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Everything posted by bogger3k
Jericho had left them carrying the body of Juno and the orb that contained Anuie's gaurdian, the tiger. Yeua and Omrie worked carefully to do what they could to mend the wound that Satsuki has suffered. She had taken a sword through the body but came out in better condition then any other that Yeua has seen. She was awake nearly the entire time but no one spoke until they had finished. "You're not going to be angry with me are you?" Yeua asked directing the question to Satsuki as she nibbled on what food Omrie had managed to prepair. "Angry for what reason?" She replied. "I tok your kill away from you. You wanted revenge on Juno didn't you? I took that away the moment my blade tasted her blood." "Don't worry about it. I'm hapy she is dead." "Let the soul of your sister rest in peace." Yeua bowed his head. "I think when it comes time for Jericho, just to be fair, I'll let ou have my kill."
It was a wonderful hit from the guy at bat, in fact it was amazing. He wasn't aiming for the fence but more like the water tower in the next town over. Jordon almost emediatly recognized who it was that hit the ball. It was the kid that Jordon had run into just the day before. There was something odd about what just happened. It wasn't until Jordon knew who it was that he saw this either. There was an aura coming from the ball and that same aura was coming from some place on his arm as well. Jordon couldn't be sure if anyone else could see that like the girl they saw earlier. It wasn't a big deal anyways. "That kid's got a great swing." Jordon said to Nyx. "You enjoying the game?" "Yeah." She replied with a bright smile. Well Jordon wasn't really liking the game that much. Baseball was not his favorite sport and he was getting hungry. He stomach was grumbling for some nurishment. "You know I'm going to go get something to eat, does anyone want to come?"
Name: Thorn Axeington Race: Dwarven Age: 125 Gender: Male Apperance: A short chubby little Dwarf with a grayish beard that infuses straks of blue that run down the center to the tip. His tunic is a leather brown covered in chainmail that also covers his bald head. Two crimson eyes shine brightly with a round nose between them. Personality: Like most Dwarves he feels to be superior to other races dispite the obvisous advantages and dissadvantages there are between them. He can be a real grump sometimes and does not take too easy to kindness. He usually will suspect you of trying to pull something over on him before he believes that you are just being friendly. Background: Coming from one of the smallest homes in his city Thorn had always worked to help support his family. He gained apprenticship under a blacksmith and learned the art of making weapons made of steel and iron. If the need comes he will supply weapons of some of the best quality around, but for a fair price. The only odd thing is that he has some of the most creative weapons ever made, unnatural for a Dwarf.
Both men caught her falling body which had gone limp from pain. Short sputters came from her as she tried to breath in and out. A small whistle escaped her lips, but sounded mute. She coughed and spattering their armor with droplets of blood. "Do whatever you can to keep her alive and mend her wounds." Yeau said to Omrie with great depression. "I've got to do this." Yeua stood and faced Jericho. "Well you look like you want a fight Yeua." Jericho said in his menacing voice. "You really think that you have enough power even when completed? Remember that when we sparred I always won, and I've grown more powerful since then as well. Do you think you can win because I don't." Yeua brought his blade up and sliced it to the side it extending and becoming more slender. The end curved upwards just slightly and the part above his hand formed the mighty head of a lion with a mane of flames. "I'm prepared to recieve any punishment for trying before my time, but anything involving Satsuki I will not take lightly." Yeua moved in one nearly untracable motion that ended with the dark mage decapitated. Yeua then lunged for his target not noticing that he was entering the smae dark vortex that Jericho came through. Then a grab and Juno snatched him down with a rope bringing him to her and wrapping a blade up to his neck. "First I took one of you, now I shall take another." Jericho said as he motioned Juno to take Yeua into the vortex. "I will also take this." He reached out and the orb with the tiger shot to his hand. "Plan to see you soon." He backed into the vortex and it closed.
Jordon was only a bit shocked when Nyx came over. He over exagerated a bit to be a little comical and to make Nyx feel as if she had gotten her job done. He was always like that was the girls, trying to please them. "Woah." He said. "You came out of nowhere there." Nyx giggled a little. "Yeah I'm kinda weird like that." "Just a little bit." Jordon, obviously flirting, said holding up his and and showing only a bit of space between his thumb and forefinger. "But seriously I'm glad to see that so many people made it. I was worried that I was going to be the only one." "Hey I called you." Nyx replied. "You had to have known that at least I was coming. Jordon sort of wished that she had been the only one, or Maya, and he would have with Kin-ha too but she seemed to be preoccupied with Cainan. Jordon would never get in the way of someone elses relationship, that's why he normally just flirted and never got serious. He was afraid the girls that he flirted with already had someone to really hang on too. Of coarse there was these pair of eyes that always told him that is was alright and he should at least try, but he didn't listen to it. No one listened to him so he won't listen to it. Anyways to make a long story short he is sort of afriad to ask girls out. So he flirts. "So how did you get the name Nyx? Did your parnets know that you were going to be strange or was that a coincidence?"
Yeua pulled forth his blade and let a torrent of flames go to work on frying one of the gaurds. Omrie was knocking another arrow and Satsuki had joined in as well taking her poll to the back of one of the gaurds heads. Was glad to see them working together as a group again. Each of them had seemed to be drifting away from one another just a little while ago, but Yeua felt there was a glue amongst them that Satsuki held and that the gaurdians renewed. It was almost as if he could read their thoughts and predict his friends actions and base his next one off of it. Another bonus of having these gaurdians. A flash and Yeua was thrown against a wall. He felt like he was being crushed under some enormous pressure. He was losing breath and was starting to find it harder and harder to get his lungs to suck in air. "Well the warriors have arrived. I've been expecting you." The sorcerer said as Yeua noticed that he was producing this force. "No I will crush the first one and get it over with."
Well Cainan seemed to be acting kind of shy. Jordan could tell by the general stutter in his voice. "You here for the game buddy or did you get the message as well?" Jordan asked Cainan. "Message? About what?" He replied. "Well we sort of are meeting here to talk about a very special subject. This subject isone that is infamous with our school, though not too many believe the stories. The subject of spirits, the souls that leave our bodies after they die. Some of them stay here, or so I believe." Jordan pulled out the book that he was reading and handed it over to Cainan. He didn't seem very sure what to do. "What's this?" "Take a look inside. It has mostly to do with spirits. It even depicts something in there that supposedly happened only a decade ago in our school. Some Hunter character or something. I can't really remember for some reason." There was a small prick in the back of his mind. Jordan mistook it for an itch, but this one he couldn't scratch. He wasn't sure what it was comeing from, but something was bothering him. In fact now that he thought of it there was something that really bothered him. Those people, the ones who laughed at him, they never believed him. These people that he is currently with are just like him. They live around mostly people who do not believe in the spirits, but these people know the truth. It was comforting, but painfull to remember those nights that he spent crying because of everyone thinking he was crazy. He wasn't crazy at all. In fact he was pretty sure that same wind spirit that saved him is still around him somewhere. Whenever he thinks about that day there is a breeze that goes by. A whistle blew and the ump called for the game to start. Jordan hadn't realized how much time had gone by.
Over the years people have asked people this same question time and time again and everyone always comes up with something that would seem cool. Like flying or controlling heat. In all of that time I have never, not even once, heard anyone come up with the power that I suggest that I would love to have. I would want the power of nullification. In other words the ability to stop all processes aka null otehr powers. IMO it is the best power of all based mainly on the fact that no other power could harm me because I have nulled it.
OOC: Yeah welcome back to school. I hope you have fun. IC: Jordan had been thinking about it even through his sleep. Who had called him. For some reason he was letting it bother him. It sounded younger, he could tell because he was always around younger girls. It was a voice of a freshmen. The only freshman that he knew about was Nyx. Wow he had great deducting skills. Enough to choke a donkey. He ate his lunch quickly and rushed out of the door grabbing the car keys. He will admit that he wasn't supposed to have his licence yet, but the state screwed up and he got it early so it all worked out well enough. He drove off towards the baseball feilds not sure what time that they were going to show up, but was positive about when he was going to get there. When Jordon arrived he saw that the unpires and coaches were just setting up the feild for play. None of the players where even here yet. That ment that none of his new friends where either. Well then he would just have to wait for them. He found the bleachers and began to climb them until he sat at the top. One of the umpires looked up at him kind of confused. "You a little early son?" The umpire asked. "The game doesn't start for another 45 minutes." "I'm a die-hard fan." Jordan replied getting a shrug from the ump who just went back to doing what he was doing. Jordan had expected it to be around a half hour before the game and he was sure that everyone would show up before it started. To pass the time he pulled the book out of his bag as well as an I-pod that he got last christmas. The tunes were good, but that odd feeling that he was getting before was starting to return as he continued reading. At one point he looked up at the feild and swore to God that some kid with no legs was following the umpire as he went around and put down the white powder on top of the dirt. He kept hoping that they would get there soon.
The air in the room suddenly became shallow. It was only a trifle bit harder to breathe, but the change was noticable. This sent all three of them into a state of readiness. Yeua brought his sword up to his waist as if there could be an attack at any moment. With a whisp the last gaurdian spirit zipped away, but it looked almost as if it was a vapor being pulled by something. "Is that supposed to happen?" Yeua asked Satsuki since she seemed to have the most knoledge of these gaurdians. "No." She replied. She looked shocked at what just happened. Not sad, just like something unbeleavable just happened. "I think we should follow it though." Both Omrie and Yeua nodded as they rushed off down a cave towards the way the gaurdian had been dragged. They ran for only a few minutes before they found the problem. A group of Nine Army soldiers and a short fat little man in black robes holding a crystal ball with the face of the tiger gaurdian in it. "Everyone be careful." Yeua warned, they had not been spotted yet and he kept his voice low. "That is a dark mage they have there. A very powerful one to be able to trap one of these gaurdians I'm betting. Even with our new powers we can't be too rash. Now I'm going to create a distraction while you two take care of the soldiers. Then we'll have a better chance with the mage." The other two nodded agreeing with the plan. From around the corner the black mage is heard saying. "Lord Walls is going to love his new pet now isn't he? As soon as he unlocks your power and fuses with you he will become unstopable and the witch that controls him will fall beneath his mighty hand."
Jordan lifted the phone to his ear. There was a humming coming from the other side before he said, "Hello". A pleasant voice came from the other side of the line. "Oh I didn't realize someone picked up. This is Jordan right?" "Yeah." "Well how about instead of your house tomarrow, you come to a baseball game?" "That sounds nice. Baseball is a good sport." "Okay, great. We'll see you there then." Then the phone clicked off. Jordan wasn't sure who called him from the other. All he could really tell was that it was a girl that had called him. It sounded as like one of the girls that he met today, but he wasn't sure what one. Well he was going to a baseball game tomarrow. That will be nice.
"You going to be alright?" Jordan asked the younger girl called Nyx. "Of coarse." She replied and brushed herself off. Jordan continued on his way out. He just wanted to make sure that everything was fine, but for some reason that seemed odd and it never sunk in. Was he that careless or was he just not shocked? He should be. He didn't think about it the whole way home. Jordan got home and as soon as he stepped into the house he met the smell of his mother's cooking. A smell that would have been hard to handle if he wasn't used to it. Whenever his mother cooked it always smelt rotten or spoiled, but it wasn't bad. For some odd reason dispite the odor it had a wonderful taste to it. He came into the kitchen and dropped his bag next to the table before he went to his room. His mother turned from the stove and gave him a more than welcoming smile. "Hello son." She said with much glee as the rotten smelling soup simmered on the stove in front of her. "How was your day at school?" "It was alright I suppose." He replied trying not to concentrate on the smell. "Did you meet any cute girls at school today that you are going to be bringing home soon?" She asked. That was one of the few things about his mother that he didn't like. The fact that she always asked such strait forward questions like that. And she had been pushing for him to get a girlfriend for a year now. He even wanted to say, yes he met two cute girls today, but he didn't. Instead he replied a little more like this. "Mother if you keep pushing me like this I'm going to be thirty and still single." "You can't blame a mother for trying." "I can, but I won't." That remark got a small laugh from her. A laugh that she let out way too often in his opinion. "Well I'm going to my room. I may have a few friends over tomarrow if that is alright." "No problem dear. Just as long as at least one of them is a girl." "You really need to let up off that you know." "I know, but I won't." Jordan rolled his eyes and sighed. There was just no changing his mother. She would still be the same hound dog she is today that she will be when she is 76 and shrivled like a prun. Not that he wishes that on his mother, it's just a part of life that everyone will have to live with. So Jordan ended up in his room. He took out the book from his library and popped in some Alice Cooper, one of his favorite artists in the music buisness, and began to read. When he got to "This House Is Haunted" he began to feel kind of strange. The sad tones of Alice wasn't the problem, it was something else. In the book there was something about a summoning ritual that he was reading, but for some reason it wasn't soaking. [I]Oh, this house is haunted.[/I] Alice kept droning on as this wave of dizzyness swept over him. He felt like he was sick. The room was spinning on it's own and his stomach was backtracking his last meal. Then something rung in his ears. The the room came back into focus. And a vibration was coming from his side. He lifted his cell phone. Who could be calling right now?
"So you like ghosts and spirits as well?" Jordan asked. "I didn't realize that this was such a popular subject. It's almost like we've got our own little club here. Oh and the guy can be in it too." He was joking of coarse and he got a giggle out of the girls, exactly what he was going for. He always tried to be flattering and flirty whenever in the presense of a cute girl. He was doing overtime today because there was two. "But seriously now ghosts are a very intersting subject. I've believed in spirits ever since I was a little kid and I've never let anyone sway my opinion on the subject either. In fact I'm sure that some ghost stories are actually true." "Really?" Maya asked. "Of coarse. In face we should get together sometime and tell some stories. We could have a vote over what ones we think are real and what ones we think are fake." He thought for a moment before realizing something. "Hey my parents wouldn't care if I had a few friends over tomarrow. How about you three drop by?" He scribbled his address on three peices of paper and handed it to them. "And as for this book it is really good. You should all read it." He got up and waved to them as he passed, going home was what he needed to do otherwise his parents may begin to wonder a little about his wearabouts.
This had to be his lucky day. Sure he was interrupted during his reading, but at least it was a by a cute girl. "Hey Maya." He replied trying to sound as nice as he possibly could. "I'm Jordan and it is a pleasure to meet you." A real BIG pleasure. He recognized her from around school and even knew her name, but he wasn't sure if she knew his. She was on the girl's swim team, and from what he could observe a very good swimmer. She had great style and form, of coarse she always seemed a little hesitant at times. He wasn't sure why. "So what brings you over to my corner of this oversized establishment?" He asked her. "Well I noticed what you are reading and I'm intersted in the same subject as well." She said giving him a warm smile. "Well this one is really good. Would you like to read it after I'm finished with it?" "That would be great." She sounded very pleased. Then Jordan noticed someone else coming their way. Well it wasn't like his luck would last. As soon as he finds a cute girl that came up to him he was bound to have someone else enter the conversation. Oh well, it's no big deal afterall. "Hello" The boy said as he came up to them. "My name is Joei."
Jordan had a headach for some reason and it was really bothering him. He climbed the stairs up to the diving board and sat on the end of it so he could take a break. Their coach had them doing double duty thanks to him. His being late was starting to effect ever member of the swim team. Jordan promised that he wouldn't be late on monday, if he could get through the weekend. Of coarse Jordan was kidding himself. What could possilby happen over the weekend that could harm him. All he had to do was some homework and show up early monday so he could teach some of the other students how to simplify polynomials. Some of his fellow swim team mates began yelling at him that the coach said that it was time for them to hit the showers. Jordan nodded to them in a way that let them know that he would be following in a second. He stood on the board and then leapt off doing a flip in the air and diving strait into the water, perfect form. Too bad he wasn't on the diving team. He got out of the pool and headed strait for the showers. When he was done and dressed he remembered something. That kid that he ran into. he must have stepped on his foot. Jordan felt that he really needed to apologize to him. He was sure he had seen him around before as well, Cario he believed. Since all after school practices were over he went to the next best place he could think to look for someone after school. The library, though he felt a little uncomfortable every time he was in there, was a very popular spot for people to gather around and have some fun. There was even said to be legends about the place, but most people didn't believe them. For some reason he did, but most didn't. He arrived, but the other kid wasn't there. He could always look for him on monday anyways if he didn't forget. Well now that Jordan had a lot of time on his hands he dicided that a nice book would to him some good. He could just sit here and read for an hour, even though he was sure that someone would interupt him. He found a copy of an old ghost story and sat down on a chair between two pillars. He had gotten to a point were some guy in the story had saved some girl from getting hit over the head by a falling globe when the interruption came.
"I think that I'm going to love this." Yeua said looking at the armor on his body. "I feel so much stronger and capable." "You are." The Lion replied in his head. "And I have you to thank for that." Yeua spoke internally to the beast. "I'm a part of you as I always have been. I'm just completing the chain." "Oh. So can I give you a name?" "Anything you like." Yeua went out of his head and looked at his friends. "I'm going to call him Chu." "Why Chu?" Omrie asked. "In memory of someone who should not have died for me." Yeua replied. "What is going to happen to the Tiger?" He asked Satsuki.
Jordan had just finished stuffing his bag full of his text books for his homework that night. The bag was really heavy today, but that was the last thing that Jordan had on his mind. He was late for his swim practice today and he had already been once this week. Thank goodness it was Friday because he couldn't get through another day this week. Jordan was in such a rush that he already had his shirt off and was running down the hallway towards the locker room, praying that no one stopped him. Of coarse his luck isn't the best in the world so something had to happen. He tripped for a moment. Instead of landing on his face he kept his balance, but that did not stop his bag from coming open and his books spilling out from his bag. He cursed under his breath as he rushed to get the books back in his bag.
Okay I'm going to start this thing up. Welcome all of you and I hope that you have a good time in this. You don't have to be completely serious, just don't go overboard. Also any disscussion, if you want to have one, can take place in an Underground thread that I started.
Alright it looks like we are getting a full party here. In that case I'm going to start this Monday (I know it's Valentines Day, but whatever). If anyone else hops on the bandwagon by tomarrow that's great.
Okay the current standings. (Jordon-bogger3k) (Maya-Rhian) (Cainan-Kyuai) (Joei-Daermon_Nashabe) Alright I'd like to see at least one more female character and then we can get started.
(Really I have no problem with that) Name: Jordan Mitchells Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://twentysix.co.uk/pub/SonyaFae/Hum02.bmp]Look at me[/URL] First Encounter: At the age of seven he had gone to school for the first ime and was on his way home. He had nevered walked home before, but he did that day because he begged his mother until she gave into him. He was very pleased that day, but he was under strict orders to come strait home and not delay himself whatsoever. Even though he had been lectured about how responsible he had to be he could not resist this old abandoned house that he saw as he walked back towards his home. He hadn't seen the house before so he pushed through the bushes and entered to get a better look. He climbed all the way to the upper level to discover a severly rotted floor. It sunk and sand with each step. Without any caution he went towards the center of the room and it collapsed beneath him. He fell through and landed on the floor below, but it wasn't a hard landing. He wasn't hurt at all. He looked beneath him to see that a pillow os clear smoke had padded his fall, but this pillow had eyes and claimed to be the patron of the wind. The patron of the wind did not speak any more an left him to return home with a story that no one would believe. Personality: He does show regret from the people who enver believed him when he was younge, but he has forgotten most of their faces now. He has really just been focused on the life that he has ahead of him. He is very head strong and competitive. He is currently the capitain of the mens swim team, has a 4.0, and tutors kids in math before school starts and enjoys every second of it. He is into younger girls for some reason, but he can also have a temper when challenged. I don't know how many I want for this, but five would be a great start. (Jordon-bogger3k) (Maya-Rhian) (Reserved-Kyuai)
Candle?s flickered in the soft moonlight that night as the group of eight gathered around it. Each of them was prepared for what was about to take place, but not one of them could predict exactly what was going to happen. As the chants echoed the halls of the school and the eight witnessed this miracle. A mist surrounded a single girl as her soul was taken over to the other side on the night of the devil?s servants, Halloween. It had been 10 years since that night. Trea was the girl who preformed the ritual that night. This ritual had been done only once before in succession. The reason had been the same each time that it was preformed. To cross over to the spirit world and draw forth the portal to send the evil spirits back to their home as well as gain the powers to defeat the evil person controlling them. The school that this group of students had been attending had a past history, one that was clouded in mystery until the day that these eight discovered the truth about it. As history says the school had been built on top of burial grounds that had not been sealed by a priest before the settlement that was originally there moved on. It was said that many of these spirits where angry souls that resented the living and only searched for a way to escape their world and reenter ours. They got this chance when a sorcerer, disguised as a student at the school, took his chances and summoned the spirits to him. Using their anger to his advantage he made these spirits obey him and loathe all others. He created his own personal army and that?s when the strange occurrences began to take place. Words were written on the board out of nowhere and objects moved on their own. Only a few really noticed and sought to understand what was going on. These people found the text that they needed and cast the spell to gain special powers. Slowly they sought and destroyed the sorcerer and they lived in legend forever. Ten years ago something similar took place. A group of students, some skeptical, took notice of strange occurrences taking place in this school. One of them, a tortured man called Hunter, found himself at the forefront of the assault. Once before in his life a spirit had taken someone he loved from him and he wished revenge. Joey and Trea, both girls, agreed with Hunter and where the most supportive of him. Another person stood out from the rest of them. A boy named Rodney that resented everything the Hunter did and questioned the very mind that he controlled. He went insane, but still joined the fight. Trea and Joey, on the other hand, found that Hunter had a great interest in them. He fell in love with both girls and did what he could to protect them both; he even kept his love a secret. A roller coaster led their lives from that point on. Tragedy after tragedy tried to destroy them and remove any bonds, but even suicide could not stop them. They found the text that the others had found before them and Trea was to perform the spell. She did successfully, but her mind had been trapped in the spirit world. Her body went into a coma-like state until it passed away. The sorcerer seemed to disappear without ever even being seen. With Trea gone Hunter fell into a great depression and even pushed Joey away from him. He ran away and she attempted to follow the best she could, but he became too fast. Three years had passed and Trea?s spirit collected its power and sent Hunter messages. This slowed him down, but he did not realize that until Joey caught up with him. Both very sad people they stayed where they were not caring about anything else. Together they planned on finding comfort and rekindled their love. Ever since then another legend had been passes through the school about this group of students. The sorcerer hadn?t been destroyed or even really disappeared. The sorcerer who had posed as student once again came up through the school and is now back there, working as one of the staff. Could be a teacher, could be a councilor, or even possibly a janitor. No one knows, but he has been planning his return and now it is time to put his plan into action. He is going to summon the restless spirits to rebuild his army. Again students at the school are going to have to fight for the school and once again the ritual will have to be preformed. Can they finally put these spirits to rest? (Sign Up) Name: Age: (remember this is higschool) Gender: Appearence: First Encounter: (The first encounter that your charater has had with a spirit before. It could be recent or you could have seen one the day you wre born) Personality:
The Lion looked on Yeua and smiled a large smile. He lept towards Yeua and he tried to duck, but the Lion landed on top of him and the fusion took place. He felt the strange feeling and peered through the sharp eyes of a Lion. "This is my power. This is my ability. You are troubled, but wee can solve it." The Lion spoke to him. "Thank you." Yeua replied. When Yeua brought his eyes back to his own body. He peered at himself to see the armor that had formed to him. Much like Omrie, but a red and orange mane came dowm his back and claws overlapped his hands from the armbands. "Okay Satsuki. It's your turn." Yeua said with much support.
(Basic idea here. This is the opening to the story. Anyone want to say anything go ahead.) Candle?s flickered in the soft moonlight that night as the group of eight gathered around it. Each of them was prepared for what was about to take place, but not one of them could predict exactly what was going to happen. As the chants echoed the halls of the school and the eight witnessed this miracle. A mist surrounded a single girl as her soul was taken over to the other side on the night of the devil?s servants, Halloween. It had been 10 years since that night. Trea was the girl who preformed the ritual that night. This ritual had been done only once before in succession. The reason had been the same each time that it was preformed. To cross over to the spirit world and draw forth the portal to send the evil spirits back to their home as well as gain the powers to defeat the evil person controlling them. The school that this group of students had been attending had a past history, one that was clouded in mystery until the day that these eight discovered the truth about it. As history says the school had been built on top of burial grounds that had not been sealed by a priest before the settlement that was originally there moved on. It was said that many of these spirits where angry souls that resented the living and only searched for a way to escape their world and reenter ours. They got this chance when a sorcerer, disguised as a student at the school, took his chances and summoned the spirits to him. Using their anger to his advantage he made these spirits obey him and loathe all others. He created his own personal army and that?s when the strange occurrences began to take place. Words were written on the board out of nowhere and objects moved on their own. Only a few really noticed and sought to understand what was going on. These people found the text that they needed and cast the spell to gain special powers. Slowly they sought and destroyed the sorcerer and they lived in legend forever. Ten years ago something similar took place. A group of students, some skeptical, took notice of strange occurrences taking place in this school. One of them, a tortured man called Hunter, found himself at the forefront of the assault. Once before in his life a spirit had taken someone he loved from him and he wished revenge. Joey and Trea, both girls, agreed with Hunter and where the most supportive of him. Another person stood out from the rest of them. A boy named Rodney that resented everything the Hunter did and questioned the very mind that he controlled. He went insane, but still joined the fight. Trea and Joey, on the other hand, found that Hunter had a great interest in them. He fell in love with both girls and did what he could to protect them both; he even kept his love a secret. A roller coaster led their lives from that point on. Tragedy after tragedy tried to destroy them and remove any bonds, but even suicide could not stop them. They found the text that the others had found before them and Trea was to perform the spell. She did successfully, but her mind had been trapped in the spirit world. Her body went into a coma-like state until it passed away. The sorcerer seemed to disappear without ever even being seen. With Trea gone Hunter fell into a great depression and even pushed Joey away from him. He ran away and she attempted to follow the best she could, but he became too fast. Three years had passed and Trea?s spirit collected its power and sent Hunter messages. This slowed him down, but he did not realize that until Joey caught up with him. Both very sad people they stayed where they were not caring about anything else. Together they planned on finding comfort and rekindled their love. Ever since then another legend had been passes through the school about this group of students. The sorcerer hadn?t been destroyed or even really disappeared. The sorcerer who had posed as student once again came up through the school and is now back there, working as one of the staff. Could be a teacher, could be a councilor, or even possibly a janitor. No one knows, but he has been planning his return and now it is time to put his plan into action. He is going to summon the restless spirits to rebuild his army. Again students at the school are going to have to fight for the school and once again the ritual will have to be preformed. Can they finally put these spirits to rest?
"You four are amazing beings." Yeua said and then went down to one knee. "I must say I have much respect for you and what you have done for this land." Yeua then slipped and fell to his side. The gaurdians laughed at him and the falcon helped him back to his feet. "You are a clumsy one I see." It spoke and then flew back to its purch. "Sorry great gaurdians." "For what?" The Lion asked. "Well I'm sure that I seem no where near worthy of having this position that I have. That and I feel responisble for the death of Anuie. I know that I could have defeated the person responsible for killing her before she even got the chance to strike. I just let her words cloud my thought and I held myself back. I'm really sorry."