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Everything posted by Char!

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Actually, the walk-into-a-bar joke can be quite funny if you tell it right....[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Tell it right, Cera. Let's see if it really can be funny!:cool:
  2. Here's one: There are half as many odd numbers as there are counting numbers. Both counting numbers and odd numbers are infinite.... :eek: :eek: :eek: Whoa, I need to sit down. Wait, I am. :eek: Wow, my brain is really messed up... Here's a classic: A woman was walking through town and noticed the local barber's sign: [B]This barber shaves everyone in the village who does not shave himself. NO exceptions.[/B] What really caught the woman's attention was the "No exceptions" part. She believed that every rule has exceptions. Then she asked herself, "Does the barber shave himself?" And that's when the paradox appeared. If the barber shaves himself, then he would be shaving someone who does shave himself: himself. But if the barber doesn't shave himself, then he would have to shave himself anyway, because he shaves everyone who doesn't themselves, etc etc etc, NO EXCEPTIONS. Either way, he's contradicting his own rule. The woman walked in and told the barber this, driving him insane: :hippy:
  3. What's with everyone and psychiatrists? Everyone knows you need to see a psychologist instead...;)
  4. All I can say is SNES isn't the worst; I mean, it did bring us 3 DonkeyKong Country games. For that they rule....;)
  5. Char!

    1st Game?

    Alright I got through Lv 6 once I knew what I was doing, the boss was easy as hell. THEN I got the Ocarina.:eek: So I'm probably way behind on things to do with it. Can I get some help on where to use it? And what's with that blue hippo in Animal Village?!?!?
  6. I have to play Stamitz this Wednesday for a grade, so I SHOULD be practicing right now... :( Pray for me...
  7. Actually I didn't know what to think. Then I remembered my stunt here being insane, and quickly left to avoid busting a gut. Then I went back and the racecar was taunting me, grinning an evil grin: :D Knowing that evil racecars can't stand laughter, I quickly started laughing like my life depended on it: :therock: The racecar didn't change. Then I realized that the laughing only works on green racecars, and this one was undoubtably red. Not knowing what to do, I did nothing. That was boring, so I laughed anyway: :laugh: :haha: :laugh: :haha: :laugh: :haha: But I'm NOT insane...right?
  8. Uh oh, Mario is Link? What's the world coming to???:eek: :eek: :eek:
  9. Char!

    1st Game?

    I got the DX version, for 15 bucks; is that a good deal or what? Wow, this stuff is way over my head; I'm only on Lv. 6. I need serious help on it! 1. How do I kill the quys that pop out of the ground and shoot stuff at you? 2. How do I open ANY of the doors? 3. What is that owl talking about down the long corridor, with the "eyes have walls" thing? As you can see, I'm in it deep... HELP!
  10. I play Bb clarinet for Milwaukee High School of the Arts! That, my friends, is cool. I'm also trying to teach myself the trumpet, but the absence of reeds bothers me...
  11. I'd probably say my clarinet and my video games. I can't lose them!!!:eek:
  12. Char!

    1st Game?

    I got a used Link's Awakening game, and I just wanted to know if it's the first one for the GameBoy series or not. If it ain't, then which one is? Thanks!
  13. [COLOR=royalblue]Ibivata and Raynor make their way to the control room, where all the deep data on time travel is. Right in the middle of the large room lies a large screen. This screen is very important to time travel. It shows an overhead view of any time traveler with a time-proof tracking device, which every Time Force member has implanted in their skull.[/COLOR] Raynor: So give me in detail what happened, soldier. Ibivata: Well sir, three masked men must have attacked Hajime and dragged him eith them through time.
  14. It's fake, everyone! A scam to get you to waste money! Don't believe a word it says! It's fake I tell you! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!! Woah, settle down, Char... This isn't the padded room...
  15. *WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* The sirens are wailing, and Ibivata spills his coffee. Ibivata: Ahhh!!! Huh? The Time Machine Center is broken into? Oh, §hit! [COLOR=darkblue]Ibivata grabs his weapons and dashes to the TMC.[/COLOR] Ibivata: Oh Héll no! [COLOR=darkblue]Ibivata sees the crooks dragging Hajime into the TimeFreeze Machine.[/COLOR] Ibivata: Stop! Face-Off: Oh, D@MNIT! Hurry up guys,lets go lets go lets go! [COLOR=darkblue]The crooks run inside the now-glowing TimeFreeze Machine. Ibivata shoots his FreezeBlaster but misses, hitting the bare walls. The TimeFreeze Machine whirrs, and in a flash they're gone.[/COLOR] Ibivata: No!!! [COLOR=darkblue]Ibivata checks the display the screen, and sees when they went to.[/COLOR] Ibivata: 1869, huh? Well, here I come, Hajime!!!
  16. Raikou all the way, man! Entei has some pretty weak attacks, and Suicine is kida girly for me. So it's Raikou!
  17. Still, I'd like to have it anyway...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~*Anime Girl*~ [/i] [B]I agree with you too Transic Nerve, but let's pray there wont be a WWIII, although Nostradamus, who predicted the first and second world wars, said: "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning". Strange :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I heard about that, except I heard he'd say something like, "Two brothers will be destroyed in the city of York (:eek: :eek: :eek: ), causing the third great war. How scary, a dude in the what, 13th? 15th century being that accurate?
  19. Too bad they friggin stopped taping of it!
  20. Hey, did ya here? They were gonna make a Spider Man movie, but they stopped because it showed the World Trade Centers! D@MN those guys who bombed us!
  21. Ibivata grabs his things and dashes to the base. IBIVATA: Don't start without me, I'm here!
  22. Sure-I'll give it a try! Name: [COLOR=firebrick][B]IBIVATA[/B][/COLOR] Age: 25 Weapons: 1.Improbability Drive (Basically capable of doing and creating anything and everything, just as long as you know what the odds of it happening is) 2.Scythe Blade (Cuts through anything like a hot knife through butter, only 16" long, though) 3.Freeze Blaster (Gun that freezes enemy) Personality: IBIVATA is the ruthless one, the guy who sees through everyone and can get from point A to Z the fastest. Has a fear of rabbits. Rank: Ordinary Soldier
  23. ...and French girls. I don't think that there's such a thing as an ugly French girl. They're all too hot!
  24. I was kind of thinking the same thing. I mean, I have no problem with it, but I think Deranged Gerbil might... I mean, none of us even knew, or at least I didn't. Now, I could care less, but to throw it out clear out of the blue like he did, getting worked up and defensive over nothing... I don't know. Maybe DG is too self-conscious about it. And forgive me if I offended you in any way, DG. I didn't mean to.:D
  25. My thoughts and sympathy go out to you, Anime Girl. I feel so very sorry for you.
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