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Everything posted by bogger3k
"I know. I know" Yeua mumbled to himself as he felt the loving presence of Satsuki. He didn't dare look the way she was because it would just be a perfect oppertunity for Jericho to take a shot at him and get in an early wound. Jericho took the first steps forewards, but Yeua did not react as he usually would. Usually he would take a few forewards, but this time he took a few to the side. Jericho didn't seem to notice the difference in his fighting pattern. As usual Jericho rushed forewards and tumbled to the ground and rolled twice before the blade came up towards Yeua. Yeua then rolled forewards and actually slid down jericho's back and behind him. Yeua then slide his sword beween his legs to attempt to get Jericho in the back, but Jericho had rolled a bit more and the blade was there to stop his. Yeua cartwheeled to the side to get the blades out from under him and was suprised to when Jericho's sword flew past his head with a chain in follow. He looked at Jericho and say the smug grin on his face. Yeua took this with much suprise and spun sideways just as Jericho pulled the chain taunt. The sword flew back and gashed across Yeua's side just below his arm. Yeua knew that Satsuki was looking on more worried than ever seeing a free-bleeding wound on his side. There was no helping it though. Nothing was going to be done until he got Jericho. "I always said your style was not of our kingdom." Yeua said to Jericho. "It never was." jericho replied and jumped forewards swinging the chain on the bottom of his sword around towards Yeua. Yeua made no attempt to dodge it and risk opening his wound even worse. He took the full force of the chain to his shoulder and let it roll off. The momentum spun him around with enough speed to keep Jericho from getting his sword up fast enough. The tip of the sword dug deep into Jericho's collar drawing a massive amount of blood out of him. Jericho slid back taking the sword out of him and sending his chain up around Yeua's feet and tripping him onto his back. The sword came down and peirced the meaty part of his thigh sending more of Yeua's blood into the air. Yeau used his other leg to kick Jericho in the stomach and send him tumbling back. Yeua rolled up and then launched himself in Jericho's direction and broke the number one rule that he fought by, the let his weapon fly into the air. The reason that Yeua didn't do this was because it was more risky than trying to fight arrows with just a sword. He learned that the hard way when because he has a large scar on the back of his leg from when he did this. Fortunatly this gamble that he just took paid off. The sword was dug strait into Jericho's gut and looked to be almost through his body. Jericho looked up at Yeua with suprise. "You never used to do anything like that." "Well there is always something that I thought helped me back when we trained at the school." Yeua replied with a smirk. "What was that?" "I held back." "You bastard." Jericho tried rushing towards Yeua after pulling the sword from himself, but he stopped and looked like he was in a great amount of pain. "No I can still kill him!" He shouted. "Please my queen!!!" Then Jericho began to dissolve right in front of Yeua. His entire body took off into the wind and the tiger spirit stood where he once was. Yeua smiled and looked around to see Satsuki and Omrie standing at the edge of the barrier. It began to dissolve just like Jericho did. Yeua looked at Satsuki's eyes with tears rolling out from the edges of them. Just as she began to move towards him Yeua could suddenly feel the strength in his body give out.
'They are coming' Chu said inside of Yeua's head. He hadn't realized it, nut just then he felt them. He could feel the power of the other two drawing nearer. From the look that was beginning to form on Jericho's face, he did too. "Well then are you just going to rely on your friends helping you out of this one as well?" Jericho questioned. "Remember all of those times that I had to pull your ass out of tough spots. You seem almost useless without someone else there to pull you back and keep you from your selfdestruction." "Jericho..." Yeua began, but he could not find the words to respond. It did seem that nearly everytime that Yeua got into something like this someone had come to help him. He came to the conclusion that he could not rely on them forever. He would eventually have to face things on his own, even with Satsuki's love and support. He decided that now was a great time. "They won't interfer. Don't you worry about that." Suddenly a sphere formed around Jericho and it swelled. It grew and ingulfed Yeua and kept spreading until it took up a huge area of land around them. "This is a containment feild. You can't get out and your friends can't get in." "That's probably for the better." "What do you mean?" "Omrie is weak from flying so hard today. He needs to rest. And Satsuki is still injured. I would never let either of them come into harms way for me when I'm in the best condition out of all of us. I just may be a little stiff that's all." "Ha ha ha." Jericho laughed. "You have grown foolish in your fear." "NO. I've come to care about people other than myself. You were the first person that I cared about and you betrayed me, but I know that they won't. Omrie has been with me and so has Satsuki. I love them both in different ways, but I love them just the same." "Love isn't worth anything when you are just going to lose it." "I will never lose this one." "You stand no chance." "You want a bet? How about this? Since you are so confident how about we drop all of these powers?" "What do you mean?" "I mean let go of the gaurdians for a second. You know go one-on-one. Like the old days when we sparred. If memory servers right we were even in the amount of wins and loses. The only difference will be instead of lunch it will be our lives." "Are you serious?" "Dead serious." Suddenly the armor on Jericho dissappeared, but the sheild remained standing. Yeua dropped his as well and pulled his regular sword up. Jericho's sword was brought up to his face and he grinned. The two of them were about to begin a fight of life or death.
OOC: You know the group I'm with hasn't been roleplaying regularly so I'm just going to say that we did the Library break in already and show up on the boat. IC: His brother led the four of them onto the boat and they looked around. Jile when on ahead of him. His brother wanted to protest for a second, but Jile just spoke softly into his ear. "I wouldn't be too worried. They don't even know so I'm the least likly to be targeted." His brother nodded to this and Jile continued onto the ship. After a few minutes of looking around and not really being noticed by anyone else Jile sat down in a corner and placed the sheathed blade that he carried on his back down in front of him. His brother came over and sat down next to him. "I'm a tad bit concerned." Hie brother said to him. "The way that you rode in with that Grey Owl hanging off of you." "She had to otherwise she would have fallen off." Jile replied. "It's a simple as the time that I tricked some Black Dragon guy into thinking that his fellow men were planning on killing their leader." "What?" "That's a long story. So please share your concern." "It's just I know how much you hate them and why you hate them. I was just thinking about how emotionally draining it is going to be for you to have to work with them." "It's not too bad really. In fact I sort of enjoyed working close to women like that. I was getting bery board since most of the members of our clan are men." "Just don't go and do something..." "I'm a con-artist and theif, in no way am I a rapist. I wouldn't even dream of it. Even if they are Grey Owls."
'You know he's getting closer right?' Chu asked inside of Yeua's head. "Yeah I can sense him." he replied watching the trees for any sign of Jericho. There was a subtle dust cloud that seemed to get kicked up to the side of him, but he sawa small bird fly out of there a few seconds later. "Just as long as she is getting treated I am fine here." 'Perhaps you should let me take control.' Chu suggested with much concern in his voice. "No. I must be the one to fight him." Yeua waited a few more seconds before a sudden jolt threw him against a tree. He slid to his knees and looked up at an armored figure looking down at him. "You know that this is going to be the last time right?" "Yeah." Yeua choked out. "Either you or I am going to die here." "That's right." "I have no plans on it being me. This country has fallen to my queen's army one city after another. We can't be beaten." "That's what you think."
Jile watched as the Grey Owl underling walked down the dark streets of the town. He was hidden in the shadows on top of a small motor-scooter that he had built himself. It was designed to be fast and silent and it was. He liked it, but of coarse it wasn't pretty. Not too much can be made to look pretty on a theif's wages. Thinking of this Jile chuckled to himself. As she came to the part that was just in front of him he hit the lights and made her jump. It was so much fin to scare these other gang members. He reved the engine a pulled out so that she could get a good look at him. "Who the hell are you?" She asked. "You know I don't know if the Grey Owls are capable of good manners or not, but I sure hope you are. The name is Jile Northwood if you truely must know. I'm of the Blue Wolves and I know exactly where you are going." "What?!" She sounded really confused. "You are going to the library to meet up with your leader as well as mine." "That's right." "So Serapha, get on the scooter. It's much faster if I take you there myself. Oh yeah. If you don't want to trust me I wouldn't blame you, but I would consider just getting on so you keep that pretty neck of yours in tact." The girl swallowed hard and took a seat on the back of the scooter. "You're serious then. And how do you know my name?" "You're a Grey Owl. I know pratically everyone in it." "Huh?" "Lets just say that I'm not paticularly fond of the color grey." He was about to take off when he remembered something. "Oh yeah. I know we just met and this will be sort of akward, but it's a lot easier to stay on if you hold onto me." Cautiously Serapha wrapped her arms around his waist and with a smile he hit the throttle and they took off leaving a dusty trail behind them. It would take only a few minutes this way.
How is it not specified? It says that I am the leader, I just hide it to avoid assasinatin.
Name: Jile Northwood Age: 17 Gender: Male Apperance: A little on the scrawny side, but don't let that fool you. Trimmed blue hair with just a hint of stubble growing across his face. Black shirt underneath a brown vest and blue shorts. Personality: Loves to joke around and laughs at the missfortunes of others. He doesn't care too much for the Grey Owls, but is willing to work with them to deepen his own pockets and stab them in the back at the end. Not really worth being trusted by anyone and avoids close combat when he can. Gang: The Blue Wolves Skills: Master bluff/ con artist, skilled weapon thrower Weapon(s): hidden darts, throwing knives, one long sword Bio: He was always a hidden leader. He tried to never stand out in the open in the Blue Wolves, but he masterminded every sceem and managed to get away with them. He even was able to knock off a couple of gang members and pin it on their rival gangs. Of coarse no one knows this but him and no one knows he is the leader, but him and several underlings. That was until he saw the sign and registered his name for this quest, so to speak.
Name: Calame Micknaul Age: 18 Position: Magic User
"Well I'm not the best at medicine, but I'm praying to every deity there is that she will be alright." Yeua finished stictching the wounds and put down the needle that he had. He scooped her up himself and held her tightly. "You know," he spoke to the uncouncious Satsuki softly, "when I first met you I'll admit that I wasn't really the greatest person in the world. I was a little rude and really I wouldn't have blamed you if you hated me. Everything I got I deserved, but it all changed. We came to know each other better. Even Omrie began to change. He isn't as cooped up as he used to be. You did all that. You changed me Satsuki. I don't know when it was that I realized that I loved you. It could have been anytime in the past month or so. Ever since the beginning you've been trying to keep us together and you've done it. I love you for that, but along the way I had no idea you were destroying yourself. I didn't know that you suffered like this. I'm so sorry." Yeua pulled her even closer to him with tears running out of his eyes. He kissed her forehead and just kept praying. He wanted her to come out of this. He couldn't lose someone he loved so soon again.
Name: Ying Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Will come up with something soon. Character Snippet: Ying is shoved back by the larger man. He trips over and falls to the floor a bruse just beginning to form around his eye. "This is the last time I'm going to tell you this." The man said to him. "Be home before nine you little punk. Next time I'll do more than just give you a shinner." The door is slammed behind him and Ying spits out a bit of blood from his bleeding gums. "I hate you." Ying whispers to the man who has gone now. "I hate you. Why couldn't mother have just left you a long time ago?" Ying stands back up a little weak from his struggle with his much stronger step father. He takes a seat on his bed and pulls out a picture of his mother. She had passed away about a year ago leaving him in the hands of this man. He abuses him and mistreats him, but what can he do? The kids at school wonder where he gets his injuries from and he lies. What can he do? Ying sobs a bit pulling the picture of his mother to his chest. He continued until he passed out.
Yeua could hear some yelling. He moved faster in a panic. He was afraid of what might be over the hill. 'What's going on?' His spirit partner asked. "No time to explain Chu." Yeua yipped back as he ran faster. He then came right out and saw the glowing figure Desh holding Satsuki, trying to keep her awake. Yeua came up and was horrified to see that she was bleeding terribly from a fresh wound. "When and how did this happen?" He asked as he took off his shit and began to tear it into peices. "Just now, it just started." Desh replied. "It's your wound." "What?" Yeua was a bit confused, but he didn't care. He began to wrap the wound at tightly as he could with the scraps of clothing that he had. "You know how to do this?" Desh asked. "Yeah." Yeua replied. "I didn't go down to the medicle facilities at the school without picking up something. So how long has she been out?" "Not very long." "I'm going to do all that I can to stop the bleeding. Give me some of those herbs and get one of those mice bones from my pouch. I'm going to do a little improvised stitching." Desh did as he asked and he went to work as fast as he could to try to help Satsuki.
Yeua leaned against a tree looking in the direction that Satsuki had walked off. He kept thinking. "Omrie," he spoke, "did she look a little odd to you?" "What do you mean?" he replied taking a few bites of the jerky. "Like there was something wrong." Yeua said. "Almost as if she was trying to hide something. "What could she possibly be hiding?" "Well...I don't know. I think there was just something in the way that she walked that I noticed." "You need to stop stairing at her ass is what's wrong." Yeua wanted to make sure that everything was alright, besides he wanted to be close just in case Jericho managed to find them this quickly. He tried to climb into the trees, but he was too sore so when Omrie was distracted he took off into the way that she went. "Just want to be sure." He continued to repeat to himself as he approached.
Yeua held onto her that entire night just happy to be so close to her. At first they hadn't gotten along, but now she was just the perfect person for him to be with. She grew on him, as one may say. It wasn't until the next morning, when the two of them woke up embracing the other. He couldn't believe that they had been together like this the entire night, but there was not one hair out of place. He slowly untangled himself from her so she wouldn't wake up and then he slide up to a sitting position. He was much better today. Those wounds heal fast thanks to Satsuki's medicines. He kissed her forehead before wandering around a bit just to streach his legs. They felt sore, but that was to be expected. "So you feeling any better?" Omrie asked Yeua as he snuck up behind him. "Much thanks to Satsuki." He replied. "She really is a miricle worker. We are lucky to have her with us." "And imagine I was angry when me and Jericho ended up on different teams." "If what had happened didn't happen you would be dead." Omrie looked back at the tent. "Perhaps we should wake her." "No. Let her sleep. She had a long day yesterday. She deserves it."
Yeua tried to sit up, but the pains from his wounds were too great. He moved only a little bit and then collapsed back down. He really thought that right now would have been the perfect time for Jericho to attack them. "Where do you think you are trying to go?" Satsuki asked him seeing his movements. "We can't stay here." Yeua said. "I mean I want to stay here with you, but we need to move. There is no telling if Jericho tracked us." He pulled her closer. "I'm in no condition to help out if we were to get attacked. We need to move to protect all of us." He kissed her forehead and rubbed her side. "I think that I would be all right to travel by morning. Go tell Omrie to set up for the night. We should be safe from Jericho for at least that long. Tomorrow we should head back towards the school." "Alright." Satsuki said to him giving him one last kiss before she got up and went to get Omrie. A few minutes passed before he heard any speaking outside. "You look different." He heard Omrie say.
The school seemed to be fine in Leo's opinion, except there was something just not placed right. He decided that there was something that needed to be discussed. He found Tress and Andrew while they were allowed to temporaraly log off to get some nurishment. He found the both of them in mid conversation and was about to say goodbye when he showed up. "Hey just a second you two." He called to them as they began to walk away.
"You choose Yuea." She said as she hovered just above him. Yeua wasn't sure what to do. Wasn't this kind of going behind Omrie's back? He had no idea of what's going on. Of coarse this was Satsuki's decision to do this now. She chose to give him this choice. She chose with her heart like Yeua told her to do a long time ago. He didn't care if it was him or Omrie as long as she followed her heart. Yeua felt that he was breathing heavily, but he wanted this so bad. He pushed with his elbows on the ground to give himself some leverage. Then he moved forwards and his lips connected with her lips. He then began to move back, but she followed him until he was able to get one arm around her head so he could get a better grip. Then he made sure to break it. "I love you too." He said softly to her.
Yeua let his body concentrate on breathing while his mind froze. Chu told him this, but hearing it come from her was a shock. He wasn't expecting it. What could he say? What could he do? He couldn't think of the answer to this. Where was Chu when he needed him the most? Yeua slowly looked at Sasuki as she continued to wash his wounds. He couldn't believe he had grown this close to anyone since being betrayed by Jericho, but he did. And now this beautiful girl had shared her feelings with him, the same ones he had. When she didn't notice him looking at him he smiled a little and then turned his face away so he could blush himself. When he turned back she had turned around and was wringing out the rag. When she came back around she noticed him looking and she blushed as well. He wanted to say something, but the words he was looking for wouldn't come. All he could do was stare and wonder, how could this be the same girl that I stole tanted food from on that train when we first started? The same girl that he had bumbed into in the hall while racing with Jericho that very same day. He moved his hand onto hers and rubbed the back of hers with his thumb. Her hand was still wet and slick, but he didn't care. He squeezed and hoped that she would return it.
Leo looked at the clock centered about the entire struckture. The bell was about to ring and all of them would be transported to their classed in an instant. "Hey I'll talk to you guys later." Leo said as he was teleported to his classroom.
"Yuea...you have to wake up...please, I can't do this without you..." The voice was so faint. 'Yeua you can't die now.' Chu said to him as his spirit floated down into the abyss. 'Why not?' Yeua asked not remembering what had happened to him and his body. The best thing that he remembers is a lot of hot, cold, jolts, and vines.It was like the elements were having a party in him. 'Yeua do you hear that voice?' Chu said pointing to what view of the outside world was left. Yeua listened and couldn't hear anything at first. Then there was a faint sobbing and the voice of a girl saying his name over and over again. 'You hear it don't you?' 'Satsuki!' 'That voice is the voice of a girl who loves you and doesn't want to lose you.' 'Wouldn't it be better this way? Then there will be no fighting. Omrie will have her.' 'You don't know that for certain. It would be better to stay and see things out. Perhaps there will be no fighting. You said before as long as she follows her heart you will be happy with the decision. Why die?' 'Because...because...b-b-beca-ause' 'You can't think of a reason can you?' 'No. You're right. I want to live' The view of the outside world grew bright and suddenly Yeua could see Satsuki again, and the outside world all there. He tried to speak, but he was sure she didn't hear him. She continued to cry. Them Yeua sent both arms around her and pulled her close. Then he rolled with her taking two more arrows in the back.
Well I'm ready and when XYZ is ready we can continue this adventure.
"I'm sorry to hear such a sad story." Kahlan appologized to Arin. "I wish I could share with you everything about me, but it's too much of a risk." "A risk?" Arin questioned. "It's hard to explain. I know you've got to hate me for being so vauge, but lets just say I don't have many friends in the world right now." He sighed. "Sorry." He pet Reg on the head again. "You know I really don't understand why you or your dog take such an interest in me. It's odd you know. I'll tell you what though, I kind of like the attention. I'll always be here if you need me." "What?" "Like a friend." Kahlan smiled and even considered that maybe it wouldn't be too much of a risk to tell her his name, but he held off. He still wasn't sure. He then flipped a coin onto the table. "Those are on me."
"You know I almost forgot that." Brian said placing the last item into his bag. "Wow how could I have gone that unprepaired. I just couldn't imagine it." He lifted the bag and then set it down next to him and looked out the window. He was just waiting for his ride to show up. He didn't trust airport security so he wasn't going to drive his own car. Instead he ordered a taxi to come and pick him up from his apartment. "Skye, Guess, Lady Dust." He said to himself. "I'm going to actually be meeting all of you in person. I've been so excited about this from the past few days. I never even thought that this sort of thing would ever happen. I've had so much fun with these people." Brian grabbed his butterfly filled stomach just to keep it quiet. He was almost to the anxious point where he would refuse to go just because he felt so funny, but he wouldn't. He was looking forwards to this too much to back down now. Skye was the first friend he ever made on otakuboards and he would never want to dissapoint her or any of the other friends that he had made over the years. Brian was sure he had time for one final post online so he got on and made it in his most recent adventure and shut the system back off just in time to hear the honk of the taxi outside of the building. He turn, grabbed the suitcase, and rushed out the door. Making sure that he locked it before he left. He was down to the taxi in no time flat and he was on his way.
Leo pondered for a moment getting the list from his memory. " Believe that I an taking Pre-calc, Adv. Physics, Weights, Personal Fitness, Microsoft CPU work, and I have a free hour somewhere in there too." "How come you have a free hour?" Tres asked in a jelaous tone. "I requested it so I can go hunting." Leo joked. "Actually I don't know. I never actually applied for any classes specifically accept for one or two that they didn't even give me. I think it may have something to do with personal studies or something."
Leo unfolded a paper he had kept in his pocket and looked at it as he found a bench and sat down. He looked over the classes that he had signed himself up for and wasn't the least bit suprised that he hadn't gotten everything that he wanted. He wished to take a language class, but unfortunatly Japanese had been filled to the brim long before he was even accepted to the school. Leo also wondered about why he was accepted because a private school would usually surpase someone like him. He looked around and saw maybe one or two people that he knew from his old schools that had been talking often about transfering into Microsoft's schools just the semester before this one. All of these kids just those rich snobs that he couldn't stand and he sure wishes they don't spot him. The reception area was decorated in the schools colors and there looked to be a mascot walking around entertaining all of the students it could, which none seemed interested. "Hey Leon." Someone called his full first name. He looked up to see Calium, a snob from his old school. "What the hell are you doing in a school like this? Maybe the you got the wrong connection. This isn't a reform school for losers." "Look whos talking." Leo said. "If you excuse me I think I'm going to go find someone who isn't a jerk like you." Leo got up from his seat leaving the little paper behind, but he had one back with his real body so it didn't matter. Leo rushed away in bit of a red daze and didn't see another bench in his path. He ran directly into the back of it causing a guy and a girl on it to look back at him with confusion.