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Everything posted by bogger3k

  1. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Stop fighting with the foolish human's souls." A new voice spoke from Hunter's mouth, but these words were not his own. He too had one of these possessions in him. "Take back the bodies and minds. If you are unable to do that then you are not worthy of this mission." "Lord Zazanoo!" Aelen said coming back over control of Kris's body. "How?" "I've been occupying this body for quite a while now. The boy had no idea that I was even in here. He's a strong fighter, more power lies within this boy than the other's combined, that's why I had Micikaro burn this symbol into his chest. If he had not then control would never have been possible." Zazanoo spoke in his demonic tone throwing fear into hearts of the others. "Now I understand that none of you really get along well, but we need you to put it aside if you wish to complete the mission of the overlord." "Yessir." Vladamir said. "Agreed." Wind said. "As for the feelings that the boy I exsist in they are meaningless. All delusions that I helped into his mind." Zazanoo gazed at his minions. "Lord when were you able to enter into his body?" Aelen asked. "Wind should know." He spoke then turned to Wind. "The point in his life when he was at his weakest. He told you the entire story." "It was when he murdered Madison's mortal body." Wind replied telling everyone with a soft spoken grin. "Did you help him to tell me this?" "He made his own choice. Now look at what this boy did to himself and just before the summoning." Zazanoo said. He pulled a power from his own evil energy to repair his wrist. "Now as for this ritual buissness perhaps we need to do somthing that will prevent them from being able to preform it. Back inside the minds of these bodies that evil spirits now possessed the souls of the true occupants could hear everything but each other. Hunter yelled the loudest from behind the shadow of Zananoo. "You goddam spirit! Don't touch her! Don't lay one dirty finger on Joey!" "Well that was my intent." Zananoo spoke to Hunter inside of his head. "Both her and Kris's as well. They are the only vessels in your group capable of coming back alive." "I will NEVER let you defile her innocense!" Hunter screamed. He wanted to stand and fight this spirit, but he was bound tight by the symbol that the other ghost had burned into him.[/COLOR]
  2. So if i wanted to i could have been Yokozuna? (Gos this is my shortest post ever)
  3. Do the people we play have to be currently employed as a smackdown superstar? If not then people like Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesner arn't avalable. That would also include any TNA or OVW wrestler.
  4. Conner had little worry for the others around him. He just didn't want to be bumrushed by some creature that they've never incountered before, dispite the fact they never have encountered a creature besides those that live in a city like enviroment. He moved leaves aside from the bush trying to see what was there ready to blast it to hell if it came for him. As he entered deeper into it he could hear a soft wimpering. At first he thought that it could be a rabbit or something, but he was surprised to see a young girl cowering at the sight of theis weapon. Dispite the uncanny look of horror that had struck her face she was very attractive. Long green hair that flowed down her back to the ground. Eyes the color of emeralds that dulled with fear. Her outfit was not one that he's ever seen before. It appeared to be a dress with a short skirt and ribbons flowing off from many places. Odd as it was Conner lower his gun.
  5. Kimikori looked over the dead gaurd with much interest. He studied the wounds on him. He could tell that whoever did this is a very impatient person full of rage and anger., but he also has a goal in his mind. Kimikori looked to the sky and saw a winged flying above him in the sky. Then she shot away. "So it appears that I have comrades also doing this." Kimikori said to himself. He held up his staff and waved it in front of him throwing a mask of illusion over himself. He was nonexistent to anyone who doesn't have the pure sight which he possessed. To have been touched by the gods is a rare occurance, but theis had happened to him. If he were to ever meet another he would see it as fate. He came around a corner to spy the winged helping a man to fend off a gaurd with no bloodshed of any kind. Kimikori was happy to see this. It had been so long since bloodshed hadn't been needed for Kimikori to continue on. None of them had pure sight though, they couldn't see him. He saw the winged, covered by a vail of darkness, move in though. He was able to see through these thing because of his pure sight.
  6. Conner looked up at Sarah and then around to the others. They all appeared all right and he seemed okay himself. "That was sertenly a wild ride wasn't it?" He commented and then got several nasty glances from his companions, that shut him up really quickly. The bushes in the corner began to move. He unholstered one of his weapons with lightning quick reflexes pointing the tip of the weapon towards the sorce of the sound. He was nervious about this new world already this was the last thing that he needed when it came to having the crap scared right out of him.
  7. OOC: Skye you forgot Clesia!!! [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter's eyes opened only a little and he saw a glimps of the girl that was carrying him. "Joey." He whispered softly. She looked at him and then looked away. "Joey no longer existes." Wind said. "My name is Wind." "What happened to Joey?" Hunter asked using what strength was left in his leaking blood stream to speak. "What happened to the girl I love more than anything?" "She's gone now you big moron." Wind replied. "Your evil." Hunter said eyes narrowing. "I can sense it, but I want you to know I still think that you are beautiful. I realized that I had made a connection to you, sorry, to Joey the first time I met her. She was so lovly and seemed to be so lonly, but as I got to know her she became more open and began to get friends. I helped her achieve that and she helped me to get over Madison. She was the only one I was able to tell about Madison. That's the defining point of how I know. If I'm going to die I would at least like to spend the last moments of my life in her arms not the arms of you Wind." A small drop of liquid fell from Wind's face and onto Hunter's. She then dropped him.[/COLOR]
  8. Magic is still well practiced by people across the world. Bard, clerics, druids, wizards, and sorcerers all gain strength and mana with every passing day. Sword fighting is popular still and masters hang around every corner. Gangs of bandits attack cities and loot the towns of all of their riches. Monsters roam free and destroy what they please and the biggest threat on anyones mind is the possiblity of the occasional dragon attack, but things are about to change. Someone called The Master of Puppets has become an unknown threat to the world. Strange infections on creatures seem to lead to lead to them becoming hostile and will infiltrate any home and kill anyone. Dragons, demons, and even people are turning and are controlled by this master of puppets. The first to stumble across this was a well known scientist that is long thought to have gone insane, but the promise of wonderful treasures brings ruin explorers to this site. His bones lay scattered across the floor, supposedly the master of puppets killed him himself. Now the first and only group of people in a race to get into the ruins of this crazy scientist will be the only ones to be able to stop this Master of Puppets. OOC: Begin posting.
  9. An emerald flame is not something you see every day. In fact no one has seen until this point in time when a book with that exact title is found by Nikoni Highschool's book club. They check it out and decided to look into it the next meeting, but when they did this was the first time any of them have ever read a novel that had only a begining that read: [I]The kingdom of Acrites was the last to fall and I was a witness. The king himself wished only to weild the power of the flame the glowed with the color of an emerald gem-stone. He wish only for this to be set to good use, but is witness the transformation. He soon became greedy. A demon had possessed him and turned his heart cold. A black cloud of hatered and death soon began to follow him and his army. I witnessed this as his personal gaurd. I saw the kingh himself walk upon the thrown of King Devon Marquis of the Dwarves and puncture his heart. He claimed that the king was currupt and stood in his way of achieveing true power over all mortals.[/I] [I]I soon witness the demons emergence shortly after. It's ugly faced contorted with an evil sneer. It's skin painted red from the blood it had spilt. It's long crimppled fingers grasped strings that moved and motioned my king. I could no longer bear this. I attempted to sever the connection between my king and the demon but it was no use. It's strings were truly wire created from a matiral much stronger then my blade. The only other option is the one I took. I slyed my king and posted his head on a staff to let the demon understand that the hands of evil shall never grasp the emerald flame. Soon the kingdom broke into riot and confusion. Demons began to appear in normal people as they did in other kingdoms. I only pray now for heros to appear to help us. I am only one man and one man is not able to slay all the demons taking this world and plauging us with destruction.[/I] That was were the story ended as far as they could tell. The remaining pages of the book were blank. That was until they turned to the inside back cover and found other writing that was not in English, but used English characters. As these were read a vortex opened into the book and the entire club was transported to this world that the man wrote of. It was real in the book. OOC: Begin posting
  10. Name: Undertaker Height: 6'10" Weight: 328lbs Finishing Move/ Signature Move: Last Ride Tag Team Partners: None Description: [URL=http://orbita.starmedia.com/~it_sucks/images/iwamisc/Undertaker.jpg]Undertaker[/URL]
  11. Name: Iota Ikajuki Age: 19 School: Justice High School Positon: Student Height: 6'0" Weight: 187 lbs Bio: Iota was transfered from school to school until he finally found JHS. This was the first place he ever felt he belonged. He spends half his time either studying or reading stories of fantasy, mystery, or science fiction. The other half of his time is spent either trying to pick up girls who just find him annoying or running a Mysteries Club at school. As for fighting he was the captain of both the Olympic and WWE style wrestling teams.
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter could only feel a cold shiver run down his spine later, well after Rodney left. When this came he went to the window to just look at the moon. He wasn't sure, but he thought that he saw something in the sky. It looked like four objects, possibly people, flying. He would usually think that his eyes were playing tricks on him, but recently he would believe his eyes everytime that they saw something strange, because now he believed that everything people say about supernaturals is true. He's been believing that ever since he lost Madison. Then he thought he was perhaps not over Madison as much as he thought he was. Everyone has been having something happen to them. He himself had been captured and tortured by ghosts. Kris had been put through more than he wanted to get into. Joey now was different somehow. He hurt her. Plus it appears that Rodney may be having some emotional conflicts of his own. Now he was going ack to Madison. Perhaps it all wasn"t worth it. Perhaps they'd be better without him. Hunter went to his bedroom and began to write a small note to whoever may come to his home and find it. it read: [I]My heart is torn. If I'm unable to live undecided then I shouldn't exist because this tare only causes pain to those I love most.[/I] Hunter then took the note downstairs and placed on the table. Then he went to the counter and went into a drawer. He then pulled out a large kitchen knife. He sat in front of his note for nearly 30 minutes before he nodded and lifted the knife to his wrist. In one long painful slice he slit his wrist and blood began to poor out onto the floor. He quickly blacked out. While laying their unconsious he was somewhere beween the human world and spirit world waiting for someone to come along and either pull him back into existence or to pull him down into the depths of hell. Then he saw a face that he thought he'd never see again in a million years. Madison was there. "Damion why are you doing this?" She always called him by his real name. "It's not supposed to be your time to come over to this side." "It wasn't yours when you left." Hunter said. "Hunter I went because I no longer wished to be the slave of that ghost. I did it to protect you. You see she went from body to body using the host to suduce men and get them into bed with her. She would have done that to you. I couldn't let that happen." "You did it for me?" "Yes, but your leaving for all the wrong reasons. There are still people in the other world that you love and would benefit more from your life than your death. Your thoughts are clouded though. You've not been able to see the truth dispite the fact that it's right in front of your eyes." "What's the truth then?" "Kris has gone through a similar ordeal to you. She lost two of her best friends, her bofriend, and her brother in a terrible car accident. She may be most like you, but she isn't the answer to your question." "But she said she loves me as well." "She handed her heart over to you before realizing that she wasn't ready to. She hasn't moved on from that accident. She will greive over it for a while longer and someday in the future meet another man that she will probably fall madly in love with, that man is not you Hunter. Joey is lost and in danger though. She's neer had a strong relationship her entire life and is truly lonely and has a broken heart. She is the one that needs you the most, but I fear it may be to late to save you now. Your only chance of living now is if somehow Joey's eyes suddenly become clear as I made yours now." "But why are you doing this?" "Because I love you Hunter and I want you to be happy the rest of your life." "Okay. One last question." "Yes." "How come you know all of this about Kris and Joey?" "Well..I..um." She blushed from embarressment. "I kind of snooped around God's file cabinet."[/COLOR] OOC: He's not dead yet.
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]The next few days and nights Hunter was both happy and sad. He was happy that he finally knew that Kris loved him as well, but Joey's reaction was disturbing him. She acted as if the last person she cared about had been taken away from her. Hunter spent many hours on his couch going over all of the events that he had experienced with both of them. All of them showed him the same thing. He loved both of them. He was now sorry he told them. If he hadn't then maybe this wouldn't have happened. Joey was hurt and he could tell. He several times attempted to call, but as someone would pick up he would hang up. He had nothing to say. He was sure he wouldn't be able to speak to either of them until he was certain who he loved more. A knock at Hunter's door disturbed him. He was afraid that it would be one of the girls and he couldn't bare to face them right now. He would probably slame the door in her face. When he did open it it was Rodney. "Hunter I need to speak with you." He said. "Halloween is tomarrow and I think that you are thinking of not coming. I can't explane why i have this feeling that you are going to do this, but I do." "Do you wish to speak with me and convince me to come?" Hunter asked. "If it's not to much a bother." Hunter let him in. "I remember the other day you said to Kris and Joey that you loved both of them. Kris was overjoyed and she said that she loved you as well. That's great and I'm happy for you, but Joey looked strange when she left. I think you noticed it as well. She looked almost heartbroken, but also appeared to not care." "She's covering up her true feelings. She really is heartbroken even if she doesn't realize it. If that is true then she really does love me as well." "I was thinking perhaps one of these loves you feel is an illusion or something." "Prehaps. Or perhaps I should take your soul to the underworld!" Hunter clasped his mouth shut with his hand. He realized that that last shout was not from him. It came out, he didn't control it. "I think that maybe there is something wrong with me." "Hunter that wasn't you who just said that was it?" "No it wasn't Rod. I think I'm possessed."[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Rodney do you even grasp what I'm saying." Hunter asked. "I'm afraid if they both go in thenI will never see either of them again. I would have lost three people that where important to me. Three people that I love. I wouldn't be able to stand living. I would probably die myself. You all would die because the enemy would kill you. We'd lose the battle." "Are you still thinking about the mission being more import then love?" Rodney asked. "No." Hunter replied "Love is more important to me than my own life. I would die protecting these girls. Of coarse I would like to know how they feel about me. I don't care if they hate me or love me as well. I just want to know." He looked back to the girls. "We will do this no matter what. You can both go. I just want to know if you feel the same way about me as I feel about you?" Minutes passed and neither of them would answer. Hunter wasn't sure why though. All of the sudden he no longer wanted to hear their answers. He was afraid of the worst possible outcome, neither of them loved him. He wallked past and began to leave. "Hunter." Kris called out simpathetically. "I will see all of you on Halloween at the school." Hunter said. "Just promise me that neither of you are going to die." Then he left.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Please let them figure out what to do?" Hunter begged after Kris had gone after Joey alone. He placed his back against that wall and slowly slide down it until he was seated on the floor. Perhaps he should tell them. Tell them both at the same time. If he did maybe it all of this would be easier. He was sure that each of them realized that he liked them, but he wasn't sure if they knew that he was in love wiht both of them. It was a hard thing, but he knew he must. Kris and Joey both returned. "Hunter we've decided that we are going to do this together." Joey said. "I'm not sure if that will be possible. This is only ment to be done by one person." Hunter said. He had to tell them he was going to. "We are still going to try." Kris said. "That way at least one of us is going to return and this won't be a total failiure. If only one of us go and she fails then it's over. You are all screwed." "We will try then." Hunter said. He stood up and then stood between the two of them looking from one to the other. God they were so beautiful. Like angels. "There is something you must know about a problem I have with this." He was now sweating in pure nerviousness. "I've been fighting this conflict inside my head and inside my heart." Then the burn from that one ghost began to sting again and get hotter. It was painful. "The truth is I've been fighting my emotions and must now tel you that I love you. I love you both. I don'n know why or how I'm in love with to girls. I always thought that you found only one person in your life that you truly feel this way for, but I feel this way about both of you. It is as if half of me says that Joey is the one for me and the other half says Kris. Do you understand my problem?"[/COLOR]
  16. OCC: Thanks Skye. I've always been told that I'm a really fun guy. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Everyone just stood around feeling the pressure of the uncomfortable silence. Hunter thought that if this was a movie this would be a good time for one of those slow depressing songs to start playing. Rodney just looked around hoping someone else would say what was on his mind, but it appeared that no one was. "So who's going to do it?" He finally asked. "That would be something for Kris and Joey to work out." Hunter said. "Otherwise we are without a maiden of the ritual." Hunter thought for a moment and then grabbed Kris by the hand and dragged her out the door. "Where are you going?" Clesia asked. "To put a rest to this issue." Hunter said as he tried to catch up with Joey.[/COLOR]
  17. Name: Kimikori Jikiunu Age:34 Race: Human Class: Bard Weapons: Enchanted spear with magic casting abilities. Magic: Control the realm of dreams and uses shadow magic. Appearence:[URL]http://www.animeshrine.com/image.php?/magnacarta/calintz.jpg[/URL] Bio/Personality: Selfcentered and only concerned with his financial advancement. He became this way after one of the students that he trusted and trained betrayed him in a battle with one of the puppets, but he doesn't know of the puppets yet. All of yours are good, and Skye you don't even need to ask. Yours are always good.
  18. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter wasn't sure if Paul or Rodney were going to be coming back. He couldn't wait though. The most important parts of the awakening ritual concern mostly the person who is at the most risk. That would be Kris, and whatever was wrong with Kris was more than apparent. Her eyes were the most disturbing part of her. The dead emotionless stare in her eyes struck Hunter deeply.It was as if her stole had ben taken like Madisons had. She had completly lost the characteristics that made her attractive when Hunter first saw her and met her, but he didn't need that anymore. He loved her already. Then he realized that what she was doing reminded him of a story he read about two people madly in love named Tora and Ikajuki. Tora risked her life foe Ikajuki's well being and happyness, but she ended up dieing. Hunter went over to Kris and put his hand aroound her waist, but he got no reaction from her. She didn't even notice him. This really worried him. "Kris are you feeling well?" He asked trying to get some sort of response from her. "I'm fine." She replied without even blinking or showing any other type of reaction. Her mind was somewhere else. This again worried him. "I really need you to have full clairity Kris." He said. "You seem to be very distant and right now it's begining to worry me. Your well being is all I'm concerned with right now and if somthing is wrong then tell me. I will listen. That's why I'm your friend." Only a [I]friend[/I]. She already believed that he and Joey were potentially soul mates so he supposed just calling her a friend wouldn't hurt her, but it hurt him. He swore though not to continue with his romantic endevors until after this is over. It was killing him. If he had not made the promise he would be hugging and kissing her right now if it would help. "I will be alright." She sounded almost annoyed by his attempts to comfrot her again like he had before. Rodney and Paul both came in finally. "It took you a while." Hunter said. "Rodney can be very difficult sometimes." Paul said back to him. They both sat down ready for the meeting to begin. Hunter removed his arm for Kris and got up. He went over and sat down next to Joey and picked up the books again. "Each one of these books has a small part about the ritual in it. Besides what I have told you already this is what is left. When it comes time for the ritual to begin the other choosen shall group around that who shall draw the powers. The drawer will bless each with a kiss and the ghost shall be sacrificed to create a door to the other world. The other world she shall be given the burden of carrying the powers back to her world and she will give them to the other choosen. The transaction and recieving of the powers are the parts in which you are most likly to die. If your mind isn't clear, your body not pure, or your heart not strong enough death is for certain. That is it." "Harder then it sounds I assume." Maria said. "Yes." Hunter said. "Much harder then it sounds. "You must be one strong person to be able to do this. Kris if you want to back out now is probably your last chance." "I told you already that I must do it." Kris said. "I wont let Joey do it so it must be me." Hunter felt something squeeze around his hand. He looked and saw that Joey had tightly clenched her fingers around his. He returned the grip. He could tell that even Joey was now extremly worried and needed comforting as well. He was sure that his grip was enough to provide it.[/COLOR]
  19. Note: This takes place centuries ago Magic is still well practiced by people across the world. Bard, clerics, druids, wizards, and sorcerers all gain strength and mana with every passing day. Sword fighting is popular still and masters hang around every corner. Gangs of bandits attack cities and loot the towns of all of their riches. Monsters roam free and destroy what they please and the biggest threat on anyones mind is the possiblity of the occasional dragon attack, but things are about to change. Someone called The Master of Puppets has become an unknown threat to the world. Strange infections on creatures seem to lead to lead to them becoming hostile and will infiltrate any home and kill anyone. Dragons, demons, and even people are turning and are controlled by this master of puppets. The first to stumble across this was a well known scientist that is long thought to have gone insane, but the promise of wonderful treasures brings ruin explorers to this site. His bones lay scattered across the floor, supposedly the master of puppets killed him himself. Now the first and only group of people in a race to get into the ruins of this crazy scientist will be the only ones to be able to stop this Master of Puppets. ~~~~~~ Sign-up Name: Age: Race: (Elf, Dwarf, Human, Winged One, exc.) Class: (Fighter, Magic User, Bard, Druid, Palidin, Ranger, Barbarian, exc.) Weapon(s) : Magic: Appearence: Bio/Personality:
  20. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter sighed a little. "I don't know exactly what she has to do." Hunter said. "That's the reason that we need the rest of the books." He was still devistated over the thought that he could lose one of him and now it's been narrowed down to just Kris. This tore at his heat, but these were the feelings that he had to set aside. He supposed the main shock came with that Kris volenteered to do this so that Hunter would be happy and so that he wouldn't lose Joey. "Then shall we postpone any activities involving ghosts until we recieve these books?" Maria asked. "Yes we shall." Hunter answered. "Could someone pick up the books at my home Wensday? The way things look I won't be able to get them from the hospital room." "I'll get them." Joey said. She then hugged Hunter tightly causing the wounds on his chest to sting a bit. Then she left. Everyone as gone except Kris. "You didn't have to do that ya know." Hunter said weakly unable to show his true emotions in his speach. "Yes I did." Kris replied and left as if saying goodbye forever. Not even a goodbye. "I'm sorry that I love you." He apologized to the empty room feeling guilty for what Kris was now about to do. He wouldn't see them again until Wensday. Wensday afternoon Joey stood outside of Hunter's house. For some reason just looking at it gave her chills. She peered in through one of the windows and saw the message that Hunter was forced to write in his own blood to give to Kris. She shivered and ignored this. She went to the mailbow and opend it. Inside was a package that looked big enough to fit the missing books into it. She grabbed it and hoped into Paul's car. He began to drive her to the hospital where they will meet the others who are waiting for them.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I found the other books we need, but thats not the only thing that I have to tell you." Hunter said slowly. "What else is there?" Paul yawned. It was apparent that he had either just gotten up or he barly slept the night before. Both of these are possible and understandible from Hunter's point of view. "It's about the ritual that must be preformed in order for us to gain the powers to fight the spirits." Hunter said reluctantly he really didn't want to tell them any of this. "Spit it out man." Rodney said impatiently. "I was reading through the other book and it explains the things that we must follow exactly to do this right." Hunter could feel a heavy lump form in the back of his throat. he swallowed this back and continuied. "First of all this must be preformed at night. Ths second is that it must be in the presence or extremely close to a spirit. The last one is the kicker though. This alos must be done by a virgin girl." The lump came back up and nearly choked him from saying it. "Now I don't want anyone of you four to volenteer for this right away. You must understand that if you are not able to preform it perfectly you will probably die." Sadness was in his voice when he said this. He knew one way or another that either Joey or Kris would be the one to try to do this. The two girls he was more than sure he loved, but it must be done. No matter how musch he hates it.[/COLOR]
  22. Lee and Kenny opened fire into a fanged monster that was hanging from the ceiling insode the building. It's bloated flesh took the shots at first appearing not to have any effec on the creature. Then in a massive explosion of thick chunky blood the creature vaporized. Both of the men were covered from head to toe with the **** from this creature. All Lee did was laugh. "What's up with you?" Kenny asked almost offended. "Nothing." Lee replied. "It's just I didn't expect to get so dirty so quickly." He wipped some of the monsters hanging flesh from his bottom lip. "Tastes like chicken." "You are ******* crazy." Kenny said disliking the taste of the creature guts. Above them came the sound of heavy breathing and the cry of a child. "Lets hurry." Lee said pointing upwords towards the next floor. 47 hours left.
  23. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter made sure that everyone left safly that night. He was told that Kris could leave the next day and he would probably have to wait a few days so they can observe his condition. Some of the nurses were a bit angry with him and told him that a handsom guy like himself had to take better care of himself. That night, before resting, he called everyone and said that they needed to meet him tomarrow in his room. Then he slept holding Joey's ward closley to his chest. The next day Rodney was the first to show up. Oddly though he had a bruise on his forehead. The others slowly followed behind him. Kris seemed completely revived, but she and Joey were both acting like what had happened between them the day before never happened. He supposed it was for the best. "We shall tap into the true powers of these books." Hunter said. "Only a few more days and the others shall arrive."[/COLOR]
  24. "This half of the city looks nearly deserted." Lee said observing the upturned cars flames englufing the tires slowly working into the working and soon into the gas. He would have to remember to stay away from any of those cars. "We will be spliting into groups." The team leader said. Mick was an awsome commander and knew what he was doing. Also if you ever walk into the shower-room late at night you can sometimes hear him singing to himself. He sang well too. He sounded sort of like that guy from the Rolling Stones. "Kenny with Lee, Jason with Asimovich, Meridith with Deigo, and Betty with me." Lee slashed out his Colt and did a quick clip check then jammed back into the weapon. He heard the usual ressuring click. Then he checked his Berreta, good too. He nodded to Kenny then they busted into the appartment building. 48 hours to go!
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]The night of a full moon a couple went out for a walk. That evening they held hands and exchanged sweet kisses on a park bench. They were going back to his apartment when the glow of the moon changed. The moon seemed to bleed from everywhere. It spread across it's entire surface causing the light that reaced earth to become an eerie red color. The next day the couple was found mutilated and mawed to death. Blood had been plattered across the grass. The mans intestins had been cut from his gut and was dragged into a tree. He hung with all of his blood pooled under him. The woman appeared to have been dragged while still alive. He blood followed a path that circled and and curved until it reached her body. Her arm was barley hanging on by strings of wet flesh. Both of there eyes had horrified looks in them. At least they would if the if they still had them. The only thing in common besides the fact that both of them were dead was that their eye sockets were empty. This news reached across the entire world. Investigators insisted that this act was done by one or more very sick indaviduals that would likely strike again. The tabloids had a feild-day writing up hundereds of stories about cults and assasines that woulds do this for plessure, money, or revenge. They made connections that weren't even there. By the end of the day everyone believed ons story or another. They all came up with the same conclusion though. That whatever did this would strike again, and it did. The next night twelve more bodies were found, all killed in different ways. Each missing there eyes. One month later the mysterious killer(s) has been found, but it wasn't anything that anyone expected. Video footage, live reports, and hundreds of sightings have all confirmed one thing, that the killings arn't being done by humans. Creatures that appear to be dead and decaying corpses are moving amoungst people ripping them appart and taking their eyes. More humaish creatures nawing on the necks of fresh victims. Wolves that stood on their hind legs exploded through bodies and destroyed small buildings. Many other things live there as well. Now that the entire city seems to have been wipped out the fear of this spreading to other cities and to other states forces a military action to take place. They believe these to be some sort of new terrorist biological weapon. A group of the eight best soldiers in the military are going to be air lifted by helicopter to the center of the city and attempt to find any possible survivors in that have avoided the creatures. They would be emediatly evacuated by a group. After they were sure everyone was out then a surgical air strike will eliminate what's left in the city.[/I][/COLOR] Players: [B]Dragon Warrior[/B] Name: Loki Menfis Age: 24 Gender: Male Description: Long black cloak-like coat, some black Indiana Jones-like hat I can't remember the name of, cross necklace (he's a priest), rugged face, large boots, brown shirt and black pants. History: The creatures had struck his church. Being a renegade priest, he was able to protect the monsters with ammo once they were outside God's house. He drove them out of the church with fire, but was brutally taken down by them once outdoors. He luckily escaped, but lost the church in his attempt. Many people were killed and all he did was run. He eventually got over his sorrow and sulked his way to get more ammo. He's determined to kill those monsters. "Whatever they are," he said, "They're pissin' God off." He locked and loaded and set off. Weapon(s): Beretta 92fs [B]yalborap[/B] Name: shotoken Age: Roughly 17 Rank: Is a survivor Gender: male Description: black hair with red streaks, and a blood soaked t-shirt and pair of pants. History: Shotoken has been hiding in the apartment he was moving into right when the attacks began. By a stroke of luck, whatever the hell was doing this never came to his apartment, but he still stayed up every night the moon gained that blood red glow, clutching a large butcher knife he has attached a dagger to the handle of. Weapon(s): A butcher knife with a dagger attached to the handle, and just about anything he gets his hands on. [B]ReFlux[/B] Name: Deigo Memphis Age: 22 Height: 5'11" Weight: 154 lbs Rank: Corparal Gender: Male Description: Wears a black SWAT type suit minus the body armor. Has a pair of night vision goggles on his head , with a mask that only covers his mouth and nose, reaveling his neck lenght black hair combed back. Green Jade eyes. Dark complexion. Skinny, muscualr build. History: After hearing of the tragedy that befell the City, Deigo was one of the first volunteers. Member of a CIA hit squad, they are trained to take out the enemy, and save the hostage in one ,fast, attack, before the enemy even relizes what has happened. Trained in the use of small fireamrs and improvised weapons, he is also talented with an M-16 Assault Rifle. Deigo is also a talented exponent of the art of Tae Kwon Do. After volunteering, Deigo now awaits what may be the mission of his life, or the mission to end his life.... Weapon: Deigo carries an M-16 Assault Rifle with a Grenade Launcher attachment and a pair of two silenced M9 Berrettas. [B]callmegoddess04[/B] Name: Kamika (Mika) Tomoe Age: 16 Gender: Female Description: See attachments(most often in the last one) History: When the killings started, Mika was dead scared, even when her brother insisted that it only happened with couples. She and her boyfriend, Caleb, broke up, scared for one another, and never met anywhere. Mika soon started having a normal life, always on the look out. She went to karaoke with her buds on Friday nights, soccer practice on Wednesdays, and homework in between trips to the ice cream parlor. Everynight, she invokes the Goddess, Artemis, into herself, praying, asking to be saved from this evil. Weapon(s): Her hands and feet, soccer ball, baseball bat [B]bogger3k[/B] Name: Lee Madison Age:19 Gender: Male Rank: Private Description: A young man with the classic military hair cut. He is muscular and is wearing infantry armor and helmet. History: Inlisted in the military at the age of eighteen and was imediatly reconized as a sharpshooter in both distance and close ranged combat. After he heard about the first killings this worried him since he had a friend living in the area. As soon as the monsters broke loose and the mission was put together he volenteered to become the ace gunman of the group of eight. He did this mostly in hopes that he will find his friend. Weapon(s): Colt Python, Baretta Sniper, 6 Flak Grenades, 2 Implant Explosives [B]Undefeated[/B] Name: Mick Jagger Age: 60ish Rank: Lead singer... er General Gender: male Description: see attachment History: Mick joined the army nearly 30 years ago after his hotel "The House of the Rising Sun" went under when he publicly expressed sympathy for the devil. After this he simply couldn't get no satisfaction, but his friend Steven Tyler (who is dead) told him to dream on and not get jaded. He then joined the army because of the encouragement Tyler's sweet emotion had gave him. He rose in the ranks steadily and finally became a general. He was horrified at the attacks and decided that someone had to save the victims, at least for his imaginary angel's sake. He wanted to make sure all the back street girls got out, so they didn't have to walk a moonlight mile and get all mixed up, going the whole way down and dieing. When asked why he volunteered to lead this dangerous, nearly certain death operation, he replied "I ain't superstitious, I can't help that I can see whats going on. I'll ge those people out in 48 hours or I'll put my heart up for sale!" And that was that, they gave him seven guys to lead and he went into the city to save some survivors. Weapon(s): Glock Model 18 Carbine Full Auto, modified .75 caliber, armor piercing explosive shells, clip holds 30. [B]Asim[/B] Name : Asimovich Petrofkin . Age : 29 Military rank : Captain Appearance : He has yellow eyes , black hair , and is generally hawk faced . About 6 ft 6 in height . Wears a pair of black military trousers , and a black T-shirt , with a vest over it . He is muscular yet still light in his movement . History : Was sent to investigate the accidents , and rescue the remaining survivors . He was involved in a similar incident years ago when he was a young cadet in Russia , but on an extremely smaller scale . He was the only one that survived from his class . Experienced in combat , and remains cool under the most chaotic of circumstances . Never leaves anyone behind , but believes that sacrifices must be made sometimes for the good of the group . Has a lot of guilt inside , because he lost a girl close to his heart in Russia to the hellish creatures , her name was Eliza Demorkif . Hates these creatures endlessly , and would give anything to redeem himself from that guilt . Now he has at last found the chance to get his revenge . Weapon(s) : Two extremely large custom made Magnum 45 revolvers of black steel in two holsters on his sides , carries their ammunition in the diagonally placed belts on his waist . An AS12 shotgun with a belt of R.slug shells for it hanging on his back , two 9 millimeter Glocks in his shoulder holster , and 6 fragmentation grenades . [B]FirePheonix727[/B] Name: Darren Teloha Age: 18 Gender: male Appearence: 6'0'' with blue eyes and short brown hair. He has a sturdy build and a knowing expression. He wears a dark blue shirt, a grey jacket, and black jeans. (sorry for the short description) History: Darren spent most of his time on a computer, as he specialized in making 'MIDI' files. It wasn't a real occupation for most people, so he worked part time at the local Wal-Mart(lol). His life was relatively un-interesting until the day hell broke loose. Now he's only managed to survive by running and hiding. His constant fight to live has led him far away from his own home, witch means he has no idea what part of the city he's in. Bad news for Darren. Weapon(s): A knife he was able to pick up off the streets. [COLOR=DarkRed]This is just for reference. Let the posting begin. Also don't forget that there is also four NPC's. All of them military.[/COLOR] Kenny / M-16 Jason / Glock-20 Meridith / Desert Eagle Betty / MG-03
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