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Everything posted by Jim_Hawking

  1. Outlaw Star, an action comedy with dashes of adventure, drama, and of course somewhat irritating characters. I have the last 8 episodes on DVD, best move I've ever made. Basically, what everyone before has said is accurate. As you can tell, this is one of my favorite anime. So this opinion is slightly biased. If I were you, I'd buy it.
  2. I must be screwed up somethin' fierce. I've seen Boogie Pop Phantom, and FLCL, and both Ninja Scroll and Ninja Resurrection. I OWN all 6 volumes of Excel Saga, yet none of those disturbed me...ok, I lied, Shioji from Excel Saga does scare me. But aside from that I haven't found anything that has truly disturbed me. Any suggestions for something to cure this condition?
  3. My stepmother has commited the ultimate sin. Well, close to it. That @*&!$ put a dang lock on our DVD player! Although, she screwed up in one respect, my ADV films DVDs still play, even with the lock! So I can still watch Burn Up eXcess, Excel Saga, and Noir. Take that, parental controls!
  4. I hope it's not too late to sign up. Name: Syn Alexander Age: 21 Sex: Male Build: Light Description: 6'4", wears a red shirt with long sleeves, and a pair black pants with multiple pockets. Has long black hair and light green eyes, over which he wears a pair of dark red tinted sunglasses. Race: Human Bio:Having grown up on the gambling continent Janbea, Syn witnessed the end result of gambling addiction as he watched his parents be slaughtered by an angry bookie. Though after killing that bookie, and a few hands of blackjack, Syn himself developed an addiction. Using his surprising good luck to beat his addiction, he learned that the planet was slowly dying. After travelling to the warrior continent of Kyoto, in an effort to be called upon to stop General Tsin. 1. To defeat the enemy, you preferr: a. Skill 2. Love is the essence of: a. Inner strength 3. Your Friends mean to you: a. Everything
  5. Do I really need to say where my loyalty lies? Anyway,...uh-oh...losing train of thought....Queen Asuka won't like this post,but when I think of what I was going to say I'll edit my post. Sorry.
  6. My dad nearly killed himself when he found out that his beloved "Speed Racer" was an anime. My parents are 100% anti-anime, yet I shove my obsession in their face seeing as how I have taken over the bottom half of our DVD tower, BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! As for the reason they don't like it, they're convinced it's only for kids. Got any suggestions for something that'll really blow their minds?
  7. Crap. Too many songs to name. Let's try it anyway... Intros Tank!-That song just flat out rocks. Great beat, easy to follow, stuck in my head for about 3 years now. Through the Night-What? I'm an Outlaw Star fan, and I know most of the words... Coppelia's Casket (Noir)-Nice beat, and it really kinda sets the series up very well. Love(Loyalty) (Excel Saga)-Easy to follow, I know almost every single word, and Hyatt keeps dying. How is that not funny? Showtime (Burn Up eXcess)-No reason available. (Sorry, Queen Asuka my mind is going numb so I'm just going to list.) Outros The Real Folk Blues Beautiful Emotions (Noir) .....I just forgot the rest.
  8. Yeah, I can honestly see that for example... Outlaw Star: "Hero"-Gene Starwind (Note quotations...) Hero's girl/best friend-Melfina Quiet One-Twilight Suzuka Cute Little Kid/Super Genious-Jim Hawking (Me!) Impossibly Strong One-Aisha Clanclan I could think of more...If it weren't nearly midnight here...
  9. Jim: Thanks for welcoming me. Kain: Not a problem, provided... Jim: What now?... Kain: Just pay me back for those elixirs. *Jim and Aziza both face vault* Jim: Yeah, I'll be sure to do that. Anyway, where we goin'?
  10. *sildes hand down his face* Ok then, how about "Hyper Speed?" semiperma-Haste*15? You're making this difficult for me Lady Katana...
  11. OOC: Sorry, I haven't posted yet, dang sporadic net access.... _______________________________________________________ *A flashback: Jim,a young boy who appears to be about 13 is in a small room, with a 14 year old girl,Leiana Jim: Are you ABSOLUTELY sure your father, the Chief, is ok with this? Leiana: Like the say, what you don't know can't hurt ya. Jim: That's not reassuring. *The Chief,a man of 35 years, enters the room* Chief: Young Man! Unhand my daughter at once! Jim: Oh $%*&, this is gonna hurt...*End Flashback* *Jim suddenly sits upright...and falls off his stool in the Aigaln* Jim:...That's gonna hurt in the morning. And that's not who my past happened at all. Why is my memory of that clouded? *Looks around sees multiple empty glasses* That could be a good reason... *Sees Cid at the other end of the bar* Why do I have the feeling I've seen you before?
  12. Alright then, fine I choose "Ignore Height" I can jump like 40 feet into the air.
  13. All I've done, is work, get paid, stay up late, and buy anime DVDs. I so need a girlfriend.
  14. ...that's kinda unimaginative.
  15. OOC:...uhhh, where is everyone? We need to get this thing going.
  16. I'm still looking for a way to convince my parents that anime ain't just for kids. Anyone got any suggestions on one that'll REALLY change they're mind?
  17. Guess I'll go first. Name: Jim (I'm too lazy to try and think of a different name.) Age: 17 Gender: Male Affiliation: good Power: Flight (If allowed, I'd love to have it, think of the stylish attacks I could do:D) Weapon: The tried and true classic Longsword Occupation: N/A Appearence: Slightly tall for his age, Jim usually wears something comfortable to make fighting easier. His normal outfit consists of a loose-fitting lightweight red shirt, with a pair of white [insert common medival fabric here] pants, held up by a leather belt. He also wears a light jacket on occasion, for when it gets a bit chilly. Bio: A young man with a troubled past, Jim was cast from his home village at the age of 13. Reasons being, he was a bit "fresh" with the Village chief's daughter. During the four years he has been alone, Jim has been travelling from village to village, town to town, trying to find a good place to start over. Doing oddjobs for cash, he was able to purchase his first weapon two years ago, and has become very proficient with it. Now, at the age of 17, Jim still wanders, looking for a place to call home.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]yeah, I like how they did the opener for Kenshin in English; it sounds so cute ^_^. but the song that Rem sings in Trigun and the song Melfina sings in Outlaw Star in English sucks really badly. especially the Rem one. it sounded so pretty sung in Japanese, and they had to go muck it up.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank Gaia for DVDs, this way you can listen to the songs in Japanese, while hearing the dubbed script.
  19. No not THAT one, I mean what was the very first anime you ever saw, and why did that convince you to think "Hey, this is kinda cool." For me, it was Sailor Moon. I honestly couldn't tell ya why it convinced me, but...the funny thing is, I'm a 17 year old guy, yet I still watch the occasional episode.
  20. Thank You!!!! Another Outlaw Star fan, I thought we were a rare breed. More songs... I can tell some of you are already annoyed. Burn Up eXcess: Show Time(stuck in my head...), Future Dream (funky) Gunsmith Cats: Intro and Closing (Don't know the titles, but I like the beat)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo [/i] [B]Yes, Excel is like, one of the cutest things ever...She's one of my favorite characters, after Il Paratzo and Iwata. And to answer Black_Phoenix's question, nobody is quite sure what Koshi Rikudo is/was smoking. But we can be sure that it's some really good stuff.. [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly, anyone know where I can get that:D Getting back to my post, I currently own 4 of the 6 DVD's all I can say is...Huh? Also, don't you think it's hilarious when those dang Puchuus get killed? :laugh: And it's Ilpalazzo, by the way.
  22. Hmm, since he's mentioned in the opening credits, I doubt Ein wold be considered a minor character, even though he doesn't do much. Also, did you Kuroneko has his (or her?) own bobblehead doll?
  23. Jim:........ow. *slowly recovers to his feet, and sees the Innkeeper lying on the ground a foot or so away from some "unknown" girl* Lemme guess, he chased after me, I slam into the wall, go unconcious, he stops, tries to take my sword, you stop him, try to understand what the #&#$ is goind on, he asks you for a favor or the 2500 gil I owe him, you become disgusted at the favor and knock his *** out. That correct? Aziza: That's the jist of it, yes. Jim: Thanks, what's your name? *Intentionally steps on Innkeeper as he moves toward Aziza* People tend to call me Jim.
  24. OOC: Well, looks like it finally started... ____________________________________________________________________ * Jim uncerimoniously slumps out of bed after hearing Aziza's scream* Jim: What the hell? GAA!!! PAIN!!!!! *rubs his head, seeing as how he landed on it after falling* Looks like it's gonna be one of those days... *walks to innkeeper* How much do I owe ya? Innkeeper: Well seeing as how you've stayed here a week, 2500 Gil. Jim: WHAT?!?!? I don't have that kind of money!!! Innkeeper: I forgive the debt on one condition... Jim: Oh...my...goddess. Innkeeper: You let me keep your sword. Jim: Tell ya what, if you can catch me, you can have it. BYE!!!! *Runs out of the Inn, looks behind him to see wether or not the Keeper is chasing him, and ends up running into the Supply Shop wall*
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