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Everything posted by Jim_Hawking
Hoo boy, I'll try to keep this short. (No intentional order.) 1. Who? Jim Hawking Why? He's like the little brother I wished I had. Doesn't take crap from anyone, (wish I could do that...), and can actually tolerate Gene Starwind. From? Outlaw Star. What do they do? He assists Gene in the search for the Galactic Leyline by acting as the actual pilot (not Captain, like Gene) of the Outlaw Star. 2. Who? Duo Maxwell Why? He's a cocky, fun-loving, down-to-Earth, smug, and somewhat arrogent SOB. From? Gundam Wing What do they do? He pilots the awesome Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom (Endless Waltz) 3. Who? Yuji Nario Why? He's a bit of a lecherous (perverted) cop, who reminds me of myself. (Don't ask. It's icky...) Plus, as a member of Team Warrior, he gets to be around Neo-Tokyo's finest women in blue. From? Burn Up eXcess What do they do? Well, he's a cop, who gets to fly helicopters. As well as videotape Rio, but not in that sense.
Ok, so if the title of the last episode has something to do with a deeper meaning to the series... How do you explain Excel Saga's episode 25: We will not be held responsible. Or 26: Going too far?
I've seen this, Bio Hunter is honestly the only anime I've seen that has actually freaked me out. The whole eating people, and the one part during the explict sex scene... (shudders) I still have nightmares, and I haven't seen it in a couple years.
This could be interesting...Let's give it a shot. Name: Cid Hopkins Age: 17 Description: A guy of typically average height, 6'2", and moderate weight, 185 lbs, Cid has pale blond hair that just flows where it want's to, and what some consider soul-piercing blue eyes. Cid is never seen without his antique pilot's goggles, denim jacket covering a black and red T-shirt, and a pair of dark olive green cargo khakis. Bio: After leaving his hometown for reasons he's never told anyone, Cid has been able to stay alive by doing oddjobs for some quick cash, and by doing other people's dirty work for a higher fee. He's been going from town to town hoping to fill a void in his life, searching a place to call home. That and, he wouldn't mind scoring a whole lotta cash. Reason for comming with Xra: Reason he tells people: boredom. Honest Reason: To see the world, make money, spread the name of Cid, and other things he hasn't thought of yet. Equipment: A slightly dulled lashknife, (a small curved blade connected to a 30-foot chain) 2 small daggers, and a 3 1/2 foot long katana. Other than that: just his fists, and a descent knowledge of explosives...
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
Jim_Hawking replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
Right now, I am very angry at the admins at fanfiction.net, becase they deleted my fan-fic! They said that I wasn't following the guidelines, which is total BS because if that were true, it would have been deleted earlier... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Sigh. Why can't everyone just be a little more accepting? It's not that hard.... It just annoys me when people are rabidly anti shonen-ai or shoujo-ai. Every individual is entitled to his or her own opinion. That doesn't mean you have the right to force yours on the rest of the planet. I like some shonen- and shoujo-ai, but not all of it, just as I don't like all straight pairings. It'd be nice if people who dislike yaoi couples at least bothered to make constructive criticism, rather than pointless insults. To be fair, many do. It's the ones who don't that start to get irritating, especially when they all say the same thing, over and over. Anybody agree? ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Look above you. As you can see I'm neutral. Which for me has always been a safe bet.
If you're going to mention Sephiroth, at least spell his name right...but yes he is awesome. However, my favorite enemy is with out a doubt: Belhelmel from FF8. It's a lawnmower blade with two faces. It's so messed up it's cool.
Writing Quotes:: What is your favorite Quote?
Jim_Hawking replied to AutoKill's topic in Creative Works
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." Mel Brooks "WARK!" Chocobo "Not all guys have one thing on their mind, SLEAZEBALL!!!" Jim Hawking "Poopies..." Kabapu "Afros are cool!" Nabeshin "Ahh...the old exploding bear trap to the *** trick." Goemon "I see nutzing, I hear nutzing, I know nutzing." Sergeant Schultz (More I just remembered a week after posting...) "I'd rather tounge a snake." Rally Vincent "Noir. It is the name of an ancient fate. Two maidens who govern death. To the depths of Hell's fire, their black souls lure the lost children." Chloe And finally one of my own, I think... "Eventually, you learn not to ask ridiculous questions like that." How're those? -
Anime What's the longest you've gone without anime?
Jim_Hawking replied to Moor_Child's topic in Otaku Central
Most I've gone is about...Hmm...(April, June July....) Three weeks. My not sound like much, because well, it's not. I was just lucky enough to break my parents passcode locks on our satellite dish, and DVD player. Take that parental controls! HOOAA! -
Personally, I'm neutral towards the whole same sex coupling in anime/manga/what have you. I think that most of it is just extremely bored people come up with so that they can keep themselves busy. I just keep an open mind towards this kinda thing. I've read shonen-ai, shojo-ai, and regular (unleaded) hentai. Though I admit, I'm against a few pairings, if I come across one I don't like, I stop reading. Why put yourself though reading you don't like? Just remember someone else created it. Wheather you like it or not is your deal. (Can't believe I originally misspelled remember...)
Anime Demons, witches, and spirits, Oh my...In anime that is!
Jim_Hawking replied to Hinata's topic in Otaku Central
I find this whole thing amusing for one reason. I was forced to go to a "Catholic" grade school for the whole...yeah. While there, I learned about a card game called Magic:The Gathering. That game has alot of elements to it; demons, ghosts, elves, dragons, sorceries, priests, and "gods." None of the religious staff at the school thought anything of it, know why? They understood it was all fake. However, the moment my parents and grandparents find out, they become under the impression that I worship "Satan." Now this whole thing is starting again, because I was considering buying the anime Demon City Shinjuku, which I still haven't seen yet. I guess my point is that how "religion" in anything affects people varies to person to person. Heck, my other relatives that have seen it say it's not "Satanic" or anything like that. I guess my close relatives are just messed up. -
Anime The importance of being....(insert name here)
Jim_Hawking replied to duorocks17's topic in Otaku Central
Let's try this one on...Lupin. Brief Analysis Your name of Lupin creates a very expressive, versatile, and spontaneous nature. You are happiest when you are associating with people and participating in activities with others. Your name gives you a desire to sing, dance, and have a good time. This name makes you very idealistic, emotional, and temperamental, liking to do things on the spur-of-the-moment and disliking being repressed or held down to monotonous detail. A lack of concentration makes it difficult to establish stable, secure conditions in your business life. In order to bring out the higher side of your nature, you should develop your artistic and creative talents. Dang. That nearly fits Lupin to a t. -
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
Jim_Hawking replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
MUST CONTROL RAGE!!!! Fooly Cooly is a ******* animated program! IT'S NOT REAL!! If ADULT Swim gets removed because of her, you have my solemn promise that divine retrobution will be delivered. If she doesn't want her kids watching things like that, WHY DOES SHE OWN A TV? Things like that are everywhere! There's more nudity in my high school locker room, but let's not get into that right now... She's obviously one of those "if I don't like it, no one likes it, holier than thou" kinda people that should be slaughtered mercilessly...ooh..(Calm down, Jim)... Anyway, I just don't see how people can get so bent outta shape over FAKE nudity. It's a smegging cartoon, people! You don't like it, CHANGE THE ******* CHANNEL! I feel better now. -
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
Jim_Hawking replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
Pen Name: VincentHawking I only have one fic called "Trapped in Another Dimension" Sadly, it's a huge crossover...Final Fantasy 7&8, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam, Sailor Moon...and that's just the first 3 chapters... Of course I also have some of my friends from this world in there, including myself. As for how I found fanfiction.net, I just searched for fan fiction. Feel free to read it! And I don't mind harsh reviews. -
[COLOR=crimson] "Wealth and Glory to the winner." I say as I remove the blade of my Katana from my now corpse of an opponent. After taking the agreed upon 3000 Gil, it hits me. The fact that I've taken another life. For what? A lousy 3000 Gil? Hardly seems worth it. Hell, if he hadn't tried to attack me with his dagger, he'd still be alive. As I leave the scene of the fight I run into someone who I swear has a...thing, on her back. "Sorry 'bout that. My mistake." [/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson] Cloud:...ow. What the heck just happened? *looks around the tiny hut* What the? Vincent? Why are you here, better yet, why are ANY of us here?[/COLOR]
...seems like this is an unpopular one.
[COLOR=crimson] ...(What's her problem?)... I think to myself as the girl whom I bumped into walks away. I use my recently purchased potion to heal myself slightly. I check my pockets... "750 GIL?!?! Aww, TEACAKES! I'm broke again. *sigh* Anyone else care to challenge me? Anyone at all? *sigh* Guess not." As I slowly walk the streets, I walk into a large crowd, and begin to pick pockets. I exit the crowd, only to realize that I had only gotten 1500 Gil out of all that work. "Damn, my life sucks." I wait for another challenger, one that I might be able to defeat. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson] ".......ow." I slowly struggle to my feet. I look around for my challenger, only to find him long gone, and my pockets empty. "Guess I lost, huh? Oh well." I fall down again as I slip in a pool of my own blood. "Well,[I]THAT'S[/I] embarrasing" I once again rise to my feet, brush myself off and scrape together enough Gil to purchase a potion from a nearby shop. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson] OOC: Sorry bout the late signup, I'll just take a Katana as my weapon. As I sat at the blackjack tables, counting my mountains of Gil. I hear whispers of a man named Tsin, and that his corrupted soul is slowly killing the planet. I pull myself away from one of my hands of blackjack, only to find the rumors to be true. I cash out my chips, and reclaimed my Katana. "Is there anyone here willing to take me on for, oh lets say 250,000 Gil?" I wait for my challanger.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post. Vincent: "Uhhg." Barkeep: "Are you ok?" Vincent: "Hardly. Where am I, anyway?" Barkeep: "New July City, you've actually been here for about a couple days. You were brought in by some man in a red coat" Vincent: "Alright then, where's my stuff?" Barkeep: *points to a small closet* "In there, you had the Python and Katana, right?" Vincent: "Yeah. Hey, who brought me in?" Barkeep: "That guy over there." *points to a man in a red coat* "He claims to be Vash the Stampede." Vincent: "That would explain why it looked like he was the guy who accidentally stepped on me before I lost concoiusness."[/COLOR]
Ahh..Fujiko... Having 2 of the DVDs helps since now I can laugh at Zenigata's hilarious goof-ups again, and again. I think "Pops" needs to be committed.
I'm game. Name: Cloud Strife Age: 21 Sex: M History: At the age of 21, Cloud leads the life of a merecenary for hire. After joining Barret Wallace's rebel group AVALANCHE, Cloud has begun to attack Shin-ra Corp. who just happens to be his former employer. Cloud USED to belong to Shin-ra's elite fighting unit SOLDIER, he joined SOLDIER after leaving his hometown of Nibelheim at the age of 16. After leaving the city of Midgar, accompanied by childhood friend Tifa Lockheart, AVALANCHE leader Barret Wallace, Flower girl from the slums Aeris (Aerith) Gainsbourogh(sp?), and escaped reseacrch specimen Red XIII, Cloud sets off to find his past, and to kill the man who took his past, Sephiroth. Description: Can be overly serious one minute, then somewhat of a dork the next. Weapon: Swords (GIGANTIC swords) Special Weapon: Ridiculously huge sword (Bigger than the Ultima Weapon) Called the "Cosmic Spiral", If the attack causes lethal damage, not only is the opponent defeated, but the essence of the enemy itself is absorbed by the blade either increasing the power of the user, or giving the user a new attack (wheter it be elementally based or a status effect) Appearance: [IMG]http://www.cloud-strife.net/images2/cloud2a.jpg[/IMG] What you've played: FF7,8,9,10, Chrono Cross