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Everything posted by Jim_Hawking

  1. Ky just looked at Jura with a pained look in his eyes. "What did I do to deserve that?" He asked, under his breath. "I haven't caused a single problem, yet they always wanna blame the rouge. Oh well, if that's the way it's gotta be." He sighed. As his eyes wandered from one side of the boat to the other he saw the quiet Tiefling sitting by herself. He approached her. "Thanks for the wind boost. Personally, I wanna get the hell off this raft before we tear each other apart." He said with a slight chuckle. "By the way, I'm Ky. Ky Weatherlight, The Greatest Wanderer You've Never Heard Of." Jura chimed in from across the boat, "You make one more comment about this boat, and I'll throw you overboard personally Rouge!" "Yeesh, what crawled up her ass?" That comment got a slight reaction from the Tiefling. "I'm Hue, and I think you'd better quiet down before she really does throw you off." "I'm used to it. Seeing as how most people see Rouges as little more than glorified bandits. They seem to forget that we can also save their asses from an ambush by scouting ahead a short distance. Isn't that right...uh..." He motioned towards the other Rouge, who promptly gave him the cold shoulder. "Brr...I've been hit by Ice spells warmer than that." [size=1]Edit: Not going to be able to post agin until at least monday. But you shouldn't have a problem using Ky in your posts if you want.[/size]
  2. Name: Ky Weatherlight Age: 24 Gender: Male Race/Subrace: Human/none Personality: Cheerful, Energetic, Playfully Arrogent, Manipulative, and "Frisky" Apperance: [url="http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/BGC2040/Mackey/BGC2040_Mackey0002.jpg"]http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/BGC2040/Mackey/BGC2040_Mackey0002.jpg[/url] Bio: Good music, Beautiful women, and a stiff drink have become the reasons for traveling for carefree Ky. After leaving his hometown at age 17, the "greatest wanderer this land has never heard of" (as he calls himself) has been travelling the lands searching for "anything to keep my attention for longer than five minutes." At least, that what he would tell you. The reality of it all is; he's flat broke, and travelling from one part-time gig to another. Leeching onto other parties of adventurerers and swiping a good amount of their treasure. However, upon hearing of the Targos defender job the part of his brain that was working at the moment figured this would be a good way to possibly get some good karma to flow his way, especially after pissing off that last bunch of people he was with after pawning the spellbook that blonged to that party's wizard. "Besides," he thought. "Maybe I can find some [i]other[/i] reasons for going." Weapon(s): A medium sized rapier and ten throwing daggers. Magic(s): (If any) "Magic? Why would I need any of that hocus-pocus bull...." (none) Class: Rogue (Sorry if it looked like I was having a bit too much fun with this.)
  3. *salutes* I wish you good luck and godspeed for your return, sir. I also offer up prayers for your family and friends. Come back safely, "Jim Hawking"
  4. Given how things are right now, I doubt I could ever become famous. Infamous, on the other hand, is a safer bet. It's been a while since since something other than Celebrity news or another one of "W"s' blunders made headlines, so I'd do something that would capture the nation's attention for months, or (better yet) years. What that would be though...I have no friggen' clue.
  5. I do have a short fuse, then again I am trying to restrain roughly 15 years worth of repressed anger (first 3 years of life don't count.) and irritation, plus 4 years of "sexual frustration" (Translation: still virgin.) However, the only place I even come remotely close to going off is at work. There's just something about the stench of the elderly who should be in their grave and the people with the least amount of intelligence trying to pass a $10 as a $100 in drive-thru that makes my blood boil. I will not lash out towards them though, that's why I gotten a pair of my leather gloves modified (Metal plating across knuckles) and have started to bust up an already crumbling wall. Catharsis is a wonderful thing.
  6. Seeing as how I have basically no morals what so ever, I can be bought very easily. Some of you have said that it all depends on the context of the "contract," example posing nude as opposed to ending a life, however I differ from you on that aspect. If offered enough money, I would kill someone and not feel any different. No exceptions. It would simply be just another job. I guess it's easy to do almost anything when you feel like you've lost any reason to live. Not having what some of you call a "soul" also helps.
  7. Zeruel placed a gloved hand against the spot where Lady Ciress had kissed his neck. "I would remain loyal to you even after my natural death, my Lady. Where is my target?" "The traitor is further down in the canyon." "May I kill anyone else that might be near him?" "You seem to have forgotten that you're an ASSASSIN! You may only kill your intended target." Zeruel sighed. "Of course, my Lady. It was rude of me to ask." Zeruel began his descent into the canyon. OOC: Sorry it's a short intro post, I just need time to create Zeruel's backstory and find a good appearance.:animeshy: Appearance: [url="http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/BGC2040/Brian%20Mason/BGC2040_Brian0073.JPG"]http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/BGC2040/Brian%20Mason/BGC2040_Brian0073.JPG[/url] Close-Up: [url="http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/BGC2040/Brian%20Mason/BGC2040_Brian0071.JPG"]http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/BGC2040/Brian%20Mason/BGC2040_Brian0071.JPG[/url]
  8. Name: William Collins Age: 27 Race: Human Class: Brawling Thief (Think Mugger) Weapon of Choice: Steel Gloves, Knife What side: Resistance Why he fights: To atone for his past. A BRIEF(!) History of the character: William was once a very well trusted of the Imperial Guard, before the atrocities began. The midnight raids of the unprotected villages, the torture of those who may or may not have spoken against Deus, the plliaging of neighboring lands for profit. He was once a part of all of that, and now wishes to at least partially atone for the sins of his past. (I know, I know...really cheesey but it's better than nothing. That and I'm outta ideas at this moment...) Physical Traits: Build- Slightly muscluar, more so in the arms and shoulders. Skin- Light Hair- Blonde and pulled in a long ponytail. Height- 6' 8'' Weight- 215 lbs All in all: Just your ordinary putz, making up for his past by screwing with his present and future.
  9. This is the funniest thing I've read in a very long time. Can't wait for the new chapters, Annie! -Still laughing at the Yoshi/Paris porn, Jim. ...(Now that I have posted here, how much you wanna bet I'll end up a target?)...
  10. "It feels good to sit down again. Those heels were just murdering my ankles." Syn said in an effeminate voice. No response. "Well I thought it was funny..." He said in a normal voice before playing with his fake breasts again. "...Syn, you're a pervert. Touching yourself out in public. Have you no sense of dignity?" Mahony joked. "I want the damn pudding you used. I'm getting hungry." "Can't say I'm shocked," Sage started. "The only thing you think with is your stomach." "I could say something to counter that arguement, but I don't wanna get hit right now." "Can we please focus on what we are about to do?" Mahony pleaded, trying to get everyone to remember what they we doing. "Question, are we revising our strategy or are we just gonna try a smash 'n grab?" Mahony growled as she grabbed Syn's fake breasts, held them over his head, popped them, and watch as the pudding splattered on his face. "That answers that..." Syn said. "Ooo...butterscotch." "Back to the point, Mahony. Is it the same as last time, or do you have another idea?"
  11. Tabris arrived back at his apartment in Shinjuku only to see his answering machine flashing. "That...can't be good." He hit the play button. "You have two new messages. Message one..." "Tabris, you said you would call me last night! You scum..." He hit the delete button. "Message deleted. Message two..." "Tabris, we have a problem. It would appear that an Angel by the name of Marcus teamed up with Gabriel and eliminated Azariel. Now, about fifteen minutes ago Mutuol and a human by the name of 'Z' converted Afriel. They spared him only because he agreed to take them to the Main Lair. Hope this doesn't interfere with your plans for this weekend. Bye." "This message was recorded at 4:26 P.M." "Great, not even enough time for dinner." Tabris left his apartment and headed for Lucifer's mansion. [color=red][size=1] Sorry about the short post, have to run...[/size][/color]
  12. [SIZE=1]Sorry it took so long for me to post. No access over weekend.[/SIZE] "I seriously don't get paid enough for this gig." The one named Tabris graoned as he made his way into the territory of the Fallen Ones. "One of these days, they're gonna kill me. I just know it. And for no good reason either..." Tabris made his way to Lucifer's mansion. The only reason he was even allowed near the mansion was because he struck a deal between himself and the "Princess of Darkness." He would guide the people she wanted to hell, and he got a small amount of cash. He approached a nearby maid. "Excuse me, but I'm here for 'The List of the Damned,' as she calls it." He said. "Ahh, you're the Neutral one. One moment, I'll be back with it." "Damn, she isn't here." He thought. "Oh well, that might be a good thing. Wouldn't want to catch her in a bad mood..." The maid returned with the list. "Thank you, kind miss." With that, he turned and left the mansion. [CENTER]15 minutes later[/CENTER] "Halfway home and no problems, I think I may just luck out today." He felt an overwhelming holy aura approaching him. "Fuck, just had to say something..." "Tabris, long time no see." A familiar voice called out. "Yeah, same to you...Gabriel." "You don't sound too pleased to see me." "Well, it's just that I really don't want to start anything. If the Fallen Angels saw me talking one of God's mightiest warriors, I'd be gone before I could say 'Holy Shit'. But that's beside the point. Do you have Heaven's list for me yet?" Gabriel nodded. "It's already waiting for you back in Shinjuku. Along with this week's payment." "Ok then, say hey to the others for me." "Tabris, I have a question. Why do you do work for both the Holy and the Fallen?" "It's like I've said numerous times already. I do my best to keep relations from going downhill too quickly. Neither side wants a full-scale war right now." "Just make sure you're on the right side when it does happen though." "Oh, don't worry. Once the Second Conflict begins, I'll be sitting right there in Shinjuku, watching the enitre thing." Tabris waved good-bye to Gabriel and walked away. "This is gonna be one hell of a bad month. I can just tell." Tabris groaned.
  13. I wear one of two pairs of pants I own (Cargo or Jeans), the first T-shirt I find (clean, dirty, whatever), and a pair of hiking boots. I pay no attention to labels or designs or anything like that. If nothing else, I'll occasionally wear a nice shirt or my Pittsburgh Penguins jersey just because it's comfy.
  14. I can't see how these people eat the crap. I work at a Wendy's and a good percentage of our "customers" are overweight. That and they'll either misorder something, (We don't serve MCnuggets people!) or they try to push open a pull door. Working there also means that I do occasionally eat our food. Thankfully, I do a good amount of walking every day and when possible get one hell of a workout from DDR.
  15. I need a change of pace...you don't mind if I join do you? Name: Tabris- the Angel of Free Will, Self-Determination, Choice, and Alternatives. Race: Angel Sex: Male Age: Unknown (Disguised appearance of about 14 or 15) Appearance: Since Tabris spends a good amount of his time working with mankind, He granted Tabris a "human disguise." [URL=http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/media/65/eva_angel_eva007.jpg]Tabris[/URL] Preferred Weapon: Heaven's Cloud- A massive sword with a golden blade, capable of bringing light or darkness to the skies. Powers: Divine Intervention- Allows the person in question to see the consequences of his actions, and suggests an alternative. (Works for both good and evil.) "Only In Your Dreams"-Gives the targeted person their deepest desire in their dreams, and leaves a subliminal message about obtaining it. (Mainly used for converting Good to Evil) Background: On the surface, Tabris appears to be the typical "good" angel. In reality though, he is more neutral that anything. He is in regular contact between both the Holy and Fallen Angels, he acts as a go-between to stave off massive conflicts, and also works as an information dealer for both sides. Seeing as how he is the Angel of Free Will, he has his own agenda and leaves spiritual conquest to the Warrior Angels. However, during the First Conflict, he fought right along side Michael and Gabriel. He used the mighty blade given to him to bring light to the darkened battlefield and eradicate those who dared opposed Him. During the conflict, he came to realize something. Even though the Fallen Angels were evil and going against God, they were still Angels. He had this "enlightening" only after he saw who was leading the Fallen Angels, an Angel who he had feeling for (not that she ever knew), Lucifer. Instead of becoming a Fallen Angel, Tabris merely resigned from the battlefield and allowed himself to be sucked into the vortex to Earth. Now, he resides in an old area of Shinjuku working as a "fortune teller." He's given a daily list of people and to which side they belong and should belong to. He uses his powers to guide those humans towards the path chosen for them by Heaven or Hell. He has long since forgotten about his crush on Lucifer and has been trying to get together with someone else. (Hopefully, Lucifer won't use that against him...)And his once mighty Angelic weapon has been reduced to paper-weight and flashlight duty.
  16. "Hmm...I'm guessing by your body language and your reaction to the voice on the recorder, you know who ordered the hit. Correct?" Sage nodded. "And I'd go as far as to give fifteen hundred to one odds that it was Iodias, right?" Sage nodded again. "One last question, do we know where Iodias is?" Sage replied. "Yes, he's to the north in Genom City. At least, that where I remember he was." "Exactly how far is that?" Hyo asked. "Roughly 300 miles." Mahony answered. "I suggest that we head to Arcadia first, get some supplies and, more importantly, rent a vehicle so we can get up there quickly." Syn added. "Syn, Lakfakalle is only 2 miles as compared to Arcadia's 10." Hyo said. "Yeah, and since you don't remember Lakfakalle is my hometown that has direct orders to kill me on sight. Besides, unless you were planning on boosting some of either the military's or Baron Abriel's personal security forces equipment, we'd be better of going to Arcadia." "I think I know how we can get Syn into Lakfakalle." Mahony said with her signature devilish grin. "Oh no...please no. For the sake of the Goddess of Mercy, no!" "You don't mean...[i]that[/i] do you?" Hyo asked. "Hope you like wearing make-up Syn." Mahony began snickering evilly. "Come on Sage, it's time to get ready."
  17. "I wish there were something I could do for Sage right now, but what?" Syn thought. He sat across from where not two hours before he and Ty had been talking about some stupid thing or another over a cup of coffee. The loss of a comrade wasn't a new expirience to Syn, he had seen former bandmates be gunned down mercilessly by sadistic guards, but this was different. He went outside to look around for something that could give him a clue as to who killed Ty. After offering a quick prayer at Ty's grave, Syn went to where Hyo had found him. Just then, Mahony walked up to his side. "What are you doing out here? Sage is inside, her heart shattered beyond repair, and she needs us to be there for her." "I'm merely trying to find out who did it. Also, until I have proof otherwise, I'm not ruling out the possibility of suicide." "WHAT?! You don't really believe that Ty would kill himself do you? He loved Sage too much to do that to her." "Or, that could be the exact reason he did do it. Once I have sufficent evidence towards an individual suspect or organization, we can go after them and put Ty's spirit to rest. I need you to tell Sage that last part, ok?" "Fine, just...make sure you also comfort her personally. She needs all the support she can get right now." "I will, but for now you'll have to do it for me. I have some work to do."
  18. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']They weren't showing the fully "American" version. Yes it was in English, but it was the direct translation. They also dubbed an Americanized version with a different script that substituted the obscure Japanese pop-culture jokes for equally obscure (but more ballant) American pop-culture jokes. I actually hear the Americanized version is much funnier than the faithful version (which AS airs). I don't know why AS aired the faithful version. Perhaps they were afraid they'd give the industry the wrong impression if the Americanized dub succeeded. What is more puzzling is that ADV co-produced Milk-Chan in Japan, and thus would have just enough power to get the version they wanted. Afterall, if the Americanized version became a bomb in Japan, America was able to lift up The Big O, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun (three series fairly Americanized from the start) from underappreciated jems into high-class successes.[/quote] The reason why AS is showing the 'faithful' version is because ADV is keeping the more americanized version for itself and showing it on The Anime Network. Well, at least that's what I've been able to hear. [quote name='Yami Marik']Does anybody here know when they'll start showing new Inuyasha episodes again? [/quote] Yami Marik, if I remember correctly it should be around mid-to-late January before new episodes start airing.
  19. Syn sat outside and looked at the stars. "This is pointless," He thought out loud. "The closest thing I have to a family is this band. And that was nearly ended earlier. Maybe I'm just bad luck. Hell, just the other day I go back home and I have to gun down my best friend from childhood." Mahony walked outside to investigate the talking. Upon realing that it was only Syn, she sat down against the wall around the corner from Syn. "On top of that, the only reason I keep myself alive is always inadvertantly almost getting herself killed. Whether its from an unexpected change in security or through my own incompetence, Mahony's life is constantly at risk. I just wish there were anything I could do. I just don't know what I'd do without her." He took a deep breath. "Oto no nai mahiru, kaze ha tada akarui." He began singing. "Sukoshi nemutasou ni hanabira ga yureta. Nani ge nai... kono omoi. Nee, hito ha donna kotoba de yondeiru no. Shiroi suna no tsuki toji kometa hanashi o. Hikari furasu you ni kikasete ne sotto." "I never imagined you as much of a singer, Syn." His face went pale. "MA...MAHONY?! Just how long have you been sitting there?" "Since you started thinking." "....." He was at a loss for words. _______________________________________ In case you don't already know, the lyrics are for the song Hiru no Tsuki by Akino Arai. I take no credit for the song, only my pitiful rendition. Thank you.
  20. Syn put his Eagles in the face of the guard carrying Mahony. "If you value your pathetic existence, you'll put her down now." The guard merely laughed. "Look around, kid. We have you severely outnumbered and outgunned." "Yeah, but there's one thing I have that you don't." "Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Syn shot two rounds into the guards' arm, causing him to drop Mahony. The other guards all aimed their guns on Syn. "You little bastard!" The others formed a tight circle around Syn. 'You'll pay for being a wannabe hero, dickhead. You there, take his guns." a guard stepped forward and forcefully took the eagles from Syn's hands. Syn started laughing. "What's so fucking funny?!" "The hand is quicker than the eye, don't you know that?" He said holding his combat knife that was dripping with fresh blood. The guards surrounding him fell with deep slash wounds to the neck and wrists. "DIE YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!" The remaining guard picked up Syn's Desert Eagles and shot five rounds into his arms and legs. 'Oh lovely, you shot me with my own guns you cowardly asshole." Six more guards carrying assault rifles stormed in. "Look, the cavalry has arrived!" Syn started laughing again. "Well Mahony, I guess this is one hell of a failed rescue attempt. Come on now, do what you will so that we can hurry up and be taken wherever. Just please, no nightsticks up the ass. I don't swing like that."
  21. [QUOTE=ReFlux][color=green][size=1] [B]Best Death Ever:[/B] [spoiler]Ron McDougall[/spoiler] in Outlaw Star Now let me deliberate on this real quick. [spoiler]The guy was dying slowly through out the series. First starting with the robotic arm, then the robotic body, and then he sacrificed his body for the woman he loved, just so she could run off with Jean.[/spoiler] So that was a pretty good death. But the main reason I choose this is because I cannot come up with a better one. This may be temporary.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Quick side note, [spoiler] That would be Harry McDougall, not Ron.[/spoiler] Now that that's out of the way. Most heart-wrenching minor/one episode characters death: Noir: [spoiler] The legionnaire from episode 13 "Season of Hell." This would have been completely meaningless and unimportant if it weren't for the fact that Kirika had a crush on him. Another aspect was, he was killed only because Kirika was trying to give him one of those paintings the art shop owner does very rarely, and she was being followed by some one sent to kill her. What really got to me though was at the end of the episode after Kirika had already thrown her art work and all that in to the river, it wasn't her who was the most torn up about is death. Mireille actually ended up crying, even though she had no connection to him what so ever. I felt myself become teary-eyed after that.[/spoiler]
  22. "Sir, just what in the hell led you to believe the intelligence from your Magic 8-ball was true?" Lame, but that's all I got...
  23. As Syn ran he tried to formulate a strategy for keeping the guards away Mahony without compromising the entire raid. "Hmm...I only have about six 15-round magazines left for the Eagles, but I also have the P99 I modified to fire tranquilizer darts...gah! What the hell am I supposed to do?!" He thought. He stood in the shadows with his back against a wall as he heard voices. Voices that were unfamiliar and approaching. "Did you hear?" "Hear about what?" "Some joker in network security actually reported a virus a couple days ago." "Really?" "Yeah, but it turns out that she uploaded the virus, just to test security." The two figures stopped in front of Syn. "So then what?" "Well, duh. She was fired immediately, then I heard the just yesterday she turned up dead!" "How so?" Syn asked. "Knife wounds to the head." One of the guards replied totally oblivious to Syn. "You mean," Syn drew his combat knife from his belt. "Like this?" He asked before piercing the skull of one guard then slashing the others throat. "I'll take your silence as a yes." Syn continued down the corridor. "Ten to one odds, they were both blond." He thought. Syn turned a corner, then skidded to a halt. ".....Fuck." Before him stood the longest stretch of laser wires he had seen since Mahony's "training." He cursed again. "Now what? *sigh* Sweet, merciful Goddesses of Luck, Life, and Love please protect this ignorant schmuck. Amen." Having completed his 'prayer,' Syn ran head long towards the lasers. He contorted his body as he lept over the first set then rolled under the second. He slid through the third set, vaulted over the fourth, dove between the fifth, lept to the celing to aviod the sixth, kicked off the celing, flipped, rolled, and spun past the final set of lasers before landing feet first on the other end of the hallway. "Holy crap! Thank you Goddesses!" He said under his breath before continuing towards Mahony's location.
  24. "YOU THERE! IDENTIFY YOURSELF NOW!" A militia member shouted, waving his assault rifle at Syn. "I know that voice..." Syn paused. "Shigeru?" The militia member lowered his rifle. "Holy Jesus bouncin' on a pogo stick! Syn?! What the fuck are you doing back in Lakfakalle? You do realize we're to kill you on sight, right?" The other militia members closed in. "Shigeru, you wouldn't kill a friend would you?" "Friend? Don't make me laugh. I still remember what you did. Were you that blinded by your hormones to remember that Laifel and I were DATING?!" "......Shit." Shigeru raised his rifle again, aiming towards Syn's head. "I think I'm going to enjoy this..." He was interrupted by a small streak of metal slashing into his trigger finger. He dropped the rifle and saw Syn standing beside him, both Desert Eagles pressed against his skull. Syn shouted. "Atention all you muthafuckas, Syn Alexander is back in town! Lock up your daughters, hide your valuables, and kiss your asses good-bye!" "You idiot! You just made my job that much harder..." Sage thought. "You do realize that the entire militia force AND Baron Abriel's personal forces are gonna come after you, right? You're as good as dead." "Who knows? Maybe I'll see you in the next life. After you..." Syn said as he put two rounds in the head of his former friend. "Sage, get ready to run." He looked around. "Sage? Aw, crap. Sweet Merciful Goddesses, please protect this undeserving schmuck." Syn ran at full speed towards downtown. Sage emerged from her hiding spot. "......asshole." She took off after him. Minutes later almost every guard, militia member, and private security force member was chasing after Syn with Sage following behind the angry mob. "Hold still will you?! We can't shoot when you're running!" A nameless mob member shouted. "That's the whole idea!" Meanwhile, inside the bank vault. "Thanks to Syn, this is almost too easy." Mahony commented. "For once, his constant thinking with the little head payed off!" Hyo added. "You know he'd smack you if he heard you." "Yeah..." Ty broke into the conversation. "Hurry it up you two, we got a big ass mob heading our way! Oh, and guess who's being chased." Syn ran by the entrance of the bank screaming, "THIS SUCKS!!!!" "Just keep running. We're about done." Mahony said to herself. "It's almost too convienient that there was a bounty placed on Syn's head the moment he got here. Almost a miracle that every last idiot with a gun's going after him." Ty said. "Ok, the vault's clean. We can go at anytime." Mahony stated. "How much we get?" Hyo asked. "About seven-hundred fifty thousand. Kinda light for a bank." Sage stopped outside of the bank. "Are ya done in there? I can't keep up with that idiot." "Yeah, on his way back through detonate a few of these smoke grenades. That'll let him escape." "Either he's really hated in his hometown, or his hometown is full of nothing but idiots." "Chances are it's a bit of both." Syn ran by again. "WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!" "Now!" Mahony ordered. Sage pushed the detonator and the grenades created a large plume of smoke completely obscuring the mob's vision. "Syn!" Mahony shouted. "This way!" The band ran back into the woods surrounding Lakfakalle. "O..k, nev..er run....ning...again." Syn panted and gasped for breath. Mahony bashed him in the head again. "THAT'S YOUR IDEA OF A DIVERSION! THAT WAS NOTHING MORE THAN YOU ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT! No matter how well that worked..." "Hey, you go with what you know. Right?"
  25. "I just wanna know one thing, how the hell do the two of you always manage to leave Mahony and me behind during these firefights?" Syn asked. "We're fast that's all." Ty responded. "...If I really wanted to I could say something, but I'd rather not have both Ty's and Sage's gun at my head." "My, my...he's learning self-control. I do believe the apocolypse is nigh." Sage joked. "Ha ha, very funny..." "Come on, we're behind schedule enough as is. We need to pick up the pace." They continued on. "Umm, Mahony? Where are we going? I know you said this was a training mission, but I'm starting to recognize the area. Which in my case is a very BAD thing." "Why so?" "If we're where I think we are, then the moment we get within 100 yards of the city I'm gonna be attacked." Ty had a confused look on his face. "You know this...how?" "If I'm right, we're near my hometown of Lakfakalle. I've been exiled from there, and should I ever come within 100 yards Lakfakalle the local milita has orders to attack and eliminate on sight." "I'd ask what you did, but I can probably guess." Ty said. "Isn't that being a little closed minded?" "Well now, this does make things interesting. I had planned on a another point raid to boost our score..." Mahony had a wicked smile on her face. "Syn, you said you were good at diversions right?" "Sweet Goddesses, no..." Syn moaned.
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