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Everything posted by bogger3k
"Leo hurry or you'll be late logging in." Leo's mother called up to him as he threw a few computer chips into a bag full of them. He had been trying to decide which one was possibly the closest to the newest modle so that he could play around with it and try to make it either just as good or better. Just one of the things that he loved to do. "Get your ass down here now." Of coarse his only problem was that he had his mother always nagging him. For some reason all A's in school wasn't good enough so Leo began not caring as much. His grades began to slip a bit, but no so badley that he was having problems. That was until the day that she announced that he was enrolled in the Mircosoft Online School district. Leo couldn't understand how she could do this to him. Wasn't that one of those private schools that only the top students got into? Leo never expected for an acceptance e-mail to come to them letting him know that he was going to be attending this next school year there. That all led up to where he was now. Just about ready to take the cord and plug it into him so he could log on and get directed to the school that would be his knew prison. He went downstairs and his mother greeted him with a frown and THE LOOK. He was sure everyone knew what THE LOOK was. You'd have to be crazy not to. "You start in five minutes. That gives you barely enough time to dial in. Now get going you lazy boy." She pushed him into his computer room and forced him into the chair. She pulled the cord out for him and slid the prong into the slot in the back of his neck getting connected directly to his spinal cord. Everything that was real then melted away and he was being transported to the net. The last thing he heard his mother say before he was taken in by the swirling rainbow vortex was, "Be sure to make a few friends too." Then she was gone. The next thing that popped up was a little box that verbally asked him for his password. He gave him the one that was given to him with the acceptance e-mail and then another vortex opened up sucking his mind ever deeper into the system. A strange noise like the one of old dial-up internet could be faintly heard as he passed thorugh to the actual world. As the pieces of information conbined part by part to become the reflection of his physical form he could see the school as well as all of the students walking towards it. He had finally arrived at the virtual high school.
Name: Leo Donte Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: I'll find one. Personality: Can be a very charming character with a huge twist to him. He can also be devious at times if benifiting something that he keeps secret. He loves to interact with other students and is almost always around girls. Bio: In school he hadn't ever tried too hard to get anything done, that was until something that changed his life occured. He never shared with anyone what it was but it caused him to turn himself around and go on to get accepted into the Microsoft Online High School. Sometimes it also causes him to do unpleasant things that he doesn't want to do but says needs to be done. Hobbies: Well besides flirting he is wrapped up in many intellectual games such as Stratigo, Chess, Go, and Klondike. He does enjoy most physical and any other sort of game. He has always been open accept for what happend to him that changed him. Classes: Pre-calc, Adv. Physics, Weights, Personal Fitness, Microsoft CPU work, free hour.
[CENTER]Incoming Message? Downloading? Playing?[/CENTER] ?Thank you for applying the Microsoft Online Schools. We are happy to inform you, the applicant, that you have been accepted. Please make note to take care in purchasing every item that has been indicated on the attached list. We are looking forwards to you attending our school.? [CENTER]Message End? Error? Reboot? * * * * * * * * * * ?[/CENTER] ?Once the truth is let out there will be nothing stopping you from successfully eliminating? [CENTER]Message Destroyed?[/CENTER] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` None other than the heir to the Microsoft Empire, Lester Gates, developed Microsoft Online School system. With this development of new technology back in the late 2020?s a new way of living was invented. Originally designed to allow the most interactive game play in the world it was amazing the other uses that were developed for it. Interactive gaming wasn?t destroyed, but if you are capable of living inside a video game why not live parts of your life in a virtual world? At first the government grew fearful of this new system and what it could possibly do if let out too loose, but surprisingly Microsoft had somehow managed this interface that became tolerant to most methods of hacking and pirating. The firewalls were difficult to get past, especially with the new plugs that had been developed. You became the PC and your mind became the motherboard. Originally these plugs had to be purchased as a convenience for those who were rich enough to afford such items, but as soon as the first online school programs became popular it grew more and more often to have the plugs installed at a young age. Then it came with birth. The only chance people had of being educated was the online schools. It was the way life had become. If you could not attend school you couldn?t become anything This is how it works. You go to your jack and you use the plug on the back of your neck to jack into the bio-net (the new form of internet developed specifically for mind integration). Your mind would suddenly be transported to the online society. You would take a physical form mirroring your real body back at your home with the same limits and unique capabilities. Your body does receive a major benefit from the bio-net since what happens inside can be transferred out to your real body. For instance you lift weights inside of the either net. A direct bio-hook would actually tell your body systems that you are lifting the weights and any strengths gained, as well as pains, are transferred over to your body through a complex system designed to make this work. The Microsoft Online School system is one of the highest and most sought after schools on the bio-net. It only accepts qualified applications and certain characteristics must be met. If you haven?t guessed by now our characters will be living in this world and they all have just been accepted to the high school level of Microsoft Online Schools. Now it may a prestigious school, but the people attending don?t have to all be perfect a strait A student or scholarship material. We will be starting on our first day. Also we don?t only attend class online. There are more than just the schools on the bio-net. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Signups) Name: Age: (15-19) Gender: Appearance: (pics and description are both fine) Personality: (Interactions with people etc.) Bio: (A brief history) Hobbies: Classes: (Be creative, but nothing too outrageous) Remember because of the bio-net almost everything that is capable of being done in life can be done here.
Name: Brian Andollini Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'2" in height with a military style hair cut of greasy dark brown hair. Deep browny eyes behind a pair of thinned rimmed glasses that only disorts his eyes slightly, not in the classic geeky way. A round face with a dimmpled chin. Just above are full lips and a wide nose. Eyebrows on the thicker side. A medium build, but his smile is much more impressive. Hands smaller than a normal mans with nails cut extreamly short. Small feet for his height, but so wide that you can't tell because of the shoe size he has to get. Usually wearing a black t-shirt with his favorite anime character on it (Xellos, Vash, Spike, Carrot, Lina Inverse) and blue jeans worn out at the knee. Skin is lightly tanned from when he occasionally finds the time between work, college, and otakuboards to go swimming. Character Snippit: Sitting behind my computer just a few days before my birthday and head banging to the Jim Carey version of I Am The Walrus, I log onto Otakuboards to come and post for the newest rpg idea that I came up with as well as float the idea of doing another S.I.C. to follow the last one that had failed after about two weeks of trying to get it going. As soon as I get to the board a second window appears telling me that I have a new private message from Skye. I smile remembering that she was the first friend that I had made here. I open the message entitled "Family Reunion". The message invites me down to Texas to come and hang out for about a week with the other people that were coming along as well as Skye. With much excitment I get up and do a miniature version of tango with fake skeleton that I keep in my appartment. I immediatly get into the my message center and begin typing his reply...
Thorn tapped the end of his axe against someones door attempting to arrouse them from slumber. He wasn't sure who was inside of the bedroom, but he was aware that it was someone that they need to bring along."Wake up your lazy bones friend. Even a dwarf doesn't sleep this long." He announced through the door. "Go away," came from the other side, "so sleepy." "I guess I'll just have to get you up myself." He slammed on the door forcing it wide open.
"Yeah fate." Kahlan sipped his tea as Kuro was leaving them. "If you believe in that sort of thing." "You don't?" Mint asked. "Well lets just say that my life hasn't been a really easy one. I've had too much happen in it that hurt me for fate to be something that I would think even came into the equation. Basically I've lost all hope in things happening for a reason." He continued to suck on the tea. "I don't mean to shoot down anyone's beliefs, but that's just the way I feel based on my life." "What happened?" Arin asked. "It's just a long sad tale. Maybe I'll tell you sometime, but we've got something else to deal with." A long pause went by. "Like first of all is this guy fixed?" He pointed to the dog with a bit of a grin. One that he had been missing for a long time.
"Anyone interested in getting some tea?" Kahlan asked amoungst them."That's where I'm headed if you want me." He walked off all on his own and got himself a tabe, but it was one with enough seats for at least four more people. At that point he didn't think anyone had followed him. He didn't realize that he wasn't alone until he took his first sip of tea. "What the..." He looked under the tabe to see Reg tugging at his pants. "What do you want this time?" The dog looked at him with eyes that begged. "Alright I'll get you something, but if you get fat or something I'm not going to even listen to that girl complain." He ordered the dog a saucer of milk that it seemed to enjoy. "Well at least you are a well trained dog." Someone sat across from him. He looked up from petting the pooch to see it's owner again. She seemed very happy. Something that Kahlan hadn't been in a long time. "Is he bothering you again?" "I don't mind this time." Kahlan replied.
"Are you trying to get on my nerves magician?" Thorn asked with great contempt. "Magician?" Galathon sounded insulted. "I'll have you know that what I do is real not mere illusions." "A cowards form of fighting if you ask me. I don't see the point of fighting if you are not willing to stand so close to your opponent that you and him share breaths and you can only see their eyes. Melee is a mans way of fighting and I'm sure even those fine ladies upstairs understand the value and pride someone can gain from just going head to head with your opponent." "No listen here..." Lanin cut him off with a shake of the head. "Don't try to start any trouble Galathon." Lanin spoke. "We are weak enough as it is already, we do not need to be even more vunerable because of harsh feelings amoungst our people." "He is not our people." Galathon replied. "You know something." Thorn said. "I know that I may not look or act like the rest of these people here, but I am on your team. I at least owe you for the room and food that you filled me with. I pledge all of my smithing skills and warriors honor that I will complete this mission for you my lady." Lanin giggled to herself. "You're such a loyal little dwarf." "Yeah well." Thorn got a short wave of blush and straitened back out. "I do what I can."
Kahlan brought the palms of his hands together and slashed to the side letting a splash of boiling water slide out from between them and across the enemy. Then he reached down and grabbed the gun held at his side and aimed. With percision he landed a shot strait into the chest of one of these demons. It did not fall or die at first and it continued towrds him until Kahlan smilled and jets of water pulsed from inside of the demon tearing it apart. "You know these things are sort of fun to beat up on." Kahlan said looking at the others who where fighting. "I hope that I'm not the only one having fun?" Kahlan lifted his gun again and aimed at the demon that Reg was currently on. A blast of water flung from the barrel this time and clasped onto the demon's face. It struggled and fell beneath Reg and suffocation. "Well that looks like to be the last of them." Kahlan looked at all of the dead demon bodies laying around them. "Why would someone fight with such weak creatures anyways?" He looked at Arin who seemed to be the one who probably had the most knoledge of what is going on.
They both have the same marks as Kahlan. He wondered how this was possible. He took a moment to take a look at the symbol that had always been there. Something outstanding on his bicep that could have been the cause of why he has been hunted. "So you are Arni and you are Kuro right?" Kahlan asked them suspiciously. Too many enemies to just trust these people that had come out of no where. For all he could guess they were working together against him. The dog could have just been a stratagy to get him to come out, but he hardly believed that his enemies knew about this mark. He never allowed to to show before. The boy and girl nodded to his question. "Well I'm Rye," he lied, "I've sort of wondered about this thing too. I always figured that it was some sort of tribal tatoo, but that couldn't be since I came from nowhere near any tribes. Perhaps the two of you can explain a few things to me about them." "Sorry," Arni said, "I won't be able to help you then. I know very little about them myself." "You do?" Kahlan sighed. "Yeah." "I'm supposing that you are hey..." The dog again. It was trying to get into his pockets. "Go away. You stole these once before, weren't you satisfied with that? Do I have to be totally naked for you to just leave me alone?" "Don't mind Reg. He's really a sweetheart." She pushed the dog a bit towards her and led it away from him. "Of coarse if he bothers you just ask him to lie down." "Um...sure. I'll make sure to remember that the next time that dog tries to take my clothing." "Wait, you didn't have any food on you did you?" "Or that could have been it." Kahlan reached in and pulled out a scon. "I guess I forgot about this. I guess I'm not such the clever bastard afterall." That got her to giggle. At least these people weren't stern like most of his enemies. "Thank you for the food earlier. I hadn't eaten in the past couple of days. Mercinary work isn't in that high of a demand right now. So anyways, about these marks..."
Kahlan raised his head out of the water just far enough to allow his nostrils to draw breath for him. He had been enjoying a very cleansing bath. Now something was approaching him. He had too many enemies just to ignore whatever it was. There was a heavy breathing that came from whatever was coming his way. The bushes moved and Kahlan darted back under not taking his eyes off of the spot where the bushes had moved. Something came out, on fourl legs. Even through the constantly movin surface he could tell that this was a black and large creature with a strong snout. Kahlan emerged again slightly to get a look at the dog that had come down to the edge of the water, near where he had left all of his clothing. The dog sniffed his clothing and pushed its nose deep into it to get an even deeper whiff of his odor. "Reg." A voice called from beyond. "Come back here." The dog lifted hie head from Kahlan's clothing and looked towards where his master is. Kahlan couldn't see the dog's master but he just wanted them to leave anyways. Then the dog came back and grabbed the leg of his pants and ran off towards his master carrying the pants. After he was sure they were gone Kahlan got out of the water and looked down at his clothing. "Damn it!" He shouted. "It figures. It just figures that I find a place that can get away long enough from my enemies that I have a small chance to relax and bullshit like this happens." He put on whatever he could but that wasn't enough. He needed to get his pants back and whoever owned the dog didn't bother to come back to see who the dog may have taken it from. Kahlan had to track them, which wasn't very comfortable since he didn't have pants to stop all of the weeds and sticks from striking his exposed legs. He adventaully was lead to a small village. He could see the dog too as they were just entering. Something on his owners shoulder did something rather weird. It changed from red to blue and spread across the person's body. When it went back to normal the person turned and looked back at the dog.
"Yes...a wizard." Thorn spoke with hesitation. "Perhaps it is better if we wait for the others before we begin all of this sharing and planning." The suggestion hadn't been because it was true that this was better, though it was. He had said this because he felt he had more self contro in a group and Thorn tended to not get along with those who's soul strength is magic. Thorn was a hardworking dwarf that didn't understand why folks couldn't just get their hands dirty. He felt that magic was just the creation of those who were too lazy to do hard work themselves. "Right now I am more interested in filling this deep void in my gut. What do you have for breakfast?" Thorn had noticed the subtle glow in Galathon's eyes, but he tried not to stair or even show interest. Just another characteristic of magic he did not like.
"I know that I slept in late didn't I?" Thorn said comming down from his pleasant sleep. That was the most comfortable night that he had in a long time. He was suprised to see not very many people up and moving about. "Wow, guess I wasn't the only one. You know it's a strange day when the majority of the people turn out lazier than a dwarf." He sat at the table and admired the white cloth on it. It was well woven and seemed to have a firm bond. "You appear to be in a more pleasant mood than normal." The goddess said to him. "Yeah, I must thank whoever prepaired that room. It was perfect." He smiled. "The only thing that I found that bothered me was something that sounded like the sound of a woman crying. It was kind of depressing for a little bit there, but I'm feeling great today."
"Come on Satsuki, kill that bastard." Yeua said to himself has he stood watching them. It was only fair since he killed her target he felt that she should get some revenge. Something bounced off of his back and he turned to find that there were about five archers hooking their arrows onto the bow nad taking aim for him. He got a sudden suprise when the tips of the arrows glowed with different color auras. 'Elemental magics." Chu said to him. 'Yeah. The first arrow was just to get my attention.' Yeua and Chu lifted the sword and it morphed once again. He rushed towards the archers just as they released the arrows. He was on a head on collision up a hill. He swatted at the arrows with his sword and continued on. With a fair swoop of his blade five heads went flying. Then he set the tip of the head down and felt the warm trickle of blood seeping from his shoulder. He looked to se an arrow had caught him between plates of armor. There was also some vegitation growing from it, some vines and moss. Yeua stopped paying any attention to this when he noticed that this side of the hill was dug out. Suddenly a dozen archers emerged from the dirt and let powered arrows fly at him. He did the best he could to dodge, but three more arrows found their mark in his hip, leg, and ribs.
lol. Don't sweat it. No one can remember everything unless they are Rainman. Anyways this one looks really interesting, good idea.
Name~ Kahlan McCarthur Age~ 22 Personality~ Devilish at times and can pull some pretty nasty comments out of his hat, but generally he is nice to people. He only acts out towards people that he knows doesn't like him. If he does get someone angry with him he won't stop appologizing until he is forgiven. Apperance~ Well tanned skin, but very rough, he appears the barely shave leaving a thin stubble across his entire face. His eyes are an empty brown and hsi hair is a dark green which is cut long. He usually wanders around with a button shirt that he leaves hang open and pants loosly held up. A belt around his waist with small holders on them. Bio~From a small city he worked in an underground movement that aquired illegal weapons from out of the main lands. He quit only after his best friend was killed in a raid by the officials that ran the movement. Now he works for neither side and is hunted by both. He finds money in any mercinary work that he can find. Element/Sword~ Water (not sure what you want here so I'm putting an element name) Extra weapons(2 max)~ Grenades (Carries 2 frags and 2 flash) / colt python Anything you want changed please tell me.
"Dwarves were not made for stair climbing." Thorn dribbled as he step after step slowly. His short legs where having a difficult time walking up the stairs like the others. He would take one step at a time sending his right leg up and bringing his left leg to the same step. He would repeat this while falling behind the others. "It's intances like this that I sometimes envy even elves. I certainly envy you dragon folk. Even the flightless one. She may be a bit sappy at times, but she seems to have a kindness that many in my life lacked. A shame that she can't see that." "What are you grumbling about back there?" The other dragon asked him. "Just how awful these stairs are and how much they inconvenience me. I suppose if I'm truely needed for the retrieveal of this person I'll put up with it, but don't anyone think I'm making this a daily activity. I'd rather throw myself in my own furnace before that." Thorn reached his room and was a little pleased to discover that whoever put it together knew the exact tastes ofa dwarf. "Battle trophies, hunting medallions, and the occasional truffle. This is the life of luxury." Not to mention the two small trees with a hamok swinging between the two of them. He was going to have one hell of a nap.
Thornwander his way into the temple closely following those before him. He was a cautious dwarf if you ever met one. Running into a trap is something he would never do. He would rather just be fooled then run into a trap without even taking the time to think and study what possible dangers there could be. Thorn had traveled a long ways to get here and he wasn't going to fall into any trap without knowing it first. "Having this been the only temple I've ever been in all my life I must admit that it is shockingly welcoming." Thorn said. "I'm not sure if I like it, but the feeling I get from it isn't a bad one. Are we going to be staying here long or are we moving on by next dawn?" He got no response, just a bit of a giggle from the woman that lead him there. The door of the temple eased itself shut so no one noticed it. Thorn took the heavy weight off of his back and dropped it on the floor near him and looked towards the ceiling. It was so tall that a painful knot formed in his neck only after a few minutes of peering. He tenderly rubbed the pain from his neck and spoke again. "Well being a dwarf I'm familiar with having to look up, but looking up so high is a strain even on me."
They felt it too. Jordan could see it in their eyes and expersions. Every one of them were feeling it in their own way. Jordan had grown a bit cold like there was some ice sitting on the length of his spine. It was very uncomfortable for him too, but he ignored it the best that he could. He was trying to pay as much attention as he could to the two women that he was sitting with. Nyx was greedly nawing on her burger and Maya, well Maya was looking odd. She was feeling it too. Like some sort of test it was feeling each of the people involved. That just made Jordan wonder what is going on with the fellow on the baseball feild then? If he is feeling this same thing then what could happen to him while playing the sport. He was strong, that baseball that flew into orbit proved that, but could he resist this aura? That pair of advise giving eyes told him no.
Thorn wasn't feeling too happy. In fact his was angry. These people who he did not even know the names have been fighting. They were intentionally fighting the robed figures, but unintentionally and without even really noticing they had nearly struck him several times. "Hey watch yourselves you clumsy dirt-treaders.You could have nearly taken my head off with that tail of your missy." Thorn said liviedly to te dragon girl. "I don't want to be losing any part of my body. I'm a young fine product for all of the lasses and they don't like damaged goods. Besides that I'm no enemy of yours." He looked at them all sternly. "Well I'm still waiting for that apology that yo'al owe."
"You know I have a feeling that you are going to be hungry." Yeua said to Satsuki. "You've been through a lot today so I think that I'll be able to share something special with you. Just wait here a moment and I'll go get it." On his turn around Yeua bumped into a boulder and fell over it. 'Well I had to break the streak sometime'. He got back up and continued walking out the spirit speaking inside of his head. 'You're a very clumsy man you know.' Chu said to him pointing out the obvious. 'Well yeah, but I get around.' Yeau mentally replied with a snicker on his face. 'What is it that you are retrieveing from outside?' 'In a small bag I left s treat that I think Satsuki is going to enjoy. It's chocolate, but it also provides extra healing medication to her system. She well heal faster.' 'Is it safe to consume normally?' 'Yeah.' 'Just a second I hear Jenon!' 'What!?' 'He and Omrie are under attack.' 'Great' Yeau flung around and rushed back into the cave. He had to forget about the chocolate. Even if she wasn't fully healed Satsuki needed to come with him if there was going to be any chance of defeating whatever it was that was attacking Omrie. He wasn't sure how he knew, but it was just a feeling.
A chill ran down Jordon's spine as he sat down. He looked over his shoulder and past a pair of pale eyes towards the door. He felt like something had just stepped in, but there was nothing there. The presence he felt wasn't evil or anything like that. It just felt odd. "You alright?" Maya asked as she joined him with a noshalant grin on her face. "You look a bit spooked. "It wasn't Hyurr was it?" "No." He replied. "I just thought... nevermind. It was silly anyways. Order something, I'll pay."
He swung and his axe tore itself into the side of the tree taking out a large hunk of the meat from under the bark. Thorn wiped his forehead free of persperation. Chopping down this tree had been large work for someone of his stature. He much rather be forging some weapons for a dealership then chopping at this ancient oak. Thorn took a moment to sit and rest his arms of the axe he carried. He stroked the blue in his beard and spoke to himself. "Why did that zeffer of mine have to find himself stuck up in a tree?" Thorn made it obvious through just his voice that he was very aggrivated about his zeffer. "All it was is throwing practice. I didn't chuck it that hard. Maybe I made it lighter then I thought I did?" He sighed and picked his axe back up and took another chop into the meat of the tree. Thorn then saw past the tree and spotted several people. Two of them appeared to be women, not of his race, that were conversing. The other two appeared to be human males running from something. They were coming from the direction of the two women. Could they be running from them? As they to the tree Thorn fould pleasure in sticking out the hilt of his axe to trip the two men up. They tumbled over and let out a scream of fright.
[quote name='Who?]But how would that benefit you in a world where noone else even [i]has[/i'] superpowers? And if other people did have superpowers, how do you stop the guy who can control time and shoot you before you have time to react?[/quote] It was meant to be so that it null functions as well such as stopping guns from firing. Also if this person were to come at me with time control, which wouldn't work if I nulled it, and he tries to get me, which seems crazy because no matter how much you tamper with time it is still one continues strand, powers can activate on reflex as well. I would still be safe. Also this would make things like robbing banks so much easier.