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Everything posted by bogger3k

  1. This is great. I'm starting the thread now but you can still join.
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]He did it but it just didn't feel right. Then he felt a jolt. Someone calling for him. He lifted himself from Kris and backed off. "I'm sorry." He said to her. "I already let this go too far." He left Kris in a state of both shock and of bliss. Hunter stumbled through the halls then colllapsed. "You did that on purpose." Hunter acussed his grandfather's soul. "You put it back into me." "I had to." His grandfather said. "It was for more than one reason. To make Kris feel better was just part of the reason. The other was to help you to remember what happened." "Joey." Hunter spoke. "That's right." His grandfather said, "So do you remember what Madison told you." "Yes now remove this from me again. I don't need it screwing with me." Fine, but you have to save Joey either way. She needs you and without a soul to love or soul to love her she won't be able to regain that love that she lost when she captured Wind." "Where you going through God's files too?" "Y-yes. Please don't tell?" "I won't after you remove my soul again." His grandfather did as he was asked. "Now to do what I have to do." He stood up in his emotionless state and moved to go find Joey. He had to be fast. She seemed to really need him. "The spirits are crossing over. It's Halloween afterall."[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Absolutly everyone he knew seemed to be screwed up in some way or another and he couldn't help but wonder if he was partially responsible. Once again that feeling of everyone being better off without him returned. His mind once again turned to the idea of suicide. He bannished it though. Kris had lost enough people in her life already. Hunter brought his arm up and around her shoulder and he pulled her into him letting he crying eyes dry themselves on his shoulder. He took his other hand and placed it around her waist. Rodney got up and left, obviously he wasn't needed for this. He didn't leave before taking one glance back and saw those eyes the old voice talked about. Hunter felt her shudder and weep even harder. He had to stop her. He couldn't take this. Tears of his own where going down his cheeks. He brought her up and looked at her staind cheeks. He then enveloped her in the most passonet kiss he had ever given.[/COLOR]
  4. I'm begining to feel like I have some sort of reputation begining to form.
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter wasn't sure what to do when she patted right next to her for Rodney to sit down. He didn't understand what was going on. She then kissed him and then slapped him. If that wasn't strange enough then she called for him to come sit as well by patting next to her. Over the speakers Return to Innocence by Enigma began to play. Hunter wasn't sure what to do. Then he felt the gentle but noticalble push on his back from his grandfather. He didn't realize it, but he returned part of his soul into his body. Hunter played along dispite the fact that he didn't want to be slapped as well. He sat down. "What's going on with you?" He asked.[/COLOR]
  6. My gosh. Two days and I'm already ready to begin this. You all seem like you've been expecting it. Lets see if we can't get a few more people.
  7. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Your awake." Hunter said absolutly surprised. "Um, what's hangin'?" He asked not sure what to say. No portion of his feelings remained at this time. His grandfather had all of it. "Where is everyone?" She demanded. "Well Hunter left Joey in a crying mess and everyone else doesn't even know about it yet." Rodney said giggling malisously. "What?" She asked. "It's true." Hunter said. "And Rodney over there has lost his mind. He's rambeling on about love and how it must feel." "Everything changed since I fell unconsious." Kris moaned and rubbed her temples. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"You'd think that I'd be more ready for it." Hunter said to his grandfather's spirit as he calmly but painfully got out of bed. "After Madison.." he stopped his thought dead in it's tracks. There he went on again about Madison. It was always about her. He moved on. She told him to and he had to. "I have one last stop that I have to make before you remove them completly." "You have to see the other one don't you?" His grandfather asked already knowing the answer. "Yes." Hunter replied. He moved out of his own room surprisingly well since he had just been in a major car accident because of those darn ghosts. He moved out past a quite and confused Rodney. Hunter didn't notice him though. Hunter continued to walk directly towards where his feelings were leading him. Hr trusted nothing else. He opened a door and inside was a sleeping angel. Trea or Kris it didn't matter. She was beautiful and Hunter felt that he was madly in love.[/COLOR]
  9. These are great and I love the crush thing. Romance is a huge influence on my stories and it is great that other people throw that stuff in too. That's what makes this so much fun. Keep them coming and we can begin sooner then you think.
  10. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]So what if Joey gave her heart away. That was her own desision to make and he couldn't see why it would impact his life. Yet it did. Every part of him acked and burned when she said that. Such a large price to pay. He couldn't bare it. He knew what had to be done. Once again he will make a vow to not love. This time he won't break it. His friendship with Joey and being in love with Kris has just been getting people hurt. He had to stop it. "So what's next?" Hunter asked a semingly empty room, but a voice replied. "Next you need to summon your powers." The swave spirit said as he fluxed into the room. "And don't worry about those feelings of yours creeping up on you again. As long as I hold onto your heart and soul none of them can be produced by your being. You are basically emotionless." "Thank you grandfather." Hunter spoke to the spirit. "You've guided me for so long and now you are once again helping me in your afterlife. I'm in your debt." "No need." The ghost of his grandfather said. "Just promise me that when this is over that you take your soul back and regain those feelings. I can see that you are happy when you are with those girls. You get the same expresion on your face as your father did after he met your mother. It's love boy. Get used to it." What these two weren't aware of was that Rodney could hear the entire thing.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Magenta]Hyjinx High. A school with a very dark and mysterious secret that no one, on even the teachers or administrators, know about. The only way to discover this secret is to solve highly difficult and mind puzzeling riddles and games that were set out by a group of ancients a long time ago. Only someone very intelegent or very stupid could solve these. Of coarse no one ever has time to embark on such a journey like this one. Today a group of friends decided to cut class and get plastered at a bar that doesn't care if your even old enough to speak yet. A Yu-gi-oh tournement just started and the nerds and immature students are now dueling for superiority over each other. Everyday students run into the people that they hate the most and their rivalries sometimes turn into bashing and bruising fist fights that are not broken up too quickly because the staff seem to enjoy them as much as any other spectator. Everyone is constantly trying to find someone that they can get some action with (dating) without wanting to tear out their hair. Not to mention Mr. Carrnigan finds it nessisary to give out enough homework that students can't do anything besides study and work after they get home. With all of this going on who has the time for a side adventure and trying to solve a thousand year old mystery. Well one day several students do. It's not that their plates arn't full with everything else that was just described it's just that they have room for a little bit more and they are going to get it.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is supposed to be a fun and humorous. Don't feel obligated to be serious. A good laugh always makes and adventure a little more fun. As for sign ups this is what I need. Name: Age: Grade: (Hey people don't all graduate at they same age) Gender: (for some reason I think that grade is more inportant than this) Appearence: Skills: (Cooking, Karate, ext.) Bio: Example (ME) [COLOR=Magenta]Name: Koge Mansuke Age: 15 Grade: 11 Gender: Male Appearence: Imagine handsom but dorky. He has grayish hair and a thin face with glasses. He usually wears a white dress shirt and red tie. He also has black buisness pants and black shoes. Skills: Mathmatics, and some fighting abilaties when forced into it. Bio: Koge loves to socialize with people and make friends. He can work well with pretty much everyone. Most other students know who he is and he knows them. He's a bookworm though and he spends most of his time trying to improve his grades. He doesn't date even though he's been come onto by several attractive girls. When he does start to learn about the secret he becomes the most interested and refuses to give up and feels he must solve it.[/COLOR] Note: When this begins no one knows about the secret yet. Please begin signing up.
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter wasn't sure what happened after the crash. The last thing was the crash then Rodney waiting by the side of his bed making a clever comment. "Can it Rod." He was able to manage even though he didn't hear what Rodney said. Hunter looked around the room expecting to see a group of people around him all worried about him. There was only Rodney though and he didn't seem too worried. Hunter could understand why most people wouldn't be here. Most of them probaqbly don't know, his parents have been away for a long time (at least three weeks) and amazingly were never informed of his hospitalizations, Joey is obviously going through a hard time and he didn't expect her, but Kris should at least be here. "I bet you're wondering why I'm the only one here." Rodney guessed correctly. Hunter nodded for his response. "Well I think you know why most of them arn't here, but Kris is a special case. You see she risked her neck to save you and ended up getting hurt herself. I tell you that you are lucky to have a girl like her love you so much. If it wasn't for her you would be dead." Hunter thought about this. She risked herself to save him. He didn't want her to do that. He never wants to see her get hurt and, even though he knows that she loves him, he would rather her let him die then have her get into any danger. He felt guilty now even though he knew that it wasn't his fault, but the fault of that ghost who jumped out in front of him and caused him to crash. Just as Hunter was about to try and say something someone came bursting through the door and wrapped herself around him. "Hunter are you okay?" It was Joey. She seemed to be in control of Wind right now. "You didn't go and get in this accident and try to kill yourself again because of me did you?" "I'm going to leave you two alone." Rodney said with a strange smirk on his face. He then left. "Hunter please don't ever let this happen to you again? I can't bare to see this." Joey kissed his cheek softly then tears fell onto the place where she just kissed him. Then she began to kiss him all over his face begging for forgivness. Hunter pushed her away though. "Hunter I..." Hunter shook his head slightly. " I'm going to be there tonight as long as you are going to be." "That's fine now leave." Hunter demanded. His was a bit frustrated with her and at the same time to shocked and happy that she was in control that he thought he was going to cry if she remained in the room. He didn't want her to see him like that though. It made him feel insignificant. "I-I'm sorry." She whispered then left tears rolling down her cheeks harder then ever before.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]During the moments of the accident everyone who knew him and loved him felt a small pain, but only two people could tell you that something was wrong. One of them being Joey, who was very buisy at the time trying to sort out her own thoughts and the other was Kris. Kris was the only one to notice. Hunter saw his scrambled memories like a puzzle with peices missing and some put in the wrong places and some warped and misshappen. He reckonized some of them being correct, but he knew much of this to be wrong. As he began to move peices he heard Kris's voice calling for him. [I]My goddess, Oh my beautiful goddess.[/I] Hunter thought when he heard Kris's voice and looked at this nearly completed picture of the woman he loved. The only thing she was missing was her face. Where could it be? The ambulence arrived.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]On his way back to the hospital Hunter replayed the entire incident in his mind. He wondered why he didn't ask her if she remembered the night before. She probably didn't . Neither Wind nor Joey seemed to have any recelection of what happened. If he were to talk to anyone else their memories would probably be in shambles as well. Something that thing inside of him did. He knew that there was something inside of him. He continued to drive. it was only a few more blocks to the hospital, but he still had to pass the school. As he did he turned to look at it think about what he could remember in it. The most obvious memories were him saving the girls. One time he can remember laying ontop of Kris on the brink of consiousness just wanting to know if she was alright. When Hunter looked back to the road he just noticed a little girl run strait into the street in front of him. He swerved to miss her. As he car hit the ditch it lew into the air and did a flip. The roof, sides, front, back, and insides were all getting mangled. It landed on it's top flames spewing from the engine. Blood splattered on the windshield.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Joey do you think that it is possible that whatever is making Wind do this is your own feelings?" Hunter asked. "Feelings you have that are being masked by the feeling of entruders." "That's impossible." Joey protested. "I wouldn't ever intentionally hurt you." "You're lieing to yourself." Hunter said barly able to get back up. "Jealousy is a dangerous feeling because it can screw with your mind and drive you near insanity. Now I'm going to leave. I'm not making any attempt to bring you along with me. I'm going to Kris now. I want to be with her until the summoning tonight. If you think you can change your mind and break this curse you've placed on your own head then show up tonight. If you are unable to then I deserve to die and wish that you came and kill me. I love you." He sighed then limped back to his car. Joey only could stand there in denial of his words.[/COLOR]
  16. bogger3k

    Rival Schools

    Iota looked back as the two students that had charged him colapsed to the ground. He wasn't positive why they attacked him, but he was sure there was some sort of a good reason. He had been able to throw a boot into both of their necks when they rushed him, thankfully he was fast enough to avoid the knives that they were carrying. "That was a cheap thing to do yo know. Attacking an unarmed person with dangerous weaons like those knives." Iota said to them but they had passed out so they couldn't hear him. He noticed that they had a different school uniform on then the one that any students at his school wear. Wondering if anyone else might have been attacked like this he wnet looking around the school grounds. He crossed the baseball diamond when he heard the scream of a girl.
  17. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Isn't it the galient hero that women just fall for in a instant." Wind smirked as she said that. "Joey, Kris, Clesia, even Maria took a few good looks at you with things on her mind." "Yes Wind that's me." Hunter replied. "The boy that every girl loves." "I knew it." Wind said playfully holding a skull and spinning it. "I hear that you want to kill me." Hunter said. "And you came to find out if it is true or not." Wind answered to him setting down the skull. "Well I'm not sure if I want you dead yet. After all you did break poor Joey's heart, but she did love you." "Then what would you suggest I do then?" Hunter asked knowing that he was streaching his neck out in preperation to be chopped off. He really didn't want that to happen, but if it did he would at least help to protect the others. "I want to know one thing about you first Hunter-kun." Wind said hoping off of her thrown and strolling along until she reached Hunter. She then looked directly into his face before she put her fingers on his chin and pulled his head with her as she went around the back of him studying his body. "Why don't you just quit playing games and tell me what you need to know." Hunter said getting angry with the evil woman inhabiting Joey's body. "I want to know only one thing." She repeated herself. "I want to know if you are a good kisser. You've done a lot so I assume you must be at least half way desent." She slipped her arms around his neck and moved in closer to his face. She then kissed him trying to recreate a scene from a movie that she saw the other day. When she pulled back her pale cheeks odly had turned red. Then she shooK away the pleasure that she just had then she took a step back. "Not as good as I hoped. I guess that I'm going to kill you." With one flick of her finger Hunter was sent skidding across the floor burning the skin that dragged along the floor. "I couldn't." Hunter said in the weak voice he always got whenever he was injured. "You are Wind not Joey. How could I put passion into my kisses when the person I am kissing is not someone I care for." "Then fight back now before I destroy you in a very shameful and painful way." "I won't for two reasons." Hunter replied. "ONE, I don't fight women, at least not living women. And TWO, your in the body of Joey and I know that she is still in there somewhere."[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Anyways Rod I've got to go." Hunter said getting up. "Where are you going to?" Rodney asked. "I've got to find Joey." Hunter replied. "I'm postitve she is still alive and I need her." "Hunter one last question." Rodney said. "About tonight. Will we still be doing the summoning or will we be waiting?" "If I'm not back tonight then have Kris do the summoning without me or Joey." Hunter said. "And be sure to take care of her Rod. I love her and would die if anything happened to her or you would seeing that it's you who is now responsable for her safty." "You'd kill me?" Rodney was shocked. "No." Hunter playfully stuck his tounge out at Rodney then left. The first place that Hunter was going to look was the school. It was still early on Halloween and school was in session, but that was the only place he knew to look. When he arrived at the school he found it completely empty. No one was there. On the door was posted a note.[I] Bomb threat everyone went home.[/I] That was odd to Hunter because he would think that the students would at least be outside the school. "The bomb really went off." A voice in Hunter head said. "They found the threat too late and it went off." "Who are you?" Hunter asked the voice in his head. "I'm the spirit of one of the people killed in the explosion." The voice said. "I'm Julia Swanson." "I knew you." Hunter thought to her. "Yes." She said. "From math. If yow would have come to school today you would have been dead as well." "It was those damn spirits that did this." Hunter said. "NO." The voice of Julia continued. "It was a person. ONe that seemed both hurt and angry. A girl that has black hair and the eyes of a demon." "Wind." Hunter said. "That's what she called herself." Julia said. "I must see her." Hunter said. "It's very important." "She locked herself in the library. Not even us spirits can get in." "She'll let me in I know she will." Hunter went to the library door and began to shout. "Wind! Open this door!" The door did open and inside there was Wind sitting on a thrown of skulls, laughing.[/COLOR]
  19. let me set a few things strait. It has been proven that LHO was able to shot tree time in an 8 second margin not a 5.6. Alos LHO was in reality a former Marine sharpshooter. The rumors about him not being able to shoot well are all false. Also the exit wound was out the front of his head not the back. He was also shot through the back of the troat and he had no wound in his back. I'm not sure how that rumor even started.Kennedy also went back and to the left because, as gun tests will show us, when a bullit hits you you don't go in the same direction as when it hits you, sometimes yes, all of the time no. As for Governor Connally he was shot with the smae bullit that struck Kennedy in the throat. The absolute truth about all of this is we won't know until they allow a proper autopsy to be preformed on President Kennedy's brain, which I believe our government doesn't even know where it is located. Sorry to all the conspiricy fanatics, but I've done much research on this and have sorted much fact from fiction and this is what I know.
  20. Fisrt of all much of the evidence presented in the film JFK was fictional. First of all the magic bullet part of the film sat the driver directly in front of JFK. That wasn't true. It also didn't take into account that the driver turned whaen he was hit whick allowed many of the wounds make sense. AS for deep throat I would like to know as well, but we won't until he dies.
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"We can't yet. We need everyone." Hunter spoke again inside of his head projecting it so that Kris could hear it. "What are you dribbling about?" Zazanoo asked. "I'm about to kill your friends and you are having a conversation with the empty space in your head." "Not exactly. I've been able to talk to my friends this entire time, well some of them. I've tried again and again, but Joey's not replying." HUnter said as he again began to struggle with the spell holding him. Then he finally saw the carnage outside of his body. He was given back his eye sight for that. Kris was behind him with what seemed to be a broken leg. Rodney was passed out against a tree and Hunter's body was now movig towards Joey or Wind with a sword in his hand. "What the hell's going on?" Hunter asked desperatly seeking an answer. "They are about to die. I wasn't lieing to you. Joey will be the first." "You can't" back inside his mind his spirit began to move then stand. "People I love shouldn't die. I won't let what happen to Madison happen to any of them. Not Joey. Not Kris. Not even Rodney." "How are you moving?" Fear spread through Zazanoo's voice as he saw the spirit of Hunter suddenly able to move weakly. Then faint ghostly images of all of Hunter's friends formed around him holding him up. "Your friends. It's the power of your friends." "Ya got that right." Hunter replied weakly as he drew out a pistol representing the power he shared with all of them and pointed it at Zazanoo. "Now our combined strength will banish you." "There are others more powerful then I and you shall encounter them soon if you continue on this quest to defeat my master." "I'll risk it." He pulled the trigger and the shot rang out. THe shell rotated from the barrle and dug it's way into the spirit of Zazanoo. He flew back and began to fade in a bloody cloud. "I'm going to leave you and your friends a little present though." Zazanoo said before he dissapeared entirly. Something inside everyones mind exploded. Their memories were the target of a bombing by Zazanoo. Some are erased others are jummbled, but the truth is that they will never be the same. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Kris opened her eyes and was in a hospital for the second time this week. It was Halloween and she was aware that today they would need to preform the summoning, but other then that she couldn't remember much. Hunter was there, in the room waiting for her to wake up. She finally did and this overjoyed him. If he wasn't so soar he probably would have lept into the air. Instead he painfully stood up and walked to the side of her bed then knelt by her gently giving her a kiss. "Goodmorning beautiful." He said sweetly as he lifted his lips from hers. He smiled and then so did she. "What happened?" Kris asked. "I can't remember." "Neither can I or Rodney." Hunter said. "I'd ask Joey because I was sure that she was there as well, but she's now missing. What ever happened though I'm sure that she is alive and I'm more than happy to see that you are alright." "Hunter I have this terrible feeling inside like something is wrong, but what I don't know." Kris said then wrapped her arms back around his neck. "I'm so worried." "I know I am as well." Hunter said returning her hug. "You must be ready for tonight though. Now get some rest and I'll see you later." They removed their arms form each other and Hunter left his friend to see if he could find his other.[/COLOR]
  22. Is this going to start soon or do we need to wait for more people. God I can't wait.
  23. Name: Kane Height: 7'0' Weight: 326 lbs Finishing move/signature move: Chokeslam Tag Team partner: None Description: [URL=http://www.wwefanclub.ne.jp/superstars/raw_stars/Kane.jpg]Kane[/URL]
  24. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Well it looks like all of this is falling apart on you." Hunter said as he again began to struggle with the spell that bound his mind again. "Well then it looks like it is." Zazanoo replied to Hunter his total anger growing beyond that Hunter has eer seen. Zazanoo's crazy ambitions also grew. "So perhaps defiling their bodies is out of the question. I bet it was you who helped them to break free as well wasn't it?" "Yup." Hunter said with a great big grin on his face. "The matches that Rodney's mind used to destroy Vlademir and the strength that Kris recieved to force her way over Aelen was all curtiosy of me." Zazanoo struck Hunter across the face with his foot. "You fool it would have been so much simpiler for you to just let my defile their bodies. It would have been much less painful to just continue through the intercoarse, but now real pain must be dealt. They now must die." Zazanoo, using Hunter's body, struck out at the freed people. "You fools think you can defy me. Now you must pay the price." Zazanoo said. He then struck a back hand across Kris's face sending the girl stiring backwords and nearly falling. "Hey, it's not right to strike a girl." Rodney said with anger just before he recieved a peircing look from Zazanoo that pulled him into the air and slammed him back first into a tree. "Do you submit or should I kill you as I'm going to these fools Wind?" Zazanoo asked then grabbed Kris again and tossed her back over his head. When she hit the ground a loud crack could be heard coming from her leg. "I won't submit." Wind said. "Now to show you that I wasn't fooling when I said that I am more powerful then you." She sent some sort of supernatural blast dirsctally at the body that Zazanoo inhabited. This purple energy bounced off of an invisible sheild that surrounded him. "Damn you!" She created a magic sword and began to move towards him. "Stop right there." Zazanoo said and Wind did. "Hunter's mind and soul are still in here and if you kill this body he will cease to exist. Now I'm certain that you don't want that or at least Joey wouldn't." Wind stood their and understood. She dropped the sword. Zazanoo then used Hunter's reflexes to knee her in the stomach and slammed a hand against the back of her neck to send her flipping onto her back. Blood leaked from her lips. Zazanoo picked up the sword that was now running low on the spirit energy and then powered it with his own. "Nice work creating a solid object like this using your powers. I'll admit I never learned too, buit this doesn't compair our power to each other. It just shows that you know a trick that I don't. There are many that I know that you don't. For instance the controling of animals and other simplminded creatures." He looked over to Kris and smiled. "Such as hers. They were easy."[/COLOR] OOC:Yes it is exciting.
  25. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"It appears that Rodney was able to get away." Hunter said mocking Zazanoo. "And It looks as if Wind doesn't really like the ideas you have about stopping the ritual." "It doesn't matter." Zazanoo said back to Hunter in the depths of his mind. "She may believe that hse is powerful enough to defeat me but between the power flowing through your mortal veins and the gift bestowed upon me by my master she will either submit to me or die. It's simple. Besides your other friend and former sweetheart is still under Aelen's control is she not? As for Rodney and Vlademir the truth is Vlademir was weak to begin with and besides his soul was not bound by a spell like yours has." "I hate you." Hunter said. "Not suprising." Zazanoo replied. "Now stay quite and watch as I defile one of the only two who can do what is needed to defeat my master." "No!" Hunter screamed. Outside of Hunter's mind his body was controled by Zazanoo. He ignored the fleeing of both Wind and Rodney. He came up to Aelen, who is in Kris's body, and kissed her gently on the lips. "Are you ready?" Zazanoo asked. "I'm ready my lord." Aelen replied and the was shamfully shoved back into the house and thrown to the floor. "STOP IT!!" Hunter screamed helplessly inside his own mind.[/COLOR]
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