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Everything posted by Saxtus

  1. SSJ Pan....:naughty: Heck ya that would be interesting
  2. Have you guys seen Matrix: Reloded? If they can make that, then they can pull of the flying, the ki, everything! LoTR had some *Beam* attacks with Gandalf and they were pretty good looking. This movie is possible, and WHEN it is done it will be VERY INTENSE!:naughty: :beer:
  3. I'm not sure... he is a great character but, his importants isn't all that great at the end of DBZ or much of GT...Maybe he could fuse with someone else? Make him more powerful...hmmm:drunk:
  4. I've made a game already before! Its called Blades: The Saga Begins. I was thinking of making a sequal but I had too much ideas for a DBZ RPG I have 4 friends of mine that are helping me to do this. A mixture of Toolkit 3, Vortex, Basic C++, Fusion, and other mods for them. That means that it will have good graphics, unlimited options, great storyline and choices, NPC's with (real) Personalities, and a few other surprises that I don't think have been used very much (if never before) The requirements will be about a Pentium II and a Midi Player. Anyone have ideas for the 5th character? [size=1][b][color=red]Please refrain from double posting. Thank you. - Piro[/size][/b][/color]
  5. Yea, Exactly! Only it wont be online. I'm thinking of Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and....hmmm I need some suggestions for 1 more character. I was thinking Krillin, but he just doesn't fit. I could use suggestions! My RPG will be turn based like in...Final Fantasty games. I have used the plot to start on a totally uncharted planet. Gohan and Vegeta landed there after flying Capsule Corp to....uhh...somewhere and an strange evil power brought them there...hmmm, so strange....:eek: THIS GAME WILL BE A MUST TO HAVE! And everyone from Otaku will be getting a free copy (if they want one) Becouse they will be sold in Bristol TN at Software eTc. stores! The time it will come out varies from about 1- 1 1/2 years. The game will be about 3 or 4 months long depending on how good you are!:devil:
  6. Dude, I'm a pc gamer and recently I have got the idea of making a DBZ game! I have all the stuff for it and all I need are some ideas on what to use? Characters? Setting? Anything? What should I use? A Gohan extention? ANYTHING WILL HELP IDEAS ARE NEEDED!:cross:
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