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Everything posted by Evisoun

  1. I've thought about it. Not sure if I believe it. I wouldn't mind if it was, though. I might even be giddied. Even if I do wake up to a corrupt, machine infested world as a follower of superman.
  2. DDR. The first time I played it, I was drenched in sweat in thirty minutes. And it's so. fun. Running, imo, is the best way to lose fat. Maybe just fifteen minutes everyday. Try to keep a steady pace.
  3. I like it. It's very purdy. I'll let the professionals handle the CCs. ^^
  4. I was walking down the road leaving for California when I saw a house Ugly and dirty and chipped with bricks too flat and creamy They reminded me of a sweet vanilla ice cream that made you sick after the first bite The curtains were limp and saggy like old ballerinas And a pale yellow light tried to peer at me through them. I hoped I would never see that house again But thirty years later it was passed down to me by my mother.
  5. Ravenstorture - oh my god, you made me depressed. I'm usually late for school and they do something important. Then, I fall asleep in some random class and see that I drooled on myself. Someone else takes the cello I'm using and thinks it's a guitar or that the strings are non-breaking rubber bands. Lunch, some kid thinks she's british. The car I'm getting a ride in smells like a parking lot after a light rain. My mother is still home when I get back from school. She asks school-y questions. My computer goes slow. I have a project/essay or something I forgot about that is a big grade and due tomorrow. My mother is still home. I stay up all night. And I'm late for school again the next morning. School - people feel the need to repeat themselves until I say, wow! awesome! and not get the fact that I am trying to ignore them. Or they go sensitive and make a big deal over nothing. "Don't! Stop it! Omg, no!" They think I'll actually listen.
  6. I'd rather crawl on the floor and drool licking the waste from greasy paper plates than walk with palms up and let others place their weights on me But my eyes are too alert and my ears twitch too quick. It hurts too much with greasy hair Dirt planting into my skin If I close my eyes it's not me anymore I'll resist the urge to wash them. I hate the children that walk around like slaves and fall into my elbow because their hands are always up caving in and hungry I follow the givers too much.
  7. [SIZE=1]It's raining outside And I'm cold My mother is telling me to get ready But I already am She's still trying out different pants I'm sitting in the kitchen And my lunch is beside me in a paper bag A bag with whipped cream cheese -mother mother really likes whipped things I don't- A bag of chips Box of juice Maybe a yogurt without a spoon (My mother forgot) And I didn't even have to look inside I feel like staying home today And finish painting my room red My brother told me he would help months ago But he probably fogot Especially since he took the painting materials last week To help his friend paint five rooms, three tables and six chairs I doesn't matter My mother will force me to go to school anyway I'm waiting inside the car now And my mother slams the door as we leave She decided to wear a dress and a nice white blouse The collars make an upside down smile at me My mother is smiling really wide She drives down the wet road Waiting for the road to move her And I like the sound of window washers Squeak against the car glass Because it's only drizzling outside She cautiously turns a corner -some car might crash into hers- like she cautiously washes dishes or folds laundry or picks up broken pieces of glass I'm at my school And I grab my book bag and walk out the car door -I close it shut- My mother honks at me from inside Outside, I can see that she is holding my lunch She opens the window and leans forward to pass it to me I reach to grab it but I'm either too early or too late And it falls to the ground in a puddle. [/SIZE]
  8. [quote][spoiler]But mark my words when I say that the next book says something like: "Harry saw Luna descending from the Hogwarts Express, and first he didn't recognize her. She had really changed over summer..." [/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]Oh. my. god. no. Someone kill me if that happens. The fifth book was ok. I just felt like all the characters were kind of dropped on me. Harry has an attitude (At first, I thought he was possessed), Ginny can now talk to Harry without blushing, not to mention "talk back" and had a boyfriend all this time. Luna maybe be loony but she irks me with those "kiss me, I'm special" qualities. And Neville... he was there, now he's here. Hogwarts number one bad boy ready to rock the wizarding world. I'm going to go drown myself in a tub of melted ice cream if Neville can start doing "cool things" and become "more like his father" by using his own, new wand that chose him. [quote][spoiler]Originally posted by Sage And then to the Sirius's-death-thingy: do you really believe he's gone for good?[/spoiler][/quote] Yes. Maybe Harry will be able to see him again by some wierd freak accident, I don't know. But I do think that he' gone. Prancing around with his best friend James. I've come to the theory that JKR hates pretty people and will make them crazy or kill them off one by one. Goodbye Draco. This was one of the cutest lines in the whole book. "Harry had a feeling that Sirius was the only person his dad would stop showing off for," or something like that. What a tease.[/spoiler] edit: Eck! I didn't see that. *hopes no innocent eyes saw anything*
  9. Fiasco - I think you've been watching a little too much Jack from Will and Grace. Please, educate yourself away from the TV. And for the future, just so you won't embarrass yourself, I'll give you a tip. Animals can not talk or enlarge themselves. Especially bright yellow birds. [quote]plus, the 2 girls can normally kiss better and make it look NIIICE[/quote] Are/do you want to be a lesbian? I'm sure I can gather some charity money for you. You've been watching too much porn. Go outside and take a walk. Don't take that juicy juice with you. Edit: Stupid computer. [QUOTE]And to say your gay and your a Christian. Oh my word, that pisses me off to the ends of the Earth, it's AGAINST the bible to be homosexual or take parts in any homosexuality.[/QUOTE] It's against the bible to lie. It's against the bible to hate. There's a lot of things that is against the bible. Christians are sinners. That is a fact. But they chose to say that they are sinners and ask Jesus to forgive them. They will still sin. Do not talk of what you don't know.
  10. Randleman - I'm not sure what the point of that comment was, because I know it wasn't to flaunt your knowledge of laws dealing with porn. I assure you that I (and most people) know that kids shouldn't be watching porn. I also assure you that most people have heard of kids watching porn. I will assure you, one last time that it wasn't my point that kids watching porn was ok or bad, etc.; I was merely stating that my grandmother has not heard of it and if she did, she will have a very dramatic reaction to it, which will end in her death or her praying like mad until she does die. And finally, I assure you (I lied) that I know that you probably did not need to be assured of the 3/4 things I've assured you of, but I was just being cautious. The point of this post is that you do not need to say obvious things for it results (most of the time, 98% maybe?) in nothing particularly good for you and/or to whoever you were talking to. Do I need to assure you that I am assured that you probably already knew what the point of my post was? Just in case I do, I shall. :) edit: [quote]added joke tags for the mentally deficient.[/quote] Maybe your joke simply wasn't funny (to me, of course). Me stating my grandmother etc. and you stating that kids under 18 (21 in some states) shouldn't watch porn because it is illegal does not make me fall on the floor laughing. Common sense does not make me laugh, either. If it does to you, great. We simply have a different sense of humor (This is also shown in the thread *wince* "gay-ness"). So, let's keep an open-mind. I thought you were more mature than that. Tags for people who might have looked at this and thought I was telling a joke.
  11. My grandmother force fed me ice cream everytime she saw me and thinks boys are better than girls. I need to sit on my knees whenever she's around. Movies are things made by demons (that dance, which is a very evil thing *snort*) from hell to corrupt young children's mind and make them into dull lifeless machines ready to follow Satan and lick his boots. She has a nasally voice that not even my screeching neighbor's cat can beat and is highly, very, really religious. If you miss one week of church, you're suddenly playing tic-tac-toe with Satan while laughing at an sin contaminated joke. She's never heard of kids watching porn in her life and will choke on her spit and die if she does. Or collapse, begging God to save their souls so they don't burn with murderers, rapist, and all those other bad people including the boys and girls that had lived in the same house as each other after the age of 18, regardless of the fact that had sex, or not. If they had sex before marriage, nothing can save them. So, other than the fact that my grandmother is obviously stuck in a time-zone and just discovered the beauty of ice cream (which that alone isn't bad, but the fact that she did so and ruined my love of it, is), she is a nice lady. It sucks that she isn't rich, though.
  12. [quote]i can see the sarcasm from your non-sarcastic tone and from your typed words.[/quote] My typed words were ridiculous, especially since I said "[i]if[/i] used in the same [i]post.[/i]" SA - No need to apologize.
  13. The water's been too cold lately to go swimming So we sit around with long shirts and the fire's so warm I could just walk in She's the only one with a business suit blue-green And if everyone's smiling It's a warm Friday She'll prick her fingers cry I'm not sure how old she is because she tells me She can see the gray-air She colors inside the lines while I and the others color wild And everything comes in a can for her Open Spill Cook for twenty minutes I want to laugh in her face with the others I could file her life before cracking her head open She would be a lot less human If she could come down the stairs and dress in longs shirts I want to say Stop turning to others and lie because the water you stay in is frozen And you can't stand the cold.
  14. Evisoun


    I don't like her music, at all. She is an interesting person, though.
  15. [quote]I don't see how those cancel eachother out whatsoever. They're not even used in the same paragraph. They're used in the same context basically as well. I don't know what English classes you guys took.[/quote] I was being sarcastic.
  16. I think that it's fine. You tell me you're a homosexual, I'll put that thought next to, you hate soy milk. And Red, everyone knows "keep them away" and "having nightmares about them" cancle each other out if they are used in the same post. Go yell at your english teachers.
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