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The planet earth consists of elements. I don?t mean the ones you learn of in chemistry class either. I mean classic elements. The elements of fire, air, water, ice, metal, rock, shadow, and light. These elements are consistent with everything on Earth and every bit of it flows through us and shares out aura. Earth was God?s final product on a road of tests and tryouts. On his way to us he had several other trials. These trials were elemental worlds that are consisting of high concentrations of one of these elements. He considered each and every one of these projects a failure and watched as creatures unlike any other were born from these worlds inhabiting the traits of the elements around them. These creatures grew to have powers as well, but were kept on these other worlds because of their failure. After God had finished with the elemental worlds he planned on two final worlds. These worlds would become the combination of all of these elements in a chaotic harmony. The first was the world of the Dormai. The Dormai consist of eight creatures, one to represent each element and to rule over the elemental worlds. The second world was one he called Earth. This was the planet that produced the children he loved the most. He loved them because they were perfect to him. Dinosaurs inhabited this world, but the other worlds that were failures stood connected with the others, just blocked off. The end of the dinosaurs came when a powerful creature from one of the failed worlds discovered how to breach the void between worlds. He led an army that became loyal to him because of the sheer power he held just because he could cross-worlds. He led this army onto Earth and caused the downfall of the dinosaurs. The Dormai were well aware of this, but were as peaceful as they could possibly be. Occupied with holding off an invasion they had little they could do to stop their advancement onto Earth. Fortunately weapons were created that could stop the fight. It ended the onslaught of Earth and drove the monsters back until it they imprisoned the original jumper. These weapons were small jewels of power. With hopes that this sort of thing would never happen again the jewels were hidden on Earth in case Earth ever needed protection again. Passed down through generations these jewels became family heirlooms and not much more to anyone. They were fancy gems with no purpose, but soon they will need to be brought back and the youngest generation, the teenagers of the world will hold the responsibility of helping to fight back against the re-emergence of the old threat. Ok here is what sign ups need. Name: Age: (15-18) Gender: Gem: (Just give an element and no one can use the same one twice. Fire / Ice / Air / Water / Shadow / Light / Rock / Metal) Appearance: (Pic or description) Bio: (Background info about your character. Just so you know we all just happen to be in the same area.) Mine Name: Valdez Age: 17 Gender: Male Gem: Shadow Gem Appearance: Short black hair and rarely wears a smile. His body is well built, but is hidden underneath a black sweater and long black pants. A long chain, besides the one he has his gem on, goes from front to back pocketof his pants. His eyes are a golden color and skin is slightly pale. Bio: Valdez got his name from the comic book character created in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It?s been so long since he has been called by his real name that no one really remembers it that well. He is a killer hit with the girls but remains single for no apparent reason. He was trained in sword fighting and unarmed combat by his grandfather before he passed away three years ago. He spends a lot of time training and still does decent in school. He loves the color black, can be talkative but not annoying. He always keeps his gem on chain around his neck.
Yeua felt a sudden weight lifted from him and he could breath again. He pushed himslef up and looked about. Yeua threw a short coughing fit sending bits of blood to the ground. "How..." He gasped. "How am I still alive?" "I saved you my love." The girl said to him with a devilish look. "I saved you why your [I]friends[/I] stood by and did nothing." "Why does she look so sad?" Was all that Yeua could ask looking painfully at Satsuki as she wept. "Why is she so sad?" "Why do you care?" The girl asked. "They were about to let you die and they didn't even try. They were just going to let your life fade." "That's not true." Omrie shouted at the girl and grabbed her by the arm. Yeua threw up his own arm and tore Omrie away from her. "Leave her alone." He said shoving him away. "It wouldn't suprise me anyways. You were always watching me and just kept thinking of reasons why you could kill me. Weren't you?" "What!?" "Admit it you want me dead. And Satsuki over there doesn't even have the guts anymore to say anything to me." At that moment he could see Satsuki look away again and saddened even more in her quiet crying. "I'm sorry, that was a little harsh. Believe me Satsuki I don't want to believe that you are a traitor, I just don't have the proof to say that you aren't. I'm just going to be safe for now and assume that you are." He waited for a reply that couldn't come. "Don't you wish to comment on this?" Another few moments. "Satsuki? FINE, you be quiet. I never want to hear another word come from between those lips if you feel so strongly about this!" Such beautiful lips she had, but the last thing he remembers coming from them was that she didn't love him the way that he loved her. Jericho so far was right. "Now lets hurry out of here before the dammed red army soldiers capture all of us." The girl helped him to his feet and let him lean on her as he regained his balance planting several kisses on his cheek as she did this and muttering some words of incuragement with a subliminal message hidden in them that only two ears could make out and tell that they were there. The ears of a mute. "Thankyou." Yeua said giving her a small kiss back before they began to move as fast as the battered group could.
"No, this is not going to be our last fight." Yeua spoke softly to her. "I promises that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Even if you are a traitor or if you are not I'm not going to let you die. Not here, not ever." Yeua rushed the enemy and cut a notch into the side of a soldier and brought it arund in a circle to slice the feet out from under another. From the tp of hissword flung embers of fire that lit the enemy's around him. Satsuki was pummeling the opponents with her poll. Yeua just realized how injured she was. Her wounds were open and wer getting worse. She could die of blood loss if they didn't get out of this fast. Yeua batted away an arrow from hitting him and moved closer to Satsuki. He hit between the shoulders of an enemy coming at Satsuki from the side and then grabbed her arm. "We are running. We can't win this fight and I'm not losing you." He placed his sword on his back and scooped up Satsuki. He began to run with her, but feel when a sharp pain caught him in the back of the neck. Satsuki rolled on the ground and Yeua fell motionless to the ground, an arrow clean through his neck.
Name: Jason Mulduchi Type: Trapped Soul Age: 15 Gender: male Description: always appears as a faint pale figure. He would have been about 5'3" and very thin. His eyes and hair is red. THe hair hangs down a bit further in the back, but is considered short. He has black shorts on and a white shirt that is stained with bits of blood. He is bare-foot as well. Bio: Jason was a good school kid and was very shy. However he had really liked this one girl in his class so one a sunday he went up to her house to try to ask her out (don't ask why he chose a sunday). His confidence was shattered when she turned him down in a very rude manor. On his way home he was rushed by a couple of mean street punks. He was in no mood to even try to fight back and was struck hard several times as they stole his shoes. The dumped his sad and unconsious body in the same abandoned home as the other kids. His body was never found, but his sad and lonely spirit remains there, trapped.
Hey these kind can turn out to be a lot of fun so I'll go with it. Name: Scott Peterson Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://academic.evergreen.edu/l/leeadr09/images/guy.gif]Here you go[/URL] Relationship: He'll laugh at your jokes, hang around with a group of people, but seems to keep to himself. Hmm... Bio: As said he keeps to himself and doesn't seem to show too much interest in anything. If anything he is a good listener and sometime wishes to give advice, but never does.
Yeua could feel the pressure of the girl laying into him. He ignored it hoping that she would just go away, but she was sleeping. Yeua had to admit that story that she told him was a very sad and romantic one, but it also had an empty feeling to it, like she hadn't releavled everything to him. He wouldn't be suprised if she did. Satsuki was a traitor, Omrie wished him dead. How did he know the story wasn't made up? He had no memorys of those years anyways. Inside of his head two voices had a conversation. [I]You are scaring them.[/I] [B]What is there to be scared of? I'm the only one who has the whole picture around here. Neither of them understand what is going on.[/B] [I]Ever think that it is you who doesn't understand everything going on around you. Perhaps you are the confused one.[/I] [B]Impossible. Jericho told me everything. I know it is the truth, Jericho wouldn't lie to me.[/B] [I]That wasn't Jericho.[/I] [B]I saw him, it was Jericho.[/B] [I]Have you forgotten already? Jericho is dead. He couldn't be communicating with you because he is gone and his soul didn't have any method of gaining peace. It is free roaming, but caged as well. He is gone now, so why do you believe this imposter?[/I] [B]I'm beginning not to know what to believe anymore.[/B] [I]You would believe yourself woudn't you?[/I] [B]Well I suppose that depends. What state of mind that I am in?[/B] [I]You are really messed up, let me tell you that. Besides I am you, you can trust me.[/I] [B]No I can't. You are going against the only person I trust anymore.[/B] [I]Perhaps an enemy trick? Did you ever think of that?[/I] [B]No.[/B] [I]Well perhaps that is it, or maybe that this ghost girl has something to do with it. I would think that Jericho's visit and her sudden appearance at nearly the same time was some sort of odd coincidence.[/I] [B]Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't[/B] [I]Well what are you feeling right now.[/I] [B]Well...I don't know...like I've been split into three different people I suppose...wait are you telling me that I'm confusing myself.[/B] [I]Well partly.[/I] [B]You know thinking about it I'm beginning to remember something, yeah, I'm remembering that girl a little bit. Now I know, I know what I must do.[/B] [I]Wait you can't go yet.[/I] [B]See ya.[/B] Yeua woke up and looked at Omrie and Satsuki, he sneered a little at the traitors. He then looked down at the sleeping form of the girl and smiled for once in this past day. He kissed her on the forehead and brought her into him more with his arms wrapped around her body, and went back to sleep ignoring the plees of that other voice.
Another night of camping had drawn on and after the ghost girl had assured Yeua that he would be safe during the night a million times he finally went out, but the girl was not done for the night she still had something to do. The girl strolled herself over to the other man and woman that was accompanying Yeua. She just stood behind them until they noticed her. "What do you want?" The man asked. "Have you figured it out yet?" The ghost girl asked the two of them. She was not expecting them to understand yet, but if they did they would have to dissapear completely. "What are you talking about?" Asked the woman obviously acting as if there was no idea in her mind of what Chu'cumbera may be doing. "Perhaps it should wait for another day then." The ghost girl turned away from them to go back to her love when the woman shouted from behind her, "What have you done to Yeua?" The ghost girl was not about to ignore this, she had something to confess of her own and she wanted to tell it to Yeua badly, but there would be no chance of them being if she did. Telling these two and then killing them would have to do. "Well I told Yeua the story about me, one that he couldn't remember, but not the entire story." She told the bit she told to Yeua and then continued from then, "The gem was just the means of finding him again, but I did not have the powers to do that. I was horrified one day to realize that I may never see my love again. I was frantic and when my home came under attack by the Nine army I was the only Kellage to survive it. For some reason the commander of this group took a special interst in me. He saw my need to see Yeua again. After the told me his title was J. Walls of the Nine army special forces he used some sort of magic that gave me more powers then I asked for. He told me I would need them because he had found new friends and a new love. I was so angry so I used an astril form to communicate with him. That was until I managed to find him with you two. I knew that he had to be turned against you." "So this sudden change in mood was because of you all this time." The woman said to her in an aggressive tone. "Not just me but Commander Walls urged me to as well. I did as he asked as part of a promise that Yeua and I will be alloud to live together in happiness for all eternity. Now if you don't mind I'm going to spend some time with my love before I eliminate the traitors."
Yeua barley noticed the figures following him or even cared really. He knew what he was doing was right. [I]No it's not.[/I] Well, it felt right to him anyways. Omrie wanted him dead, Satsuki just using him. He was once again alone. Alone. That's the way he was before he met Jericho. Before the day he met Jericho he had always felt lost. Like everyone is out to get him so he had to remail alone. "My love are you sure you want them following us?" The girl asked with her queer smile. "Your name is Chu'cumbera right?" Yeua asked. "As in the Kellage translation Hidden Demon?" "It is something like that I believe." Yeua smeared the blood from under his nose onto his sleeve. "Well demon girl, tell me of what you speak of when you asked me if I rmemebered you. Am i supposed to or is this just some sick game that you are playing with all of this lover stuff? After what Jericho told me nothing would surprise me about anyone today." "You really want to know?" "Yes. Perhaps I can work out some of this horrid past that I had lived and can't remember." "Okay. Well when you and I first met you and I were much younger in human terms. In fact if you would have compaired out biological develoupment at the time you and I would have been considered the same age. You had been carried into our town by a traveling show group. You had been asking around town if anyone knew your parents. Most of my people either laughed at you with a bitter cruelty or pushed you back onto the streets. I, on the other hand, couldn't bare to watch you just lay outside in the dirt. My parents aloud me to take you in for one night. I took care of you the beat that I could and you did the best you could to be a friend to me. I guess it was that quality that drew me to you in the first place. By the time you had gone to sleep I had unrealizingly fallen in love with you. When you were going to leave the next day I had to have some way of getting you back my love. So I gave you that gem that you are so fond of. Now that I've found you again I was hoping that we could start off where we left off. And if I remember it correctly you were about to make me into a woman." She gave him a sly tug on the arm. Yeua just pulled away. "You know I had never even considered the prospect of loving a woman that way until I had met Satsuki. And she betrayed me. Do you know how much that hurts? I could never trust a soul in my life." "You trusted me the night that I took you in. What makes now any different?" Yeua stopped for a moment. "Well, just don't get any of your hopes up. Nothing is predictable." He continued walking trying to ignore the girls tugs on his arms and the gaze of here eyes on him. It just kinda, felt creepy.
Yeua just chuckled to himself. He thought that Omrie had fallen into the same trap he had. He was almost to the point of laughing out loud, but he held it in. He didn't want to seem like he knew too much. If he showed that he did she could try to dispose of him at any time. Just to get an obsticle out of the way. [I]You know better than that.[/I]A small voice said to him, but he pushed it back and ignored it. It was Jericho that told him these truths and he would never lie to him. Jericho was his best friend in the world. Screw the others, they only wanted him out of the way. Omrie was already showing aggression towards him. He was going to try to kill him, he knew it. The girl that had been following them came over to Yeua and cradled him in her arms. She began to rock back and forth. That odd warm sensation ran into his body again. Yeau's rage towards the traitor grew. "Well my love if they wish to reject you we can always just go together." Yeua pushed the girl off with a hard shove and stood to his feet. His nose was running with fresh blood. He let some of it slide into his mouth and he tasted his own crimson life. He then looked at the girl who was now sitting back on the ground holding onto a wide smile. "I don't love you, you little bitch. Now show me the way to the goddam gaurdians before I take your head off." "What?" The girl sounded sort of shocked yet there was still that grin on her face. Yeua didn't even think that she was expecting this sort of behavior from him. "The gaurdians, well we could." The girl looked back and saw that the others hadn't noticed what they had said. "Let me ask you something first. That girl that you [I]were[/I] friends with,you appear to have hurt her feelings. Don't you think you should go appologize to her." [I]Do it. Try to make things right. That wasn't Jericho.[/I] The voice said and Yeua tried to ignore it again and did, but it was tempting. He did want to appologize to her. Deep down he did still love her very much, and Omrie too. He wanted to say he was sorry and that he wasn't acting like himself, but something warm became a barrier stopping him from doing that. He shouted to the other two. "Traitor's or not I know of something that will defeat the Nine army easily!" Omrie and Satsuki looked back at him. Omrie appeared annoyed and angry. Satsuki still had that hurt look on her face as well as a little suspicious one. His heart almost wanted to melt, but didn't. [I]Why did you kiss her? Why would you if she was a traitor and you believed it? Don't deny your instincts.[/I] Yeua again pushed this voice back as he fingered his gem. "This girl is going to lead us to the gaurdians that were used in the last war. We will call on them and then we will defeat the Nine Army. And remember I'm watching for the first sign of betrayal from you two, so don't try anything otherwise I'll notice. Lets move." He grabbed the girls arm and pulled her to her feet. She wrapped herself around his waist and felt him for a moment before taking the lead.
Yeau was weak and his hand was wrapped around his gem as tight as he possibly could get it. It would glow in his hand and he would never see it in his disturbed sleep what he did see was this: Yeau looked around him into a white void. Nothing was there until he heard a voice call his name. Yeua turned to see it was no one he knew. In fact he wouldn't have been able to reckonize this person even if he knew him, or her. He was sure it was a guy, but not positive. The person was a black shadow, and only a shadow. This person existed only as a streached black figure across the ground of the mind. "What do you want?" Yeau asked not expecting a response. "What do you think. I want you to have some realizations. I want you to have some clairity going on in your life and I plan on helping tp show it to you. I am the un-named enemy that you will be facing. I am the smae person who you seek. I lead a horde of the Nine Army towards the Kingdoms mainlands. Along with us comes our beastmasters with their visious whips. Taking control of Hydra, Minitaur, Basilisks, Bradocks, and Mardukes. The giant creadtures of uncontrolable strength come from the north of you and your only hope in defeating any of this comes with your clear head and the help of ancient gaurdians that only Kellage know the location of." The shadow morphed itself and lifted from the ground. The shadow took the form of Jericho his dead friend. "Yeua you know my friend I was never able to tell you this before I died but you were really the only friend I ever made. Perhaps if I lived long enough to see these knew ones I would have been able to point out some problems." "What problems?" Yeua questioned. "I'm your friend and I must tell you the truth. I have seen inside of their hearts and seen their true intentions. The girl that follows you is meant to lead you to the gaurdians, but that is all. You should have known that from all the stories that you've heard." "I don't remember any stories." "I'm sorry about that, but I've seen into the others as well. Omrie is having problems of his own. He is getting mixed up and isn't sure really what to think. He is sensing emotions that he is not used to and is becomeing paranoid. He is beginning to see you as a threat and he will destroy you unless you manage to do it first." "That can't be. That must be a lie." "Why would I lie to you Yeua. We have the loving bond of friendship and that is not to be broken. I only speak the truth. Now I must state a few things about Satsuki." "SHUT UP!" Yeua tried to cover his ears, but the voices kept on coming. On the outside his eyes were watering with tears again. "Satsuki is a twisted one indeed. She is using you to further herself. She is using sex appeal to twist your own mind. I've seen the feelings that you have for her and they are misslead. You've grown to feel the same bond that you have with me. Then you grew closer to her in your mind. That went beyond you and me. You fell in love with her didn't you? She doesn't love you Yeua, she never has. She doesn't even like you." On the outside Yeua's body twisted itself and wrapped its arms around Satsuki's waist and cried into her side. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed inside of his head then woke from it. His head clearer than before, or so he thought. Yet troubled. Yeua could see that he was holding onto Satsuki, but she was out cold. Sleeping peacefully and looking beautiful. His cheeks were hot and wet. Omrie and the girls backs were turned to them. Yeau couldn't help but to look up and see Satsuki's gorgeous face. He loved it, her face, her body, her hair, that little metal thing in her mouth, all of it. He couldn't believe that she didn't love him. He sat up as quiet as he could and kissed her.
Oh shit, this was just perfect for Yeua. Now he was positive that Satsuik thought that he probably was in love with this girl. The truth was he wasn't, he wouldn't, he couldn't. Just thinking about it made him feel sick. To his friends he looked kind of sick too. Yeua wanted to explain himself, but unlike all those other times right now he just couldn't say anything and he was suffering because of it too. "Are you alright?" "Just give me a few." Yeua said quietly. Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes.They kept building up as his heart tore itself apart. Satsuki was shifting away from him. Jericho was dying, no dead. This war. The world around him. All of it going. The tears found their escape and poored out with small bits of whimpering. With that his world went into peices. He broke down. His head was spinning. Then he passed out.
(No problem, really. I've had the same happen to me.) Yeua shuffeled along side of them as Omrie carried Satsuki. The girl followed them closely making sure that she was behind Yeua. "Well you remember me telling you about all of the times I've sort of seen this ghost?" "Um, yeah. At first I almost thought you were crazy." Satsuki replied. "Oh, I thought it was that stuff you gave me when I stole off that plate of food. Anyways it turns out that this girl is real and she is really in love with me. In fact I was slowed down from getting you those bitter leaves when she kissed me and..." "WHAT?! She kissed you? And you let her do that?" "Oh boy." Omrie muttered to himself and shook his head a little. "You don't even know who she is and you let her do that to you?" Yeua was almost paralized in fear. He wasn't moving even his feet anymore. He wasn't sure if it was from how loud Satsuki was, or if he didn't expect this kind of reaction, or maybe it was that he hadn't really realized up until this point that Satsuki feels the same way he does. Either way he still fell like a statue when the ghost girl poked him. The girl looked down at Yeua and gave a quick smile and then turned to Satsuki. "Um, maybe I should do a little bit of explaining since my love here seems to be frightend of your yelling. My name is Chu'cumbera. I'm a Kellage if you can tell and we do age a bit slower than you humans do so you do look really old compaired to me ma'am, but don't take that personally." Yeau just stayed on the ground and listened. He really didn't want to get involved or have to mention what the girl wanted him to do to her.
"Well she used to be a ghost that turned up places." Yeua tried to explain. "Now I think this is really her." "That doesn't explain why she is following you." "Well the reason for that is because for some odd reason she thinks the she and I are lovers." "What!?"
"Is she all right?" Yeau asked watching as Omrie felt for her temperature. "Yeah, she should be." Omrie replied. "I suggest that we let her rest for a while otherwise the fever could return." "That's fine. That bastard can wait." Yeua looked back at the girl who followed him. "Oh, Omire meet freaky ghost girl." He smiled and began to play with his stone again. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger as Omrie looked at her and then back at Yeua. "Is this what kept you?" "Um. yeah." Yeua chuckled a little. "Well she kinda, bothered me." "Is this your friend?" Yeua didn't notice the girl move down and over Satsuki.
Yeua continued to feel the bliss of the warmth rushing from her lips, into his, and then spreading across his face in pleasureful waves. [I]I want you.[/I] He couldn't help but to enjoy what was happening. Wait, wasn't there something he had to do? [I]No, just be here with me.[/I] He was sure- [I]NO! I need you so badly and I've waited so long. Come with me.[/I] But? Yeau broke the kiss that she had pulled him into. "A friend needs my help." He stood up from her and scooped up the bitter leaves. "Wait. Why won't you be with me?" The girl pleaded following him as he stepped on. "Why won't you just come with me and make me yours? Steal my innocences like you promised?" "First of all I don't know who the hell you are. Second, I have a friend who is on the edge of death possibly. And finally I got some fricken ass to kick for a friend that I lost in this war." "I'm at least coming with you love. There is going to be one time or another along the way that you will be able to keep that promise." "Do as you wish as long as it doesn't get in the way of me helping a person that I love." Yeau kept walking on with the girl following him.
Yeua rushed north as fast as his painstricken body would take him. He wished he could go faster, but nothing would move those limbs faster. The trees in this wooded area weren't as this as they were in the woods where he snuck up on Satsuki a while back. He was sure at that time she probably just thought of him as a perverted fool who was also very clumsy. At least they had become friends. Maybe more than friends. He and Jericho were more than friends. Not as a man and woman would be, but just as two of the best friends in the world would be. Then Yeua realized that there was one difference between the two. Yeua loved Jericho very much, but he felt that he loved Satsuki more. This was a strange feeling since the most important person in his life up till now had only been Jericho, but he was gone now and two new friends were here. Yeua could see the bitter leaves and grabbed handfuls of them, forgetting how many Omrie told him to get. Yeau took up the armfulls and then peered through the trees and just over a large rock. From behind it stuck two eyes and the top of a head. Something familiar about them as well. He dropped the leaves when it came to him. "So are you a ghost this time or are you real?" "Take a wild guess." The girl that loved him told him. "A ghost." "You're a bad guesser." She giggled and emerged from behind the mosscovered boulder with a white gown flowing steadily behind her. She was a different sight to behold than Satsuki. Still very attractive, but Satsuki had a bust that this girl just couldn't beat. "So anyways my love, I finally have found you in the flesh." "I guess you have, but why?" "Why? Why what?" "Why have you been trying to find me and why do you supposedly love me?" "You don't remember me?" She didn't sound surprised. "Not ever since that first ghost thingy you did." She moved closer to him and became only an arms length away. "It doesn't matter as long as we are together now my love." She took him by the shoulders, where she touched a roasty-toasty warmness spread. She moved onw down his back and a bit lower than that. Then she pressed her lips against his and he heard inside of his head. [I]I can't wait any longer. I want you now.[/I]
"Good job." Yeua said sitting up from the dirt and looking over Satsuki to make sure she was not injured. After he was sure she was all right Yeua turned back to Omrie. "See what you can accomplish when you listen to Satsuki." Then Yeua's mind went blank. The others seemed to dissapear behind a haze and a voice spoke to Yeua. "Come to me love. I can't wait to see you. I can't wait to be with you." The haze faded and he was back with the others without a moment even seeming to have passed. "Well my ride is gone." He didn't think right now was a good time to mention what just happened. "Looks like I'm tuffing it from here on out."
So she felt the same as he did. Yeua found this as no surprise at all. Both of them had gone through a period of lost now. Thankfully he was able to understand her almost as well as she understood him. Maybe that's what attracted him to her. Or it was just because she has one hell of a body. Yeua gently tapped his shoes against the sides of his escort and it began to move slowly. Yeua looked back and saw that Omrie was following as well. They were off again on another adventure. Yeua felt like he was in one of those popular roll playing games that some of the other students had told him about. Satsuki kept whisltling her little tune and Omrie continued practicing just holding one of his arrows and drawing the charge as he walked. Yeua just enjoyed the ride. Then a small whisp in the air caught his attentiin before he heard a wet thud. His steed flew up underneath him and sent him off backwards. The animal shrieked and then took off.Satsuki rushed to help him up, but another whisp and she ducked back to avoid getting a dart through the throat. "Get low!" Yeua shouted. "We are under attack!"
"Then what are those floating over there?" Yeua pointed out to a mass of floating wet cloth. Omrie quickly swam out and retrieved them which made Satsuki laugh. "That's really disturbing." Yeua decided that Omrie was embaressed enough and didn't want to start a fight so he changed the subject. "Continueing with Jericho I knew him really well. He was my only friend and I was his. We trained together and competed against each other. The oddist thing was that he fought unlike any other is this school. I different technique." "What are you trying to say?" Omrie asked with a hint of frustration in his voice. "That Jericho knew a style besides the one they teach here. That's why I am glad that he was on our side." Yeua paused for a moment. "Hey Omrie, have you ever had visions of a younger ghostly girl that seems to be in love with you and can heal wounds instantly?" "What?" "Just wondering." Neither Omrie or Satsuki could help him, that could be a problem. "Satsuki have you rested enough or do you need more time?" He intended on letting her go as long as she liked dispite his own need to hurry and kill.
"Yeah, like doing in whoever took care of Jericho." Yeau said a frown and glare of anger on his face. They had to take on the mission that Jericho died on. An assasination. Yeua could remember talking to him just before they left on their seperate missions. Jericho told him that their was a powerful man that was leading the assault towards the capital. If he was stopped it would havew put a huge damper on the Nine army's progress. "And if my ass wasn't so chafed I would be riding hard and fast to get there and slaughter every last one of those Nine army bastards." "Settle down, rest up there." Satsuki said patting the horse. "Listen to him complaining, you poor boy." "It's a girl." Omrie remarked. "Whatever." She continues to pet the horse. Yeua watched her as she did this and gave way a little smile. Yeua had been too down ever since he fund out Jericho had died. Maybe it was time to be a little happier. "She is pretty isn't she?" "What?" Satsuki looked back with a little redness on the cheeks, maybe she thought that Yeau was thinking outloud. "The horse. She's a very nice looking horse. At least I think so. I don't usually take time to look at things that are beautiful like this, but I think I'm going to start making the time now." And a lot of this time may be spent looking at Satsuki.
Yeua tried to get back to his feet, but there was an emense pain running through his entire body. He almost felt like he failed, but Omrie was back. He held out just long enough to get their friend back. A higher class student then came down the hall along with one of the instructors at the school. THey stopped and looked at the scene of three people. Yeua on the floor with his legs resting against the wall and Satsuki wrapped around Omrie pleading with him. "Is something going on here?" The instructor asked. "No." Yeua replied with the pain showing in his voice. "We are just re-enacting a scene from West Side Story. You see I'm Peweblo." "Um, well keep it down and report to the main office. I hear you three have another mission being assigned to you." They continued walking. "Wow, they actually bought that story." Yeua said with suprise. "Hey you two, I know that your doing that crying thing right now, but we have a new mission and I can't move." He waited a moment. "Okay you continue I'll go crawl to the main office." He began dragging himself with his arms.
Yeau lunged a leg out from behind the corner catching Omrie, or at least his body, across the legs causing him to trip up. Yeua jumped on him and got his arms under Omrie's and around the backl of the neck hooking the fingers. "I've gotcha now you bastard." Yeua said. "Satsuki won't give up a neither shall I." "You're just a foolish as the other is." He replied. "I may be foolish, but it's you who is being held right now so don't go getting any ideas about escaping. I know what Satsuki has gone through because now I have to go through it and I'm not going to let you take away one of my friends." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeua had walked into the central office and went the the secretary's desk. He stopped there and waited until she looked up. "May I help you?" She asked. "Yes. I was wondering if the group containing Jericho Crossfire has returned yet?" Yeua had a great big smile on his face, but it was about to fade. "Oh, are you one of this persons friends?" She sounded sorry in a very sad way. "Um, yeah." "I regret to inform you that the entire team that he went with has been killed. All three of them are dead son." "WHAT!? He's dead? What was he doing?" "They were infiltrating a section of the Nine army and would destroy it before it reached the capital of the free kingdom. They were successful, but not before they were discovered and shot." "Well... thank you for telling me strait." Yeua left the desk and went back into the hall. Yeua then pulled out that old stone of his. [I]So this thing was telling me something. It was telling me that Jericho was dead.[/I] Then he saw something else in it. He saw Satsuki. She was being choked by someone, he couldn't see who. Yeua paniced and rushed heading back towards her room hoping that she would be alright. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's right you bastard." Yeua said to the captured body of Omrie he had. "I've already lost one of my friends. No more pain is coming to the people I love. I won't let you hurt Satsuki again."
"...um, is something wrong with your face?" Yeau asked. "No." she replied quickly. "Well anyways I didn't mean to just barge in. I planned on knocking and waiting, but those kids bumped me." Yeua quit the explaining and went strait to the point. "Do you remember the ghost girl I told you about?" "Yeah." Satsuki said getting that more serious look on her face again motioning for Yeua to have a seat and she sat next to him. "On our way back here she came to me again and said a few more things.And she even healed my wound some way." "That's odd." Satduki lifted the side of Yeua's shirt to see that there wasn't even a scar. "Well you're not lying to me. It's gone entirly." "I was wondering if you could tell me or help me out in some way?" "Of coarse I can." She said giving him a pleasent smile. "Just how I don't know yet." "Thanks Satsuki. Oh, and the stone I found while I was wandering as a child looking for any hint to my past. I found it only a few months before I came here." He gave her shoulders a tight squeeze and got up. "I'm going to check if Jericho's group has returned yet. I'll see you later."
Lina pulleed Gourry into the shop where she finally released him ffom her small, but powerful, hands. "Just stay there and keep your big mouth shut while I go to the counter." Lina said then turned and walked towards and older looking man cleaning a shelf behind the counter. "What's so important about this Oreyhcio stuff anyways?" Gourry asked himself as he looked into a display case full of magical items, but not knowing what they were good for. "Must do something otherwise Lina wouldn't be looking for it. Jeez, she only been trouble since I met her in that forest, but I did swear to protect her and that I shall do. God I'm hungry. When do we get food." Gourry continued on like that, changing the subject every minute or so not to get board, while Lina went to confront the store owner.
Well if no one signs up for Sylphiel then we could just have her be an NPC that Crucifix controls. Like Rezo.