed to achieve time travel is so beyond us, we'll have more past of the galaxy to explore than the future... Y'know what I'm sayin? :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: Didn't think so.;)
  17. My parents are [b]so[/b] not with it. They don't have any credit cards. It really sucks. People miss out on so many things without those little plastic thingees.
  18. Anyone wanna know what's on my record? A couple of origami animals...:laugh: :laugh: No, really. In fifth grade I was really into that stuff, and my teacher said I could show my friends how to do it while at a school assembly. My teacher left for some odd reason, then that gay ol' Mr. Peebles came and took us to the office, sayin' how we weren't allowed to do this. I was like, okay... Bah, now I won't get into Harvard because there's a paper bird and a half-finished paper frog stapled to my school record... :bawl: :laugh:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by bignate dawg [/i] [B]I think they did kill off kenny for good, and replaced him with butters. Why did they do that?:( South Park is one of the funniest shows. The movie was great too. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Oh my God! They killed Kenny? Those *#@!^*%$ Wow, I haven't seen that show in a long time. I lost my interest in it for some reason...
  20. Char!


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten[/i] [color=red][b]i like how they look on people, especially girls. :) i love girls with glasses. it makes them look all smart(not that they arn't smart already.:) ) and sexy.[/b][/color][/QUOTE] True, but I feel they have to be hot with the glasses off also to pull off this trick... Then again, I'm just a moron;)
  21. Char!


    Imported phone attachment? What's that? :huh:
  22. Spikey, middle school, for me, was hell. I'm in 9th grade now, fortunately. I guess it depends on the kind of school you go to, also...
  23. Man, James, you keep messing with our minds and we're gonna go stark-raving mad... :hippy: Well said, though...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson]..... You arent serious are you Neil? [url=http://www.theotaku.com/askotaku.shtml]Ask Otaku[/url] is a thing on theotaku.com...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :shifty: Uh, YEAH, yeah, I knew allllll about that... Right... :shifty:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Peh! You people don't get it..... If someone what's to **** up their lives, let them. I frankly can't care about some stranger on the street.. And I doubt they could care about me. So what's the point of even noticing them? Hmm? Can someone tell me? Because, I really don't see why I should give a damm about some unknown fool on the street. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, SS, that was harsh... Why should you care? Why should you notice? Because that person is your equal, and if you had even a shred of human decency and sympathy then you would care... Can you even imagine how hard that person's life must be? Drugs, alcohol, probably little money, but can't quit. That's called addiction. It does crazy stuff to you, it makes you helpless and eventually hopeless that you could ever change. That's when a person needs someone else the most. It really couldn't matter less who the person is. If it has to be a stranger, say, you, then how could you refuse to give help? Then again, I don't know what I'm saying, this argument doesn't make much sense... :huh:
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