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Everything posted by bogger3k

  1. [quote name='Undefeated']"..." I said. DIDN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND!?!?!?! NO one recognized my Rolling Stones jokes? OMG! Come on someone tell me that you did......[/quote] I understood the Rolling Stones jokes. I just never said anything. I laughed at home a bit though. Anyways I'm starting this now.
  2. Name: Conner Haas Age: 17 Race: Human Class: Bard Appearence:[URL]http://www.uvm.edu/~chmartin/billycg.jpg[/URL] Bio: Weapons fasinate him. He loves swords and has been taking sword fighting classes for the past seven years. He joined the book club because the first book they read was a fantasy novel called Dragoon. He was the one who found the Emerald Flame. He spends most of his free time polishing his sidearms. Weapon: 2 Sidearms (Rarly uses) & Falcon Blade Magic: Mind minipulation and minor healing spells
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"They are all doing fine." Hunter told her. "Joey and Rodney have already checked up on me, but I came in here to see you." She looked away a bit and blushed. "I found the rest of them you know." "What are you talking about?" Kris asked. "I found the remaining books." Hunter replied. "They should be arriving at my home on Tuesday. It was a source that Rodney found. They had them. It made a dent in my wallet, but it'll be fine." "Does that mean we can finally fight back against these ghosts and stop getting hurt so badly?" Kris asked looking at the bandage that covered the burns from the little boy. They still hurt him. "Hopefully." Hunter said. "If I'm correct then we should be able to beat those punk ghosts hangin'round our turf." This made Kris laugh. "It's good to see you laugh. You're so pretty when you laugh." He kissed her, longer then he had planned. Then he went towards the door. "That was the last time." He said to her just before leaving. He knew he was betraying his own heart, but it was the last time with Joey earlier. Now he went to go join Rodney and the others.[/COLOR] OOC: Unfortunatly the player that was playing Maria will no longer be able to post. This is alright and it won't change te flow of this thread for we shall carry the weight of this character together.
  4. [B][COLOR=Lime]An emerald flame is not something you see every day. In fact no one has seen until this point in time when a book with that exact title is found by Nikoni Highschool's book club. They check it out and decided to look into it the next meeting, but when they did this was the first time any of them have ever read a novel that had only a begining that read: [I]The kingdom of Acrites was the last to fall and I was a witness. The king himself wished only to weild the power of the flame the glowed with the color of an emerald gem-stone. He wish only for this to be set to good use, but is witness the transformation. He soon became greedy. A demon had possessed him and turned his heart cold. A black cloud of hatered and death soon began to follow him and his army. I witnessed this as his personal gaurd. I saw the kingh himself walk upon the thrown of King Devon Marquis of the Dwarves and puncture his heart. He claimed that the king was currupt and stood in his way of achieveing true power over all mortals. I soon witness the demons emergence shortly after. It's ugly faced contorted with an evil sneer. It's skin painted red from the blood it had spilt. It's long crimppled fingers grasped strings that moved and motioned my king. I could no longer bear this. I attempted to sever the connection between my king and the demon but it was no use. It's strings were truly wire created from a matiral much stronger then my blade. The only other option is the one I took. I slyed my king and posted his head on a staff to let the demon understand that the hands of evil shall never grasp the emerald flame. Soon the kingdom broke into riot and confusion. Demons began to appear in normal people as they did in other kingdoms. I only pray now for heros to appear to help us. I am only one man and one man is not able to slay all the demons taking this world and plauging us with destruction.[/I] That was were the story ended as far as they could tell. The remaining pages of the book were blank. That was until they turned to the inside back cover and found other writing that was not in English, but used English characters. As these were read a vortex opened into the book and the entire club was transported to this world that the man wrote of. It was real in the book.[/COLOR] Sign Up Name: Age: Race: (Human if you are one of the students transported to the other world) Class: (Warrior, Knight, Mage, Cleric, Druid, ext.) Appearence: Bio: Weapon: Magic: (Magis users only)[/B] You can either play a character already in the book or one of the students. If you are a student then choose a class that they will be transformed into when transported into the book.
  5. bogger3k

    Down To Earth

    OCC: Sorry this is so short [COLOR=DarkOrchid]IC: "Perhaps I have underestimated the enemy." Dal said running towards his destination. He had no time left to attempt another attack on the ship. Raid would have to wait. The most important thing to him right now is that he get's there. They must be taught. The nine shall be taught and they also shall learn the pain of loss. A pain Dal once knew too well.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter was alone again and now counting one each hand how many times he had kissed both of them. Equal. It was odd how Joey reacted though. It was as if she was a bit angry with him. He had managed to apologize to her, but he wasn't even sure about how she felt. He felt confused his mind flooded with thoughts. Some of Joey. Some of Kris. Then there were those about the ghosts and what Rodney had done. Rodney had used fire to send the ghosts fleeing, but he didn't know how he did it. That was interesting. Then he remembered what he did the night he was taken. The order. It would be here by Tuesday. He had to tell someone. He planned to do so and at the same time set his romances aside until he would have more time to think and reconsider what he had told Joey about his past. First though he must go see Kris. It's not that he didn't trust what Rodney said it's just that he had to make sure for himself. After grabing one of Joey's wards he left towards Kris's room.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]Damn[/I] Hunter thought as he sat in his hospital bed. He promised himself that he wouold never get cought in this situation again. Not ever since Madison. He always thought that Madison was the one for him, but how wrong he was. She was the reason for his interest in ghosts. Hunter wasn't ready though. He couldn't be. He couldn't have the same feelings for two different girls and call it love. He was a romantic at heart and loved to flirt with the girls, but he may have already gone to far. He scratched at the bandages on his chest that covered the burns and medicated them. "If you do that they won't heal properly." Joey said as she came into the room. She gently shut the door behind her. "I wanted to make sure that no ghosts found their way here." "No, I'm alright." Hunter said. "Thank you for helping Kris. I heard about it from Paul." "It was no proplem." She replied. The mood was more dark and depressing suddenly. "Are you sorry that you killed those people?" He asked her. Joey was shocked by this question. She remembered talking about it before though. It was when they first met in the library. "Of coarse I am sorry." She replied. "I know that you didn't do it of your own free will." Hunter said. "But for some reason I don't regret that you killed those people. I feel that if you did we never would have met. I've have something to share with you. Like you have I also have to reveal something about my past." "What is it?" She asked. "It is about the rumors about me." He said. "About the girl who hurt me. They are only partially true. You see I've only been serious with one girl in my life and her name was Madison Beakly. She was different though. One day after a date I left her house and then remebered that I forgot the keys to my car. I went back and when I did I saw something come out of her. It was a ghost. One that fed on emotions and souls. She had eaten the soul of my beloved Madison. I was furious and went after the ghost, but she used Madison's body as a sheild. Even though her soul was no longer in it her body still lived. I stabbed her and the body died, but I held the ghost inside as well. It went with her. I never thought that I could love again." "Why are you telling me this?" Joey asked. "Because I need to tell someone and you seem to be the best choice." He said. "There is something alse as well, but I was always told that actions speak louder than words." He kissed her.[/COLOR] OCC: Don't hate me for this.
  8. This is who we have so far. Asimovich Petrofkin / Asim / military Mick Jagger / Undefeated / military Lee Madison / Me / military Kamika (Mika) Tomoe / callmegoddess04 / survivior Deigo Memphis / ReFlux / military shotoken / yalborap / survivor Loki Menfis / Dragon Warrior / survivor Now I'm adding four more military that will be NCP's. Kenny / M-16 Jason / Glock-20 Meridith / Desert Eagle Betty / MG-03
  9. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter saw that the boy that was burning some sort of symbol into his chest had turned in horror when Rodney, Clesia, and Maria came in holding up a newly found book. The ghosts once again gathered and spoke to each other not able to be heard by anyone else. They then looked at Hunter with an extreme furry. A look that said [I]we will get you yet[/I]. Then they dissappeared. Hunter was lowered to the ground from the chains and into Clesia's arms. "Thank god your not dead." She said. Even Rodney looked concerned for Hunter. "You look terrible." Maria said. "What have they been doing to you and why weren't you in the Art room?" "I was." Hunter replied exausted. "They just moved me not to long ago. We must move." "Not in your condition man." Rodney said. "You have to get to the hospital just like you did for Joey." "I refuse to go until I'm sure that Trea is okay." Hunter said reluctantly. He began to walk on his own. An aura pushed them away from him making him untouchable. He moved out of the library and towards the feeling that he got. One that told him where everyone else is. He made it there. The little girl, who was nearly getting the others with strikes of ice, saw that Hunter was there and ran as if it was her life. Assuming that she was still alive. Hunter was glad to see none of them had been seriously hurt since they took him. "Hi Joey." He said weakly. "Looking as beautiful as ever." She gave him a thankful smile and hugged his energy drained body. When she let go of him he saw Kris unconsious. She had been laid on the ground. He fell to his knees and crawled over to her and looked at her. He was nearly ready to pass out. "Like an angel." He said softly. Then her eyes opened slightly to the familiar gaze of his face. She was almost shocked into conciousness when she saw. Her first instincts kicked in and her arms went around his neck and chest. He fell closer to her body. "Hunter." She cried. "I was afraid you were dead." "I feared the same thing." He passed out.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Laying accross a pile of bloodied books was Hunter's body. He was barly awake and could barely breathe. He felt cuts, wounds, and bruises all over his body. He had been beaten that night by a strange little boy. The glow of his body told Hunter he was a ghost. but Hunter didn't realize it at first. All he saw was the boy's eyes. Something about them sent him into a dreamlike state. Then it let go a smile and he could feel burning. His shirt caught on fire. Hunter tore it off, but couldn't scream. Afraid that they were once again after Kris he used the best spell he knew but then small blades came out of nowhere. They began to cut him. Then he saw a woman eligant, but again a ghost. AFter the torture his palm was sliced and the ghosts forced him to write on the wall. [I]We've taken him![/I] Now he was dying in the one place he never wished to be without the rest of those books. He didn't want the others to come for him either. Even if they found out where he was. Above him the ghosts gathered. Six in all. A man with an axe. The woman with blades. The child of ice. The boy of flame. Then there were still two more yet to be named. Their powers against people have yet to be shown. They were speaking amongst themselves softly. Hunter wasn't evev sure it was English. Chains wrapped around his arms and legs and he was lifted into the center of the room. The chains pulled at all four of his limbs. He wanted them to just fall off, but wouldn't. This was terrible torture. Then he noticed the little girl leaving. He wasn't sure where she was going, but he was sure that it wasn't good. The flame boy then came up to Hunter. He held up one finger a small fire at the end of it. He stuck it against Hunter burning him. He screamed, but not to be heard.[/COLOR]
  11. bogger3k

    Down To Earth

    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]They will never find me. These words I speak are true." Dal said. He had noticed that the aircraft that had fired the raid missiles had landed. Someone was coming out of it as well. He saw this with his mind. "They will be too worried because of their selfishness and selfcenteredness." He spoke. Then his mind flaired with the same pain again. He pushed with his power to grasp the meteor and drag it out of orbit then send it towards it's target. "Always plenty forever. Been that way since the Mars incident." He spoke his words of truth again. Now a meteor had another target. The ship itself.[/COLOR]
  12. I will probably end up posting the rest of the charcters and making them onto NPCs (Non-PLayer Characters) if enough people don't sign up. I promise to start this by the week from friday. From now until then people can still join. More Military More Women
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"My pets!" Kris cried on Hunter's shoulder. "What did they do to my pets?" "What's wrong with her?" Paul asked out of breath still grasping his bleeding elbow. "She's been attacked again." Hunter replied. He held her tighter to comfort her. "It's alright now Kris. You'll be fine as long as your with me. Paul if you need some bandaids there is a first aid kit under the kitchen sink." "I'll get it for him." Rodney said going to fetch the first aid kit. "Poor Niko and Trin. What have they done to them?" Kris continued to cry while Hunter held her. "You need to calm down a bit." Hunter said soothingly. "I'm sorry about your pets. There is nothing we can do for them now." Rodney came back and helped Paul with his wounds. "It sounds bad." He commented. "I wonder why they never have tried to get you though?" He looked at Hunter suspiciously. "This is no time for random blaming." Hunter said. "As soon as you give me those address I would like for you to leave. We will meet again tomorrow. This time we all will go somewhere besides the school." "How about we meet at the park." Paul suggested. "Fine." Hunter said as Rodney handed him a note containing the web address. "Now please leave and call everyone about tomarrows meeting?" "I'll go to." Kris said still sobbing a bit. She pushed away from him then stopped when she felt Hunter grab her wrist. "Kris since you have no where else to go I think you should stay her. At least for the night." Hunter said. "I won't let you just wander around or go home. It's too dangerous." He looked at her with a serious and stern look. She looked back a bit confused and grateful. "Thank you." She replied. The other two left. That night Hunter let Kris sleep in his bed. It was the most comfortable one in his house. "You're safe remember that." He said as he tucked her in. "I will never let anything happen to you while I am here to protect you." Her eyes said thank you enough. She had finally calmed down and was now comfortable. He kissed her again. This time a short lips to lips one. He then left her to sleep. [I]The problen is that I feel the same way about Joey.[/I] The next morning Kris woke to something that would scare her again. She went downstairs and called for Hunter. He never came. When she came to his front room she screamed as she read a note writen on the wall in blood. [I]We've taken him![/I][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter answered the door. His parents were once again out for the evening. They had buisness. Almost always had buisness. He spoke with them only on Sunday. The day that they went to church. He never went with them though. He was to preoccupied with his studies of ghosts and the paranormal. Rodney stood in the doorway as Hunter opened it. "I'm happy that you showed up." Hunter said. "I really need to speak with you about those bits of information ya found." "Yeah, but can you make it quick?" Rodney asked. "I'm getting some bad feelings." "Alright." Hunter said leading Rod to a seat and offering him a soda. Rod took it. "I want to know where you found these mostly. I didn't want to make anyone else seem inferior when we were together so I wanted to talk with you seperatly. I reconize some of these things that you have. This is information and other things that only a possesor of one of the books would know." "I found it at one random fanatic web site. I'll give you the web address." Then the phone rang. Hunter picked it up. "Damion speaking." he said into it. "Hunter." Kris's voice came throught the phone.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]He knew that this was why they needed those books. The enemy has rapidly grown more powerful. Too powerful to fight with the simple spells they could use. It would help to avoid possible deaths and further injury in the future. Joey had been badly hurt. Twice had they done something to Kris. Clesia was locked in her own locker. He had also been threatened. He couldn't stand this. He breathed heavy from running and pullin Kris along. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Never better." She replied. "That was kind of close though." "Kinda?" Hunter was surprised. "A second later then there would be two of you." "Thanks for showing up though." "No problem." Hunter replied. "Does anyone have the books?" He was handed all of the informatio that was on paper and the others reported the stuff that they could find. "I'll take a look into all of this tonight the rest of you should get some rest. Except Rodney. I need to see him at my house later tonight." "Why?" Rodney asked. "I'll explane when you show up." Hunter said. "I will give the girls a ride home." Later he dropped Maria off. Then Clesia at her house. She seemed very happy to be home. Then he got to Kris's house. "I'll be right back." He told Joey. He walked Kris up to her door. Then he stood her still for a second his hands on her shoulders. She was blushing. "I need you to listen to me." He said. "For some reason or another it seems that they are after you more than the others. I'm guessing you will be okay at your own house, but if you ever feel scared or need to talk or whatever then don't hesitate to call me. We could make a night of it." She laughed a little at his joke. He left to take Joey home. He dropped her off and gave her a small kiss goodbye before telling he to be carful and to let her wounds heal. Then he went home and began to wait for Rodney.[/COLOR]
  16. Now For Me Name: Lee Madison Age:19 Gender: Male Rank: Private Description: A young man with the classic military hair cut. He is muscular and is wearing infantry armor and helmet. History: Inlisted in the military at the age of eighteen and was imediatly reconized as a sharpshooter in both distance and close ranged combat. After he heard about the first killings this worried him since he had a friend living in the area. As soon as the monsters broke loose and the mission was put together he volenteered to become the ace gunman of the group of eight. He did this mostly in hopes that he will find his friend. Weapon(s): Colt Python, Baretta Sniper, 6 Flak Grenades, 2 Implant Explosives We need the rest of the rescue squad and if at all possible I would like for someone to play Lee's friend if no one that's joined already wants to, but you will have to be a survivor. More Women please?
  17. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"So you're not as responible as you seem you are." Radney poked fun at Hunter. "You let two girls wander around on their own when all of these strange things are happening." He looked back at Hunter who was half out the door. "You're absolutly right Rod." Hunter said. "Of coarse I don't see you moving to go check on them. I will tell you this for the last time. If you arn't going to work with the team then leave now." Hunter left Rodney surprised and shaken. When Hunter was sitting alone a few moments ago he couldn't help but have the feling of being trapped. Somthing inside him created this feeling of being trapped. He knew it had nothing to do with him at all really. He felt that someone else was trapped. Hunter was going to go to the library to see if Kris had found Clesia when on the way there he heard a faint tapping sound. He kept moving and it took him down a hall away from the library. He began to run. He ran until the faint tapping turned into desperate pounding. "Help." A girls voice screamed. "Clesia is that you in there?" Hunter asked. "Hunter?" Clesia answered. "Yes it's me. Thank god you came for me." "Well you know me just about as well as anyone else in our group." Hunter said. "I can't just let a pretty girl just myseriouly get trapped in a school locker and just leave her there. How did this happen anyways? Not that I couldn't guess." "It's those stupid spirits. They put me in here." "Well my first guess would have been was that a jealous boyfriend saw you talking with me and decided this to be your punishment. Now stand back from the door I'm going to get you out." "Stand back? This is a locker there is no where to go." Hunter pulled out a small ball and stuck it next to the hindge of the door. He then lit it's short fuse. It went of in a small enough explosion to just knock off the hindge. Clesia stepped out. "I know the combination you know." "Oh sorry. I got to ahead of myself there to ask ya. Now lets go let Kris know that I found you and we can go back to the meeting. Just stay close." She did this by wrapping herself tightly around his arm.[/COLOR]
  18. These are great so far. I love them all but from now on unless it makes sense and it is okay with me if you are a survivor please don't give him/her a gun. I would also like some women to join this. A few more notes. I will be playing a character, but I also warn you that your characters may likely die. I will also be acting as all NPC's (None Player Characters) and as the GM (Game Master). I ask that you don't kill your character or any other character without PMing me for the okay first. One more rule is that you onlt have 48 hours to evacuate the city. After that you are presumed dead and the missiles will be launched. each day in the real world counts as one hour. After 48 days if you are not all dead or you havn't evacuated then it is over.
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]The night of a full moon a couple went out for a walk. That evening they held hands and exchanged sweet kisses on a park bench. They were going back to his apartment when the glow of the moon changed. The moon seemed to bleed from everywhere. It spread across it's entire surface causing the light that reaced earth to become an eerie red color. The next day the couple was found mutilated and mawed to death. Blood had been plattered across the grass. The mans intestins had been cut from his gut and was dragged into a tree. He hung with all of his blood pooled under him. The woman appeared to have been dragged while still alive. He blood followed a path that circled and and curved until it reached her body. Her arm was barley hanging on by strings of wet flesh. Both of there eyes had horrified looks in them. At least they would if the if they still had them. The only thing in common besides the fact that both of them were dead was that their eye sockets were empty. This news reached across the entire world. Investigators insisted that this act was done by one or more very sick indaviduals that would likely strike again. The tabloids had a feild-day writing up hundereds of stories about cults and assasines that woulds do this for plessure, money, or revenge. They made connections that weren't even there. By the end of the day everyone believed ons story or another. They all came up with the same conclusion though. That whatever did this would strike again, and it did. The next night twelve more bodies were found, all killed in different ways. Each missing there eyes. One month later the mysterious killer(s) has been found, but it wasn't anything that anyone expected. Video footage, live reports, and hundreds of sightings have all confirmed one thing, that the killings arn't being done by humans. Creatures that appear to be dead and decaying corpses are moving amoungst people ripping them appart and taking their eyes. More humaish creatures nawing on the necks of fresh victims. Wolves that stood on their hind legs exploded through bodies and destroyed small buildings. Many other things live there as well. Now that the entire city seems to have been wipped out the fear of this spreading to other cities and to other states forces a military action to take place. They believe these to be some sort of new terrorist biological weapon. A group of the eight best soldiers in the military are going to be air lifted by helicopter to the center of the city and attempt to find any possible survivors in that have avoided the creatures. They would be emediatly evacuated by a group. After they were sure everyone was out then a surgical air strike will eliminate what's left in the city.[/I][/COLOR] ***Sign Up*** Your options are to be either a survivor or one of the eight military soldiers. Name: (Can I make it any more obvious) Age: (Duh) Rank: (If a soldier) Gender: (another Duh) Description: (What do they look like. Pics and text both work) History: (If a survivor then what have you been through since the killings began. If a soldier give a breif description of your service and reaction to this mission) Weapon(s): (Make them real guns, knives, and grenades. Soldiers only *at first*) And Remember No God Modeing! (|)
  20. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter watched as Joey hacked into the web sites. He felt that they would probably be there for a little while. He sat next to Kris and gave a great sigh. "Is something wrong?" Kris asked him. "I know your a girl and all Kris," He said hoping not to affend her, " but you wouldn't believe the amount of resistence that that girl can put up." "Very strong?" Kris asked. "Well for a girl her size I would suppose she is strong." Hunter replied. "Most of the car drive there I was worried that I would go off the road or crash. She was getting pretty weak and I had to hold those cuts closed so she wouldn't bleed to death. Even then she struggled. I also think the people at the hospital thought that I had beaten her and just went to far." "You don't seem like a person who would ever strike a lady." Kris commented. "The only time I've ever struck a woman is when I strike them as cute." He joked with her. Kris laughed. She was very pretty when she was happy. Then he noticed Maria giving him an odd look. he noticed it was the same look as when he walked in the door with Joey. Where are you Clesia?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Red]He senced something from the Split One. The one called Yugi by his friends. He felt that there was a sence of urgency yet they acted as if it was like any other urgent meeting that wasn't really that urgent. He could sence though that Yugi wanted to get there and he wanted to get there soon. He also noticed that the ammount of people in the group was slowly deminishing. Something had drawn one or two away for now. He knew though that they would sooon be back. In the meantime his new servant was about to make her first move. Her first challenge. He had given her a special deck. One that would take them to the shadow realm. No harm would come to her even if she lost, but if she wins he won't be held accounted for what happens.[/COLOR]
  22. bogger3k

    Down To Earth

    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"These words I speak are true." Dal said to himself as he continued down the path fighting off the heat of the world. "I am royaly screwed." He peered past the clouds beyond the point in which normal people could see. He saw with his mind three, four, no.. FIVE more missiles. Raid wouldn't give up. "How can I defeat it this time. It is impossible without help." He again saw the missiles with his mind he examinded them more closely. Heprobed and felt it up with his mind as a pervert would with a hot girl, but instead of getting aroused this was so he could understand and withstand the strike. He would be destroyed if he couldn't do this. He would teach others to do this as well. he was a teacher by choice and his future students (he could see nine of them) would become teachers of this as well unless this is able to be stopped before they would need to. He was young, but a lifespan of someone like him was short. "They will destroy and then come for my remains." Dal said to himself again. That was when the first name came to him.The names always came like this. A quick burst and he saw minutes, maybe hours, of future and possibilities. The name began with an S. He also saw massive streams of blood and destruction. Limbs of friends and enemes alike floating in a hell-spring. Then a body fell to the center. His own. Then he saw what looked like a flower opening and inside of it was a key. Gold and lovely. Then the missiles struck. Bubbles of the heat that would help to destroy this planet was released and flowed towards him.[/COLOR]
  23. bogger3k

    Birthday Girl

    Skye smiled. This made Jason happy. Ray cut the cake as the presents were placed in front of her. Skye didn't grab Jason's first, but who cared. This was her night and no one should care about those sort of things. She looked up at him and he smiled and blushed a little bit. Then he remembered the dance. He forgot to thank her. He would after.
  24. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I don't want to go." Joey said softly still trying to struggle dispite the fact that she had lost a significant amount of blood and was dead tired. Hunter held her cut closed as he attempted to drive at the same time. "Stop arguing and just accept that you are going to the hospital." He stopped a the light that unfortunatly reminded him of the blood that was running from her cut. Then he noticed a warm gentle felling on his shoulder. Joey had rested her head. Strands of hair were falling onto his chest. He felt himself take deep burning breaths. Hers were short and weak. "Please take me back?" She asked slowly. "Joey." Hunter said as a reply. "I don't blame you for not wanting to go, but you have to go. If you don't I couldn't bare to see you get really sick or die." He kissed her forehead. Her hair smelt of peachs and plums. A very sweet scent. The light turned green and they were off again.[/COLOR]
  25. bogger3k

    Down To Earth

    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"It will stop it." Dal said slowly as his temples pounded with the pain of this massive amount of power he was useing. "This Raid will stop here. No missiles will strike this ground. No one can see them yet, but they are there." The explosion rocked to earth. The clouds parted as one of Dal's Meteors struck it's target. He felt the releif of letting go the control. "Now I must find Haven. I must teach and they must learn. Truth in these words I speak."[/COLOR]
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