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Everything posted by RPGchick

  1. i got my ears peirced when i was a tiny baby. I have real sensitive ears though, so i can only wear solid gold earrings. it is really annoying. i've been wanting to get my navel peirced for a long time, but then everyone started doing it, so i didnt. then i wanted my eyebrow peirced, until my stepsister did it, and it got ripped out during gym class. it was gross and bled all over the place...shudder
  2. i have a huge problem. over the school year, i became really close to this one guy. for most of the year, we were just friends, but then i began likeing him alot. he already had a girlfriend (who he had gone out with before, and hurt him really bad) and i was kinda jealous. on the last week of school, he began acting really mean towards me, and my friend said that he was talking about me behind my back. i figured that he had found out that i had liked him. when i tried to talk to him, he began cussing at me and told me to go away. later that day, i was talking to some of my other guyfriends ( who were also his friends) and he came up and did the same thing. i have not talked to him all summer so far, and my friends say that he is still mad at me. the only thing is, that after all of this, i still like him. i want to be mad at him, but i just cant. i want to know if you guys had any advice on how to save our friendship and if not, how to get over him.
  3. if these kids would tell you, (i am not badmouthing them or anything) who is to say that they wont tell anyone else. if the ex is saying things that are not true to his friends, his friends might tell their friends, and their friends might tell their friends and so on. you have to tell her that he is saying these things. otherwise, she may eventually find out from someone else in a not so nice way.
  4. i wasnt involved in this accident, but it is kind of freaky. this guy that lived on my grandmas block had just bought a brand new pick up truck that he had been wanting for a while. on the first week he had the truck, he was going to town. the neighbor hood was just off the mainroad so he had to make a turn to get out of the neighborhood. on the curb, there has been this tree that has been there since my mom was little. it was perfectly healthy. all of the leaves were green, and it was so huge, i couldnt fit my arms around it. when the man made the turn, the tree fell right on the cabin of the truck and killed him. the truck was flattened like a pancake. i think it is kinda weird that at the exact moment that the man was under the seemingly healthy tree, it fell, right on the cabin. it gives me the creeps sometimes when i drive down roads with trees on both sides now...
  5. before you do anything, find out if you really do like her. if you value her as much as it sounds like, and you really do like her, ask yourself if it is worth it-worth taking the chance of ruining your good friendship. if you think it is, you have to let her know. i know that if my best guy friend told me that he liked me, i would be a little suprised at first, but you never know, she might like you too and is going through the same problem. my best guyfriend found out that i liked him, and he reacted basically the same way as stardusts guyfriend, and now we hate each other. just remember, if you have a good friendship, you should think weather or not you want to take the chance to ruin it.
  6. "everything happens for a reason". a quote i firmly believe. it seems to apply to this situation as well. you didnt go to church w/ your parents, therefore, maybe you werent meant for that religion. you have looked at alot of different religions and havent quite found the one you have felt suited you best. i think you should do whatever it is that jumps out at you. if you see a religion that you really are interested in, make sure to look in to it before you declare yourself that religion. maybe, you dont have to be a specific religion at all. you can believe what ever you want. for example, my friend who practices witchcraft, still believes that god is there. she does not believe that he doesnt want us to practice witchcraft, because she is not catholic. what i am saying, if you do not find a religion that is right for you, that doesnt mean that you cant still believe what you want. follow what your heart tells you(okay, so that was kinda cheesy, but you get the basic picture..)if your parents or friends dont approve, that is their choice. if you truly believe in these things, you should not worry what they think. if your friends dont support you, just because of what you believe, then they are not your true friends. if your family doesnt approve, and you arent going to turn goth(which really seems to me, a personal choice) then that is their problem. just do what feels right.
  7. futurama is still on fox (for me, maybe your programming is different) i didnt really like big-o when it was on toonami so, i dont care weather or not it comes on, but i think they should put trigun back on. it is such a funny (but serious) series, and my sis didnt see the end at all so i cant talk about it around her at all. cowboy bebop i dont mind so much that they took it off, because it ran through many a time. Reign just has to go. how can they even think to replace trigun with a bunch of guys running around in thongs???? it makes me mad. i liked things the way it was. the only difference would be replacing cowboy bebop with blue gender. then the programming would be very acceptable.
  8. i took an acting class, and we learned six moves of fencing, but other than that, i dont. i thought it was relly fun though. i want to take classes, but no one in my area does them, so i'll just havta keep looking
  9. i zone out alot, especially when i am writing a story and i have my headphones on. i can go on for hours at a time, and i come out of my room to get a snak and everyone is already sleeping. i wonder to myself why they go to bed so early and then i realize that it is 3a.m. my aunt however has the worst zone out record. she has like, 7 kids and the middle chile walked up to her and asked her if he could go around the block with his friend. his mom told him to ask his grandma (who lives next door). Grandma came over and asked my aunt why she had asked him to ask her(the grandma who has no control over what the kids do while the mom is home) and my aunt replied "ask you what?" she was soooo zoned out, but when you have 7kids (two of which are babies) you are allowed to zone out once in a while.
  10. yeah, i get that sometimes, except in my dreams, its always when i fall off of a bridge (i am afraid of heights so i have nightmares about this alot). when i wake up, i have to look around to make sure it is my bed, and not the bridge or the bottom of a gorge or something. its kinda freaky...
  11. hehe, thanx for the offer, but i think i will skip on the BT thing
  12. arg, i cant believe i missed it. my cable was out for three days and this just happens to happen...oh well. i guess i can wait for the other one...
  13. Name: Lyra Redwood Age:19 Weapon:Katana and several styles of martial arts Appearance: Short blond hair and light green eyes. She is 5'3" slender. she wears a grey long sleeved skin tight shirt and black skirt with a slit up one side. she usually wears her hair in a black bandanna thing to go along with the whole creeping in the shadows thing. Personality: She usually keeps to herself, but if she ever runs into trouble, she depends on her friends to bail her out. she continually gets into trouble by getting into battles that are WAY over her head. (sounds like someone i know very well):D
  14. i think the picture looks very nice. the background goes along very well with the picture and all together, it looks very very nice.
  15. i dont like reign because for some reason, the animation makes me tremble and i think it is very poorly dubbed. lupin is okay, but i would sacrifice it in a second for inuyasha.
  16. u guys are gonna give me nightmares... you cant get buried alive in a coffin anymore cuz they do all that embalming stuff. i think the worst way of dying would be burned to death, falling from a high place, or drowning. i think this because you would have just enough time left to think about all of the things and people you would miss. i also think that the worst way to die would be after all of your family. having to watch your kids and brothers and sisters and other relatives die first is just like torture if your afraid of being lonely.:bawl:now i'm sad...
  17. i think without anime, i would not be whole. what would i do with my life?? maybe i would actually do homework or something constructive...eeeewwwwww...
  18. my favorite minor characters are (now i have to think...) hercule (DBZ) -he makes me so mad sometimes, but you just gotta love that guy! that little kid from trigun(you know, the sandsteamer episodes)ARRRGGG!!! I CANT REMEMBER HIS NAME!!! And last (but certainly not least)Booyo(SP) from Inuyasha (Kagome's kitty) he is just TOO cute!:love:
  19. i think the perfect villian is someone who has motivation and will do anything or kill anyone to get that goal. i think this villian would be a mix between knives from trigun and seshomaru from inuyasha. knives does not care what or who (even his own brother) gets in the way of his goals, and seshomaru is always calm and knows exactly what he is doing.
  20. i thnink it would be nice, but talking about them in the anime lounge works for me too, because not only are they both discussed there, but other animes too that you look at and learn about. two more seperate forums would OK, but i still think that things are fine just the way they are now.
  21. my first anime i had ever watched was speed racer cause my dad loves it. the first anime i ever watched and really understood was thundercats.
  22. i found it on the adult swim site, but you can check it. if you find anything that says different, PLEASE tell me cuz i am sad:bawl:
  23. did you guys here that inuyasha is going to stop running in july on Adult Swim? i got the info off of the site. BUT it also said that in August, they would air the series, cuz they are still dubbing them. i personally wish that CN would dub all of the series before they release them. i hate it when they leave me in a cliff hanger!!! oh well, just thought someone would like to no...
  24. i think that the best dubbed anime is trigun, princess mononoke, cowboy bebop. Some of the worst ones i just cant stand to listen to is outlaw star and escaflowne. In outlaw star, i cannot stand melfina's voice. its so high and squeaky and she doesnt seem to fit her and hilda sounded like a man. i mean, i know melfina was supposed to be all sweet and innocent and hilda is supposed to be tough and stuff, but i cant stand to listen to them. In escaflowne, i dont like hitome or meryl. van was okay, but i think the japanese versions of the voices were much better than the english.
  25. i think whether or not your soulmate exists depends on your veiw of people. if you only look at people's bad qualities, you will never find someone you would consider your soulmate, but if you ignored bad qualities and actions and you only looked at the good things that the person does, then you will find someone who you might consider your soulmate. see, it is all the way you personally look at things.
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