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Everything posted by Jim_Hawking

  1. First, how did an empty pizza roll make it out of the factory? Second, I have voted. (First time too...) Chances are I'll watch until about ten pm central then switch to [adult swim] on Cartoon Network. That or watch Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. Concerning the results or what not...blah. I think a man will win only because there are no women running, I'd say there's a good chance he's gonna be white, and he's more than likely to be rich. Constitutional ban on Gay Marriage, I'm neutral towards it. Some one wake me when it's over.
  2. "Well, could I at least get some asprin or something? It'd shut me up for a while..." "If you'd like, I could shut you up permanently." "Very funny, Ty. Hang on a second, I gotta use a tree..." Syn stepped away from the group. "Even when he's hungover he's still crude and irritating. Why must we keep him?" "If the two of you don't shut up, I'll duct tape you mouths shut!" Mahony interrupted. "Besides, I think he just makes himself look like an idiot as a front to keep his enemies or assailents in the dark about his true skills." Ty frowned. "You say that only because you want to jump him." Mahony started to open her mouth, but Sage interrupted "No, the kid can handle himself pretty well in a fight. While you and Mahony were on that museum raid, Syn actually took down quite a few of the attackers. Of course, it was way too flashy but it got the job done." "Hey! I can still hear you!" "Then hurry up!" "I'm sorry! You try drinking that much and see what it does to your bladder!" "Now, children..." Mahony joked. Syn rejoined the others. "OK! That's taken care of and now my headache's gone. I'm ready for anything!" Mahony bashed him in the back of the head. "Oh really? Since we're behind schedule now, I'M GOING TO WORK YOUR ASS SO HARD YOU'LL BE PRAYING FOR DEATH!!!" Syn whimpered.
  3. I know this is supposed to be a "happy" and "cheerful" thread, but for the last few months I haven't been happy. I don't even remember what used to make me happy. Hell, I rarely even smile. I wish something would happen to make me happy, but the chances of that are silm to none. Maybe, I'm just not meant to be happy...
  4. I'd really love to post some kind of insightful or enlightening comment here, but in all reality I'm still a virgin. 18 years old, in college, and a virgin. If this keep going the way is, I'll end up unintentionally waiting until I'm married (as if that'll happen) or just die a virgin. As for some of the earlier posts, (without any religious or cultural bias) if you want to wait until you're married thats your choice. On the other hand, if you really love the person you're with and the moment happens to arise (pun not intended) then go ahead. I say just wait until the both of you are ready, married or not, and just let it happen. I guess I really oughta shut up now. I have no idea what any of this is actually like, and the one girl I've really loved in my life so far apparently wants nothing to do with me...yet I still love her. Oops, sorry got off track...she does that to me sometimes.
  5. Syn belched as he finished another beer. "Good stuff, been a while since I've had a decent drink. Remind me to thank whoever came up with this idea..." Mahony walked behind him, "You do realize this was [i]your[/i] idea, right?" "Whaddya mean? My ideas is never this gooood." Syn's speech began to slur. "The hell? You're drunk already?" "Oh no," Syn began with normal speech. "Not in the least bit. Thought I'd have a bit of fun with ya. Although, a little birdy told me that you and Sage are going to try to get me and Ty wasted. Shame on you two, planning on taking advantage of a couple of poor, innocent drunks." Mahony chuckled. "Oh darn, you caught me." She said sarcastically. Syn looked across the room at Sage and Ty. "You know, I never would have pictured the two of them hooking up. Then again, it's always the ones you never expect that have the deepest and longest relationships." "Syn, you do realize you nearly made an intelligent comment right?" "Yeah, what can ya do?" "I could keep your lips occupied for one..." "Oh?" The statement takes a few moments to register in Syn's brain. "Ohhhh..."
  6. Senkai nodded. "Good, now that that's taken care of...uh...any suggestions?" Syn asked. "You're hopeless." Sage responded. "Two-part question, where the hell did Hyo run off to again, and where's the booze?" Syn questioned. "Hyo probably went back to see his family, and why the fuck do you want to know where the alcohol is?" Mahony answered. "Party, naturally." Everyone looked at Syn with a blank expression. "Why not? We just survived an attack, we've really never been as together as we are now, and we need to kill this aura of doom and gloom. Whaddya say?" "For some ungodly reason, that actually sounds like a good idea." Senkai said "See? I'm much more than a pretty face and a big gun. C'mon Sage, I know you need to kick back and relax more than any of us." "You may have a point. Well, about me needing to relax. Not about you having a pretty face." "Hah! See? I knew I could get a rise outta you." Syn said with a wink. "Hmm, I'm not so sure Sage. I think he has a pretty face." Mahony added. "Only because you wanna see how big his 'gun' really is." Sage joked. Everyone laughed at Sage last comment as Mahony blushed slightly. Syn felt the collective tension ease as the laughing continued. "Hmm," Syn thought. "Maybe this really was a good idea." Syn reached into his pocket and grabbed a notebook and wrote, "Today, at 7:15 P.M. I had yet another brilliant idea. The first in about six months..."
  7. "Senkai, you go back downstairs to make sure no one tries to ambush us. Sage, stay low and follow me." Senkai nodded and crept downstairs, and Syn and Sage took cover behind a table. "Looks like we're in for a bit of excitement now, aren't we?" Syn joked. "Now really ISN'T the best time, Syn." "Yeah, I know." Syn replied before raising from his hiding place and unloading a few rounds into a shadowy figures neck. Blood sprayed form the wounds, and the victim fell with a thud. "One more down, countless others to go. If only we could take this outside..." Syn saw a "window of opportunity." "I have an idea..." "Oh gods no..." Syn shattered the window with a couple more rounds and took both Sage and himself outside via a six foot drop. "When this is over, I'm going to kill you." "You always say that." "Hey, everything alright?" Senkai called. "Just peachy." Syn answered. "Sage, be a dear and hide behind that oak over there for a while." More of the ninja-like assassins emerged from the upper level of Mahony's hideout. "Why should I? I want to kill them just as badly as they want to kill us!" "Trust me." Sage went behind the oak as the assailents encircled Syn. "First off," Syn began. "that formation was a big mistake. Secondly, you all are a bunch of idiots for attacking us. Lastly, anyone care to dance?" Syn pulled back the hammers on both Desert Eagles. One of the attackers lunged for Syn. Syn dodged out of the way, jump-kicked off the back of the attacker, and fired a volley of shots into his back. The others came after Syn while he was still in the air, but Syn twisted his body to face towards them, kicked off the head of another attacker, reloaded, and landed fifteen feet away from the rest of the assassins. They began to rush towards Syn. "Heh, let's rock...baby." Syn began firing wildly into the remaining assassins, he then lept over them, landed behind them, and kept firing. One after another the assassins fell, all the time they kept lunging for Syn, but he would laugh and cartwheel to the side while keeping the shots going. After a few minutes the fight was over, and Syn only left one alive...barely. "Ok Sage, you can come on out. I left one alive just for you." Sage appraoched the nearly dead assassin and pulled of his mask. "For the love of God, please don't kill me!" The man sobbed. "Yeah, whatever." Sage grabbed the dagger from her belt and cut the man's ear off. "I think I might just enjoy this..."
  8. First things first, dude you are reading way too far into it. The oreo cookie is just that, a cookie. Two crunchy chocolate outer pieces sandwiching a layer of creamy white...creamy stuff. Nothing more, nothing less. Next, "They sexify whoever eats them." not true. Otherwise, I'd most likely have my own personal harem by now. Lastly, just take it at face value. An extremely tasty, and errily addictive cookie snack. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must finish watching this hilarious flash toon, "Dad's Home." Goodbye.
  9. "Fine, don't talk." Syn stuck his tongue out at Ty. "Syn, have you noticed anything suspicious lately?" "You mean aside from people coming and going as they please, you two running off, and Senkai disappearing and reappearing? No, not really. Mmm...side note, I already know what happened with you and Sage while you were gone." Ty raised his gun at Syn. "God-damn, kid! Settle down! I only meant that as a joke, you know to lighten the mood." "Syn, duck." "Right-o." Syn dove for the floor as Ty fired off a couple round towards the window. A muffled groan and the sound of a gun hitting the ground could be heard. "I'm really starting to hate your past. Let me guess, there's gonna be more of them?" Syn asked. Ty nodded. "Well, shit. Need a hand?" "Your choice...kid." Ty responded. Syn ran under the cover of the tables towards his room. Once there, he reached into his closet, found his belt, and grabbed his "Emergency Use Only" Desert Eagles. After grabbing a few extra magazines, he rushed back into the kitchen and rejoined Ty. "Aren't those a bit...big? Ty remarked after seeing Syn equipment. "Nah, the grips are a perfect fit. Now, do me a favor and lay down some cover fire will ya? I'm taking this back to them." "Suicidal, are we? Just don't take me with you." "Not a chance." Ty rose and started firing. Syn ran out the door...and found nothing. "Son of a bitch. They ran after just one shot. I wanted to do my 'Bullet Dance'." "Either they left because they lost the element of surprise, or there was no one out the except some unlucky bastard carrying a gun." Syn walked out and examined the body. "Would some unlucky bastard wear an Armani suit in a forest or carry two MP5K SMGs? I think not."
  10. Well, I'm not going trick-or-treating this year, but I am going to dress-up. You see one of my managers at work is getting married on the 30th and she wants everyone to dress in a costume for the reception. Seeing as how I can't sow or create anything fabric to save my life, I made a deal with her. I reimburse her, and she makes my costume. Since I already had the neckalce, I chose to have her make me an Inuyasha costume. None too imaginative, but it might be more fun if I could get a girl I know to come with me as Kagome. Heh, I can see it now...I'd be in the middle of something then, "OSUWARI!" and down I go, more than likely on camera. I'll post a pic of myself in costume if I ever get one.
  11. OOC: DAAAMN!!! :eek: After those posts we may want to change the rating...well "done" you two! *ahem* All joking aside, back to the point... IC: Syn sat at the kitchen table; soda in one hand, magazine in the other. Hyo sat down across the table from him. "Everything alright, Syn?" "No, not really." "You're worried about Mahony, aren't you?" "No shit, Sherlock." "She's going to be perfectly fine in a week or so." "Yeah, I know that but...it feels like there was something I should have done." "Hey, she went out on her own because she knows how to defend herself. That and because she's probably stronger than almost anyone around here." "Yeah. Hey, since we have about an extra week before this whole thing goes down you planning on going back to your folks'? Hyo nodded. "Well, tell them I said hey." Syn tossed a bag to Hyo. "It's got about five thousand in there, figured they could use it more than me." "Thank you." "No problem. Just make sure it gets there, alright?" Syn stood up and entered Mahony's room. "Hey," Syn began in a quiet tone. "you need anything?" "No, I"m good." "When you first came back all bloody and beaten, I seriously thought that you may not make it. Stupid as that sounds. That...that was one of the first times I've really ever been worried for someone that much." Mahony cracked a weak smile. "Fool, you need to have more faith in me than that. This is just a couple dozen flesh wounds, nothing that serious..." "You call a dagger sticking outta your back 'just a flesh wound'? Damn you're tough...or insane. Can't really tell." Syn laughed. Mahony chuckled. "Hey, since you're offering, I guess I wouldn't mind a glass of water or something." Syn nodded and fetched a glass of water. "Here, icy cold and definately refreshing. You know, if you would have told me four years ago that I'd be about to lift the world's largest gem; A, I'd say you were crazy. And, B, I'd probably have slapped the taste from your mouth." Mahony took a drink of her water. "Syn..." "Yeah, do ya need something else?" Mahony shook her head. "Alright then, I'd better scoot so you can get some sleep." He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. "We need you at a hundred percent if we're to stand a chance of getting that crystal." Syn said with a wink as he ran a hand across her body. "Syn, you can stay in here if you want." "Oh? You actually trust me?" "How else will I be able to have you go get me stuff if you can't hear?" "Right, should have known. Go to sleep." Syn grabbed an old chair and set it near Mahony's bed. He glanced over at Mahony as she drifted into slumber. Syn sighed, "Anything at all for the one you love..." Moments later he too fell asleep.
  12. Look, my opinion really dosen't matter, but if she "claims to be a bisexual," "has many other boy/girlfriends," and you call her a slut...I don't think you're really looking at all the facts. A) She's 14, that's way too young to declare yourself anything. B) Has the thought, "Maybe the boyfriends are just friends who happen to be boys," crossed your mind? If not, you're a bit too suspicious of her. C) What does the kind of music she listen to have anything to do with anything? D) You're calling her a slut with no obvious evidence, just because she has other boy friends (note spacing) doesn't mean ****. E) You "think she wants to me", wrong. At 14, you should have other things on your mind. Sex can wait, trust me I've been waiting 18 years. I don't know, but if you actually have these thoughts in your head, maybe you should just try talking to her. Explain your thoughts and feelings, and go from there. If you break up, you break up. There are others out there.
  13. "You mean you left? Huh, never even noticed." Syn said as Ty returned with his equipment. "Why am I not surprised? You probably wouldn't even notice if you head was on fire." "Yeah, but that's besides the point. Or was there ever a point in the first place?" Xero approaches from behind. "I see you're still as ignorant as ever." "GAH! Don't sneak up on me like that! Wait a sec, Xero? Where'd you disappear to?" "That's neither none of your concern nor any of your business." "Somehow, I think it has something to do with...Runescape perhaps?" Syn joked. "Shut up." "Heh, heh. Just as I thought. Just remember Xero, you screw up and get killed during the heist you would come back. See ya." Syn left before Xero could retaliate. Syn walked outside to take in some of the night air. He glanced up towards the sky, and saw a shooting star. "Beautiful, isn't it? The night sky, I mean." Mahony asked. "Yeah, it really is. I remember when I was younger, I'd just spend hours out here. Looking at the stars, watching for comets and meteors, waiting for lunar eclipses. Of course, after a whileI started thinking." Mahony laughed, "You, thinking? Sorry, that just seems a bit oxymoronic." "Hey, laugh if you want, but I'm actually fairly intelligent." "So what would you think about?" "Anything really; life, love, the future, whether I'd eventually meet someone, or if I'd spend my life alone." "Sounds depressing." "Yeah, when I'm alone and thinking the thoughts usually aren't that happy. But, they've become more optimistic of late." "Really?" "Well, yeah. I met you, didn't I?"
  14. "Well lookie here, the prodigal son returns. How the hell you been, Hyo?" Syn asked. "Alright. I guess. Had to make sure that the money from my legal jobs made it home ok. Tryin' to help the family, ya know?" "Wish I did, lost my parents when I was just a teenager." "Oh...uh...sorry for bringing it up." "Hey, don't worry about it. Back in my hometown, you were executed for damn near anything. I was the lucky one though, I was only exiled." "The hell're you from? What happened?" "A border city called Lakfakalle. Pops was arrested and executed for Armed Robbery, and mom for failing to pay taxes on time." "How'd you get by with exile?" "Well, you see the 'dictator' had a daughter, and well the daughter and I were caught...uh...[i]together[/i]. Ok, it was more like third base, but I was already halfway down the baseline. Normally, I would have been shot then and there, but since she pleaded her father to let me go, I was only exiled permanently." "I see." "Hey, it's not like you knew anything about it. Besides, that's all in the past now. Gotta move on, right? See ya." Syn left where Hyo was and went to find Mahony.
  15. "Darn, here I was hoping for something else." Syn said jokingly. "Watch it, I'll still kick your ass for stuff like that." "Kidding, only kidding." "Anyway...back to the reason you're here." Mahony reached into her nightstand and grabbed a rolled-up blueprint. After reviewing the print multiple times, and repeated beatings for idiocy, Mahony put the layout back in her nightstand. "God, it seems simple enough but thats gotta be more difficult than...nevermind." "More difficult than [i]what[/i]?" "I refuse to finish that last though on grounds of imminent beating." "You're going to get a worse one if you don't tell me." Syn gulped. "More difficult than giving a girl an orgasm." Syn braced himself for Mahony's fury, but she just started laughing. "Do you ever think with the big head?" Mahony joked. "Only when necessary." Syn added. "You know, I think that was the first time I've really ever heard you laugh like that." "It's not every day YOU come up with something funny for a change." Mahony lied down on her bed. "Mind if I join you?" "Just don't try anything...yet." "Please, the last thing I want to do is take this too fast." Syn said as he lied down next to her. "You know, I just had a somewhat nasty though." "Oh, really? Now who's thinking with their nether regions?" "It's nothing like [i]that[/i], I was thinking maybe we could put on a little 'performance' for the people upstairs." "Really? You mean by letting their ears deceive them, correct?" Syn asked with a wink.
  16. "No, it's alright. You don't need to apologize for anything. I should apologize for making this hard on you. It's just that, I'm not used to this kinda thing." "Used to what?" Syn looked into her lovely blue eyes. "I'm not used to...being loved." "What? What makes you think I'm in love with you?" Mahony turned away blushing. "Well, I seriously doubt you'd kiss anyone like that just because. And, well, the way you look at me...gah, I'm not making any sense. I guess what I'm really trying to say is..." Syn turned Mahony's face back towards his and looked into her eyes. He brought his lips to hers in a passoinate kiss that neither of them wanted end. Mahony broke the kiss, "Why did you do that?" She asked. "You regreted nothing from earlier, and just a moment ago you kissed me again. I...I..." Syn struggled for words. "I, what?" "I love you."
  17. Syn mumbled incoherently. "What happened up there? All we saw was a big-ass puff of smoke." Ty asked. "I got my ass handed to me. Simple as that, now if you'll excuse me." Syn went to the other side of the building to gather his thoughts. "Thank the goddesses I was too concerned about the dagger against my throat to pop a woody. She'd definatly have killed me then." Syn thought. "But...still the tongue across my chin? The kiss no matter how light it was..." "NO! FOCUS DAMMIT! Like Mahony said all of the guards are female. I have to reamin calm, cool, collected, and...whatever the opposite of horny is." "What the hell is going on?! That...these...GAH! She said that she liked me best, but that could go any number of ways. Could she have ment my skills? Yeah, right. Or, maybe she meant...no way, she couldn't have meant the she actually [i]liked[/i] me, right?"
  18. "Yeah, right. You only picked me because I'm out of it at the moment." Syn spun himself around and got back to his feet. "You're merely an opportunity for me to warm-up." Mahony dodged Syn left cross, and went for a counter-attack. "Gotcha!" Syn caught Mahony's fist and threw her down on her face. "Not bad, but don't get cocky!" Mahony tripped Syn while she was still on the ground. Syn hit the roof with a solid thud. "Heh, you're a real fireball, you know that?" Syn picked himself up, as did Mahony. He dodged her volley of right hooks and crosses, and connected with a solid uppercut to her midsection sending her reeling. "Come on, you aren't about to let this schmuck wail on you, are ya?"
  19. "Damn my un-agile body!" Syn yelled as he tripped another beam. 'Come on, Syn! Even Senkai made it through!" Mahony taunted. "BECAUSE HE'S A FREAKIN' NINJA!!!...or something." "Let's go, take 29 and....ACTION!" Sage added. "...what?" "GO, SPUDNUTS!" Mahony yelled. Before attempting the trial again, Syn streched a bit first. After popping nearly everything in his body, he approached the lasers again. "I could have sworn I've been through a course like this before." Syn thought. "Guess I'm just outta practice from all those [i]other[/i] jobs I do so easily." Syn took a few steps back, took a deep breath, and ran towards the lasers. Syn rolled under the first beam, he then sprung off the floor with his hands over the next, kicked off the side of the hall, crossed over a few more beams and slid down the other wall. Syn dove over more of the beams, sprung off his hands again, corkscrewed over another, kicked off the celing, and face-planted in front of Mahony. "An 8 for the routine, but no score on the landing." Mahony quipped. "Could have been worse, I coulda landed on ya." Syn felt Mahony's foot on the back of his head. "...ow." "There's no possible way I'd have let that happen." Syn rolled over onto his back. "You know, I'm not sure if it's just the angle or the concussion I probably just got, but..." "But what?" Mahony asked as she looked down at Syn. "Your eyes are beautiful." Syn said before falling unconcious.
  20. Syn stood there motionless, still in shock from Mahony's display of acrobatics and also because of Sage's entrance. "Two questions," Syn began. "Who are you, and are you available?" Sage's eyes pierced directly into his soul. "Say something like that again, and I will kill you." "I've been getting that a lot recently...seriously though calm down, I was trying to lighten the mood a little." Ty spoke up. "Syn, you've gotta play your strengths, obviously intelligence isn't one of them." "Developed a bit of a wit while I've been away?" Sage asked Ty. "Nah, that schmuck just kinda brings out the comedian in me." Ty replied. "Is that so?" "Yeah, I give all of them as much ammunition as they want." Syn added. "Ok then, now that that is over, might I suggest we get down to business?" Mahony asked. Syn opened his mouth. "Syn, if you so much as make one remark I swear to the goddesses I'll castrate you myself." "Two things; A: That's not funny. B: I was only going to ask where we should store our weapons. Geez, even my mind comes out of the gutter occasionally." "...Shut up."
  21. "You get off on watching make an ass of myself don't you, Mahony?" Syn asked. "Why not? This is the best entertainment I've had in years." "How about we make this little 'exercise' more interesting, if I can get this lock open with just the bobby pin in under 90 second..." Syn began "HELL NO!" Mahony interrupted. "You ain't gettin' anywhere near this." She said as she slid her hands on her ass. "You really should listen to Senkai, you might get somewhere if you think with the big head every once in a while." "Well, can't blame a guy for trying." Syn put the bobby pin into the lock and started trying to manipulate the tumblers. He applied pressure to the top of the lock, angled the tip of the pin and felt the first one turn. "So far, so good..." He began work on the second and third tumblers and felt them slide with minimal effort. "Come on, Mahony. Don't you want to expirience how good I am with my fingers for yourself?" "...pervert." "Yeah, but what can ya do?" Syn felt the final tumbler slip and the door slid open. "Hah, 38 seconds. Not bad, eh?" Syn felt Mahony's fist on the back of his head again. "...ow." "I really should kill you."
  22. Syn and Senkai have been wandering for what they feel is an eternity through Mahony's trap infested forest. "Senkai, I think we're lost." They continue wandering. "Probably because of [i]your[/i] great sense of direction. Maybe I should have let that bear maul you." "Shut up." Syn stops paying attention and walks into a stone wall "...ow." "I don't friggin' believe it. WE MADE IT!!!!" "Sweet! Hey, the door's open too! Hello? HELLO?! I guess no one else is here." "Should we wait for the others?" "Nah! Well, I suppose we should get to work on this door thingy. How about you try? Eh, Senkai?"
  23. "Ya know, I really think Mahony wants me dead." Syn said dodging another one of Mahony's traps. "Really? I thought the two of you were geting along nicely." Senkai replyed after avoiding a trigger for yet another of Mahony's traps. "Seriously? Hang on a second...I think I hit something." Two massive spiked logs came from the treetops towards Syn. "Oh shit, this is gonna hurt." Syn spoke before intentionally waiting to the last second to evade the logs. "Come on Syn, I saw that wire at 20 meters. Try thinking with the big head for a change. She is quite attractive, but this is hardly the time for it." "Dude, she's underage. Even if it is only by a year...oops...almost hit another one. Watch your step there's one by you too." "Oh, thanks for noticing. Looks like we both might want to pay more attention. Above you." Syn avoids another wire. "Ya know, she's really a demented little genius for engineering all of these. Hang on, are we even going the right way?" "I hope so, I think I remember seeing Ty, Hyo, and Denshi not to long ago." "Ok, but then where's Xero?" Syn and Senkai continue making they're way through the forest, barely esacping some of Mahony's more "elaborate" traps. "I pray to the Goddesses that this is the right way..." Syn moaned
  24. Mahony shrugged, "I guess, come on before I change my mind." They all proceeded to enter the Attic, and Senkai returned the wallets at Mahony's "suggestion." "Yep, definately gonna have a bruise there in the morning." Syn said still rubbing his lower back. "And before you say anything, I already know I deserved it. Now, as for you...uh...what was your name again" He asked to the newcomer. "Senkai." "Yeah, the next time you go anywhere near my pants I'm gonna kill ya. I know you were only after my cash, but still." After saying that Syn felt Mahony's fist connect with the back of his head. ".......Ow." "Syn, get your head out of your ass or I'll kill you myself." Mahony scowled. "Yes, Ma'am." "It would appear that our 'friend' Syn here is more comedian than thief." Xero said. "Really? Care to check for your wallet, Xero?" Syn asked. "Yeah, it's right in my hand." Xero said while holding his wallet. "Care to look inside?" Xero opened his wallet. "....What the Hell? What happened to my cash?" Syn whistled, "Right here, Xero. All 325 of it. So, still think I'm only a comedian?" Syn felt another one of Mahony's fists in he bac of his head. "...Sorry, Ma'am." Mahony took a deep breath, "Now on to more serious matters."
  25. "...Well, looks like my hacking skills will be of no use. So, I'll just leave that to the two of you, ok Xero? Ty?" ...(Damn they're good. There's no way that could have been real.)... "Syn?" Xero asked. "What now, Xero? Can't ya see I'm busy?" Syn replied before downing the rest of his drink. "Yeah, busy getting hammered." Ty added. "Shut yer face. *HIC!*" "Enough. Look, if you all can learn to at least respect each other, then you have no business being here." Mahony said scowling at her "team." "C'mon lighten up toots, if you're too serious all the time no one'll want to work with ya. Now look, we're all here, gathered in a bar no less, trying to have a somewhat good time. We can focus on the Zeal Crystal and the competition thingy later. If we are supposted to be a team, we should get to know each other first. That way, we can assist the others in a difficult situation...or something like that." Syn said, with partially slurred speech. "You're drunk, aren't you?" "Does a bear crap in the woods? *sigh* But that's beside the point, all I'm trying to say is a good team needs a good leader. And, sometimes that good leader needs to cut loose, get it? Good, now get me another drink before I start making sense." "Syn, you're pathetic." Ty chuckled "Yeah, but that's what I'm good at."
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