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Everything posted by RPGchick

  1. i think the best theme song was the ff8 song by faye wong, but the best music would have to be chrono cross
  2. i think releena is the most annoying thing on the planet!!! she tooks anymeans necissary to follow heero when he was trying to do his work and besides that, i think heero would be better off without her. as for the worst couple, i think that would be ryoko and tenchi. she has WAY to big of a temper and if he didnt do something she wanted, i think tenchi would be blown to smithereens. i happen to think that inuyasha and kagome are a cute couple as well as irvine and selphie.:butthead:
  3. You all think too much...all of the scientifical words are hurting my brain. I think time travel would be possible if we had the right equipment. Going faster than time itself would probably kill the person. Maybe if we went back only a few minutes they would be okay, but if your going back far enough to try to kill hitler or what ever you are doing, you would be going so fast that you would die, wouldnt you?
  4. i was watching it for a while. i watched crest of the stars inbetween family guy and inuyasha on adult swim...
  5. i think being too hairy is gross. no one needs a unibrow. as for the makeup thing it all depends. if it is just some foundation,thats okay, but if it is the whole chabang (eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush...) thats just kinda weird.
  6. you probly did, but all of the explinations were confusing me...
  7. I think their has to be aliens. I refuse to believe that we are the only planet in the entire boundless reaches of space to have life. There has to be another type of lifeform. Not necessarily a human or you know, human thing, but just a plant or an animal has to be somewhere, right?
  8. This is easy, because kagome had not aquired the jewel yet in the past, the mask was carved. if kagome had retrieved the jewel before, the mask would not have had the jewel in it. so, basically, the two timelines ARE changing according to what kagome does in the past, if that makes any sense...
  9. yay! when i singed on i was looking for a trigun forum and i was sooo depressed when there wasnt one. PLEASE PUT ONE!!!
  10. i heard a while ago that there was going to be a continueing of the game chrono cross. i have heard several rumors saying that it is to be (or has been) only released in japan. does any one have any good info on the game? thanx!! [color=indigo]Moved this to the Square Enix forum. - Desbreko[/color]
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