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Everything posted by Char!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]I like it but it does get boring, kinda what you said. When I am in school I think about possting and makeing threads.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I know the feeling. Sometimes I even make rough drafts of threads on paper to copy on the computer later... :therock: :therock: :therock: :therock: Stop looking at me like that!!! *jumps out of window to avoid embarrasment. Unfortunately Char doesn't avoid the pointy stick on the ground below him...*
Books, Comics, and Threads that've made you laugh out loud
Char! replied to Navi's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]The Padded Room Party was awesome![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Y'know, that's what I've been tryin to tell the people who shut it down... But what's done is done, I guess... Y'know, there are several websites I know of that can be classified as gut-splitting, chair-falling-out-ofing, yaddayaddayadda... [url]http://www.getretarded.cjb.net[/url] A [B]sTRaNGe[/B] cyberzine, to put it mildly... [url]http://www.total.net/~fishnet[/url] What can I say? You buy "items" from an asylum resident... [I]Obey the Rules of Thumb......[/I] [url]http://www.joecartoon.com[/url] C'mon, you gotta know about Joecartoon and the sites movies, and if you don't? I know where you live....:devil: Check out "The Boss"!!!:laugh: :laugh: -
The absolute COOLEST Pokémon ever is: *drumroll* Charmander- for no apparent reason, he's the best there is, was, and ever will be... I mean, Typholosion and Tyrannitar come close, but Charmander is still above the top... You probably knew that already, though...;)
I go to THE arts school, Milwaukee High School of the Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrts!!! It rules in a thoroughly ruling way... It's small, about 800 students, 3 floors, but one does go for quality, not quantity. Man, my school offers Dance, Vocals in choir, chamber and jazz, Instrumentalism in Band, Orchestra, and Jazz, Visual arts, and Creative writing... I love my school..... No one makes fun of anyone, there are no considered "in" styles; people wear what they want and no one is criticized for it, we're ranked all-in-all 2nd in the city, with the crappy Hamilton high school at 1st. Hamilton smells funny, especially in the main stairwell. A whopping 2000 kids go there, but as I said before, one does go for quality over quantity... Here's its website: [url]http://www.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/mhsa/mhsa.html[/url]
Books, Comics, and Threads that've made you laugh out loud
Char! replied to Navi's topic in General Discussion
You could try the lame jokes thread, wherever the heck it went... I know of one book series I've read that is truly a hilarious masterpiece, called "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. The fact that there are five books in the Hitchhiker TRILOGY reeled me in right away... -
I was named after the Life cereal commercials, with Mikey...:laugh:
Wow, that was great, Pan! Tell it again, it was so great! [I]Char realizes he can simply read the post again...[/I] :drunk: Auuuuuuuggg, the miracles of message boards...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] I'm 12,and my b-days in august,school started on my b-day,I'm younger then mopst people in the 7th grade-my grade [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel, my birthday's in August too. And is it just me, or does 7th grade really suck? That was just about the worst year for me; I hoped the Y2K thing would've happened so I wouldn't have to go back. Yeesh...
Wow, I took my finals a couple weeks ago. I get to exempt 2 tests a semester. Take that, Algebra! Take that, Biology!!! Wow, my band finals were TOUGH. They called 'em "juries" but they're hell either way. I had to play a solo, in front of the whole band, messing up, then more messing up, etc etc etc...
...I'm so ashamed, custom avatars are far above this lowly Newbie...sigh...
Hey, I've been around longer than around most of them... Ah well, my #1 result was Sepiroth, and I hope that's a good thing...;)
Well, we've never really stopped evolving; we still are. I mean, the human race in general is taller than we were about a hundred or so years ago. Evolution is such a slow process we can't possibly notice it. Did anyone know that we DIDN'T evolve from Neanderthals? I was reading this article from somewhere that said Neanderthals were stronger, much stronger, taller, and heavier. But there was something wrong with their legs or something, so they didn't travel and expand, so they died out. It's funny to think there were several different [B]species[/B] of human waaaaaaaaaaaay back when...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Sad fact? I say it's a terrific fact! Look at it this way: If humans can't get along based on a few differences such as color and culture, do you really think we'd get along if there were MAJOR differences? It seems kind of like a science fiction book if you think about it. If there were people with horns or wings, or even scales we'd have big problems. Many people are too ingnorant to respect the differences in others or just too immature. If we have a hate group in existence today that's based on bashing people with darker skin than themselves, I shudder to think what we would have if everyone was truly different. The only sad thing is when you realize that in a world where we're raised to believe that we're unique, people actually hate one another based on differences. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow man that's deep. You should send stuff to Reader's Digest; they have a page for people like you...:D
Yeah, okay... ........... Hmmm... Right. I'm speechless at these "jokes"... Wow... Some are funny, but some are... .................. Wow...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] Yes, I too believe that Zelda: Links awakening is witout a doubt... THE best game on the game boy... except possible the oracle games [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, there's a loophole for that! Technically the Oracle games are for GameBoyColor, so Link's Awakening is still the best GameBoy game!
Excuse me for being ignorant, but: What exactly IS this Legend of Zelda, and whay is every game named after it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]:eek: what am i saying? pay no attention to the dog. :D [/B][/QUOTE] ...Oh I'm sorry. Did you say something?:D
I beat Link's Awakening!!! Finally! In my opinion, that is THE BEST GAME EVER!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew... ....................... Actually, defeating the final guy with the swinging arms wasn't that hard. Just stay in one place and jump. Then shoot arrows. He dies. YAY! Did I mention that I BEAT THE BEST GAMEBOY GAME EVER!!! ...Now what will I do for hours straight?;)
Yeah, I heard of one like that, except it was a folk story about a betting slave who threw eggs all over the governor's wall and the governor would just laugh, or something...
Alright, got the hippo thing down, and what about that painting in the same room? What's it mean? One last question, for now;) In level 7, there's a mini-boss or something, a skeleton with a flute that sends killer birds at you. I beat him once before but I don't remember how. Can I get some help?
C'mon, now, you know that the government gets drunk more than us... They wouldn't even try. :laugh: On an ALMOST unrelated matter, I wonder how the war's going? ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... No, no, I mean the war on drugs, does the government remember about the war on drugs?;)
Try some reverse-psychology on him. Go to his house and say you wanna murder him, or something, and he'll say "don't do it I wanna live." Then you build on that. If that doesnt work, sorry for bringing it up