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HoT LaVa 904

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About HoT LaVa 904

  • Birthday 05/09/1991

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I've been hustlin' on tha streets fo' bout 3 years// and now I got 20 carrots on both my ears//
  • Occupation
    C.R.I.P. and a P.I.M.P.

HoT LaVa 904's Achievements

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  1. I got a question. Theres this one girl at the basketball gym and my team always practices with hers. I really want to go out with this girl but I don't know her at all. I want to talk to her but I don't know what to say or how to start a conversation with her. So what should I say to her?
  2. Hey can you tell me how to do the David Blaine Levitation trick please.
  3. Oh thats nice can you make a matching avatar it don't have to say the same thing. Thanx
  4. Can someone please make me a Notorious BIG avatar and banner. You can get creative with it, but would like it to say the samething thats in my sig ''King of NewYork Nototrious BIG May he Rest in Peace.
  5. The rumor is the 50 cent is going to be the voice of Carl Johnson. I just heard this from a website I don't know if it's true. But their names are almost alike Carl Johnson-Curtis Jackson. I don't think he should be the voice though. It would not sound right. They should have someone from the west coast like Ice Cube yah that would be nice. I could picture it now.
  6. Hey on NBA Live 2004 how do you retire a jersey?
  7. It's gonna be ok but I liked it when the Wayans bros. did it. If they did Scary Movie 3 it'll be much funnier and alot of Cursing. Just what I think.
  8. Oh yah I heard only one song uh... Where da hood at I'm gon' get and when I do I'll Holla. :-D
  9. Whats the real texas chainsaw massacre about. Not the movie the one that the movie is based on. Like what really happend in real life.
  10. There's suppose to be a sequel. The guy who played Freddy said so on The Tom Green Show.
  11. Yah I watch tha show it's funny. I like tha fights thay get into. And Dylon is stupid. It's funny how he can't remember his own flow.
  12. Isn't there a thread like this already? I feel a deletion coming...
  13. Ok guys heres my deck (again). I'm looking forward to buying a starter deck. I just wanted to know which starter do yall think will help my deck more Yugi's, Kaiba's, Joey's, or Pegasus' [color=blue][b]Tribute Monsters: 2[/b] Curse of Dragon: 5 stars Dark Magician: 7 stars[/color] [color=green][b]Magic Cards: 11[/b] Change of Heart Malevolent Nuzzler x2 Pot of Greed Black Pendant Dark Hole Monstr Reborn Fissure x2 Yami Horn of Unicorn Remove Trap[/color] [color=purple][b]Trap Cards: 7[/b] Just Desserts Trap Hole Seven Tools of the Bandit Waboku x2 Skull Dice Shift Shadow of Eyes[/color] [color=brown][b]Monster Cards[/b] Man-Eater Bug x2: 2 stars La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x3: 4 stars Hayabusa Knight x2: 3 stars Mask of Darkness 2 stars Hane-Hane 2 stars Dragon Piper 3 stars Flash Assailant 4 stars Maha Vailo 4 stars Witch of the Black Forest 4 stars Mystical Elf 4 stars Wall of Illusion 4 stars Opticlops 4 stars 7 Colored Fish 4 stars Giant Soldier of Stone 3 stars Cure Mermaid 4 stars[/color]
  14. Is it all free for download or do you have to pay for something?
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