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Everything posted by bogger3k
Name: Motair Condent Age: 18 Gender: Male Field: Infiltration and disguise, as well as medical knoledge. Weapons: Daggers that extend from the back of his shoes, a sabre he hides in his pant leg, and a fold out rifle he keeps in a brief case. He also has pills and herbs he is able to slip into drinks or food that kills very quickly. Bio: A long time study of the arts of disguise through the use of a film make-up school as a younger child he has trained to only take minutes to end up looking like someone else. He also is trained as an actor so can appear to be as normal as anyone else while on assignment. His parents had left him to his grandfather when he was a newborn and they ran away to Paris to be rid of him. His grandfatherr raised him to have interest in the arts of assasination. Only two years before he took a trip to Europe and slipped a certain couple poison as revenge. Now he comes to the Fire Page to improve his skill and fight to become the best assasin in the world. Appearance: A strong build, but he is usually in a suit and tie that hides his figure. His face is that of a strong man and a small scar runs across his forhead just hidden by his black hair. His eyes are a green color with a gold ring just around the pupil. Personality: He can have a range of personalities since he has the acting ability, but he tends to try to stay light and not totally serious. He regrets how strict his grandfather was and does not wish to be like him so he tends to try to joke, but also he shows that there is a deeper hurt inside of him when he speaks.
The main Gundam for 8th MS Team was my favorite. I don't know why though.
Sign Up CrystAL (Part 1): Finding One's Heart (PG-M) (V-L)
bogger3k replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in Theater
Name: Ion Forsender Age: 23 Gender: male Location in Sylpn: the Rim Place where you frist heard the whisper: Heard the whisper from his comrades who said that it was just nonsence, but he felt differently Weapon(s) (up to 3) : A wirethread whip that he had been trained with since age 12. Appearance: Taller than most others and stands out in a crowd. A flame resistant sweater dyed black with its sleeves torn off. Also the has on black leather pants that have belt buckles going down one leg to just above his military style boots. A tatoo of a serpent coils around his right arm and black lines frun from the outer corners of his eyes to his ears. -
Name: Ion Forsender Age: 23 Gender: male Location in Sylpn: the Rim Place where you frist heard the whisper: Heard the whisper from his comrades who said that it was just nonsence, but he felt differently Weapon(s) (up to 3) : A wirethread whip that he had been trained with since age 12. Appearance: Taller than most others and stands out in a crowd. A flame resistant sweater dyed black with its sleeves torn off. Also the has on black leather pants that have belt buckles going down one leg to just above his military style boots. A tatoo of a serpent coils around his right arm and black lines frun from the outer corners of his eyes to his ears.
Yeua nodded and hopped onto the beast and reached out his hand for Satsuki to take. She did and sat atop the beast as well. There still seemed to be a sadness around her, but that seemed to be sliding down underneath an anger. It was an unsettled rage. Yeua wasn't sure how it could be satisfied. If she killed Juno would she be any better than her? If she didn't, would that rage always exist? Yeua only hoped that these gaurdians will be the answer. Also what will happen with only three pilots? He wasn't sure of this either. The horizon the next morning was a beautiful crimson gold that he didn't want to fade. Of coarse it did, but he couldn't help but dream. The creature's speed had been dying for a while now. Omrie pulled back on the reigns and nodded to Yeua. He hopped off and drew his blade. With a clean slash the neck of the beast poored it's warm blood to the ground and the beast died leaving no threat to them. Omrie helped Satsuki off of the beast and the three of them began to walk towards the side of a cliff that they had come upon. "This is it." Satsuki said peering with accomplishment. "The shrine of the gaurdians."
Yeua pounded through creature after creature until he felt like he could no longer move and then just kept going. It wouldn't help anything to stop until all of the creatures were dead. They needed to die. Yeua looked around seeing the bodies of the villagers and even more of the creatures. He did not see any living so he turned back towards Omrie and Satsuki. Omrie had his bow out and had been firing arrows at creatures and Satsuki had gone over to her sister. Yeua went over to her and knelt besides her. "You know looking at your sister reminds me of you. She was very similar indeed. She was beautiful like you and seemed to have the personallity that kings would kneel to. Though I can't help but feel responsible for this. If I had told you earlier that Juno was there then maybe this would not have happened. I wish I could go and change the past, but I can't. I'm very sorry. I'm going to be here if you ever need me. I just want you to know that I love you and I will help you in your personal quest for revenge. This death will not be one without a price for someone to pay."
Yeua stood with his sword glowing it's crimson red and foaming with flames. "This is getting out of hand. Too many people are dying with no reason." He looked at the broken Juno. "You know when I thought Jericho died I was ready to kill anyone who got in my way so I know exactly how Satsuki feels. The pain is unbarable and can cloud your judgement. It did this too me thanks to some tricks that Jericho played on me. You scum should never have been born." "Bi-g words c-oming f-from the p-p-person who is losing the girl he loves." Juno said to him with a smile. Blood began to trickle from between her lips and run down her chin. "Does that matter!?" Yeua demanded. "I THINK NOT!" He rushed with his sword and sliced through a creature with little effort. "Get the hell out of here if you want to live." He warned. "Psh." A twirling fog formed around her and lifted her up. From it formed a figure and then it became Jericho. "Well little Yeua is so merciful. That's going to come back to bite you, all of you." He said then dissapeared with Juno. Moments passed before anything was said. There was a sorrow in the air that was thick and terrifying. For some reason the tears began to run down Yeua's face. He felt as if a chunk of him had just been removed. "Damn you Walls, I damn you to hell. It will be I who kills you."
"Damn her." Yeua said to himself, but he was sure that they all heard him. "Her who?" Satsuki asked. "That's not important, right now we need to prepare for a fight because if we aren't ready then we are all going to get demolished. I'm going to ground level you guys do what you want to do." Yeua stood up and went for the door. He stopped at the opening and turned around. "And don't worry about me. I'll be returning in one piece." He went out the door and lept off of the balcony and landed on the ground ignoring the pain from his leg wound. Well he wasn't sure if he would be enough, but if he had to he would hold them off. yeua turned back around and looked up from where he just lept from. "Omrie do you think they are going to be released?" "They feel like they are coming." Omrie yelled back. 'If I don't return Omrie please love and take care of Satsuki.' He thought before he began to walk towards the edge of the forest. He stopped at the thick bushes and then pushed through. He didn't see any creatures but there was a wizzing sound in the air. He lept to the side as a blade landed almost into his leg. "You are quick and good at hearing I see." Juno said as she rushed him and knocked him over then pinning him to the ground. "Well I warned you about letting them know." "I didn't tell them." Yeua said realising that her blades were about a centimeter from his throat. "Well she knows." Juno said. "That other one told her."
New clothing and new faces to be seen. This was turning out to be an interesting day for Yeua, but Satsuki wasn't Kellage. How could she be so much older than him? It didn't matter, age shouldn't ever matter.Of coarse she knew about the creatures in the forest. Did she know the entire time or did her sister inform her? And if she did, did she also know about his meeting with Juno? "This is it." Satsuki said standing on the edge of a path that led into a village, but not an ordinary one. This village had built it's civilization in the trees. All of the homes and stores, if there were any, in the trees. "This is amazing Satsuki." Yeua said as he looked from shake to shake. "I didn't think these people really existed. Wait, if you are the keepers of the gaurdians then why did that girl have to come with us? And you don't resemble Kellage, what are you people?" Yeua sounded a bit upset when he asked about the girl. If she didn't need to come then was she just a pointless sacrifice? He couldn't be sure. "You know what I don't want to know the answers to those questions. Nothing against you or anyone here, but I just want to be left in the dark this time." He didn't want any of the pain this time. All of the truths he had learned before were just more pain to him. He did not need them, besides if that Juno was still watching him then it was better if she didn't find out as well.
"I think I'm good." Yeua said abruptly. "I think I've heard a little history about people of this area and I think that I can come up with a believeable enough story in my mind that I don't need to know what really happened." He stood there for a moment. "Alright it's killing me. Satsuki please tell us what is really going on about you and your sister?" Yeau was interested, but also watched quietly for any sign of what Juno may have been talking about. He feared for his friends lives.
>Name: Davon Reibreicher >Age: 27 >D.O.B: Jan 2, 2072 >Gender: male >*Ethnic Background: He was born in a jewish family all caucasian >Eye Color: green >Hair Color: blonde >Height: 6'3" >*Location: In a small appartment building on Mars. >Alternative Occupation: A poet and writer >*Years of hunting experience: 6, ever since he was 21. >*Registered Weapons: A colt 45. Magnum (old fashoned, but hey) And a 12 inch hunting knife. >*Training: Davon has always been capable of using language to his advantage. He can persuade people easily. Also he was a member of a gymnastics squad so is very acrobatic. >*Registered Craft: A small ship like the stingray called the "Gellion" It's wings are more curved upwards and it has two mounted machine guns on each tip with a salvo of six shipbuster missiles. >*Do you have a past criminal record: -Yes, but he has never been identified or captured. >>In fifty words or less, please describe what you have been doing for the past few years: For the past few years Davon has mostly been living off what little money writing could provide. He only pays attention to big bounties and has ambitions to get "BIG SHOTS" back on the air.
Yeua saw that Omire had gotten a nice fire going. One in which would burn well enough to cook meat and keep burning for at least another hour. With a large enough wood supply he was sure that it would last all night. Yeua began to walk off. "Where are you going?" Omrie asked him. Yeua turned around with a big smile and said, "I'm just going hunting." Then he spun around again and continuned to walk along the same path. He walked until he wandered far enough away that he would be able to speak freely without anyone hearing him. He pulled out his sword and layed it on the ground. He sat up against a tree and just sat for a few minutes letting his blank mind take him where it needed to go. Then he felt a warm wettness on his cheeks. Tears had fallen fron his eyes. Whatever was wrong with him had him weeping. Perhaps the death of the girl was just now getting to him, or the thought that he was losing Satsuki to Omrie was getting hurting him so bad that he didn't even realize it. Whatever it was had him weeping. "This is funny, it really is." An unfamiliar female voice spoke from the trees above. "From what Jericho had told about me I was expecting a lot more out of you guys and what do I come to see? Probably one of their strongest members weeping over something so trivial. It's almost too pathetic." "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting here?" Yeua asked the strange woman. "One of Jericho's officers. I am Juno of Turnquist. I have studied thirteen forms of sword battle and stealth is my specialty." "I heard you coming." "What!?" "I knew that you were there, I'm just not really ready for a fight right now. So if you could just leave and maybe come back tomorrow then..." "No one insults me like that!" SHe lept out of the tree with her sword in her hand and brought it down, but Yeua caught it with his own blade. "Wow and with all of that sword training I'm suprised that I was able to block you with mine. Perhaps you're not as good as you lead to believe." Yeua felt a wound in his leg open. "What the hell?" "And perhaps you didn't think that I may possibly know styles that include using two swords." "Welll all be dammed for all eternity." "Anyways I didn't come for a fight." She took a step back and settled both of her blades next to her. "At least not this time. I came only to observe and I must say that I was impressed with what you people did to those scorpapes. I may have to watch myself in battle in the future. Of coarse if you know what is good for your friends not a word of this conversation to them." "Why?" "Because I have about a dozen creatures barely being held back right now wanting fresh meat off their bones. If you mention this, and I'll know if you do, they will no longer be held back." "You have my word then miss Juno." Yeua took a swing and brought down a few bats from the sky. "Now if you don't mind I have dinner to go eat." He ran back towards the camp neglecting to wipe his cheeks of tears.
OOC: We talked and worked it out. She isn't going to come into this. She said that it was an accident and I'm just going to give her the benifit of the doubt. Yeau could feel it. He knew that she wasn't really leaning on him. Well if she didn't want him then he wished she would say it. Just being able to think that he still had a chance was being stupid if it wasn't true. It would eat away at him. If he didn't and continued to think he did then the chances of him...NO. He didn't even want to think about it. He didn't want to hurt friends or even think about doing so. He just kept holding on.
Yeau bowed his head towards the mound that was the girls final resting place. He had burried her body while the other two were off somewhere. He hadn't really felt a strong connection to the girl, but for some reason her death did sadden him. He was grateful to her, for saving Satsuki that is. He wasn't sure if she had died what he would do. Would he go after Jericho? Maybe. Would he just cry? Maybe. Would he have killed himself? That felt like the answer, but the girl gave them another chance. Satsuki had said that both Omrie and Yeua were there and she felt strongly for both of them. Yeua was sort of scarred of that now. What if he did lose her to Omrie? Could he move on like he said, or would he do the unthinkable? He wouldn't be able to tell now. All he could do was keep moving and trying to show Satsuki how much he cared for her, for the sake of her and the girl that gave up her life. He felt stronger in a way, but less whole as well. It was like a piece of himself was missing now. Maybe that girl was that piece, maybe it has nothing to do with her? So many questions, but he couldn't answer all of them. Yeua walked towards the water leaving the grave behind him, a part of his past he must again forget. Now all he had was his two friends. And they were talking on the edge of the water. "Hey you guys." Yeua said. "Are you ready to keep moving?" He wasn't sure if he was though.
Yeua felt something fade in the distance. Not very far from where they were. He needed to go see what it was, but Omrie needed his help. "Okay Omrie you want a distraction I'll give you one." Yeua concentrated as hard as he could and drew the powers of flame that he controlled into his blade. It began to flow over and onto his body takeing him into it. Then the flame figure rushed the beast leaving Yeua standing with the dead sword in his hand. He sheathed it and ran back towards camp. "Good luck Omrie, but I have a feeling that I am needed somewhere else." He said to himself as he came over the top of the hill to see little bits of frozen flesh and animal carcass thrown about. Blood had been pooled on the ground, both black and red. That means one of the girls... Yeua moved as fast as possible to find someone. He was horrified to find that Satsuki was laying with her clothing and flesh both torn apart by what looked ike claws. "Satsuki." Was all that came to his mind and he pulled her up into his arms putting pressure on the worst wounds. "I'm going to take care of you. Don't worry whatsoever. You won't die." He used his own clothing to tie off as much of the bleeding as he could, but she was still seeping out all around her. "No, you have to be all right. I don't want to lose the only person that I still love." He kissed her forhead and rocked back and forth a bit before the girl spoke up. "I can help, but not like before." She said. "What?" "I can help heal her, but I will be practically giving her my life. I see how much you love her. It's not likely that you will ever find anyone else in your life that loves you and you love just the same. This world is full of viscious people and I don't want just one to end such a beautiful love. Sure I can't be with you, at least you will be happy." "You don't have to." "I know, but I want to. What else am I good for? Walls probably sent these monsters after you to kill and he should not be alowed to succeed. She protected me, it is the least I can do." The girl placed a palm onto Satsuki's forehead. She already could tell that it was growing cold. If she wasn't fast enough Satsuki would die. "What!?" "What's going on?" "It's not working!"
"You really need to take it easy with that bow Omrie." Yeua said to him as they were walking back to the camp. "Not every sound that you hear coming up to you is an enemy. I swear if I had be one if further I'd have three nostrils right now." Omrie stopped and knocked and arrow onto his bow. He swung around and let it fly towards a bush. It went into the bush, a loud clang, and pieces of the arrow went flying through the air. "There is something there." Omrie shouted. "I see that." Yeua drew his sword just in time to deflect some sort of yellow sphere. The sphere evaporated a rock that it struck next. "What the hell?" Something that resembled a gorilla with scorpian claws emerged from the bush screaming like a banshee.
Yeua held on for a moment and then replied to the question. "Well what you really need to do is hold on. I love you a lot, but it's going to be your heart that tells you what you want to know. Listen to it and let it lead you to who you truely fall for. Even if it is Omrie if it was your heart that made the decision then everything will be fine. Of coarse we need to worry about the task at hand first." He was so happy to hold her. Just the slightest touch was intoxicating. He didn't want to let go, but knew he had to so he did. "I wonder where Omrie is, he should be done hunting by now." He looked around. "I'll tell you what, I'm going to look for him while you stay here." He got up and walked off towards where Omrie left. The girl then came from around a tree and sat down near Satsuki. "There is something that I need to say and I can't tell Yeua. I need to say that there is a dark part to the summoning of the gaurdians. They require a little more than a key. They need a sacrifice to awaken to. Sort of a welcome back feast, and after what I just saw I decided that I want to be the sacrifice."
Satsuki broke off of Yeua and jumped onto Omrie as well. Yeua could only smile, he was glad to see her again. He didn't really think that he would until after they got the gaurdians. Here she was though. Dispite the ragged clothing she was wearing she looked to be perfectly fine, of coarse he had to make sure. "Satsuki, did he do anything to you?" Yeua asked. "Hurt you, touch you?" "I'd prefer not to talk about it." She replied. "It was so horrible, like..." "Like feeling like there is going to never be anything better in your life." The little girl inturupted with a glazed look on her face. "No hope is left in your life and all of your love has been drained from you. You dread tomarrow because you know it is just going to be even more painful then the last. That's the way I felt when I realized that Yeua wasn't going to come back for me. I knew he had forgotten me. That hurt so terribly." Yeua just froze for a moment. He knew how that felt too and it was so dreadful to hear that others had to go through that. It was the way he felt before he came to the school. He felt sorry such a young child had to go through such tragedy. "I'm sorry about inturupting." She spoke apologetically."If we hurry now we can reach the temple of the gaurdians before mid-day." She turned and began to leave them.
Probably was a good idea considering they were probably starting to get tired. Yeua knew that he was and he didn't want to have to fight more soldiers half asleep. Yeua turned around and saw that the girl was looking at his blade with sort of a worried look on her face. "Is something wrong?" He asked her. "Not really." She replied. "It's just, killing really isn't a pretty thing is it?" "No, of coarse it isn't. We only do it because we have to for our people." "I wish that you didn't have to. Yeua when I see you kill I look at you in a different way then I see you all the other time. I see you as a soldier of a futile war. I see you as just another pawn causing the fighting to continue." "Are you saying that you don't like death? But you wanted to kill Satsuki and Omrie didn't you?" "Not really actually. I just thought that I would have to after what that man told me." "Oh." "There is something I have to tell you before we get to the gaurdians shrine on the other side of this mountain." "What is it?" "In the history of this world no one has ever been able to retrieve the gaurdians. All of those who have tried have died before reaching their goal. One of the main reasons is because they never find the shrine, but those who do. Well they don't ever come out. They get trapped inside of the shrine to never come back." "Well then, the three of us are going to break tradition." "Really?" "Of coarse." Only if he knew the other part of the problem that she was keeping from him.
"Getting some anger out i see." Yeua tried to lighten the mood but failed. "Well we better get moving so that we can get to Satsuki as quickly as possible." "If you need to know where the gaurdians are they are just over that hill." THe girl said pointing at a large hill that contained a dessert on the other side. "They are inside of a hidden temple under the sands not to far from the edge of that hill." "Well isn't that convenient that they are just beyond that mountain." Yeua turned and placed the real key on the same string as the gem that he held so dear. Then he hid it away again. They would need that later, but right now it was best if they didn't know that he had it, maybe. "Let's get walking." The three of them began to walk, a two day journey was ahead of them. One to get just over the mountain, the other to rechieve the gaurdians.
"Well Omrie it looks like it is just you and I." Yeua said to him. "Look Omrie before you say anything I have to tell you something first." "Go right ahead." Omrie said. "I'm interseted to hear what you have to say." "Alright then. First of all I need to appologize for everything that I said before about you and Satsuki. I don't know how to explain it. I meant to say what I said because that's what I believed at the time, but I know that she isn't a traitor and you don't want to kill me. You are my friend and so is she. I've felt betrayed so often now that I think that I felt like I couldn't trust anyone. I'm very sorry for all of that. I know that I can trust you. Of coarse I also appologize for that little push back there and I'm sorry your bow was destroyed. Everything that just happened, that was all my fault. Satsuki wouldn't have been taken, your bow would still be intact, and I would still feel like I was in touch with my sanity. I have to take full responsibility for what happened and I'm going to have to get those gaurdians one way or another. I ask you to please come with me to help save Satsuki?" "Yeua." The girl said standing half hidden behind a tree. "What is it that you want?" Yeua asked her in a threatening tone. She fringed when he said it too. She looked very scared and ashamed. "Well, I am the one that did this to you Yeua. I don't want you to hate me, but I was sort of blind I suppose. I really do love you Yeua and I thought that I would stop at nothing to get you back, but I just ended up causing you pain. I'm really sorry for all of this." Yeua sat for a moment and just stared at her with his convicting eyes before they lightened up again and a smile spread onto his face. "Apology accepted. Just don't so anything so evil like that again. Also if you could show me an Omrie the way to the gaurdians then that would be very kind of you." "Alright." She lightened up as well and seemed a lot more joyful. She rushed over to him and grabbed him around the waist and gripped as tightly as she could. "I'll show you right away."
"It doesn't matter anymore does it." Yeua said. "If you have to go I want you to do one thing and that is never forget me or Omrie. We will never forget you and I promise that we will get you back no matter what. Both of us together working together as a team, just like you always wanted." "Yeua I." He hushed her. "Goodbyes are hard enough, but I am happy to hear your beautiful voice again. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I know that I would have done the same for you if I had the chance. Just remember us and you will be able to get through this, I promise." "Touching." J Walls said. "You were always to sentimental Yeua. I've always pitied the feelings that you had. Even when I had to act like you were my brother I pitied you. Just imagine if I could have just struck you down when I really wanted to. It would have been so easy, but I was held back by orders." "What do you know?" Yeua asked still holding onto Satsuki not realizing that only he and J Walls coud hear each other speak. The others seemed frozen. "You are Jericho aren't you?" "Yes I am. It's so sad to see the true colors of who you thought to be the closest to you isn't it. You must feel so betrayed right now." "But I saw you die?" "You saw my shell die. This is the real me. This is the me that wiped out the school that you grew up at just a day ago." "You what!?" "I killed each and every one of those idiotic people that think they can destroy the Nine Army. Of coarse I was hoping to save you for old times sake. That's why I took advantage of that girl that loves you so much." "You are a real bastard you know." "Yeah I do know that. And now I am taking your girlfriend away from you and your hope and happiness. Of coarse you could always just come with me and join me. That way you can be together and you won't have to die." "I would rather die then join you. And I'm not going to let you take her if I can stop you." "You can't just face it. You have no chance." "I'll find a way." [I]The gaurdians are the only way aren't they? Yes they are.[/I]
That voice. It sounded so familiar. J Walls? Wasn't Walls Jericho's last name? Before Yeua had time to react he could hear that Omrie was yelling for them to run after encasing the man in a large bubble. Yeua did as he was told, but grabbed hold of the girl as he did too. For some reason he felt like she was in some sort of danger as well. Was Satsuki running? he stopped and looked back at her, still close to J Walls. "Stay here." He said to the girl and set her down and drew his sword from his back and rushed towards the emense form of J Walls. In a giant leap he brought his sword down on J Walls' head, but a fist caught the blade and threw him down onto the floor. Yeua then felt a mighty heavy boot on his back beginning to crush him. He looked up and saw Satsuki. "Run." He spoke what he could. "For the sake of my love run."
BUT? Yeua didn't want fight either. He was prepared only to defend himself if he had to. He didn't want to hurt the people that he cared about. And what about the girl? What was she doing here then and did he have feelings for her or not? This is all so confusing. "Are you alright my love?" The girl asked. "Tell me is it true? Did you take Satsuki's voice to save me?" Yeua looked at her with desperate eyes. 'Yes." "Why did you have to do that? Why didn't you just save me? If you loved me then you would have done it without taking her voice. Why did you do it?" "Because I knew she would. I knew that she had some sort of a connection to you and she couldn't bare to see you die, at least not yet. I do love you and I would have done it without it, but I figured to take what I could get. Now you will never have to hear those words [I]I hate you[/I] come from her mouth ever. Yeua you don't need them, you need me." "Satsuki needs me." [I]That's what I've been telling you. Fight the poison that she has implanted in you.[/I] "Satsuki needs me to show her that I still care doesn't she? Yes she does. Give it back." "WHat?" "Give her back her voice. I want you to give it back to her. Keep the goddam key, but give it back to her. Do it now." "No. I can't do that. After everything I went through to find you I can't lose you to her. I can't let something or someone take you away from me again." The girl began to break down and cry. "I pitty you." Yeua said before he began to go after Satsuki. "I'm sorry, but I was told if something like this happened then I had to take all of you to him." She lifted her hands and in a flash it was all darkness for them. Everything was cold. And in the darkness you could hear a voice, another voice say, "Well isn't this the lovely bunch?" It was the voice of J. Walls.
The planet earth consists of elements. I don?t mean the ones you learn of in chemistry class either. I mean classic elements. The elements of fire, air, water, ice, metal, rock, shadow, and light. These elements are consistent with everything on Earth and every bit of it flows through us and shares out aura. Earth was God?s final product on a road of tests and tryouts. On his way to us he had several other trials. These trials were elemental worlds that are consisting of high concentrations of one of these elements. He considered each and every one of these projects a failure and watched as creatures unlike any other were born from these worlds inhabiting the traits of the elements around them. These creatures grew to have powers as well, but were kept on these other worlds because of their failure. After God had finished with the elemental worlds he planned on two final worlds. These worlds would become the combination of all of these elements in a chaotic harmony. The first was the world of the Dormai. The Dormai consist of eight creatures, one to represent each element and to rule over the elemental worlds. The second world was one he called Earth. This was the planet that produced the children he loved the most. He loved them because they were perfect to him. Dinosaurs inhabited this world, but the other worlds that were failures stood connected with the others, just blocked off. The end of the dinosaurs came when a powerful creature from one of the failed worlds discovered how to breach the void between worlds. He led an army that became loyal to him because of the sheer power he held just because he could cross-worlds. He led this army onto Earth and caused the downfall of the dinosaurs. The Dormai were well aware of this, but were as peaceful as they could possibly be. Occupied with holding off an invasion they had little they could do to stop their advancement onto Earth. Fortunately weapons were created that could stop the fight. It ended the onslaught of Earth and drove the monsters back until it they imprisoned the original jumper. These weapons were small jewels of power. With hopes that this sort of thing would never happen again the jewels were hidden on Earth in case Earth ever needed protection again. Passed down through generations these jewels became family heirlooms and not much more to anyone. They were fancy gems with no purpose, but soon they will need to be brought back and the youngest generation, the teenagers of the world will hold the responsibility of helping to fight back against the re-emergence of the old threat. Ok here is what sign ups need. Name: Age: (15-18) Gender: Gem: (Just give an element and no one can use the same one twice. Fire / Ice / Air / Water / Shadow / Light / Rock / Metal) Appearance: (Pic or description) Bio: (Background info about your character. Just so you know we all just happen to be in the same area.) Mine Name: Valdez Age: 17 Gender: Male Gem: Shadow Gem Appearance: Short black hair and rarely wears a smile. His body is well built, but is hidden underneath a black sweater and long black pants. A long chain, besides the one he has his gem on, goes from front to back pocketof his pants. His eyes are a golden color and skin is slightly pale. Bio: Valdez got his name from the comic book character created in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It?s been so long since he has been called by his real name that no one really remembers it that well. He is a killer hit with the girls but remains single for no apparent reason. He was trained in sword fighting and unarmed combat by his grandfather before he passed away three years ago. He spends a lot of time training and still does decent in school. He loves the color black, can be talkative but not annoying. He always keeps his gem on chain around his neck.