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Everything posted by kiteS23

  1. I thought that the scene with poses did add to the drama, but I have to admit it was very corny. By the way, any of the other times that the characters go through a chaos gate they just stand there and don't pose.
  2. if you think about it though, we really don'tknow if that person died. nothing is ever mentioned besides the fact that some people get headaches or go into a coma from playing the World.
  3. Believe it or not Azurewolf is telling the truth. Koonami has selected five the five top ranked duelists from their duelist league to compete against top ranked duelists from other countries. They will most likely have areas where attendes can duel each other but it will not be for the championship.
  4. kiteS23


    that is easy, she just simply picked a male character when she signed up to play the World. There has been no real reason explained otherwise.
  5. If you have gotten the keywords off the message boards where they are, you go to the area they are at. You basically just beat the dungeon and give them the weapon from the gott statue that they wanted.
  6. I've been thinking about the what the key of the twilight might be some more and I have a new theory. I belive that the key to the twilight could be any person in the World. Kite seems to have been the person chosen to be that key. I think that the Eight phases are using the key(i.e. kite) to spread a virus and engulf the World in an endless Twilight.
  7. We might have a competing club K.K.C. The we Love B.T. Club.(chill goes down spine) I don' think they'd get many members though. ;)
  8. All I remember is that mu Gardians are found in high level areas. So they would in the Dun Lorieg server.
  9. It seems to me that he must have a pretty important job, with all of his traveling and that. Other than that I don't think that they have ever mentioned what he does, just simply it keep him from playing the World for awhile.
  10. There are keywords on that ad in issue #71. They are Abrasive False Tragedy. I think that you will use them in part three but I wasn't sure. I wanted to check in mutation, but I loaned the game out to my friend. And by the way, there is no server by the keywords.
  11. Sora's character is called a twin blade. What was used in Fragment, in place of the 3 keywords, to create a dungeon?
  12. Hey, this is kinda on the subject. Does anyone here get Playstation Magazine? There was an ad for OUTBREAK in it, and there was keywords in the add too.
  13. Helba warps directly into the dungeon, a skill not available in the game. What creature did orca and Balmung kill to become famous?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] Skeith has more of a role in .Hack//DUSK. [/B][/QUOTE] Why would skieth have more of a role in dusk? He is destroyed in INFECTION which happens before the story of DUSK takes place.
  15. well then, is he like a reborn skeith or something. It's just confusing to me.
  16. Azurewolf, I have a question for you. I've read through that epitaph piece before and it gives you the names of all eight phases. I'm just curious as to who Cubia is then. He seems to be very relevent, as we see him at the end of infection and fight him in mutation(by the way, why doesn't he die?). Was he simply meant as a test for kite?
  17. 9/10 I think that you could see the divide in the crimson knights in previous episodes and kinda figure out that this was coming. Even though this episode doesn't further the plot at all, I think that it is very important, as we see more of the problems that are being created by Aura/Tsukasa/The key of the twilight. Subaru has some guts to get up in front of her knights and tell them to just go away basically. Plus I really liked how Silver Knight looked when Subaru said the knights were disbanded, I was laughing so hard because Silver Knight had thought he had one the arguement. Overall it was a very good episode.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by miroko [/i] [B]yeah i got both of the rare twin blades the sprial edge and the bomb bo ya :p and i cant beat the guy with four eyes on mutation :mad: its hard any body beat him ? [/B][/QUOTE] I think you're talking about Cubia, so here's an good stategy. If you notice while you are fighting him, he sends out five gomeras(sp)that each have their own function(i.e. repth, attack, downer). Their names tell what they do; repth heals the core, attack attack you, and downer give you status alliaments. You must kill the repth gomera as fast as you can, otherwise you will NEVER beat him. Kill all but one of the gomeras and then attack the core with spells or attacks(which ever one his is not resistant to at the time). On thing to remember is that Cubia attacks whenever you kill all the gomeras or do 800 damage to the core; those attacks do lots of damage and you must have at least one person at full health before he attacks. Also, make sure that you take lots of resurects and health potions. You should be able to beat him this way.
  19. here's a deck that you can build. Try using maha vailo and lots of equip cards. You could make him insanely strong with just a few malevolent nuzzlers.
  20. I'd have to say that Crim would win. It is true that some wavemasters can become very powerful, but even a powerful wavemaster cannot take physical damage(trust me I know, they die A LOT in the game).
  21. Since no one can figure out what the answer for your question is 7gR, I'm gonna put up a new one. Give the answer to your question the next time you answer. What are the first words that the voice says to Tsukasa when he respawns next to Aura?
  22. I said about the lazy thing, but I don't think that's it. It seems very strange that there is no reflection. Maybe it was added for an effect if you noticed it.
  23. tsukasa has sent emailto bear and mimiru.
  24. The monster was known as the one sin. and since no one answered my question, they are called the decendants of fianna. Ok lets see, what was the test version of the world called.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ein [/i] [B]Ok change my question. See now that someone else has it. Question: Who Is the game crator?(or more like one of the crators) [/B][/QUOTE] His name is Harold Huyek. And for my question, they tell about Orca's and Balmung's name in both the game and sign
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