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Everything posted by Jim_Hawking
[COLOR=Red]"Ok, I can tell that you'd prefer it if I didn't kill. No problem. I wager 250 that I can pick the pockets of 13 random people in under a minute and a half. I even go as far as to let you pick my marks. Sound good?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"Theft is more than just picking pockets, Syn."[/COLOR] [color=red]"Fine, what should I do to prove that I'm more than just a killer? Any suggestions, Ty?"[/color] [color=navy]"How about hacking? That way I can also prove my skill in that."[/color] [color=green]"Seems good enough. Ok, you two have fifteen minutes to hack into the bank's database and transfer 250,000 into this account.[/color] Hyo jumped up. [color=sienna]"Wait a minute! I said that I could hack just as easily as those two![/color] [color=purple]"Don't forget 'bout me over here. I said I was a hacker too, ya know."[/color] Xero added. [color=darkorange]"This could prove entertaining, hai?"[/color] [color=green]"Ok, the first one of you to complete the task will be our main hacker, how's that?"[/color] [SIZE=1](Sorry, thought that different colors for each character could help differenciate people.)[/SIZE]
Syn lied there next to her, making sure that she was completely out before moving. "Well my dear, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I'm going to." With that he slid from her bed, put his clothing back on, and swiped her emerald and ruby encrusted gold pendant. "Yes, this should net me at [i]least[/i] 5,000. *sigh* I love my job." He exited her apartment buliding and made his way towards a merchant. "Hey," Syn said, "how much is this thing worth?" He gave the pendant to the merchant. "Oh, I'd say about 27,925. I should know, I sold one that looked just like this about an hour ago. Guy said it was an anniversary gift for his wife." "Ya don't say. So, how much'll ya give me?" "15,000. No, I'll make it 17,250." "Deal." Syn took the 17,250 and headed towards his favorite pub. "Anniversary gift, eh? HAH! My day just keeps getting better." He entered the pub through what he took to be an attempt to get fresh air in the place, but as he found out, was nothing more that some jerk showing-off. He glanced out towards the windows and saw a notice, it read: "Thieves wanted." At least that what he thought it said, reading backwards was never something he was good at. "So, who needs a thief? "I do." The reply came from a young girl at a nearby table. Sitting with her was another man. "So, who are you?" "Name's Syn Alexander, and it's a pleasure to meet you..." "Mahony. Syn, this is Ty." "How're you, Ty?" "No complaints, yet." Ty responded "What are you good at?" Mahony asked "Not too much; Diversions, little bit of Hacking, Stealth Kills, you know the usual." "Prove it." She demanded With a flick of his wrist, two nearby patrons fell to the ground with a throwing dagger imbedded in their temples. "Impressed?" "Yeah, you're in." "Now that that's settled, may I offer you a drink?"
I'll only say this, should Innocence ever get released where I live (Central Illinois) I'll be among the first to see it. Once I've seen it, I post a review with apprpriate spoiler coverings. Until then, I'm stuck with movies like Resident Evil: Apocolypse. :flaming:
I first started watching anime when I was about six or seven. The first two I watched were Sailor Moon, and Dragon Ball Z. Fast Forward about eleven or twelve years, and you'll see that I've own about six or seven complete series, well over seventy-five disks, and a couple things all you kiddies don't need to know about. To this day, I'd still watch Sailor Moon over Dragon Ball Z, and yeah I am a guy.
Name: Syn Alexander Age: 18 Specialties: Diversionary Tactics, Hacking, Stealth Kills, Demolitions Weapons: Twin .50 Calibre Desert Eagles (Emergency Use Only), Throwing Daggers, Large Combat Knife, Walther P99 slienced Personality: Eager to help, Witty, Determined, Formal Bio: After leaving his home town at the age of 14, (for reasons pertaining to the daughter of a prominent citizen...) Syn has been drifting from city to city for the past two years of his life. He's worked in "Teams" before either acting as a diversion for the authorites, or blowing a huge, gaping hole in the wall as needed. He uses every opportunity to charm the local women, then while they're distracted (read: exhausted for certain reasons) he swipes their jewels and sells them to the highest bidder. Appearence: [URL]http://www.animegalleries.net/album/180/img/55[/URL]
Anime Dating Anime Characters: Would You?
Jim_Hawking replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm, as for ones I WOULDN'T date; Top of the list, Asuka Langley Sohryu. Not only is she a total *****, but there's also the Boderline Personality to consider. That, and I really wanted to slap her a few times. Aside from the whole Necrophilia aspect, I still wouldn't date Kikyo because of her 50 year old grudge against Inuyasha. Let it go, girl. Maya Jingu (Burn-Up Excess), this'll sound odd coming from a guy but she's just a bit too top heavy for my taste. That, and the fact that she uses guns the same way other women use...certain....[I]toys[/I]. (I'll leave the rest to your imagination.) Flip side of the coin, (Would date) Aisha Clanclan, Her energy more than makes up for my lack thereof. That and she was the first anime girl I ever really liked. Rally Vincent- Calm, collected, witty, could easily whip my *** in an instant, plus her '67 Cobra. What more do you need? Misato Katsuragi, she's a girl you can have FUN with. (Minds out of the gutter please.) I'd have no problem living in her "apartment," a penguin as a roommate, and cases upon cases of beer! (Ok, you may throw your minds back in the gutter.) There are more, except....I just can't think of them at this moment. My mind has decided to pre-occupy itself.....if that made any sense. -
Name: Syn Alexander Age: 19 Gender: Male Job: Bounty Hunter Side: R.A.G. Bio: Has lived alone for the last seven years of his life, took up bounty hunting after learning of the reward offered on his parents. The terms were Dead or Alive, he chose dead. Has grown accoustomed to having his movements traced, and every detail about his everyday life recorded and wants that to end. After hearing of the R.A.G. decided that he could use a little excitement in his life, and besides there could be a huge pay-off at the end. Appearence: 6'3", 190 lbs, Long Blonde hair and matching blue eyes. Wears a Red leather jacket over a pair of dark pants and white shirt. Wears copper lensed sungalsses and has one earring in his left ear. Who says Fashion is everything? (Just temporary, may change the bio once I have a better idea.)
Great, something where I have to think.... Let's see, I would have to say I was about 13 and my first series was Sailor Moon. The funny thing is, I'm now 17 and I find Sailor Moon to bve more enjoyable than half the crap out there. (No offense DBZ/GT fans...) I bought my first DVD Christmas Eve 2002, which happened to be the third voulme of Outlaw Star. 1 1/3 years later, I've blown countless amounts of cash and have acquired 55 total DVDs, including 6 full series (Boogiepop Phantom, Crest of the Stars, Outlaw Star, Noir, Excel Saga, and Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Name: Ryoji Kinezono Age: 17 Who he was on Lowne: A Dragoon in the Queen's army Powers: Control over Lightning and Electricity (Shocking, yes?) Able to summon forth thunderstorms and zap foes. Personality: A bit on the wild side, though he's very courteous to any woman he meets. (For reasons we shall not get into at the moment...) Does whatever he can to help out, or just lift everyone's spirits. A schmuck in the truest sense of the word, he feels obligated to join to restore his former home, and because he's very, VERY bored. Transformation: After getting shocked by 1.21 jiggawatts of electricity, (read: a whole hell of a lot) Ryoji emerges weraing Dragoon's Armor and carrying a really, REALLY, big sword. His short black hair turns a platinum color and lengthens down to his legs. His eyes turn from Burgandy to a light greenish-blue, and his streams of lightning flowing from his skin. So, you like?
Syn sat still for a few moments staring at the girl. "Wait a minute..." Syn said while looking at the collar placed around her neck. "Oh my god, I just had a flash of insight!" "Are you sure it wasn't gas?" Mya asked. "Very funny, Mya. As I was saying, why don't we look for some tools around here?" "What the hell do you have planned?" Rodya asked. "Here's the deal, we find some tools, say a screwdriver, hammer, yada yada yada, then I work on trying to get that collar of the crazy psycho *****. And no, I don't mean Azumi. If I do it right, we can get our ***** outta here, I goof and she's no longer a problem. What do you think?"
"God-damn people, am I the only one here who still has a sense of humor?" Syn remarked after hearing Rayne's last comment. "I've had enough with your ****ing sense of humor, Syn! It 's that kind of attitude that's going to get us killed!" Azumi yelled back at him. Syn thought to himself, "Man, she really cares for the poor kid." "Look," Syn started to say, "I...I guess I have been a bit annoying. I'm sorry." Rodya's jaw dropped, "You..you're apologizing?" "Tryin' to at least. Never really was that good at it. Excuse me." Syn walked out of the house they were in and sat beneth the tree where Mya was keeping watch. "How long are you going to stay up there?" No response. "Hmm, musta fallen asleep. Guess I'll see how she's doing." Syn climbed the tree. Upon reaching Mya's branch however, he felt a sharp pain in his groinal area where Mya kicked him. "Syn, don't you know you're not supposed to sneak up on a girl like that?" (Back in the house...) "Azumi, don't you think you're being too short with Syn? Yeah, he can be annoying three-quarters of the time, but..." Rodya said before being cut of by Azumi. "That man is a selfish, arrogent, low life, bounty hunting, piece of ****!" Azumi yelled. "That bastard needs to leave, for his own sake."
"That's gonna leave a mark." Syn quipped to try and lighten the mood. "Syn! How can you try and make a joke about this? Don't you even care?!" Azumi screams at him. "Look. The main way I deal with situations like this is to make light of the sitation itself. It's the one thing that keeps me sane. Unlike Mya over here with her meds." Syn shot back. "SYN!!!!" "Somehow, the schmuck does have a point." Rodya added, "I mean, if we were all serious all the time, we'd be like the Egyptians or whoever else is here." "Besides, he's probably had worse injuries. Eh, Rayne?" Mya joked. All the time cussing Syn out in her mind for the medicine crack. "In any event, we may want to find an infirmary to get that patched up so it doesn't get infected or anything, right?" Azumi said, returning everyone to reality. "Yeah, let's get going. We can't have Rayne die on us...yet." Syn said. "SYN!!!!"
"Honestly, I"m not one for the dark, cramped,and disgusting. But seeing as how I'm very bored and feel like carving a few people like the thanksgiving turkey....." Syn pauses mid-sentence. "God, what now?" Mya asked, becoming very annoyed. "I shoundn't have said turkey." Syn replies in a weak voice. A moment later Syn's stomach makes it's presence known with a deep groan. "Hun...gry..." Syn then collapses with a thud. "You're worthless, you know that?" Azumi scolds. "You try not eating for a few days, then we'll talk." Syn shoots back, slowly struggling to his feet. "Besides, we need to find Rayne before he steals all the kills." "I thought that we weren't going to play their game." Rodya added. "If we hunt them down, then we're no better than the ones we kill." ".....huh? Sorry, musta zoned out or something..." Syn said before getting cut off by the sounds of ricocheting gunfire. "Oh crap. Well, so much for the Egyptians." Syn descends into the manhole first, followed by the rest of the group. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE?!?!" Rayne screamed. "While the four of you were up there screwing around, I had to kill all of those bastards alone! Not that I cared or anything." "Sorry, I kinda collapsed from hunger. My bad." Syn said.
"Now wait just one friggen' minute. How the hell do we know if they're from our class or not?!" Syn asked, slightly panicked. "We pray." Rayne replied in his cool, unemotional voice. That sent a chill through Syn's spine. "Never took you as the religious type, Rayne." Mya added. "I'm not." Rayne shot back. Slowly, the comrades creep towards the street where the other "contestants" have stopped.
After hearing of Mya's "condition," Syn cautiously backs away. "Relax, it's not like I'm going to rape or kill you in your sleep, Syn." Mya said, still having a bit of an attitude. "Why am I [I]not[/I] feeling reassured?" Syn playfully quipped. "But seriously, what other nations are participating this year? I already know the Russians are in it." "Well, obviously we Japanese are in it." Azumi added. "I believe my question was what [i]other[/i] nations were in this. We already know we're in it." Syn said. "You don't need to get an attitude Syn. She was just making a point. Getting back to your question, I know I saw French students not too long ago." Mya said. Rayne stands up. "Instead of asking who's in it, why don't we just focus on the task at hand. In other words, LIVING." "Well, this has gone downhill quickly. How about a subject change? Please?" Rodya said.
"Goddammit!" Syn yelled as a few more rounds whizzed by his head. Running through the dense forest was hard enough, but having a trio of whacked-out Russian students armed with firearms made it that much more difficult. To top it all off, he was only armed with a reverse-blade katana. "THIS TRIP SUCKS!" He screamed as a nearby tree branch spilntered after been shot. Is nabbing that guy Kammon and the ten million dollar bounty really worth this? About that time the shooting stopped, they were out of ammo. "Sorry kids, playtime's over." He said as he reversed direction and charged the Russians. He drew his blade and within moments, the Russian class was minus three more students. Bloody, partially exhausted, and sorrowful for having ended three innocent lives, Syn continued on hoping to find anyone from the Japanese class that he could recognise. Though, seeing as how he transferred to Japan from America only two weeks before, he was quite simply screwed. Then, he heard talking. "C'mon, one more time. Please?" Azumi asked to Rayne. "For the last time, NO!" Syn followed the sounds, and saw them. Rayne, Azumi, Mya, and Rodya. "Thank the Goddesses."
1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched? My first series was Sailor Moon, first movie was Ghost in the Shell, and first OVA was Gunsmith Cats. Keep in mind I was about 12 when I saw these. 2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy? Yes, but yet no. My tastes have matured (ever so slightly) so I've gone from looking for the popular, to the relatively unknown. (Like from Cowboy Bebop -> Burn-Up eXcess) I have noticed that as I've aged, I have gone after the more dramatic series over the predictable crap that is DBZ. Except, I'm also being drawn into the Romantic Comedies like Chobits and Ai Yori Aoshi. I guess that my tastes haven't changed, but maybe just spread. (Like that makes sense...) In addition to that, I actually have six entire series owned. (Boogiepop Phantom, Outlaw Star, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Noir, Excel Saga, and Crest of the Stars) 3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now? With Crest of the Stars and Boogiepop Phantom, no way. Hell, Boogiepop is still over my head. Then again, it hurts when I think. You tell me...
Name: Syn Alexander Sex: Male Age: 17 Eye Color: Deep Red Hair Color: Blonde Address: 4913 Caster Ave, Apt. #41 Legal Guardian: Misato Katasugi Occupation: Bounty Hunter Personal Information: Syn is a recent transfer student from Las Vegas, Nevada. (USA) According to the information supplied from Las Vegas P.D. Syn makes a living mainly as a Bounty Hunter. This has been confirmed after uncovering a Swiss bank account of $13,662,000 American Dollars. Las Vegas P.D. has also confirmed that Syn transferred to Japan, more specifically the class chosen for The Program, upon hearing of a $10,000,000 American bounty on a Program director. Distinctive Marks: Kanji for "Life," Death," and "Rebirth" on right shoulder. Kanji for "Luck," "Fate," and "Fortune" on left shoulder
Actually, Angel Links is a spin-off series. The only connection it has to Outlaw Star is episode 19: Law and Lawlessness. That basically, introduces [i]some[/i] of the Angel Links characters, such as Valeria and Duuz. I think...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ArgoGulski [/i] No!!!! For the love of God, don't see it!!!! It's the dumbest thing you'll ever frickin' see!! Save yourself an eye-gouging and avoid this title at alll costs! [/QUOTE] How do I put this gently, you're wrong. Gunsmith Cats is one of the best anime I've seen. Like the others have said before me, the action sequences are very well done, and I absolutly loved the Cobra. Though I'm still wondering why she put a cassette deck in , when she could have gotten a CD player...oh well. Speaking of CD's, there may not have been that many songs for Gunsmith Cats, but the intro for the chapters is among one of my all time favorites. As far as characters go, William Collins (the ATF agent in charge of the investigation) is probably one of the biggest schmucks I've seen. Rally, (much like a lot of women) could easily kick my butt. May....scares me. She's about as obsessed with grenades as Maya from Burn Up eXcess is with firearms. Radinov-heavily armed, wears a bulletproof trenchcoat, and is a lethal russian psychopath, need I say more? There are plenty of other characters, but I'm running out of time. Overall, if you're looking for a nice change of pace from giant mecha, or whatever I'd heavily recommend this, you won't be disappointed. Score: [b] 9.75/10 [/b]
[COLOR=crimson] I think I'll be fine provided my parents never watch anything I own. Now, I should state that nothing I own is hentai, but my parents believe otherwise. Because of that, I now have to carry my entire collection in my backpack which I have to take to school. So, as you can guess, people are constantly pestering me to let them borrow something. Not that, I mind since they always give'em back in good shape. Anyway, the reason my parents hate anime is because they just don't take the time to understand it. C'mon, would you consider Burn Up eXcess porn? Wait, don't answer that....[/COLOR]
I'm pretty sure most of of have heard of the party game "Six Degrees of Separation" right? Well, this is a slight variation. I want to see how long this'll go, and how many different anime we can connect through voice actors/actresses. Example: Connecting Boogiepop Phantom to Burn Up eXcess Boogiepop Phantom- Jessica Calvello -Excel Saga Excel Saga- Monica Rial -Noir Noir- Tiffany Grant- Gunsmith Cats Gunsmith Cats- Amanda Winn Lee- Burn Up eXcess Get the idea? Let's begin.
...(Wow. People are still posting in this, I'm impressed.) All joking aside, back to the point... I still remember some of the first OVAs I ever watched, such as Gunsmith Cats and Birdy the Mighty (still can't find a DVD...) First Anime movies were definately Darkside Blues and Ghost in the Shell, I still watch'em both. Got any opinions on those?
Sign Up Final Fantasy: The One Winged Angel(sign ups)
Jim_Hawking replied to Meteora's topic in Theater
This could be interesting, let's give it a shot... Name: Yuji Kisaragi Age: 17 Gender: Male Weapon(Max Three): A 4 1/2 foot long Katana forged from purest Mythril, shining with the light of a pure soul. An "antique" Winchester rifle, that throughout its years of use has slain more innocents than Sephiroth himself. Anything he happens to pick up(temporarily, of course) Magic(Max five): Haste, Life, Esuna, Comet, Death Summon(one only): Bahamut ZERO Description: A young man standing about 6'2" weighing approximatly 184 lbs. Yuji has long black hair styled into a large braid. Constantly wearing a pair of copper tinted sunglasses over hazel eyes, Yuji is also seen wearing a pair of loose fitting multi-pocketed pants, with a deep red tank top covering his chest. Bio: The son of Yuffie Kisaragi and Vincent Valentine, (don't ask, it's icky.) Yuji truly is his mother's son. After robbing the Gil from unknowing travellers near the town of Wutai to support his family, young Yuji has become a rather decent thief. Upon hearing of the One-Winged Angel's return, both Yuffie and Vincent decided that it was time for their son to face the ultimate evil as they had. After reciving the gifts of the Mythril katana and Winchester rifle, Yuji Kisaragi sets out to defeat Sephiroth and save the Planet, much like his parents did years ago. How was that? -
Actually, I'm going to see about starting an anime club at my high school. Once, I gather enough for the "core" group to decide the name and all that, we are going to approach our principal with our idea. Once we get everything set up, I'll post more about it, besides, we have a 5 member Radio club here at EPCHS (East Peoria Community High School) we're going to have more than that after 15 minutes. Wish me luck.