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Everything posted by bogger3k

  1. Yeua was about to follow them when a voice called him and dragged him away for a moment. "I told you I'd see you again." Yeua looked downwards at the little Kellage ghost that he had seen before, only she seemed more lifelike this time. She wasn't as pale. "You're wounded my love." She said. "You're not just time are you?" Yeau asked in total shock. "Come here and let me heal it for you." Something else was different about this girl. She seemed a little older than what Yeua thought when he first saw her. She looked exactly the same, but just seemed older. Dispite the fact he didn't want to move he walked into the arms of the ghost girl who roughly came up to his chest. Her arm slid down his side and the wound he had seemed to lose all of its bite. It no longer hurt him like it did not too long before. "You really healed me." He said falling to one knee. "Of coarse my love. I would do anything for you." She whispered softly and brought her arms up around his neck again. "I will see you again. I promise." She vanished. "That was creepy." Yeua said then just followed the others paying close attention to Satsuki and Omrie. He only hoped that Satsuki would be able to help him with this little ghost problem. He would tell her soon.
  2. There where only two left and he had to finish them this time and if he did the mission would be complete and they could head back to base. He may even get to see Jericho again. Of coarse he also thought that he was fooling himself. Either way he caught the first one in the gut with a flaming stab but barely got beyond the fabric of his clothing before he rolled out of it. Yeua ducked a double team from behind and stood up to see them looking at him from several yards away. Yeua then drove the tip of his blade into the ground and stopped. "What does that do?" One of them asked. "I'm actually have no idea what this could possibly do." Yeua replied. Then and eruption from under the ground engulfed both of the spies. "Or it does that." Yeua brought he blade free of the ground to see the flames had gone out. His stab wound was hurting him again, but Satsuki did a good job of stiching him up. And she had been so gentle. He loved it. Then he saw the stare down, Satsuki and Omrie both looking at each other. Yeua wasn't sure what to do so he did what he did best. He tripped and fell flat on his face.
  3. Name: Gourry Gabriev Age: I've seen the entire serise, watched all of the movies, read all the manga, and I've even started the novels and I still don't know Gourry's age. Gender: male Class: Warrior Magic: None Weapon: Normal Bastard Sword / Sword of Light (after removing the metal blade the bastard sword becomes the Sword of Light) Appearance: [URL=http://www.inverse.org/e/bkg/chars/gourry-trans.gif]Gourry[/URL] Personality: A basic air head that never thinks anything through and forgets almost everything. He can't retain knoledge, but is very protective of Lina even though she constantly beats him. Bio:When Lina Inverse destroyed the Dragon no Kiba (Dragon's Fang) gang, and was later encountered by a small array of vengeful bandits, Gourry Gabriev jumped in to save her. Though Lina appreciated the offer, she initially opted against accepting Gourry as a bodyguard, but Gourry's big-brotherly nature prevented him from acting otherwise. Gourry, dense as a brick, saw Lina as a younger girl in need of protection, and thus, he offered it. Gourry is the owner of the most powerful sword known to man, the mysterious Sword of Light. The Sword of Light channels its users intentions into energy, usually taking the form of a gleaming blade of light. Gourry has learned how to utilize the sword's energy in different forms, though, most notably the power of swinging it quickly downwards to form energy beam projectiles. Gourry is the swordsman of the group, and acts the role very well. He's single-minded in his protection of Lina, and even after helping Lina defeat Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu, he has resolved to follow Lina around wherever she goes. Supposedly, he has nothing better to do, and perhaps still sees himself as her guardian.
  4. As Satsuki released Omrie from his prison Yeua decided to use the element of surprise to take the iniative and attack these spies. As he did so hs sword blazed and he rushed towards one. He woulg have thought this had taken him off guard but his opponent's reflexes were unimaginable. He leapt and caught his blade with one of his own and flipped over Yeua. He tried to swing back and get him on the landing but he wasn't there. He was up in a tree and shot at his three poison darts that burnt in Yeua's flaming sword. "Satsuki I may need some help with these guys whenever you get a chance."
  5. As Yeua looked into the stone he realized that he was seeing more images in it. This time it was a lot clearer and he reckonized the images easily. It was Omrie and he was fighting. He was shooting arrows into werebeasts and jumping out of a tree. Then a glass prison encased him. The spy's, he was sure of it, had him trapped. If this didn't seem so real he would just think his mind was playing tricks on him like the other night and with the ghost. Then again maybe it is all real. Maybe Jericho is dead. He couldn't think about that right now. His teammate, or who should have been, is in danger and Satsuki and him are the only ones that ca help him. "What are you looking at with such a shocked expression?" Satsuki asked. She had noticed the jem in his hands. "Satsuki, I know after what you said you are probably still mad at Omrie." Yeua said almost not wanting to continue. "But I hope that you will be able to put that aside for now and come with me to help him. He's in trouble and don't ask me how I know. I just do. So will you help me?" He just stared at her with forceful eyes waiting for a reply, and thinking about what he saw, what he's seen, what going to happen, and how pretty Satsuki is. How'd that get in there?
  6. I've actually been to one of the events and trust me it's just great. You get to see all the mistakes that they make that doesn't make it onto the air, this is Smackdown! I'm talking about, and it's juat a lot of fun. One of my favorites is Ulitmate Warrior and Sting.
  7. "You know something I don't understand is why people always tend to rip their own clothing to wrap up a wound." Yeua mentioned out of the blue. He was hoping that it would help banish the small fit that she threw earlier. "How come you don't tare my clothing? It's already ruined." "Not sure." Satsuki replied. "I guess it's just more convenient." "Remind me that at the next town we enter that I'm going to buy you some new clothing. You know, as payment." "For what?" "For your kindness. You've been too good to both me and Omrie." Maybe the erong words. He really shouldn't be mentioning him anyways. Of coarse it wouldn't surprise him that Omrie had already moved towards the scouts. The stitches did hurt a little bit but the smile that Satsuki had numbed that pain. Yeua had been right about one thing, Omrie wasn't here. He wanted to reach for the gem and thought that it may seem weird to Satsuki. Well dispite hat he pulled it out anyways. He found that after he got it out he sort of wanted her to see it and to ask about it.
  8. "Where are you going?" Yeau called out making Satsuki flinch. She looked at him with very sorry and seductive eyes. Ones that just pleaded for you to forgive her. "Yeua? I..." She tried to reply. "Hey I know what you said and I realized that you wanted to be left alone. At least for a little while. Anyways considering that I decided to hide from a distance and slowly keep up, that way I could be sure that nothing would happen to you. I may not watch what I say but I am a good friend. If your going to be mad and yell at me to leave you alone and that you don't need my protection then go right ahead and do it. I don't mind. By the way I noticed that you have wounded your knuckles there." Yeua took a step forward. He fell again. This time it wasn't clumsyness. This was his stab wound, it had reopened, deeper than before.
  9. Yeua just looked at Satsuki compelled to follow her, but he knew that probably wasn't a good idea. She needed time alone. The only problem was they needed to finish this mission and they were extreamly close to their targets. If they didn't move now it may become too late, but Yeua only had what just happened on his mind. Omrie's comments, Satsuki's outburst. It was taring at him. He felt sadness for Satsuki and only wished to share some of his own warmth and kindness like she did to him when she just listened to him. He also felt pitty for Omrie. Not for anything besides his total dissregard for others. Yeua looked at Omrie and said the only thing he could holding back tears of his own, Satsuki's tears. "You realy are a heartless bastard Omrie. How could you say that? You must be one realy sad person to be able to do such a thing to someone who is trying to be your friend. Now I don't know what you are going to do, but I'm not going to let Satsuki wander off and get herself killed. I care too much about a friend to let that happen." Yeua followed the path Satsuki took, trying to stay a distance so she could have her space, not looking back. It was now he realized he felt the same for Satsuki as he did for Jericho.
  10. Yeua was almost shocked. He had seen that Satsuki could be rough but this went over his expectations. She just slapped Omrie. Yeua couldn't help but want to say something. He didn't know what but that strange thing that's been kicking in recently carried him along this as well. "You might as well just open up to her." Yeua spoke softly. "It's better now then later anyways. For some reason girls like her don't like to be pushed away from people and they seem to push back and get right in your face. I only suggest this because opening up to her tends to make her like you more. I know because I've done that exact thing. I told her something I wished to keep private." Yeua paused for a second. "Wow I can't believe that just came out of my mouth. I had no idea that I had that kind of wisdom. Anyways bud, it's for you to decide. In the mean time the place where the scouts were spotted is just outside of this town. We need to leave now otherwise spend the night, which I don't want to do." Yeua ran after Satsuki. "Hey wait up!" Omrie followed.
  11. "Yahoo, rumble!" Yeua shouted as he started to randomly pound away as a riot broke out inside and around the bar in which he had just been in a while before. For some reason something told him the beginning of the fight had something to do with one of his friends. Yeau shoved and fought his way through until he found Satsuki. He turned his back to her and began to watch it, she did the same for him. Almost back to back they fought the drunks. "You know it was stupid to just go running off like that." Satsuki said. "I had to do it. There is no other way to explain it." Yeua replied. "It's nice to know that you where worried about me." "Hmph." "OK. So do you know where Omrie is in all this? If we can find him we could probably escape together." Nope, he wasn't acting like himself at all.
  12. Yeau looked around cautiously observing each person carfully. Not a good bunch if you asked him. He was certainly glad that he had Omrie and Satsuki with him, dispite getting seperated from them more than once as well. Yeua had a bag full of coins to his side so he was more than willing to pay for drinks, but he wasn't much of a drinker. More of a [I]give me one ale and I'll be here two weeks drinken it[/I] kind of guy. He didn't even ask for anything to drink and decided to just let the others have their fun. Besides the view from behind Satsuki was pleasant enough. Then his mind began to wonder. It wanted to see the gem again but in fear of what happened last time he saw it kept it tucked away. Instead he remembered the little girl, or the ghost of one. Perhaps a memory locked away that just popped out. Perhaps she was his younger sister or a really good childhood friend, but none of that made sence because she was Kellage. He then remembered that she said that he would be seeing her. He had to get answers. Yeua dropped several coins on the table and stood up. "You two enjoy youselves for a little while. I have something I have to do." He said and with that he didn't even let the scolding voice of Satsuki stop him from running out of the pub. Out the entrance and aronud the side. He was fortunate enough to find a ladder to the roof. A great place to cheak out the city with very little danger. He could also see if he could find the little girl once more. Again unlikly because if she was real Kellage arn't welcome in this town. He jumped rooftop to rooftop viewing various intersting things. Merchants selling items and buying them up for less than fair deals from gullible people. Some other transactions that many towns have outlawed but since this one hasn't he could do nothing. Then he came to one roof that had a very narrow and dark ally between it and the next one he had not benn on yet. At this point he had given up and hope of finding the girl specifically, but he found something else. "Give in sweety." The words of an imfamous voice, that he couldn't reckonize but could tell just by the details in it, caught his attention. He looked over the ridge and saw that three men, all very banditish looking, where moving in on a stumbling girl. She looked terrified and they looked like they had something very bad on their minds. "This will be over quickly unless you strugle too much young one." Another one of these mad looking men said as they moved closer to a girl who's back was now against a wall. Yeua once again had that first instinct to run away, afraid to help for some reason, but just like last time he didn't. Yeua was able to stand and draw his blade having it's burning steel begin to glow brightly. He could see all three of them had daggers and there was no big deal there, he could handle it. He jumped and landed between the girl and the men kneeling. "Who the hell are you?" One of them asked as Yeua stood from a kneeling position that he hasd landed in. "One very terrified guy that want's to try to beat your ass." Yeua choked out with the blade trembleing in his grip. They laughed at him. "Ha ha, look boy's entertainment before the meal." The one in the center said taking one step forwards with his dagger. Yeua's blade really got going once he managed to block the dagger from cutting directlin into his neck. The guy winced as the flames singed the hairs on his knuckles. Yeua pushed sending the guy stumbling back. The other two joined in lunging both of their daggers at Yeua. He ducked and rolled taking his blade, which was harmless to him, into his chest and norrowly escaping, by the shirt on his back, from being gutted by two men. As he finished the roll he unfolded and brought the back of the blade around his side sweeping the legs out from under the two men. When he finished the turn a wet feeling grew just below the knee. He looked and the dagger of the first guy just flew into his flesh and drew his blood. He looked forwards at the man who threw it. Yeua shook his head and sent a forcefull blast of arching flames from the swing of his blade that lifted the man off his feet and sent him into the street with singes all over his body and running for his mommy. The others followed. "What the hell was that?" Yeua just asked himself. "I've never done anything like that before. I'm not that good. I sure hope that they don't have any friends. Also I really got stabbed there." He whinned not evne really paying any attention to the pain as he removed the short dagger and examining a not too deep cut. Nothing to worry about, just hope that Satsuki doesn't notice or she'll give him hell. "You're a bit childish for a savior." The girl behind him said as she came around him. "Thank you anyways, I'm very gratful." Yeua's spirit lightened up as another drive kicked in. "Just how greatful are you?" He asked with his own ubnoxious and dirty intentions. "Enough for this." He recieved a small hug around the neck. She then rused off but not without Yeua getting a good look. "Man, baby got back." He paused. "Did I just say that out loud?"
  13. "I don't know Omrie." Yeua replied softly. "I hve no clue at all th..." He sort of trailed off into what sounded like crying. The others leaned in to see what was wrong with him. Yeua jumps to his feet startling everyone sending them backwords and away from him. "I'm over it lets get going. Oh, by the way I may have seen a ghost of a little girl who is in love with me or something. Anyways...." satsuki cut him off.
  14. First instinct was to turn and run. "Yeah I'm gonna get this group killed." Yeua softly spoke to himself. He wasn't really a skilled fighter in any area, he handled his sword ok and his flame powers were alright, but for some reason he felt like an outcast. First instinct was to turn and run. He couldn't be thinking that. These people were his partners. He couldn't abandon them. Besides after what he had just said to Satsuki about the night before he couldn't run. He wasn't a coward. Yeua's head smacked into a tree because he was once again not looking where he was going. "Oh shit." He muttered and fumbled to plug a nose bleed from the conk. Then he also noticed that he had lost track of the other two as well. "Not again." It was kind of like last night. Maybe he was still dreaming. Whatever it was he was no longer chasing Satsuki and was back in the woods. "Who are you?" A voice asked from behind him in a calm gentle voice. Yeua turned around and looked down to see what was a teen-age girl. She wasn't very tall so Yeua bent at the knees to look her strait in the face. He had never met one before but he could tell that she was Kellage from several features on her face. "What are you doing in this forest little girl?" Yeua asked not knowing her real age or anything and then realizing that she was probably older than her. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I'm not allowed to disscuss that." The looked at him for a moment like she had been this entire time and then moved something besides her mouth. Her arms drew a tight grip around his neck and she pulled him into her. "I love you." She said to him in a very innocent and playful voice. "And I'll be seeing you love." With that the grip dissipeared entirly as well as the girl. Yeua just stood for a moment in dissbelief and then shook it off. "There has got to be something in the water." He said to himself. "Now where are those crazy team mates of mine?'
  15. "We can talk while you dress." Yeua said turing around and placing both hands across his eyes. "I promise not to look. I may be a dirty woung man, but I don't go back on my word or anything like that. It's a matter of honor you know." Yeua waited a moment looking for a reply, his hands didn't budge and millimeter from over his eyes he was determind to keep his word like he always has. Yeua had actually not planned on even starting a cenversation. His original plan was that he was going to hang out in the trees and just watch. He had done it before and hadn't been caught ever before. The only thing was that as he was drawing closer he began to want to be caught. Then as he thought things out he had realized that he kind of wanted to talk, even though he knew he also didn't. He figured that it would be better to just come out and not hide or anything like that. "Okay you can look know." Yeua heard Satsuki say behind him. He turned around and looked at the dressed form of Satsuki. Her hair was wet still and it made her look kinda sexy actually. "So what's this about a feeling last night? This isn't pants related is it?" "No." Yeua said defensivly. "I swear to the gods that this isn't anything like that." "Then go ahead." Satsuki sat down the firmness that she showed in her voice and expression dimming and a more kind and gentle part began to show of her personality. "Well this is how it is. I sort of told myself that I wouldn't be talking to anyone about this or anything, but for some reason I just feel I can open up to you. Not that I think you'll understand, no offence, but I do think that you will listen with a certain understanding of it." "You didn't just have some sort of nightmare and then hit your head did you?" "Man you jump to conclusions about me so quickly. What I'm talking about is like a part of your heart was ripped from you." "Oh, did you have that sort of feeling last night?" "Well sort of. I...well I...it's hard to explane. I'll just give you the basics. I began walking and I was sort of in a deep trance last night. I kept walking too, then suddenly images flooded my head and I began crying. It's embarressing to say but I was crying for my friend Jericho. I don't know why but I was crying for him. Then I snapped out of it, couldn't see you guys in any direction, then next thing I know I trip and then I wake up back at camp. So what'd ya think?" "Hmm. Not sure." "Big help you are. At least you know medicene and can cook some pretty decent food. Anyways I feel realy crudy too so if you don't mind I'm going to hop in the stream. You're welcome to stay if you want."
  16. "Well it appears that I somehow got back to camp." Yeau said looking around himself still getting chills from what had happened the night before. "What?" Omrie asked only getting a shred of what Yeua had just said. "Nothing." Yeua said in his little lie that he was keeping from everyone else. Was that Jericho's head he saw and was the feeling right? Now that he thought about it he couldn't imagine a sence of loss the night before, but instead a feeling of betrayal. "Well whatever it was I'm sure that it was some sort of illusion induced by the lack of sleep I've been getting recently. Or it was a dream and I was just sleeping here the entire night." "You're talking to yourself." Omrie pointed ouy to him. "Thanks for the update Omrie. I probably should stretch my legs a bit." He got up and began to walk towards the way that Satsuki had just left. "What are you doing?" Omrie called after him. "Tree climbing!" Yeua replied, another lie (well sort of).
  17. Yeua watched as the others slept soundly beneath the tree. He was restless and full of energy unlike they probably were. He now sort of wished that he had asked Satsuki if she had any sleeping syrum before she went to sleep. He hadn't finsihed his meal. He was almost afraid to take the first bite. Afterall the last thing that he ate that Satsuki had touched had made him sick. "You know it's not half bad with a little soy sause." He said as it became a drenched plate of stir fry in say sause. "Yum." He finished it and set the plate aside. Yeua noticed the flame was getting low and so was the fire wood reserve that he had collected. He wasn't cold at all, you know since he has some fire powers, but he was getting worried that this early in the night that possibly his teammates could get very cold and that wouldn't be good. He set off for some more fire wood. He had to find some since he decided to throw the last bits onto the remaining fire. It wasn't too long and he began to find peices. One here and one there. He got board doing this of coarse. It wasn't exciting. When Yeua returned to the little camp they had set up he began to set the dry wood back onto the fire. It began to taste the new stuff and seemed to like it since it grew in size and beauty. It lit up the area quite well and gave an alluring shadow over everything. And now for some reason he just looked away from it and directly at the sleeping form of Satsuki noting every little detail about her. Even the metal that seemed to be in her mouth, he'd have to ask her about that. "You know Yeu, she ain't half bad like this. Now only if she was this nice and beautiful when she was awake." Once again speaking his mind, leaping before looking. He was sure glad that she was sleeping or he could possibly be in huge trouble. "I'm sorry." He muttered softly to her sleeping form. "Well then the adventure begins." Yeua said after a few more minutes of just staring at Satsuki and imagining the images of other girls in his mind, like that cutie that worked the speaking system. He pulled out he stone. He looked deeply into this now. It seemed to have a magical glow to it from the light of the fire. It came as an odd sensation at first before he realized that the stone was drawing him in, all of him. Well his mind at least. As he was staring into it an image seemed to appear in it. Something that looked familiar and seemed to be in a group much like his. He got to his feet when he saw something red spray across this image. He began to walk as well but he didn't realize it. The images seemed to be getting larger and more vivid. Then another spray and a head flying. [I]Blood! It was BLOOD![/I] He gasped and dropped the stone and began to weep, "Jericho, what, Jericho, why, why, come on why is this, Jericho?" He wasn't sure what this meant and why he was weeping for Jericho. He was certain that the head wasn't his friend's. Just some sort of feeling. He whipped away the tears and picked the stone back up and stuffed it away. He knew that he was going to keep this to himself. Satsuki was a medical assistant not a mental or emotional. And Omrie was too unloved to understand most likely. "When moring comes and daylight breaks we will move again." He said and turned back around towards where he left the others just to find they weren't there. He had moved farther than he thought. "Oh, shit." He said and began to move in the direction that he hoped he came from. Of coarse he tripped and fell flat on his face as he moved along. "I swear I don't do this in combate." He cried.
  18. Yeua pratically ignored everything the others were doing. He was almost off in his own little world looking deeply into the stone that he always carried with him. He did this before every test he ever took and before every bout that he fought and it somehow enabled him to sum up courage enough to do what he had to do and to complete what he had to complete. It was all he had from the past and dispite this he was still able to respond without knowing. "You're right so lead the way." In response Omrie walked on. Yeua slipped thw lightly glowing stone back into this pocket to keep it protected. They began to walk north towards where they were told to meet with the scouts and take them out. Yeua knew that it was going to be a long trip to where they needed to be but he released the sword from his belts and held it from his right hand as he walked admiring the shine from the sun off of the fire tinted blade and metal flames extending from the blunt side of the blade. He gave it a nice smile and continued along the path.
  19. "Look I'm sorry if I upset either or both of you." Yeua apologized. "And your correct about the stealing thing. Anyways you didn't have to tell me anything if you didn't want to. I do thank you for sharing that bit of your life with me." Yeua wasn't sure if either of them were listening to him. "I'm sorry." Yeua got up and slide the door open and walked out leaving the other two behind. "Of coarse little does she know I still got a bit of food. He took some out of his pocket from a napkin and stuck it into his mouth. It tasted good whatever it was. Yeua continued down to a map and looked at it. They were the first stop on this trains trip. As soon as it stoped the real adventure would begin. "Well I'm here with a country boy and an adopted child." Yeua spoke to himself. "Hmm, well at least they have memories of their families and parents. Hopfully good memories to fall back on when it comes to the times they are the most depressed in their lives. I don't though. I've been miserable all my life." As Yeua spoke to himself he watched down at the ground quickly passing beneath them. He sudden got a urge deep in his stomach. It turned inside of him. "That bitch." He suddenly said not thinking about why but knowing it had some connection to the food and Satsuki. He ran through the car and down to the bathroom. Occupied, dammit. He ran to the next car and down to the next bathroom and found that it was open. He didn't even close the door and let loose into it. A few eews and yucks came from beyond the bathroom. "Crap that sucked." He said stepping out of the bathroom as the toilet carried his lunch away. He felt much better now but his mouth burned and his nose could pick up the remaining stench that just ran up his gut and out his mouth. Then the trained stopped. Actually it slowly creeked to a hault and then jurked a little as it quit moving. Yeua knew that it was time to run back to the rest of his team so he did so. He opened the door and saw them both sitting again.
  20. "Yeah I'm alright." Yeua replied. "You two cushoned my fall." Yeua gave him a smile and sat down across from him. "Yep, a nice little adventure that we had before our mission even really begins." "Why do you need such a big weapon?" Well this question came out of the blue, at least it seemed that way to Yeua. "The sword?" Yeua replied. "Well it's just that it kind of connected to me being a small time fire-controler. Do you have any magic by the way?" "Nothing worth mentioning." Omrie replied. "Well you seem to be the silent one in our group so I'm going to start up a real conversation while Satsuki goes and fixes herself something. I'll tell you she looks almost like a twig." "Do you think before you speak?" Omrie asked another question that seemed out of the blue. "Not really. I say what's on my mind. I figure that's the best way to be as honest as you possibly can with other people." Satsuki returned with a plate full of food. "Are you two getting anything?" She asked. "Naw. I think I'll just snatch somthing off yours while your not looking." Yeua said with a playful little smile. "Better not." Satsuki said sitting back down next to Omrie. "Well since your both here I better make this quick." Yeua said suddenly. It was his turn to come out of the blue. "I know that this is a personal question for both of you but try not to take it the wrong way. Please tell me about your memories of your mother and father? About all of your youth experinces. It's somthing that I'd like to know if you could?" "What?" Satsuki questioned almoist sounding offended. "I knew it. The only person that I've never had to explain this to is Jericho. Well here I go anyways. The reason I want to know is because I don't have any of those type of memories. I can't remember my mother or father. I can't remember if I have any siblings or if I've always been alone. I've always seeked out answers to these questions but whenever I come close all I seem to feel is pain. As if I shouldn't remember this and that I'm trying to keep myself from learning them. The only reason I ask other people is because I find some comfort in knowing about other peoples pasts."
  21. "What was that?" Yeua questioned to himself as Satsuki walked away. He wasn't sure what it was that she said to him but the tone told him that it wasn't bad whatever it was. One thing he did notice was a child talking to her. Then the child walked away from them. "What's with the kid? She couldn't be fighting could she? A child has no place in this war." "We are one of the few schools left ever since the Nine Army began attacking them." Omrie told him. "Even some of that age are being forced to fight now because of the chance of losing this war." "That's not right at all." Yeua spoke in a harsh tone. "The next thing they'll be doing is sending infants into battle with miniature spears. Hey, that reminds me I have to go get my sword. Wait for me by the train will ya?" "We'll try." Omrie replied. "Thanks." Yeua took off running back the way they came and up into the main chamber and out into the garden. "I sure hope that they wait."
  22. "Well I'm sure that you all understand that with the current situation with the Nine Army and the reappearence of the monsters that we had to graduate all of you." The instructor assumed as he spoke to them. He paused for a moment as they all nodded to themselves. "If we had a choice you would all still be in training. Anyways I have have to give you your breefing and send you on your way." He holds up a small orb metal in texture and running with pulsing wires and blinking lights. He lets go of it and it floats in air projecting a picture of a large hill. "This is Mentor's Peek in the Dicoos Zone. Satilite has spotted scouts of the Nine Army in this area and if they spot the school their is a good threat of an attack. Your job is to intercept these scouts and eliminate or capture them if possible. Either way they can't report back to their main squad. Is everything clear?" "Yes." All three if them said quietly. "And one more thing. I warn all of you that you need to be very careful. Unfortunatly we are expecting many casualties." The instructer's head hung low with a sadness in his glare as he left the room and another door opened and that same soft voice of that girl came through telling them to go through. "So some scouts." Omrie said to himself as they walked through. Satsuki was walking further ahead of them in sort of a quick pace obviously trying to avoid them. Yeua grinned a small grin and then plastered on the most honest looking smile that he could. Better apologize or at least try to. Yeua sped up his walking and caught up with her looking over at her as they moved. "I do know that you have a name." Yeua said trying to be nice about it. "And I realize that I was rude earlier and I'm sorry. If it makes it up to you at all I think you'd like to know that I at least remembered your name. Satsuki, if I'm not mistaken. And I was hoping that maybe we could..." He was stopped short when hie head ran into a wall not realizing that they had to turn. "Shit." He rubbed his head as Omrie passed him still looking like he was thinking deeply. "Well it was worth a shot. Well the next time I go into town I'm sure that there will be plenty to admire there." OOC:If anyone is intersested in joining this I'm still welcoming players.
  23. "So me and Jericho wern't placed in the same group." Yeua said to himself as he passed through towards where he was supposed to meet his group."Groups of three to fight the Nine Army. Well I hope that it's with a couple of cute girls. I could just imagine what the night with a couple of hotties would be like." He giggled to himself as his cheeks glowed a pale red. Yeua walked in and saw his teammates. "Darn a guy and that girl that I blew past." He muttered to himself. "Well at least she's not totally bad to look at." "Well hello." The boy said. "You must be the last member of this group. My name is Omrie." "Hi bud." Yeua said with a hint of dissapointment in his voice. AS he turned to the girl he spoke again. "I'm Yeua and I believe that me and this chick over here already have incountered each other before." "Watch your mouth buddy." The girl said holding up a threatening fist as she watched Yeua's eyes wander away from her as he tried to ignore her. "Whatever. I'm just kinda glad that we are gonna leave this school. So when is the instructor going to come and tell us what the deal is with these assignment?" "We don't know." Omrie said.
  24. A kingdom developed on the wings of trust and loyalty. 500 years of peace has followed the last Trigidom war. The surviving force gathered allies after the final battle and began to slowly establish order. As word spread of the wars end and the promises of a better life for all people came around common folk flooded to become a part of the new world which the Sarlls clan wished to build. As they grew in strength their kingdom quickly spread across the land occupying all but the Deadlands to west. People began to prosper and even wealth became a trend to the people. The Guardians that the warlocks in the war used as final war tools were sealed away. Schools began to be built to train children from a young age to become defenders of this kingdom. After the 500 years Jeckov Sarlls is the king of this world built on peace. Those who have been trained at the defense schools are stationed as regular law enforcers in most of the larger cities. Sometimes these young warriors would have to deal with a rampaging beast, but nothing extremely serious ever betook the people. Then it happened. The King?s advisor, a beautiful sorceress with magnificent powers and a crooked smile, disappeared. Soon after that a dark shadow appeared from the north. Hellious was the first part of the kingdom to fall. Along with the news of the conquest came the name of the threat. The Nine army. It advanced towards the capitol eventually spreading and scattering attacks throughout the kingdom. One town would still be a part of the old kingdom and the next over would be under Nine's control. People began to panic. Those in fear of their lives joined the army. And as the army grew in strength another shocking development took place. Ancient monsters of enormous power began to reappear demolishing cities in their path/ As the army moved it seemed that one of their biggest targets where the schools. With them quickly disappearing the schools began to graduate the students early and sending them into battle way to soon. The remaining schools soon became the bases of the resistance against the Nine army. Missions were carried out in squads, many of which succeeded but never returned. They would fight the ancient monsters and rarely win. With the death toll raising one of the only hopes left is to revive the Guardians. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeua awoke to a call over the speaker above his bed. The loud buzzing that came before the announcment allowed him and other students in his academy to wake enough to understand the message entirely. He waited for a moment to let the long buzzing to stop. He was wondering if this message was for the entire student body or just him. The voice over the speaker came from a woman. A cute girl that worked upstairs about his age. She spoke, "Yeua the head teachers want to see you in the main hall." Yeua got out of bed and put on his clothing. He slipped out of the room leaving his weapon behind. He felt that he didn't need it. As he was getting out he noticed that Jericho was leaving his room as well. "Did you get the same call I did?" Yeua asked. "That depends. Does the head teacher want to see you?" Jericho asked in return. He smiled slightly and rubbed his thigh. "Yeah. Is somthing wrong with you?" "No. I just slept the wrong way last night." "Shall we go then?" "Hey, for good old times lets take two seperate routs and see who can get their first." "Sure, but no head starts like before." "Fine" Yeua and Jericho walked into the main hall that circled around the dorm and turned opposite directions. They both held up three fingers and together brought one after the other down until their fist closed and they took off. Yeua took the left hall and took off in a giant sprint. Most people wern't up at this time but there were still some people inhabiting it. Like one girl that yelled after him after he blowed past her. He didn't know what she said, but he noticed her long blue hair and orange highlights. He came around towards the outside of the dorm area and leapt overa walland landed a few feet bellow where he was before. He ran across the garden towards the main hall where they all met for meetings and meals.He ran up the stairs and to the huge doors where he saw Jericho waiting for him. "Well then late as I expected." "You've never beat me before in a race even with your head starts." "I guess I just got better."
  25. I love the characters. Thanks for joining and I welcome you. Just a few more people and we should be ready.
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