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About weatherlight

  • Birthday 04/30/1987

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    stock boy hooyeah

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  1. hmm, i didn't notice anyone say that inuyasha was taken off adult swim here. over on the AS web boards it's crammed with 'save IY' threads...utter chaos. (no able mods over there) but it's coming back on august 25 with 12 new episodes, so it's all for the better.
  2. I remember being like that with this girl angie...three years she controlled my heart...but I eventually got over her...probably because she totally changed over those three years...but I did get over her. I hope it takes you a little shorter than three years...eh...besides life will go on and change, and so will you and this guy. Everything and everyone finds their own path, and maybe you and adam are following different ones.
  3. shonen jump is a very popular anime magazine. but yeah it's awesome to see kenshin there!! yay!!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] ANYWHO! I don't know if I want to get it. I was at Media Play yesterday and it was a pretty expensive DVD, more expensive than most anime DVDs, which are already outrageous.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] the problem is that everything associated with something as big as the matrix is going to be milked for all it's worth. DAMN THOSE HOLLYWOOD EXECUTIVES!! and damn my poorly paying job...
  5. my parents don't care much about it unless they see the little 'adult swim' icon when im watching cartoon network...that can get bad...but otherwise they're pretty cool about it. (they haven't of yet found me watching my dvds...I'm wondering how they'll handle the uncut stuff)
  6. if we're gonna get into yaoi how about cardcaptor...there's just too many odd relationships going on there, and it's just a little disturbing to think about little girls being lesbian...yeah.
  7. hehehe I love babies, they're soo cute!! once the little darling's born you be sure to send us a pic! congratulations!
  8. heh well my parents don't trust me with their cars alone yet...so I can't really speed with them right next to me screaming if I go like 5 miles over the speed limit.
  9. oy I have to wait until next tuesday...but I can't wait!! jafax is comin'!! jafax is comin'!! anime conventions kick ars!
  10. oh hey yeah I looked around bestbuy.com and they do have it...platinum series? i guess it's getting really popular...thanks for the tips!
  11. look, maybe some companies dub better than others, but they don't deserve to be despised if they're not so good. If it weren't for 4kids, we probably wouldn't have yu gi oh or pokemon, since bandai and the other companies don't have unlimited capacities. True, they aren't the best anime, but they attract more people to anime and help to keep the community alive. I myself got into anime because of pokemon. 4kids doesn't deserve to be bashed.
  12. If I see a good anime, it's like I experienced the story myself. By watching live-action stuff, I can't really get personal with the characters but since anime often has in-depth stories and great animation, I can get into the show easily. It just leaves me with a higher feeling.
  13. the animatrix is actually a bunch of different animation styles, so it's hard to say whether it's good or bad. Overall, I think the animatrix is great, it's got something for everyone. If you're willing, just buy it when it's out on dvd. I'm sure as hell going to.
  14. I've been searching and searching for hack sign episodes on dvd but it seems like they've only put out eps 1-5 so far. I live in michigan, so it's not like I'm in the middle of nowhere. Am I just not looking hard enough or have they yet to release the other episodes?
  15. I'd probably just use it as a place to hang out. I'd talk with my school buddies and get stringer with them. I wouldn't try to get super strong because then I'd be too conspicuous. Better to be just another player than the best in my eyes.
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