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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Dispite Joey"s constant disaproval Hunter couldn't just let her bleed like this. He would have left a note but there was no time for that. Instead he would leave someone here to tell the others where he went. "Kris I need you and Maria to stay here and keep the others here for at least a half hour. If me and Paul arn't back by then tell them to head home." "Sure." She replied to him. Hunter did sound urgent. "Thank you." Hunter said. Then he quickly kissed her on the cheek again and helped to get Joey to the car. Joey was refusing the entire time, but Hunter cared too much for her to just give up. He had to help her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"I see it coming." Dal said as he walked down the beaten path. He could feel he was alone. He never felt alone. This was new for him. He had to do it though. "Maybe I can stop it." He considered, but he wasn't sure if he could. He has a problem if he misses. He will cause more distruction, but if he stops it then many lives will be saved. He had to make to the platform though. "I'll do it." He concentrated on it. He would destroy it as it loomed over him and over them. He will save them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]An odd run in with a 19 year old girl at a high school was odd for Hunter. Older women didn't do anything for him. At least not that much. It's not the fact that they are older then him or even that theyare generally more mature. Then Hunter noticed that the extra copy of the notes he was handing out to the rest of his club was missing. When he ran into her he must have dropped it and she must have picked it up with her stuff. Well if she showed up he supposed that would be okay. As long as she wasn't going to rat them out or anything like that. The next day. A Saterday. Hunter was waiting for the others to show up at the meeting place. He had with him a book full of notes and translations from the text that he had borrowed from Kris. Then he saw one of them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter handed Paul a note. "If you come to the nest meeting then you might find that we need you." He said. Then he turned back to the others. Kris was crying over her hair and he felt really sympathetic. "I'm sorry about what those ghosts did to you." He said senserly to Kris. "It just wasn't fair." Kris complained. "Well in my personal opinion it looks really cute at that length." He gave her a nice smile hoping it would help to cheer her up a bit."Well I have to get going now." He gave both Kris and Joey a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you both Saterday. As well as you Paul." He left, both of the girls blushing.[/COLOR]
Name: Dalmorse Riinji Age:19 Gender: Male Appearence: Blonde hair cut short and spiked. Blue jump suit and black gloves. Thin and always has a salamander or pheonix symbol on a chain. Personality: Filled with emoiton that he needs to set free. He loves everyone and loves life. Power/Control: Flame, Fallout (meteor showers, exc.), Immunity (power to deflect most powers used on him) Group: Sensative Bio: A very bright teenager with the a will that rivals that of MLK Jr. He tends to have a more femamine outlook on things and acts fruity giving people he may have just met hugs. He is strait though. He would be a passafist, but he believes that being completly passive will lead to beging destroyed. He fights only to protect himself and thoughs that are worth protecting. He will try to talk first though. He also loves to laugh.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter ran after Joey as she went to go skip class. Hunter didn't mind skipping class for a hour or so. He was always depicted as a popular student who would probably do that anyways. He was getting strait A's anyways and he already knew the material for the test. He didn't care enough about his image either to be seen with a tomboy like Joey. She was his friend and deserved attention like anyone else he liked. Joey went around the corner. A few seconds later he came around the corner and nearly ran into Joey. He stopped just before his face hit hers. "So you did decide to come." She said giving him a sweet innocent smile. "Yeah I suppose so." Hunter replied. "I wanted to see that spell that you found." He got the scroll from her. "You know this is a very simple and low level spell? When the enemy becomes stronger this will have no effect on it. All the spells that we will need will be granted to us as soon as we find the rest of those books. Perhaps I should stay with you. I know a few more spells a bit more powerful then this. Besides they seem to have a serious hostle tendancy." "Do you like me that much or are you just one of those macho protective type?" She asked him. "Um." He really didn't want to awnser that. "Where are we going?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter smiled as Kris came to them. "Hi Kris." He said. "This is a new friend who wasn't able to make it to the meeting last night." "Hi I'm Clesia" She said and left. "How did the search go last night?" Hunter asked Kris. "I found what might be some copies of the other books." Kris replied. "Good. Bring whatever you have to the next meeting." He handed her a note made w quick wave goodbye and left to rejoin his other friends who were now going to class. He would slip the notes in the others lockers on the way to class. Hunter, now in class, was studying for his history test next week when he noticed that his pencil was rotating slowly. He moved away from it in case he bumped it but it kept moving. Then it lifted off the desk and the point touched the table. It began to write something. "We wiil geet u." Hunter read outloud. His friends turned and looked at him after the pencil stopped moving. "Hunter what did we tell you about writing on your desk?" One of his friends whispered. After class he found Joey at her locker. He tapped her on the shoulder and she looked directly at him. "Did anything strange happen to you during class?" He asked.[/COLOR]
Jason was supprised to find that he was moving in perfect syncrony with Skye. When she put her forehead to his he began to blush obviously. Not only that but he got a good look into her soothing eyes. This made him feel much more comfortable. He just kept moving with her. Neither of them led or followed they just moved together. He loved this and for the moment he wondered it the knot in his throat ment that he might love her as well. He just kept dancing.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]The next day Hunter made more notes. He now knew were all of the others lockers were so he would leave them in there later. The note will tell them where the next meeting is and to bring whatever they found on those books. During lunch time that day he was tapped on the shoulder by a girl. He reconized her as the student that just recently transfered to this school. "Um," She acted shy, "May I see you for a second?" She asked. "Watch out Damion." One of his stupid friends said. "You don't want to break this ones heart right away now." "Shut up Dan." Hunter said leaving the table to talk to this girl. "You'll have to excuse my idiotic friend. He doesn't think before he speaks." "I wanted to talk to you about last night." She said. "You weren't there last night were you?" He asked. "Where you going to come?" "I was, but I didn't." She said. "Then be there tomarrow." He handed her one of the notes for the meeting this Saterday.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter trusted that al of them would do their best to find these books. While he, on the other hand, had borrowed the book from Kris. As he read it he found out a lot about what spells were like. Three powers given to each. Each reflecting their character and personallity. He could probably guess what Rodney's would be like. All out destructive power. He didn't want to think of this though. He concentrated more on the book. A few hours slipped into the night. He bacame tired and went to bed. Then he dreamt. At first it started out about Joey. Then it switched over to Kris. He felt something in them, besides him finding them both to be very attractive girls. He felt that they would be important in the future. Not sure how though. Then his dream slipped deeper into his thoughts and gathered a nightmare. His old girlfriend.[/COLOR]
Jason was jealous of both of them. Of coarse these were her friends. He didn't mind it to much. Then again he knew that if he didn't do somthing then he will probably regreat it in the future. He bit his lower lip and got enough courage behind him. He was going to ask her to dance and he was going to do his best. He was always told he could dance well but he didn't believe them.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Then sign on the dotted line." Hunter told Rodney. He handed him the paper and Rodney signed his name to it. Hunter smiled as he got it back. He handed it to the next person and they signed as well. Everyone signed. "Now to the next peice of buisness." Hunter said holding up the book Kris let him look at. "That can't be one." Joey said. "Oh it definatly is." Hunter replied."Lets hope it has the right formula to grant us the powers." He flipped through it and found the right page. "Does it?" Kris asked. "Yes," Hunter replied, " well not entirly. This is only part of the dirctions. We need all five books. Do you think that all of you can do your best to track them down and get them to us somehow?" He got a bunch of nods and a shrug from Rodney. "Rod if you are not going to give this your all I suggest you leave right now." "I'll find your darn books." Rodney replied. "Then lets get home and get moving." Hunter helped both Kris and Joey to their feet like any gentleman would. He addmits it. He has split feelings.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I probably should explane all of this to you." Hunter said as the very rude kid asked what this was about. He put his hand on Kris's shoulder. "Perhaps you should all sit down though." They did as he asked. "I trust that all of you a familier with the stories about what happened in this school many years ago?" He asked and got a mix of nods and shakes. "For those of you who don't know over a hundered years ago there was an evil sorcerer who enslaved a bunch of spirits whos bodies still lay under our school to this very day. They felt disrespected by thoughs who built the school and they attacked the school children. Several were killed as Kris would have been yesterday. Of coarse though the sorcerer used them for his own deeds. He granted them forms that were monsterous. Then a group of students much like ourselves gained powers of great magical capability and fought these monsters created by the sorcerer and traced the trail back to him. They were able to defeat him." "What does that have to do with us?" Joey asked. "That's a very good question." Hunter replied. "It is my belief that the recent paranormal activity at the school is the same paranormal activity that happened to it long ago." "If it is true then what do you suppose we do?" Rodney asked. "I suggest that we form our own group to fight these monsters and discover the cause." Hunter replied to his question. "We will do exactly the same as the others did except we will have a name. The Spirit Investigators Club! Now I printed up a pact for everyone to sign. If you do keep in mind everything that happens amongst us stays with us. You will not disclose to anyone what we are doing." He handed out the paper. "How is this going to work?" Kris asked. "I mean they had powers and we don't." "Well thanks to you Kris we will probably have those powers." He looked deeply into her eyes and felt a brief connection.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Okay Kris." Hunter said while smiling for her. "Yesterday was quite a different experince though, wasn't it?" He asked. "Yes it was." Kris answered smiling back. She had a book in her hand and it wasn't the same one as the day before. It looked more like an old book full of text. Possibly one of the magic books the legends spook of. "May I see what you are reading?" He asked. She nodded and handed him the book. After scanning over several pages he was sure of it. This is one of the books the others had before them centuries ago when the dead came back. "Where did you get this?" "Online." She replied. It figured though. "Are you expecting anyone else or is it just going to be the two of us?" "Oh, I expect several other people to come." Hunter replied. "Most of them were in that library when that globe nearly fell on you. Of coarse if no one else shows you and I could always make the best of this privacy." He could see Kris's entire face go red after that last comment. He was only joking though. He had a girlfriend once, but he doesn't want to remember that. "It looks like they are here." Hunter said pointing behind Kris. She turned around. Joey and four other people were coming to them.[/COLOR]
Jason didn't wish to be left alone he just generally was. That was what happened when you weren't one of the popular kids. He saw that several of Skye's friends were skating in a group. He thought that he may join them for a while. He got up and began to skate. He wasn't very good and he fumbled a bit but he still caught up with them. "You don't mind if I join you?" He asked them. They didn't mind.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Trea was still shaking but she felt like she had finally settled down a bit. At least she had settled down enough torealize the position she was curently in. Hunter was still holding her. He could see now that she was blush furiously. "Are you going to be alright now?" He asked her soothingly. "What was that?" She asked without replying to his question. "That was paranormal activity at work." Hunter replied finally letting go of Trea and helped her to gather her things. He saw the book she had been reading. "Hey I've been reading those as well." She smiled a little embarresed and left. He turned to his other friend. "Joey I have to go home and research something. I'll catch ya later." ~~~~~~~ The next day everyone found a note in their locker saying [I]"those of you who beleavein ghosts, ghouls, and the paranormal are invited to join me when you are ready. Come to the creek. I will be there waiting. If you beleave you will come. HUNTER![/I][/COLOR]
Jason sat outside of the skating tink waiting for the oters to arrive. He liked to be the first one there. Not for any paticular reason, but just to nbe there first. It was sort of a habit. He had the present tucked under his arm. A car pulled up from the street and parked out of it stepped Jase. Then Skye came out looking as beautiful as Jason has ever seen her. His face went red as she came over to him and greeted him with one of her cute smiles.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]He followed Joey into the room and there was thousands of old copies of newspapers. She went over to a pile that had her name on it and handed it to him. "These are all of the newspapers I was able to find including articles about paranormal activity." She said. "If we go through them well enough we may be able to find other cases much like my own." She closed the door after they both had left and went to go return the key to the librarian. As Hunter stood there like an obediant dog he turned and looked at the girl reading a book again. If he could recall her name was Trea. He smiled nicly for her as she continued to read her novel. Above her Hunter noticed something. An odd disturbance that would have been noticed by anyone who was looking in that direction. As something began to emerge from it he dropped the news papers and ran. He pulled her off of her seat and into his arms before the green glob could land on her head.[/COLOR]
Jason passed Skye in the hallway on his way to the locker. It was her birthday today and she was throwing a party after school. He had been invited as well. Thia was the first time he's ever been invited to a party and it came as a big suprise to him. He didn't know what to expect form it, but he went and got her a present as well. He dearly hoped she would like it. It was a jewelry case. A nice wooden one he picked up at an anique store. It also came with a pair of earrings. Nothing very expensive but it was enough to put him back a few weeks. He didn't care though. He liked this girl and would nearly do anything she asked.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter watched as Joey scanned over the gigantic book with her finger. Then she stopped on one specific listing. "Does this mean that you were posessed then when you or that spell killed those students?" "I suppose so, but I also am sorry for what happened." Joey replied the red on her face becoming a bit more noticable. "In that case you can't be held responisible for what happened." He grinned. "Besides it would be a shame for a cute girl like yourself to be a murderer. It always tends to be the hot ones that are insane." He then remembered the key. "What is this for anyways?" "Come with me." She said leading him to the door. "I have some research as well in case you are interested. Some of the notes I have reach all the way to the United Nations investigations of the paranormal." He noticed the girl who had nearly bumped into him. He thought that maybe he would talk to her next. Dispite the bookworm outlook she was cute too.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"My name is Damion, but you can call me hunter if ya like." He replied to Joanne. "Do you mind if I call you Joey or do you hate that?" "Um, well." She replied a bit confused. "How about it?" He asked again. "I think that Joey is a cute nickname for a girl like you." "Thank you." She said still a bit confussed. "I have a question I'd like to ask you. Do you beleave in spirits?" He gave a sly smile.[/COLOR]
A vision. A vision of a dark man seeking something. One that is coming after him. This frightned him. In the first time in his life he was frightened. A vision. That was what Bakura had.
I don't mind it being short. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Just a walk back to his locker then back to the library for more study on the paranormal history of this school. he found it odd that two students mysteriously died and no one was caught. He continued to walk and then someone nearly bumped into him. It was a younger girl. She only looked at him for as second before returning her eyes down to her book and muttering two appologizes. He smiled towards her and she gave a weak smile back. After that she moved past him. Hunter made to his locker and smashed all of his school work into it and drew out his research notes. He had this urge to study the paranormal for nearly his entire life, but the recent events gave him an excuse to do so. When he reached the library he noticed that the same girl from earlier was sitting alone at a table her nose emerged completly into a book. He had plenty of time on his hands and it woldn't hurt to make some small talk. He walked over to her and stood beside her. She didn't seem to notice him. "Whatcha reading?" He asked her softly not to surprise her too much.[/COLOR]
In the 19th century the school of Ghoulsville was first built but it was said to have been built ontop the gravesites of ancient sorceres and warriors that would someday come back to get revenge on those still alive. In old tales, still shared by the children that inhabit this school, it is said that these ghosts were able to get there revenge just after the school was built. An evil sorcerer was disguised as one of the students and began to summon these spirits in many different forms. His plan was to trick these spirits into letting him have control and eventually creating a supernatural army that would help him to concure the realm of the living and the realm of the dead. If he had succeded then the world would have been thrown into utter chaos. The powers of light and dark would have lost its balance and the energies binding everything together would have been torn apart and the life would cease to exist. That's what would of happen if a group of students hadn't been aware of this and hadn't had books of exorcisims and magic. Each of these children learned three special spells the day of thier summoning. Together they were able to deport these spirits back to the underworld and track down the evil sorcerer and destroy him. It is said until today the books that these students had are still in the school. Only a small group of individuals who have not met each other yet beleave these stories. ~~~~~ Go ahead and begin posting your parts of the story.
[COLOR=Blue][I][B]Happy Birthday Skye Name: Jason Namos Age: 13 Gender: Male Appearence: Thin lensed glasses that are constantly pushed up on his nose and hide deep brown eyes. Black hair falling halfway into his eyes. A thin, pointed chin and an elegant smile when he does. Usually wears a white T-shirt, black pants, and sometimes a hat. His shoes never match the rest of his outfit. The back of his shirt has a cracked heart design on it. Personality: Generally quite unless spoken to and loves to keep his nose in a book. He's played football in the past but isn't very aggressive.Violence isn't in his nature, same with speaking to women with getting nervious or res in the face. Funny when he wants to be, but in general has no friends besides those who have come to him first. Bio: He has spoken to Skye enough to know when her birthday is and is good enough friends with her that she isn't bothering her when he hangs around. Behind her back though he admires her but doesn't have the courage to ask her out. The closest he's ever come is being the first one to start up the conversation. Some of her other friends he feels uncomfortable around, but he doesn't mind them.[/B][/I][/COLOR]