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Everything posted by bogger3k
Since you said three characters I'd like to take one last one. Name: Bakura Age:??? Gender: Male Favorite Card(s): Morphing Jar, Change of Heart Bio: The holder of the Meiienium Ring and all around bad guy. He loves to torture people, but keeps up his appearence as Yugi's friend. Description: [url]http://www.phenixsol.com/Miko/YGO/ygoBakuraring.jpg[/url] What they've been doing lately: The same old stuff that Bakura does. Hunts after real Millenium items but these new ones have been throwing him off.
Megumi had seen Seto and was following the group closly but she was far enough away that no one wouldn't notice her. At least not yet. They all rounded a corner and she waited a second beforer going around herself. Except she found herself running directly into some gothic looking guy. "Why are you following them?" he asked her. "What are you talking about?" Megumi was confused. She had never seen this person moving with Yugi or Seto. "Why are you following the Mad One and the Split one?" He questioned. "Are they your friends?" "Not really." She replied. "They don't really hang out with me." "Then maybe you can help me." He said. "It may even help you to find what you seek." "I'm listening." She replied. "I need you to challenge three people seperatly to duels." He held up a deck. "This is a cutom deck that I have created to be able to battle all three of their decks." "Who are you?" "Someone who needs to find someone else." He sighed. "Your first opponent will be Yugi Moto."
It is okay for these people to start out as outsiders, but remember that these people will become good friends after the spirits begin to awaken and they will have to work together. Make sure that your character will be able to interact with the other characters and not just ignore them. I will begin this most likly this Saterday. Be prepared fo a wild ride. Also we can have a couple other people join in that time. Get in fast.
[COLOR=Red]Terry was surrounded by a darkness in his uneasy dream. It swallowed him whole and beat at his mind. He knew that these dreams are influenced by the depression of loosing her. She has been gone for so long. Then in the darkness he made out a form. He ran towards it but never moved. It didn't seem to grow any closer until he stopped moving. Then it floated towards him. He saw her frozen as if in suspended animation. Her skin looked blue but she was as beautiful as he remembered.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Then she faded into the palm of a hand darker then the black space around him. An evil soul had stolen her away from him and he could see this being represented in his dream. He wanted to yell at whoever it was that was taking her from him but no noise would come from his mouth. He was mute in this dream. Then three figures covered in shadows moved to surround him. He wanted to strike out at them. Anything to get his beloved back. Then the shadows dissappeared on them. He found himself looking at a man. He had brown hair and looked powerful. His eyes had an intensity that belonged to a master duelist. THE MAD ONE. He turned to the next one and saw those same eyes but they glowed with a strange evil. His white hair and freakish smile didn't help his look. THE BAD ONE. Then he turned again and saw a shorter man. One with the eyes of a innocent child. His oddly black and yellow hair stood on end in places and around his neck was a chain holding an upsidedown pyramid. Then he transformed. His eyes gained the same intensity that the others had and he seemed to chane in size. THE SPLIT ONE. Now only two words could be heard. "Domino City"[/COLOR]
Name: Damion Hart / Nickname: Hunter Age: 16 Gender: Male Spells: Full Calibur, Messa, and Calminer Spell Effects: Full Calibur- Creates a mental shell that is projected at an enemy at a high speed. Explodes on inpact. Messa- Creates an unbreakable net. Calminer- Causes object to slow. Description: School uniform. Black hair with a velvet tint and dark green eyes. A blue diamond earing in his left ear. His face is long and thin but very handsom. He is lean but strong. Bio: Generally a womanizer that swoons them with words though he has never taken any of them seriously he does enjoy the attention and how they flirt with him.The only thing he enjoys more is investigating strange occurences. Recently there has been two murders of his classmates and he wants to find the killer. He believes that the cause could be supernatural.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]In the 19th century the school of Ghoulsville was first built but it was said to have been built ontop the gravesites of ancient sorceres and warriors that would someday come back to get revenge on those still alive. In old tales, still shared by the children that inhabit this school, it is said that these ghosts were able to get there revenge just after the school was built. An evil sorcerer was disguised as one of the students and began to summon these spirits in many different forms. His plan was to trick these spirits into letting him have control and eventually creating a supernatural army that would help him to concure the realm of the living and the realm of the dead. If he had succeded then the world would have been thrown into utter chaos. The powers of light and dark would have lost its balance and the energies binding everything together would have been torn apart and the life would cease to exist. That's what would of happen if a group of students hadn't been aware of this and hadn't had books of exorcisims and magic. Each of these children learned three special spells the day of thier summoning. Together they were able to deport these spirits back to the underworld and track down the evil sorcerer and destroy him. It is said until today the books that these students had are still in the school. Only a small group of individuals who have not met each other yet beleave these stories. This will soon pay off.[/COLOR] Up to eight people can join and that doesn't include myseld. I will soon post my character and after I get enough players the hauntings will begin. This is what I need from you. [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] (within highschool age limits 14-19) [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Spells:[/B] (only three spells) [B]Spell Effects:[/B] (what they do) [B]Description:[/B] [B]Bio:[B] Remeber that none of these characters have met each other yet.
[COLOR=Red]Character 1[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Terry Paradox[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Age:[B/] 15-16[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Gender:[/B] Male[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Favorite Card(s):[/B] Jinzo & Vampire Lord[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Bio:[/B] Up until three months ago Terry was a womanizer and the master duelist of his home town. He used to play Duelmonsters as a hobby, but when he started playing seriously to impress the ladies he won nearly every time. Then one day he came up against an apponent unlike any other. It wasn't until after their duel (which was a draw) did he get to speak to his opponent. It turned out that this duelist was a very beautiful girl and he had fallen in love with her. No one is sure how it happened though, but then the girl disappeared and Terry was never the same. He says that he now duels for her sake.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Description:[/B] Most his hair is no longer then an inch long and black, but his bangs hand past his chin and is red. His skin is a pale white and he useually wears black paint on his lips and make diamonds around his eyes. He wears a black trenchcoat with the name of his love imprinted in gold on the back in egyptian hyrogliphics. He wears no shirt and his pants is bright red leather.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Millenium Item:[/B] None.[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Character 2[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Name:[/B] Megumi Mohisha[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Age:[/B] 14-15[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Gender:[/B] Female[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Favorite Card(s):[/B] Magnet Valkyrion & Last Battle![/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Bio:[/B] Only a few weeks ago she moved to Domino City. She origionally lived in Tokyo and started playing duel monsters because she her friends all had started. Then she saw Seto Kaiba at a tournement and instantly got a teenaged girl crush on him. For her it was a dream come true to move to Domino City and closer tio Seto. She hopes some day to meet him in person.[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Description:[/B] Soulder length pink hair. Her eyes are a firey red. A pink and white komono with a heart across the back and white high-heels.[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen][B]Millenium Item:[/B] Millenium Locket.[/COLOR]
Amelia has returned to Seyrun. Zelgadis is searching for a cure to his curse. Lina and Gourry both are again traveling together. Filia is taking care of Valgaa's egg. Xellos is god knows where. In the shadows a small threat will soon beging to grow into a larger one and adventually will engulf the world in total chaos. This is how it all begins. What I need. Name: Race: Gender: Bio: Weapons: Items:(ANy Magical ones) Characters avalable: Gourry Zelgadis Amelia Filia Xellos Lina The Knight of Sephed (Lina's Sister) Silphel or create your own. At least seven or eight people are needed to make this work.
Considering that this is Warhammer Fantasy Battle i would think that the Eldar from 40K probably wouldn't be an option but I'm not making the rules.
Name: Shadowblade Age: 134 Gender: Male Species: Dark Elf Class: Rogue/Assasian Abilities: Dance of Doom, Touch of Death, Hand of Khaine Weapons: 2 blades coated with Dark Venom Bio/Personality:[I] He has no opinions about the murders he committed for his mistress, only that he had been ordered to carry them out and that he enjoyed nothing more.He like the way a body went limp as a poisioned dagger was slipped between its ribs. He took pleasure in the contorted expressions of indescribablepain his victims exhibited under the effects of the agonising Black Venom.[/I] [I]Quite simly, he loved his work. And he was loyal. The only thing he valued more than being able to kill was loyalty, a quality indoctinated into him from childhood during his harsh upbringing in the Temple of Khaine, ever since he was stolen from his parents' home on Death Night many, many years ago.[/I] [I]In the temple he hadn learnt the deadly martial arts of the assassins of Khaine, studied the powers of poison, learnt how to move without making a sound and slip through shadows unseen, and that there was none more important than the Hag Queen, except the Witch King himself.[/I] Desription:[url]http://digilander.libero.it/hydargos/Shadowblade.jpg[/url]
Lezs flipped a coin in his real hand. He had a decision to make. Most of the time he was very decisive but lately his decisions were more thought out and took longer. His decisions effected the lives of other people. Tenera, Etarip, and Lucrezia. Deep in his mind he knew that he had to keep them safe. He felt this way ever since Etarip helped him escape with the Darkstar alive. He never found out how she knew about the ambush but he didn't care. He trusted everyone that he took aboard his ship. He was fortunate though that most of them was his age. They were a bunch of thinkers searching for answers. Even if they never told him what they wondered he could see it in their eyes. The same look in his own eyes the day that he disscovered that his parents were dead. The coin landed in his palm softly. The outcome to affect yet another life. It was heads. The ship will be leaving and taking an extra passenger with it. Lezs knew he was there, sleeping. If it were tails his sleep would have been eternal.
Lezs wouldn't smile but he reconized the coin well enough and had enough experince to know that it was athentic and it was extreamly valuable. The man that wanted to get aboard his ship had to have some experience as a pirate to carry something suchas this, but if he was going to announce outloud that this ship was a pirate ship Lezs would probably be better off killing him now. "Don't expect any pay, right now our budget is tight and we can barely aford food for ourselves." Lezs said to the stranger. "Though I can think of a few jobs that you can take care of." He extended his replacement arm and the stranger looked at it in awe and shock. Lezs wasn't surprised. The man took it. "I have two other rew members, both female." Lucrezia had walked up next to Lezs and hid behind him scared of the stranger. "Lezs who is this?" She asked. "Is he here to hurt us?" "No sweety." Lezs said treating her as if she was a small child. He rubbed her hand which was on his shoulder. "He's here to acompany us for a while." She looked at the man oddly and went back to the ship. "You'll have to forgive Lucrezia." He said to the man. "She can barely remember anything before she met me and she needs to be babied a lot. Etarip on the other hand is another story. She can be hot-headed at some times so I suppose you'll have to put up with it." The man nodded. "Now what was your name again?"
I still need one more person but I'm still going to start this adventure. I'm going to start this off by reposting the opening to the story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lezs Jacobs grew up in a wealthy family. He grew up as spoiled as you could possibly be. In school he was an over achiever. He always had the top score in every class and he participated in four sports a year. His dream was to follow in his brothers footsteps and take off into space to become a bounty hunter. Every week Lezs would receive a message form his older brother. His brother would tell him exciting stories about how he captured wanted pirates. One time he took down a pirate that had warrents for his arrest in twelve different galexies. The pirates name was Yojimbo Hakasina. He was wanted for 90 counts of armed robbery, the smuggling of illeagle drugs and weapons, and over thirty murders. Lezs's brother nearly lost Yojimbo, but was lucky enough to catch him in the end after a ten minute chase on foot. Unfortunaty his girlfriend was almost killed in the process. This kept him out of the game for several months but soon returned to bag more enemies. Unfortunatly Lezs's brother mad e the mistake of revealing to Yojimbo who he was. When Lezs's loving parents left on a diplomatic assignment their ship was attacked by Yojimbo, who had recently escaped from custody. Yojimbo took no prisoners and slaughtered everyone on the ship. When Lezs learned the news he went into a state of shock. He locked himself up in his room for several days. During that time a demon was growing inside of his head. He was seperating himself from the world. He wanted to find the man responsible for what happend. Then one night a message for his brother told him exactly what he wanted to know. Later he snuck out of the house while it was pitch black. Driven by hatred and the need for revenge he snuck into a military base. his goal was to steal any ship that was docked there so that he could search for Yojimbo and get his revenge. He broke the necks of two soldiers and stole their weapons in order to more easily get to a ship. He mowed down anyone that got in his way and finally took anm experimental ship that was made for a crew of six. This ship was called the "Darkstar". After escaping with the ship in his possesion he then began his search, but now he was branded as a pirate by the athorities. Over the next several years he would make connectons, gather supplies and data, and finally find Yojimbo. In a bloodly onslaught that caust him an eye and his right arm, both replaced by mechanic implants. He now had his revenge but also had accounts of murder hanging over his head. He would now be hunted to the end of his days. After a few years of traveling and avoiding capture he landed on one planet that he needed to do buisness on. There were no hotels or any other kind of building that he could spend the night in so he was forced to sleep in a tent for the one night he would be spending there. To his fortune he was barged in by a girl that has panting heavily. She asked him to hide her from strange men who were after her. With some of his humanity returned to him from the years after he killed Yojimbo he hid her from the men. The girl didn't act her age, which was probably close to his, and she seemed to be suffering from memory loss. She couldn't remeber much before the point in which she was running for the men. Lezs took her aboard the Darkstar and registered her in the computer as a crew member. Lezs, from that point on, would work her like a dog. He treated her liek a slave but she seemed to enjoy doing everything that he told her to do.
I ove all of your characters and I will allow all the weapons that you have selected. In case this changes your weapon choice keep in mind that this does take place in the future. The only reason that Lezs has the AK47 is because he is a fan of older modles and was a collector before he became a pirate on the run (I guess I should have mentioned that before). Now all we need is for one more person to join and we can begin. If you have any friends that you think would be intersted in joining then please tell them though I was hoping that a friend of mine would join but I guess it is her loss.
I'm looking for a group of about six people including myself to join this. If you are into science-fiction, romance, and action then this would be a good one for you to join. Here is the set up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lezs Jacobs grew up in a wealthy family. He grew up as spoiled as you could possibly be. In school he was an over achiever. He always had the top score in every class and he participated in four sports a year. His dream was to follow in his brothers footsteps and take off into space to become a bounty hunter. Every week Lezs would receive a message form his older brother. His brother would tell him exciting stories about how he captured wanted pirates. One time he took down a pirate that had warrents for his arrest in twelve different galexies. The pirates name was Yojimbo Hakasina. He was wanted for 90 counts of armed robbery, the smuggling of illeagle drugs and weapons, and over thirty murders. Lezs's brother nearly lost Yojimbo, but was lucky enough to catch him in the end after a ten minute chase on foot. Unfortunaty his girlfriend was almost killed in the process. This kept him out of the game for several months but soon returned to bag more enemies. Unfortunatly Lezs's brother mad e the mistake of revealing to Yojimbo who he was. When Lezs's loving parents left on a diplomatic assignment their ship was attacked by Yojimbo, who had recently escaped from custody. Yojimbo took no prisoners and slaughtered everyone on the ship. When Lezs learned the news he went into a state of shock. He locked himself up in his room for several days. During that time a demon was growing inside of his head. He was seperating himself from the world. He wanted to find the man responsible for what happend. Then one night a message for his brother told him exactly what he wanted to know. Later he snuck out of the house while it was pitch black. Driven by hatred and the need for revenge he snuck into a military base. his goal was to steal any ship that was docked there so that he could search for Yojimbo and get his revenge. He broke the necks of two soldiers and stole their weapons in order to more easily get to a ship. He mowed down anyone that got in his way and finally took anm experimental ship that was made for a crew of six. This ship was called the "Darkstar". After escaping with the ship in his possesion he then began his search, but now he was branded as a pirate by the athorities. Over the next several years he would make connectons, gather supplies and data, and finally find Yojimbo. In a bloodly onslaught that caust him an eye and his right arm, both replaced by mechanic implants. He now had his revenge but also had accounts of murder hanging over his head. He would now be hunted to the end of his days. After a few years of traveling and avoiding capture he landed on one planet that he needed to do buisness on. There were no hotels or any other kind of building that he could spend the night in so he was forced to sleep in a tent for the one night he would be spending there. To his fortune he was barged in by a girl that has panting heavily. She asked him to hide her from strange men who were after her. With some of his humanity returned to him from the years after he killed Yojimbo he hid her from the men. The girl didn't act her age, which was probably close to his, and she seemed to be suffering from memory loss. She couldn't remeber much before the point in which she was running for the men. Lezs took her aboard the Darkstar and registered her in the computer as a crew member. Lezs, from that point on, would work her like a dog. He treated her liek a slave but she seemed to enjoy doing everything that he told her to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is what I need. Name: Age: Gender: Weapon: (1 only) Appearence: Backround/Bio: Of coarse I need someone to play the girl that Lazs picked up on the planet otherwise enter whoever you like. Remember on Five can join because I'm playing as well. Name: Lezs Jacobs Age: 23 Gender: Male Weapon: AK47 Appearence: Long black hair that flows down between his shoulderblades and curls at the end. His face comes down into a point and one eye is green while the fake one is brown. Body is in perfect physical form and his right arm is completly metalic because of his implant. He normally hides himself under a dark blue overcoat and normally has boots on that come up to his knees. He keeps his gun straped to a holster on his back. Backround/Bio: Read story above.
I really don't have anything to add right now but I went back to the recrutment thread and Kaiye is a Winged-One not an elf. I also just realized that we have a boatload of people who havn't even replied yet. I've PMed them twice already. If you want I can PM them again, but that will be the last time I'll do it. I suggest if they continue to not reply we forget their characters in the story. Edit: I suppose I could add something now that I've had time to think. Ikajuki arrived back at his place with Ireth in his arms. There had seemed to be no change in Kaye or Tora's condition. "Is there anything you can do to assist the mage?" Ikajuki asked Ireth. "All I can think of is chanting a prayer to the darkmoon." Ireth replied a hint of dissapointment in her inablility. "Do what you must." Ikajuki said to her. He stared out the door of his home listening. "Did you hear something? Like a faint scream." "No" she replied. "Well I heard something. I'm going to look into what it is." He was half way out the door when Ireth stopped him. "If your going I want you to be careful." She said. "If it is something dangerous I want you to come back. At least so you can make sure Tora's all right." She blushed slightly. "Fine." He took off towards an enemy he never knew excisted.
Ikajuki had been flying towards Ireth's home for about twenty minutes hoping the entire time that the girls would be fine when he got back with her. When Ikajuki got there he was greeted with a surprised look. "Ikajuki what brings you back to my home?" She asked politly. " You've helped me so much I've been unable to thank you enough." "Knows your chance to make it up to me." Ikajuki said urgently. " I need you to come with me." Ireth blushed slightly when Ikajuki grabbed her by the hand. He dragged her off through the air back towards the others hoping that he was helping.
Ikajuki flew from Tora's room strait towards the home of the strongest healer in the town. An elder of the town who had gained much knowledge and wisdom over the years he had lived and had been the teacher of Tora for several years. When he arrived he explained the entire problem. When he was finished the doctor took his good time in getting over to Tora's home. He placed his hand on both of the girls foreheads and concentrated. "Is there anything I can do to help them?" Ikajuki asked. He was worried about both of them. He didn't want anything to happen to either of them. "Yes." The olded winged man replied. "You can go and retrieve Ireth. She may be able to help." Ikajuki left praying to the Darkmoon that Tora and Kaiye waould both be alright.
Name: Flairmon Level: Rookie Attack/s: Flair Flash-bomb, FLame Funnel Attack Description/s: Flair Flash-bomb: A large fireball is released from Flairmon's mouth and ususally drops in front of the enemy. The flash produced when it explodes causes the enemy to be temporarely blinded. Flame Funnel: Flairmon spits out a spiral flame that surrounds and engulfs the enemy. Biography: After loseing his best friend to Devimon, Flairmon has decided that no matter what happens to him that he would always fight the forces of evil and to do so he implanted himself in Concitomon's army as one of the higher ranking authorities.
"I know all about this object." Ikajuki said. "I was unfortunate enough to touch it once myself. I spent three entire days in this forest before i had the strength to fly home. I was fortunate enough that nothing came along and ate me. How about i help you get to the festival so that the doctor could take a look at you?" He smiled gently. "It would be a shame if you weren't there."
It was Venus.
Wakka dragged an unconcious boy out of the water. The outfit the boy was wearing resembled a bliltzbaall uniform, but not one that Wakka reconized. Wakka nugged the boys cheeks with his fist until the boy woke. When the boy jumped up starteled Wakka wasn't sure what to do. "Are ya alright man?" Wakka asked.
They were still late when they arrived but Ireth would never had made it if Ikajuki didn't fly her there. He let her mix in with the croud when they landed. He was hoping that she would have a good time since she didn't seem to enjoy the ride over. As he enjoyed the company he couldn't do anything then let his good heart get the better of him. He remembered the other girl in the forest who seemed to be alone. Ikajuki left early to see if he could find that girl again. He was fortunate to find out that she was in the same place when he last saw her.
Ikajuki flew over the Forbidden Forrest as he returned to his tribe. It was raining and as he passed over he noticed one of his own kind. She was alone and seemed to be sad. He was tempted to stop but he couldn't unless he wanted to be late for the festival. The festival celibrated the Dark Moon, an object that both the winged folk and the elves both worshiped. This object was the only thing that kept the elves and his people from becomeing enemies, though some of his people didn't paticularly care for elves. That was why it was odd for Ikajuki to be so fond of elves. He found them interseting and a riot to be around, and for some reason he found some of their women to actually be attractive. That was when his mind returned to the elf girl that he saved a while back. Yeah he found her to be attractive but that wasn't what he was thinking about. He continued to ponder the posibility that they were meant to meet. He saw her being chased by humans, who were the enemy of both elves and winged folk, and he knew that he needed to help her. Instead of going to the festival he went to the home of the elf that he saved. He was perched in a tree looking down at her home. The rain had stopped and the sun had returned to the sky. Ikajuki was about to leave when the girl came out from her home looking beautiful and cheerful.