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Everything posted by bogger3k

  1. A kingdom developed on the wings of trust and loyalty. 500 years of peace has followed the last Trigidom war. The surviving force gathered allies after the final battle and began to slowly establish order. As word spread of the wars end and the promises of a better life for all people came around common folk flooded to become a part of the new world which the Sarlls clan wished to build. As they grew in strength their kingdom quickly spread across the land occupying all but the Deadlands to west. People began to prosper and even wealth became a trend to the people. The Guardians that the warlocks in the war used as final war tools were sealed away. Schools began to be built to train children from a young age to become defenders of this kingdom. After the 500 years Jeckov Sarlls is the king of this world built on peace. Those who have been trained at the defense schools are stationed as regular law enforcers in most of the larger cities. Sometimes these young warriors would have to deal with a rampaging beast, but nothing extremely serious ever betook the people. Then it happened. The King?s advisor, a beautiful sorceress with magnificent powers and a crooked smile, disappeared. Soon after that a dark shadow appeared from the north. Hellious was the first part of the kingdom to fall. Along with the news of the conquest came the name of the threat. The Nine army. It advanced towards the capitol eventually spreading and scattering attacks throughout the kingdom. One town would still be a part of the old kingdom and the next over would be under Nine's control. People began to panic. Those in fear of their lives joined the army. And as the army grew in strength another shocking development took place. Ancient monsters of enormous power began to reappear demolishing cities in their path/ As the army moved it seemed that one of their biggest targets where the schools. With them quickly disappearing the schools began to graduate the students early and sending them into battle way to soon. The remaining schools soon became the bases of the resistance against the Nine army. Missions were carried out in squads, many of which succeeded but never returned. They would fight the ancient monsters and rarely win. With the death toll raising one of the only hopes left is to revive the Guardians. ------------------------------------- Races: Human: No description necessary. Kellage: Similar to humans but with more elven like features and have tails. Their eyes change color depending on their mood. They were one of the few groups to not join the new kingdom of peace and seem to dislike most humans. ------------------------------------- Sign Ups Name: Age: (18-22) (33-67 if Kellage) Gender: (Very Important) Race: (Prefer Human) Appearance: (As long as it fits the race.) Weapon(s): (Anything from katanas to nearly modern day guns) (2 weapon limit) Magic: (Small abilities unless you specialize in magic) Bio: (Your life and notes about how you came to be in the school and how you were selected into this group.) My Character Name: Yeua Calidor Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Snow white hair tinted with a light blue that flows gently over his eyes and ears but not much further. His eyes appear to be yellow. His button up black shirt is lined with green hemming. The buttons down the front are yellow and the back has a ying-yang in the center of it. It is long on him and has no sleeves. The pants are done in a similar style with a string tied in the front and around the waist. These are very baggy. Black boots cover his feet and his body is a medium build. A belt goes across his front and back holding the sword and sheath behind him tightly. Weapon(s): A sword bearing the flame markings and red paint. Magic: Control over the fire element Bio: His childhood seems short in his mind as if there were gaps in there. He has constantly attempted to find out if there were truly gaps but all attempts did fail. As Yeua continued to resurrect any hidden memories that he may possible have he came across a glowing stone. It made him forget about all of his worries and filled him with a sort of happiness. He joined the school because a voice seemed to call to him from the stone after a few months of having it. He followed its wishes and began training. He grew through it quickly and became good friends and rivals with another child called Jericho. When the Nine army finally attacked he instantly was graduated and assigned to a squad but not with Jericho. OOC: Think of this as Final Fantasy if you sort of wish to. It?s not but it?s similar. And keep in mind that you are going to be in Yeua?s squad as another graduate. I?m looking forwards to this one.
  2. Name: Mailstrom Takata Age: 15 Gender: Male Team/City: Lin Mecha: [URL=http://greywolf.critter.net/images/gallery/meka/blitz-mecha.gif]Link Here[/URL] Bio: The hardcase type who don't believe in losing. Mailstrom is mostly called Rom because his name is so strange. He doesn't have a sense of humor that he is aware of and believes in the ancient saying "women are inferior"! He can sometimes be a pain in the butt and will punch your teeth out if you get him angry at you. OOC: Just so you know I treat woman as equals and I am only playing a character witht that point of veiw. I hope no one takes offence.
  3. Name: Grim Delince Age: 26 Gender: Male Organization: Halo Corps Weapon: Barret Sniper, Smith & Wessen M629, can throw a good stiff left punch Appearence:[URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/5-2.htm]Click Here[/URL] Bio: Grim meet Bill near the end of one of the jobs that Grim used to do. Grim took up the family buisness, his father being a theif and ace gunman for a mob called the Mualville Strikers. Grim found himself doing dirty work and having to put his sharpshooter skills that his father taught him to the test. Grim was ready to do the worst job yet. He had the man's head in his crosshairs when Bill spoke to him and asked him if he really thought that this was how he should live his life. Grim agreed that it wasn't but he knew nothing else. He was wanted except Bill made those things dissappear when Grim said he would join. Ever since then Bill has been like a father to him unlike that man that was taken in by some cop named Jet Black.
  4. War has broken out in the middle east again, but this time it goes beyond just what is happening with human relations. We are battling the forces of something new. July 4th, 2009... Air Force Base Outside of Bagdad... Jim Carson places his hand of three aces and two kings on the table. "Full house Aces high." He says as he rakes in the pennys and dimes that they were betting. There was no use denying that they were poor and besides gambeling is against the law. Jim grins at the groans and moans of his friends losing there small change. He finds that a few cards up the sleeve isn't that difficult to pull off. You just have to be sure that you have a good slight of hand style. Unnoticable is the only way to go. It also helps to have been a magician in training before he was transfered to Iraq. Ever since they won the war several years ago they've been unable to properly rebuild the country. It was all blamed on GWB for foolish actions. His watch was nearlly over and Jim could see his replacement already on his way here. "Well it appears for it to be about time for me to leave." He stood up from the short table and paced towards his cabin. He passed his replacement and gave him a short wave then continued on. As Jim neared the cabin he saw something through the fence that shouldn't have been. It looked as if a man sized being was marching towards the base. This shouldn't be. Anything nearing would be warned and if it does not halt then the soldiers open-fire on the person. "Hey you!" Jim shouted at the slow moving being that was getting extreamly close to the gate. "You shouldn't be this close to the base! If you value your life then turn back around!" The being paused for a moment and then continued closer. "HeY I told you to stop." Jim unholstered his gun and pointed it at the being now just outside of the fence. The mistake here was that Jim was as well. When he noticed that the being did not stop then he fired his gun three times. Each round caused the being to stagger, but it kept comeing. Then an arm, no, a tenticle reached through the fence. This thing wasn't human. The tenticle dug it's way deep into Jim's gut. June 23rd 2013... News Report from the Pentigon... The Hyve appeard only three years ago. Seemingly impervious to bullits and other types of conventional warfare. Air strikes have been the only way to fight them without substaining major casualties. Research on a dead creature showed that it's origin could be either from earth or another planet. Another interesting discovery was made around this time. A new virus appeared in young humans and teenagers at this time. This virus wasn't found to be bad though. In fact it has been proven that it has increased the abilities of humans all around, but the test subjects and those infected were too young to put to war but a system soon created to enhance those abilities that were already effected into a piloting system for fighter jets. Four years later now and the subjects are old enough to be sent into battle. They could be the humans only chance of survival, but they are mostly teenagers and still need to go through training. It is now we initiat pickup procedures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Signup- Name: Age: (Can't be over 19) Gender: Appearence: Bio: (No military backround or magical powers, preferably no type of fighting skills) Pick Up: (Decribe the pick up of this indavidual) Mine- Name: Warren Hogan Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearence: Short and often called cute because of his size. Nothing that impresses most women. His hair is browns an eye length and he is stuck in a military uniform after pick up. Bio: Allways picked upon by bullies at his school and considered to be a cute little boy by all the girls. His best friend is a nerd and he hangs around in video archade most of the time. He is generally a very passive and will refuse to fight even when called chicken. Pick Up: While beating his own high score on Ace Combate 4 the door swung open and CIA operatives rushed him. He was soon taken to the base.
  5. OOC: You mentioned earlier that you would write something if this was rated R. So I changed it. By the way I don't want Mel. ::Falls on his knees and whines:: [COLOR=Magenta]IC: Koge wasn't trying to be racest when he called Mark white boy, he just couldn't remember his name at the time because he was sort of mad and sort of jealous. The note contained words that he was actually sorry he wrote. Mark probably was a very nice guy but when he began to seem to try to charm Ami he sort of got enraged. It was like that same angry feeling he got when Mel locked him in the closet. He felt that he was being seperated from Ami. Koge did do one last thing before he went to meet Ami, if she showed up. He found Mel in the hall. "Hi Koge." She said acting like a little girl in love. "Mel I now that you are now going to my school, but I'm begining to become afraid that you are going to end up ruining my life." Koge stated firmly. He was setting the line this time and it was not to be passed without problems for her in the future. "Koge.." "Mel I know that you like me and all, but I'm in love with Ami." He could see that a small crowd was gathering, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. "Mel you can't be hanging onto me, kissing me, hugging me, or tackeling me anymore. I need you to stay out of my love life. Now I'm going to go and get those couples pictures with Ami and I'm going to go to that ball with her even if I have to..." He stopped there. He didn't want to say that he would kill Mel to be with Ami. He wouldn't go that far no matter who it was. "Just stay away from me." He stormed off. He did meet Ami after class was over. She didn't seem two happy though. "Koge what's your big deal?" She questioned him angerly. "Ami please don't be angry with me?" He pleaded. "I guess I'm just feeling a bit jealous because he seems to be interseted in you." Ami still seemed angry with him, but also seemed interseted in what he had to say. "I'm sorry that I reacted the way I did. I love you Ami. I don't want you to think that I have feelings for anyone else. Now how about we go and get those pictures? I'm sure we don't want that one of us kissing to be the only one."[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Magenta]Couples pictures. God, Koge hadn't even thought of that, and after Friday night of coarse he had to take them with Ami. For heavens sake they were necking in her house. Of coarse Mel is going to be completly opposed to this as well as him going to the ball. She'd probably spill some grape juice or something onto his suit just to make up an excuse for him not to go. She was devious that way. He ind of admired her devotion despite the all out creep factor. "I have just one question before I say yes to the ball idea." Koge said pulling away from Mel for only a few seconds before she was right back on his arm. Ami also had this dissapproving look on her face. When it appeared that Mel noticed she just hung on harder. "What is it?" Berry asked. "Would the moonwalk be looked down upon at the ball? I know it's stupid, but I have to know." Koge giggled a little bit imagining him preforming the Mexican Hat Dance in front of a crowd of people. "Well I suppose that if the right moment comes up then it will be perfectly fine." Berry smiled a little bit but didn't seem too thrilled with the entire idea. "I'm coming then." Koge said getting a dissapproving look from Mel now. He really didn't feel comfortable between two girls that seemed to be ready to throw down at any moment. Another thing was what happened to the dog? It seemed to just dissappear from Koge's life. "Well I'll catch all of you later." Koge said pulling away from Mel and signalling for Ami to meet him in a few with his eyes. He walked right past her instead of laying one on her because he didn't want to give Mel a reason for attacking.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Magenta]It was late by time Koge went home that night, but he got no questions from anyone. His parents seemed to be the least concerned. They obviously felt that if he wasn't with Mel then he wasn't doing anything bad or worth worrying about. The weekedn went by quickly. It was saterday when Koge and Ami met to look at the book. They got nowhere with it he but got the idea that the next time he came he would look at the shelf where they got it. Then Monday came by. All hell broke loose as he rounded the corner to go to school with Mel hanging onto him.[/COLOR]
  8. bogger3k

    Rival Schools

    She was only a child, but just the same she was a girl. Only the age of two or thrr, but she was screaming and crying. The sight of this saddend Iota. he didn't care to see children at this age crying. He wished for them to always be happy. iota approached the little girl and knelt down in front of her with her tear stained cheeks and wet hands. "What's wrong honey?" He asked. "I'm..." The girl said before the ancient lesson of [I]don't talk to strangers[/I] kicked in. "Well are you lost?" Iota asked. The girl shook her head. This confused him. "Are you hurt?" She shook again. "Are you even really crying?" Another shake of the head. She then looked up at him as happy as any child should be. "You Justice High kids are so gullible." A voice of a kid from another school said. "You so easily fall into this trap I'd hate to see what would happen if it was more fooling than this." "So an ambush." Iota said preparing for another fight.
  9. OOC: Actually I was going to go with the "wrong number" joke, but that works just as well. [COLOR=Magenta]IC: "I love you Koge...do you love me?" Was exactly what Ami asked him. His reply was obvious, but he felt like playing a little bit. "Let me think." Koge said poseing in this goofy thinking pose that he found funny in most shows he saw. "Hey." Ami said giggling a little bit as she patted his side softly. "Yes." Koge finally replied after a long pause. "Of coarse I do." He kissed her again the same way he did before, but added a little extra as well. Her arms dragged his body closer together and they pressed against the tree interlocked in a heated kiss. Ami had explained to him that she and Steff were lab partners in science, thus the reason Steff was at her house. "Koge." Ami said after they broke apart. She glared into his eyes with ever loving passion, in the back to sun was fading to a burning orange and the air was becoming soft to them making this even more magical. "Koge I don't want this to ever end." "It has to somtime Ami." Koge replied. "How about tomarrow we spend some time after school studying that book. It could make for a good chance to talk." "That sounds nice." Well nice was good enough for Koge. Feelings like this don't just pop up every day. It almost made him forget that Mel was starting at his school next Monday. "What about the rest of tonight?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta]Well Koge's date was completly ruined by Mel. The only way he even got her to let him out was because he promised to take her out the next night. he didn't even get some time alone with Ami or even a chance to explain. He felt awful now and was sort of mad at Uki. It wasn't his fault, but he thought that maybe if uki wasn't there then they could have gone one step further and actually went somewhere that night. He highly regret all of this. The next day it was strange. Ami refused to talk to him. She would either turn away or just ignor him. That was until he popped up in the girls locker room. He got hit, smacked, and called a pervert a lot but it seemed to catch Ami's attention. It even got her to laugh a little. Odd, Koge didn't think that Ami was like most girls. Maybe she wasn't. After school he got himself together to try and confront Ami one last time. "Ami I really need you to stop this and just talk to me." Koge said to her walking infront of her at the same speed. He couldn't see where he was going though. Ami only looked at him blankly. "I'm sorry about last night. I really wish that everything would have gone better than it did. I'm sorry I was late. The only problem is that the only way I was to get out and see you was that I had to promise to take Mel out tonight." Ami looked away again and looked back. Then she kissed him, really passionately. She broke away and said only a short sentance. "Think of me." She then left his standing in the middle of the road with cars beeping at him. Koge's date with Mel consisted of a movie and dinner. The movie was a chick flick. Nothing that Koge could really get into. The worst part about it was that Mel was tugging at his arm the entire movie and every once in a while would try to slip him a kiss. He always denied her though. He really did what Ami asked. He didn't forget her and he wouldn't cheat on her. That night, after the date was over, he tucked Mel away and then went to his own room. he decided to call Ami. Try to set up another date. One that he would make on time. It was Steff who answered the phone thoough.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Magenta]"Well.." Koge had nothing to talk about. "See at eight then." He went into the building. Later he came home getting ready for later. Except he found a little problem as he was going out the door. As he came to it Mel was standing there. "You're going arn't you Koge?" Mel asked already knowing the answer. "Of coarse I'm going." Koge said. "You don't make a date and not go to it." "Well i can't let you go though Koge." mel said shoving Koge back away from the door. Then she threw him into a closet and then shut the door behind her. Koge didn't fight back thinking it wrong to fight a woman. "Mel what are you doing?" koge asked finding it weird when Mel threw her arms. "Hey get off." "Koge you can't go." She screamd. "I'll lose you forever. I'm afraid to lose you." Koge felt that he was screwed. "Mel you can't keep me here. It's not right." Koge then found her kissing him again. This was no apology. He stopped it quickly and pushed her off. She gave him this angry look then went out the door and he heard it lock from the outside. [I]Why the hell do we have a door that locks from the outside anyways?[/I][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Magenta]"So Ichigo what's going on?" Koge decided to ask while the girls were talking to each other. He felt good right now, not good enough to dance, but good. He had ended up kissing Ami all on his own. That made him feel good. It made up for what happened between him and Mel. And of coarse Mel was unpredictable. "nothing." Ichigo replied giving Koge nothing to work off of. "Well since this book appears to be in Hebrew what do you think it is?" koge asked both of them. "Um, the Tora." Uki obviously took a wild guess. "Well I think it's something much more." Koge said then he looked back at Ami and suddenly got this urge and something heavy fell on his chest. "Ami I need to speak with you again." He dragged her away from the group. This time he really had something to talk about. "What is it?" Ami asked half giggleing. "Well you know that Mel lives with me in my home right. Well that means I'm around her al the time and well she kind of has grown attached to me." Koge had a hard time spitting this out. "Well...she sort of doesn't want me going out with you. We still will go out tomarrow, but don't be surprised if she somehow finds us. She does that somehow. And there is something else. Before I came here Mel and I kind of kissed a little. I..." He was cut off when Ami pulled him into a kiss.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Magenta]So the rumors begin. And the annoying questions start. He only asked her if she'd like to go out because she kissed him and it felt right. He was now kind of regretting it. Of coarse he wasn't going to cancel on her. Maybe he'll be surprised again like he was when he watched that movie with Mel the night before. The day passed quickly though. He was out of school befor he realized it and on his way home before he was going to go see Ichigo and Ami at the library. When he walked into the house he was surprised that he wasn't rushed by Mel or her dog. He walked into his room and set his stuff down. Then he went to the kitchen to get a soda. He noticed that Mel was in a corner with her knees pulled up to her face. Koge walked over to her and knelt down to her level. "Are you okay Mel?" She was weeping. When she noticed him she turned her head away like a child would. "Come on don't be like that Mel. Me and Ami arn't really dating or anything. We kind of are just friends." Mel looked back at Koge and then slid her legs down. "I don't want you to go tomarrow." This was amazing because he didn't even mention that he was seeing Ami tomarrow. "Mel don't think that I've forgoten you. We can still be friends." Koge said. "It's not that. We were going to go see that new Pokemon movie tomarrow and then go to the Dream Theater concert." "That's tomarrow?" Not realizing what he did. Then it struck him. "That's next month Mel." "Oh." She looked up to the calender and then back Koge. "Well that makes a huge difference doesn't it?" "Yes." "I still don't want you to go. Believe it or not Koge you're the best friend I've ever had and I don't want to see you dragged away from me by a hussy like that Ami." "Don't call her that." Koge got up, but was pulled down by Mel's arms and pulled into a gental kiss that slowly grew more passinet until it broke. "Sorry." Mel muttered. Oh, that kiss was an apology. Dodged a bullet there. Or was it? [I]DUM Dum dummmmmmmmmmm.[/I] "I'll see you Mel." Koge didn't feel like dancing now. he just left.[/COLOR] OOC: Guess where I got the name Koge from.
  14. [COLOR=Magenta]Koge placed one finger against Ami's puckered lips. "One was nice." He spoke softly and sweetly casting his spell of charm on her. "But right now isn't the time for us to continue this. If we are going to I'd like to do it properly. What are you doing tomarrow night?" Ami blushed a small bit and then giggled. "Nothing." "To bad because I have plans." Koge said and then winked at her. "See around eight tomarrow then." He blew her a kiss and then walked away as she grabbed the imaginary kiss that had suddenly manifested itself as a heart in mid air and she placed it on her cheek. [I]That was smooth[/I], Koge thought as he walked away from her. Then he turned around and... you guessed it...began to moonwalk. That was until he was pounced on and thrown into the bushes. Ami rushed up to him and looked at the dazzed Koge laying there. Wrapped tightly around his torso was Mel rubbing her head into Koge's chest like a cat would. "Hello Koge." Mel said then let go. "Ready for lunch. I made you some sandwiches from last nights roast beef. You hardly touched it."[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Magenta]Mrs. MacDonald handed out papers to every kind in Koge's advanced math class. When Koge got one he took it and took a few seconds to look over it. He then went to work. "As you know this is your Mid-term test. i expect every one of you to finish all of the problems that have been given to you on this test. You have an hour to complete all onehundred and twenty questions." Mrs. MacDonald smilled as she finished passing them out to the back row and she began to walk back to her desk. As she did this she found a completed test fly up into her face. The name read [I]you know who[/I]. "And as always Mr. Koge is finished already." "Yep." Koge smirked. "Double checked and everything. You can never be too careful." "I suppose you'd like to go to the library now wouldn't you?" Mrs. MacDonald's gtin faded to a dissapointed frown. "You hate me don't you?" Koge asked already knowing the answere to his question. Mrs. MacDonald started this year impressed with Koge's math talent. She soon began to hate him as she discovered that he was smarter and better at math then she will ever be. There is no problem that he couldn't solve. And when there was one the problem was mathmatically possible to solve. "Just go." She whinned and Koge did as she said and left to go to the library.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Magenta]After Koge was done with this random behavior he took back the paper that he had handed to Ichigo. He didn't want to hear anything else about it. "So what do you want us to do about it?" Ichigo asked still not sure why Koge was letting him know. "I'm not expecting you to do anything." Koge said. "I just want your opinion. I want to know if you two think that I should investigate this strange book or I should just say, 'Screw it. Nothing important to me,'?" "Well..." Ami was at a loss for words at the moment. "You can think about it. I'll see you later." Koge winked at Ami and blushed a little as he did it. He relinquished that blush by doing a full out moonwalk to class. His arms where even raised above his head.[/COLOR] OOC: Believe it or not I'm still accepting sign-ups if you want to get in on the crazyness.
  17. [COLOR=Magenta]"Well to tell the truth I didn't want to start sharing riddles. I wanted to show you my rendition of the book that I saw in the library yesterday." He pulled out a peice of paper not realizing that Ichigo had a puzzled look on his face. "What book are you talking about?" Ichigo asked. "That's right I forgot to tell you." Koge said. "Oh well. I suppose to put it simpily [I]it's some pretty messed up shizit.[/I]" "Oh. Like what are we talking about?" ichigo asked and then was handed the drawing that Koge made. "So it's a square?" "Okay I'm not the perfect artist but it's close enough." Koge was a bit embarressed. He began to feel like dancing again. He began to moonwalk then shuffle back to them. "I have a cousin that is three that can do better than this." Ichigo commented making Koge feel sort of dumb. "Don't tease him. I'm sure that he did his best." Ami said giving Koge a bit of support and confidence. "Sorry man. It's just I have nothing to go off of." "It was bound in human skin." As Koge said this he pulled out a flashlight and held it under his face casting an upword shadow. For the brief moment he did this the sun seem to dissappear completely. "How did you do that?" Ami asked. "Not sure. It was cool though."[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Magenta]koge was laughing nicely. The night before was pleasent for him surprisingly. He thought that spending that much time alone with Mel would have driven him crazy but he kind of liked it. He found being squeezed under a blanket with her a bit uncomfortable though. "Is it man?" A voice guessed from behind Koge. And Koge could probably guess who it was that was sneeking up on him and answering someone elses question. Koge turned around quickly. "Mel hi." He said, "Where the heck you come from?" He was acting both shocked and annoyed. "From behind those bushes." She pointed to some bushes (duh). "Hi Ami." Mel said sort of snotty to her. It was abvious Mel didn't like Ami. She probably wouldn't like Berry either. It seemed just about every girl that Koge knows Mel hates. She deffinatly wants him to herself. "Well Mel you should probably be heading back to the house and get ready for school your bus should be here soon." Koge said trying to get her to leave. "She lives in your house?" Koge heard Ami question. "Getting a little action on the side." Ichigo muttered. Koge's face became a full red as he hopped around screaming. "It's not like that. She just moved in. I'm not even sure why." "Sure." Uki said. Today was not looking to be a good day for Koge.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Magenta]Koge who was that?" Mel asked as he came back in from his walk. "I mean I know her name is Ami but who is she to you?" She gave him this cute little powt that made him want to laugh outloud. She seemed to be really suspicious and angry about Ami just showing up at his house. "Ami, she's...just...a girl from school." Koge said. He didn't want to lie but he did. To tell the truth he was sort of scared of Mel. "Just a friend and nothing more." Except she was more. "Well in that case I don't have to worry about you then." Mel said and then wrapped an arm around his. "Now we can go to my room and watch a movie or something." "Ah..well...gee I'd love to except I'm kind of tired and it's getting late. I should really go to bed." He lied again. "It's seven thirty." She whined and powted again. "You just don't like me do you?" She was sort of crying and then again sort of faking, but she was good at it. She found her way down onto the couch with her hands covering her eyes. Koge, falling into such and obvious trap found himself sitting next to her with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Come on now. Of coarse I like you. I just have other things that have to be done. Is that okay." "So getting 105% in school is more important than spending time with me?" She whinned again. Damn she was good at it. "I'll tell you what. Tonight we'll make some popcorn, get a blanket to share, sleep out in the living room, and watch a film. The only condition is you can't try anything funny now." "Okay." She agreed then ran off not a tear in her eye to fetch a blanket and a movie. [I]Why is he so damn sensitive[/I].[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Magenta]There was a knock on Koge's door. It was obvious who it was and for what reason. "Koge are you ready for dinner?" Mel called from behind it. Koge was talking on the phone at the time with Ami. "Go away for a few." He yelled back to Mel. He went on talking to Ami. "Who was that?" She asked. "I'm sure you don't have a sister." "I've got to go." Koge quickly said. "Love ya. See you tomarrow." He hung up wipping his forehead feeling like he dogded a big one. Of coarse why did he feel it nessicary that he not continue talking about that with Ami. No one knew that Mel live with him, but why would he care. He forgot about it and went to dinner. Black roast beef, yeah. (not excited at all)[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Magenta]Now someone should correct him if he was wrong but books bound in human flesh shouldn't be in your local library. Of coarse he began to question his own insanity when he rubbed his eyes and the book seemed to dissappear. He stood for a second and then continued looking for books. As he did a familiar tune came over the radio on his headset. He sort of jigged as he continued to look. Koge adventually took out [I]Riddles For Those That Have Too Much Time On Their Hands And Have No Desire To Go Out On Dates : Third Eddition[/I]. Definatly interseting and mind boggeling. AS he danced up to the librarian was when he first realized that everyone was staring at him. He stopped emidiatly when he saw some old man with a more than slack jaw say something about [I]in his day...[/I] Koge wasn't embarrased over his stupid dancing he just didn't... well actually he was a little embarrased. When Koge got home the first thing that happened when he walked into the house and turned around was that he was smothered by this huge dog. He was sure it was a Saint Bernard, but Mel told him it was something else, he couldn't remember. "Jackson get off of him." The voice of Mel said from behind the massive creature. She pushed the dog off of him and when he was able to sit up she wrapped her scrawny arms around him. "Hi Koge. How's your day been today?" "Fine Mel." Koge replied with a heavily annoyed sigh. Ever since Mel moved in with him and his parents she's been clinging to him like glue. He was afraid that this girl was in love with him or something. What made this worse was that he thought that his parents were already setting up wedding arrangments for the two of them. Mel was his age and she was a cute girl, but he didn't have those feelings for her. Probably because she's been bugging him every chance she gets to take her somewhere. She wanted to begin dating him that was obvious. Luckly she didn't go to the same school as he did but she was supposed to get a transfer this winter. "Were you at the library again?" She asked. "Yes Mel." He said. "I found the best hidding space for two people to go make out in." She blushed heavily and he found that as his chance to escape. He ran upstairs to his room waving to her as he went. After he got in he threw in disc one of Ranma 1/2 season three. He figured he could get some laughs before he began to read, but as the stupid antics of Shampoo, Ranma, Akane, Moose, and so on countined he found it hard to concentrate. He had to mention that weird book he saw to someone. He decided to call Ami.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]She doesn't need me.[/I] Hunter figured as he witnessd that Kris was there helping Joey as well. Rodney was there, but he seemed to be losing it again. [I]Neither of them need me anymore.[/I] Hunter turned to leave to find his grandfather in his face. "Where are you going?" His grandfather asked. "I'm leaving now." Hunter replied. "All is well here." "Joey called for you specifically." His grandfather scolded. "Are you going to leave that girl there without even finding out why she needs you. Besides that the spirits are crossing over to this world. Arn't you going to stay and do the ritual like your supposed to. The others are coming, I can feel them. Now Kris and Joey combined can do it." "Alright." Hunter bowed out of the argument and excepted that his grandfather was correct. He turned back towards the others and ended up placing his hand on Kris's shoulder. "The others are coming. Prepare for the ritual. We are finally finishing this part of the adventure."[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Magenta]Koge would study in class sometimes when he had his homeowork done. Except he remembered that today had been busy like most of his days between flirting, studying, and the occasional fight, but today everything seemed to add up to less than normal. He wasn't sure if that was instinct or just his mind doing quick math on him. He flirted less than normal but he only did that because some girls thought he was handsom. He didn't think so himself but what can you do? He wasn't interested in dating or anything like that he only wanted to improve his grades and finally find a problem that might stump his mind. That's when it hit him. 2 ducks in front 2 ducks in back 2 ducks to the left 2 ducks to the right. 4 ducks. He wasn't sure why that popped into his head. He had figured that one out in first grade but it seemed important to him. Later that day he went to the library to look at some books of difficult riddles that he had probably figured out half of already. Except one book. One that he had never seen in his life. The only odd thing about it was that it was bound in flesh, real human flesh.[/COLOR]
  24. Bleach? Are you crazy I loved that manga. I don't get how this sounds like a level from Donkey Kong Country. And the three you listed are some of my friends on here as well I don't remember if they ever mentioned you though. Also I've started the thread so begin posting in there. I always prefer someone else to post first, but if no one does then I will. That's the responsibilities of running a RPG and if someone ditches you don't make too big a deal out of it.
  25. [COLOR=Magenta]Hyjinx High. A school with a very dark and mysterious secret that no one, on even the teachers or administrators, know about. The only way to discover this secret is to solve highly difficult and mind puzzeling riddles and games that were set out by a group of ancients a long time ago. Only someone very intelegent or very stupid could solve these. Of coarse no one ever has time to embark on such a journey like this one. Today a group of friends decided to cut class and get plastered at a bar that doesn't care if your even old enough to speak yet. A Yu-gi-oh tournement just started and the nerds and immature students are now dueling for superiority over each other. Everyday students run into the people that they hate the most and their rivalries sometimes turn into bashing and bruising fist fights that are not broken up too quickly because the staff seem to enjoy them as much as any other spectator. Everyone is constantly trying to find someone that they can get some action with (dating) without wanting to tear out their hair. Not to mention Mr. Carrnigan finds it nessisary to give out enough homework that students can't do anything besides study and work after they get home. With all of this going on who has the time for a side adventure and trying to solve a thousand year old mystery. Well one day several students do. It's not that their plates arn't full with everything else that was just described it's just that they have room for a little bit more and they are going to get it[/COLOR] OOC: Still taking sign-ups.
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